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Batch Management SAP MM Batch Management (Inventory Mangagement) Imagine your college days, there were thousands of students in your college but if you wanted to identify your senior there was particular word; “he is from 2001 batch” this 2001 was unique code to identify his year of passing. SAP Batch Management is used for a similar functionality: to identify a material by a unique number that possesses some specified information. Batch Batch is defined as subset of total quantity of the material in stock which is managed separately from the other subset of the same material. «A batch is specific quantity produced in single manufacturing process, under the same condition thus featuring identical properties. Bach batch has specific batch number. Batch Management Batch management can be defined as tagging an alphanumeric or numeric code to the material produced or material procured. * Every Batch number as an inventory associated with it «This 10 digit code in SAP helps in uniquely identifying material and quantity associated with it, Batch Management Level Plant Level Ata plant level, a Batch number is unique for a material inside a plant only. The same Batch number can be generated at another plant under the same ‘Company, though these Batches are not the same. If a plant-to- 40s660 plant stock transfer scenario is used, plant-level Batch numbering 12205 is not suitable. sare fafa 934; bp ae 02/B017 Client Level war FF 49900. 00 MRP Rs. Gel of at tne In this case, the Batch number is unique for the entire Client, sane meaning the same Batch number will not be generated for different Plants under the same Company Code. This method is usefial when plant-to-plant stock transfer is used, and the Batch number is supposed to be unique. Material Level 8 "90403786 andar assis te Guede With this method, the Batch number will be unique at the material rears UC level only. Thus, in a given plant, different materials can have the Mase noe by same Batch number. NATSO Ga) Configurations: fogs Once: hao Hove. as No.2. opens rn. youre" 800 ae 1 Batch Management level . Batch Management level is one time activity 1[Page S.B. Chopade ( Batch Management SAP MM ‘During the SAP implementation the core team and the implementation partner should decide how to maintain the batch number. SAP highly recommends to maintain the batch number at material level only. SPRO—IMG—Logistic General—Batch Management—Batch Level and Activate status Management—Batch Level T Code: OMCE Structure 718 "ans cena” roduct Lifecycle Management (PLM) Portal [2 Material Master [63 Quantity Optimizing and Allowed Logistics Units of Measure [& Assortment [es Addttionals [eS Reta Pring Demand Management Integration 2 saan les > : eee De of System Messages seemed » [eo —Batch Master » [8 Batch Number Assignment J Batch Level and Batch Status Management Process the objects in the spectfied sequence Batch status management § Defitnn - Batch Level {OBateh unique at pnt level Batch ungue at cent kev! S.B. Chopade ( Batch Management SAP MM 2, Batch Number Assignment SPRO—IMG—Logistics General—Batch Management—Batch Number assignment— Activate Internal Batch Number Assignment—Activate Batch Number assignment TCode: OMCZ For Internal number ranges the indicator must be active and for external number ranges indicator must be inactive Display IHG Activate Internal Batch Number Assignment ‘Automatic Batch Number Assignment 3. Maintain Internal Batch Number Assignment Range SPRO—IMG—Logisties General—Batch Management—Batch Number assignment— maintain internal batch number assignment. Tcode:OMAD Batch Management & Specty Batch Level and Actwate Status Management i © Define Attroutes of System Messages [e} Batch Master Batch Number Assgnment ‘ + [Bs @ actwate Intemal Batch Number Assignment i + [& Qemaineinanternal Baten Mumba Assignment Range : + [& @& Configure customer Exts for Intern, Batch Number Assignment ® wantan number Range for External Batch Huber AsSInmEnt + [es @ Set Up Customer Exts for External Batch Number Assignment S.B. Chopade ( Bate -h Management SAP MM Range Maintenance: Client batch number BR | | Change documents | La) a) 7a Maintain Intervals: Client batch number N. [From No. To Number NR Status § 4 (01 0000000001 Pssssse2e9 7 ‘1999eeee: ° Ce ae ee od Sas Batch management mainly used in chemical, Pharmaceutical, cosmetic, Health care, Food Stuff, retail, aerospace ete Reason for Implementing Batch Management: Traceability in case of complaint and recall issue Search via expiration Date ISO Certification. Usage of Batch characteristics to manage which batch fits to specific requirement Shelf life expiration date (SLED) Batch management process uses the same technique as in pricing procedure i.e, use of condition table ale and access sequence, Condition tables with field are assigned to access sequence Access sequence are assigned to condition types or strategy type. Condition types or Strategy types are assigned to batch search procedure. Batch search procedure is assigned to order type. age S.B. Chopade ( Batch Management SAP MM Now on what Factors we are going to accept the material? 1. Characteristics: It is component of information structures. Property for describing and distinguishing between objects such as length, colour or weight. 2. Class It is defined as group of similar object that are defined according to the common characteristics. Class contains multiple characteristies with class type 023 3. Sort Sequence It is used to sort the characteristics values either in ascending or descending order. Depending upon the values maintained for the characteristics the sort sequence is maintained. ‘Now above three can be maintained as given below 1. Create characteristics CT04 Here in this case let us consider an example of sheet metal industry. One can directly create characteristics as per their requirement © characteristic Edt Goto Enyonment System Help +) « eaeisa Characteristic Change Number Vaid From cry concn _ a ec) Sree sar Pon ec AME. Numeric format as it is thickness. = Dee ce Rees ee eu ee oo Cee Lag onan SO RS uy as Sere ed Ce ea eR es ene ae Select Interval Values allowed so Ree u aca Rare S.B. Chopade ( Batch Management SAP MM (® |) Create Characteristic Ge Characterstic __[PEATE_TATCIONESS Change Number ald From (20.08.2022 Basic data Descrptions and headngs Langu... Descrption ‘Pite thickness eee Soe ery © characteristic Edt Goto Extras Envronment System Help 9 *}«eie@e@eis aeoan shea (@_) Create Characteristic gz Characterstic _[PEATE_THTCHNESS Change Number Vaid From [20.09.2022 Basic data_| Descriptions (Valles) Addn! data _\Restrctor Addtonal Vales Unt of Measure [rm [other vaue check] ‘lowed vas Char Vale Do a Characteristic PLATE_THICKNESS saved Specify ranges of thickness in values and You can create another characteristics also like; PLATE_WDT for width of plate PLATE_LENGTH for length of plate 2. Create Class CLO1 Now class contains multiple characteristics. In other words we group together all the characteristics in class S.B. Chopade ( Batch Management SAP MM © cess ° Class ronment, aae & change tanguage Cass Chas type Change Number Vaid from PLATE, 20.08.2022) Goto °° = Extras Enyronment Bece Sytem Heb © |) Create Class: “SZ Change Language cass Cass type Change Number Vald from (23) Batch 30.08.2022] rds Char | Texts Base data Description status cass group Organizational area Val From "Poss for ates TRleased Loa dass Vald to Same cossfcaton Do nat check \Waming message Check with error Authorwabons (ass rantenance Casefaton Fd object s.B Chopade (Chopade.sushilb Za CE eerie} Batch Management SAP MM (©) Create Class: E come unaveoe cass Tae as cas npe a3) Batch (range nunber ald from (0,09, 2000] se om. Descrpton Dit. Na. Du. Unt R019 Areas Std.|0. Om ‘Poke thcness WWM 3 2mm ate wth wn 4 2m (SSS WwN 4 2m Class type 023: Class PLATE_CLASS_IM created ‘Now after creating all the above data lets go to the configuration of condition table, sort sequence 1. Condition Table SPRO -- IMG—Logistic General — Batch Management ~ Batch Determination and Batch Check ~ Condition Table-- define inventory management Condition table 13 soe ttn entre 1B 0 tere ane otomentns Ceara Canc See ane PEE aT) ro rao Cena) eet Ere komt une S.B. Chopade ( Batch Management SAP MM Qo eee Create Condition Table (Batch Determination Inventory Management) Table jap Copy from condtion Table Create Condition Table (Batch Determination Inventory Management): Fie [BNsoiece fold Tecmncal vew Other descrotion Field attrbutes.. ES Table 761] (Matera Plant/Vendor Selected feds Feldcatio Long Key Word Materal Long Key Word customer Pant Matera Vendor Matera Group Materal Type Movement Type Pome Specal tock Storage Location Create Condition Table (Batch Inventory Manageme © Select tes Technical vew Other descrotion Feld aturbutes... FS HL apie oi) (materalPnt/ vendor o obec _[RaTR|veDs|701 ‘ovgnal unguage cy aioe |B oc Ovewiew ) S.B. Chopade ( Batch Management SAP MM Save the data. Table will be created 2. Access Sequence SPRO -- IMG—Logistic General ~ Batch Management ~ Batch Determination and Batch Check ~ Access Sequence-- define inventory management access sequence Access sequence is cross client configuration that’s why the system will ask you for workbench request. Display IMG % ES exsng ac sets (reese totes Change Log Where Eke Prods Management (Us) oral (Matera master 3 Quantky Optmang and Alowed Logis Unts of Measure TS Asoremant +18 Addtionas + 1S RetalPrcno » Demand varagerent integration + (puanese paner 7 13 & spect Batch Level and Acoate Status Management 3 © Deine Atubutes of System Mesepes aren Maer Bate Huber Assgnment Gestion of ew Batches Bach Vaition Batch Status Management > 1S cendeon Create new entry ZME (Plant/Material/Vendow’701 tabl Select row and click on access sequence on left upper corner Change View "Access sequences": Overview "New Enties ([) FS © GF Fh [2 Bc Set: Change Fld Valves Diog Structure Bm access sequences — eri een Seance 1S onton E01 Horo Paed yas Pat 3 Novena yout 2001 Nove Part Matera ‘Bie pantymaterVerdor701 tab After that fill the information by clicking new entry S.B. Chopade ( Batch Management SAP MM ° “]«aeees npone Anes Change View “Accesses”: Overview ° Wemennes) 1) 5 F(R acse: Cane hk vabes ae Suucure com squence [BE] pananaaivend70 bl scuese ‘Over Acces WN. T2b Desrpton Display IMG SES) watngacsets «i Structure: + [3 __Logstics - General een amas ‘View Cluster Mainten... [YWC_Té82_ME ae mmo shortDesabtin 3. Create Sort sequence T code CU70 Put sort sequence name and click on characteristies Create Sort sequence: Basic Data Characteristics: Sort sequence Basc data Status 1) Released Group Vale from 20.08.2022 ‘Authorizations Maintan sort seq. Deru as is generated S.B. Chopade (Chopade.sushilb@gm Batch Management SAP MM Create Sort sequence: Characteristics SM characteristic Sort sequence _[SORF_PIATE_CIASE] sort sequence for plate IM Charactenste Deserpton ‘Ascending Descen... 2 PIATE_teNGTH Creating Sort sequence SORT_PLATE_CLASS, Sort sequence is nothing but the arranging your sorting sequence in ascending or descending order: 4, Strategy Type SPRO — IMG—Logistie General — Batch Management — Batch Determination and Batch Check — Strategy Types~ define inventory management Strategy Type Display IMG &: Existing BC Sets BC Sets Structure ~ [Logistics - General > Product Lifecycle Management (PLM) Portal Material Master Quantity Optimizing and Alowed Logistics Units of Measure Assortment ‘Addtionals Retail Pricing Demand Management Integration Busness Partner Batch Management ® Specty Batch Level and Activate Status Management (& Define Attributes of System Messages Batch Master Batch Number Assignment Creation of New Batches Batch Valuation Batch Status Management Batch Determination and Batch Check Condition Tables peoneioal atten (Access Sequences Strategy Typ i@ & Define Production Order + [3 @ Define Process Order Strategy Types S.B. Chopade ( Batch Management SAP MM Click on new entry and maintain entries as highlighted New Entries: Details of Added Entries SROB ‘Application |) [Inventory Management Condit. type [etojpate en (aae [piant/Materal Vendor { Selection Gass Type. Batch Coss PERTELCERSS.IM | ds foc pes Selection type { Sorting Sor: seauence SER AGE EE ec ceqence fo: pte { Bath solt No. of solits Changes alowed OverDel alowed { Quantity proposal Display Uolt Dalog batch determin. Qty proposal { Presentation Screen number Status [COA_ME 5, Batch Search Procedure Definition SPRO -- IMG—Logistic General — Batch Management — Batch Determination and Batch Check — Batch Search Procedure Definition— define inventory management Search Procedure Batch Status Management [2 Condition Tables [e Access Sequences [2 | Strategy Types Uh ano pecan nten + [& © Defe Production Order Search Procedure + [es @ Define Process Order Search Procedure Create New Entry, Select row and double click on control data. 33 | Page S.B. Chopade ( Batch Management SAP MM Create new entry and fill all information available with you. Save the data New Entries: Overview of Added Entries FRBRR abo structure Change View "Control data": Overview 8p (New erties) DE BC Set: Change Feld Vales Dabo structure Procedure (BEB search Batch. Barrocedures : | Be Contr dota Reference Step Overview Step _ Co... CTyp Description Posten. Entry 1 of 1 Note: To check Condition type or to define condition type use t code OMCW 6. Batch Search Procedure Allocation and Check Activation SPRO -- IMG—Logistic General - Batch Management — Batch Determination and Batch Check — Batch Search Procedure Allocation and Check Activation -- Allocate IM Search Procedure/Activate Check Batch Management SAP MM Change View "Search Procedure: Batch Determ. MM": Overview YORE ‘M...|Moverent Type Text |S Special stock descr. Search Check batch 101 GR goods recept MEL = 1102 Reversal of GR MEL 1103 GR nto blocked stck 1104 Rev. GR to blocked 1105 GR from blocked stck 1106 Rev.GR from blocked 1107 GR to Val, BL. Stock R to Val, Bl. Rev. © GR fr. Val. Bl. St R fr. Val, BL Rev. 1123 RE rtm vendor rev. 1124 GR rtrn blocked stck 1132 Goods receint 141 GR G subseq. adjust 142 GR G subsea. adjustm él GR returns 201 GI for cost center a> Assign Search procedure you defined to particular movement type. That means it will check for the batch in this search procedure. This is measure configuration of Batch Management and search procedure. S.B. Chopade ( Batch Management SAP MM How to generate batch? Now we will test our configuration. Just follow steps given below; 1. Generate Material Master MMOL Select classification view in that also in purchasing view select batch management radio button. Classification object 60001532 eH) Sle) Be) Bee Velues for Cass PLATE. CLASS. IM - Object 60001532 General Characteristic Deserton Value plate thickness Prote width 1,00 2,00 m plete length Create Material 60001532 (ROH MATERIAL) Fe Additional Data Org. Levels GiiCheck Screen Data Sole text _/ EJRURCRBS| Foreign trace import Purchase order tant Matec 60001532 stool plate test Pant 1000) Hemibura General Data Base Unt of Measure der Unt Purchasing Group Material Group Prant

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