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Institución Educativa San Vicente de Paúl

“El servicio a los demás debe de acompañar y ser base de nuestra

Código Versión

Área/Asignatura: inglés Fecha: 26 octubre Periodo: 3 Año: 2023

Nombre del estudiante: Grado:10°

Aprendizajes por mejorar

Actividades de Apoyo (Biografía-cibergrafía)


1 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verb and auxiliary in Present Simple
or Present Continuous.

She usually __________ (read) a book in the evening.

Right now, __________ (They / play) soccer in the park?
My brother __________ (not like) spicy food.
Jane __________ (study) for her exams at the moment.
They __________ (not/watch) TV every evening.

2 Put the words in the correct order to form a grammatically correct sentence.

books / reads / he / often / many

playing / they / soccer / now / are
not / vegetables / he / like / does /?
this / is / in / it / raining / moment

3 Select the appropriate option to complete the sentences.

He (watches / is watching) a movie right now.

We (visit / are visiting) Grandma every Sunday.
She usually (cooks / is cooking) dinner at 7 PM.
Look! The children (play / are playing) in the garden.

4 Decide if the sentences are true or false in their structures.

The train departs at 3 PM. True / False

She is usually swimming at the pool. True / False
They're playing chess now. True / False
At the moment I always eat breakfast. True / False

5 Write questions for the given statements using the appropriate tense. Simple present or
present progressive.

They go to the gym every morning.

Question: ___________________________________________

She's writing a letter to her grandmother.

Question: ___________________________________________

We eat lunch at 12:30 PM.

Question: ___________________________________________


1 complete the next sentences with the correct verb in past simple or past continuous
and add the auxiliaries if necessary.
1. The cat __________(sleep) in the cozy bed when the thunderstorm ___________
2. The old car _____________(not start) while it _______________(rain) heavily.
3. ____the children _______(play) games when the sun ________(set) behind the
4. the flowers _____________(bloom) while the sun ____________ (set)
5. While I _________________ (work), the computer _______________(turn off)

2 Order the following words taking into account the present simple with the present
6. Exploring / ? / were / they / ancient / When / the / cultures
7. The / While / scoring / wasn't / any / team / goals
8. The / struck / clock / midnight / When
9. Did / you / that / missing / ? / discover / When / keys / your / were
10. Her / was / chewing / dog / on / furniture / quietly / the

3 Match the correct sentences and complete them.

11.____While he was playing the piano, a he was answering a text message
12.____When the storm was approaching b the chef was preparing the dinner.
13.____While was your cat throwing things c she sang a beautiful song.
14.____While the guests were arriving, d ,you were not home?
15.____When I called, e , I turned off the television.
4 Read the following sentences and decide whether to use the past simple or the past
progressive with "when" or "while." Mark the correct answer
16.(When / While) I was cooking dinner, my friends were chatting in the living room.
17. She wasn't paying attention (When / while) her phone was ringing repeatedly.
18. Were you in line (when / while) the concert started?
19.(While / when) the sun was set, we were hiking to the mountain's summit.
20.The teacher wasn't looking, (when / while) some students were quietly passing
notes in class.
5 read the following text and answer the questions use simple or progressive past taking
into account the questions and the text
While I was strolling through the park yesterday, I bumped into an old friend from college.
We were catching up on life when it started raining unexpectedly. As we sought shelter,
memories flooded back, and we reminisced about the good old days. When the rain
subsided, we decided to grab a cup of coffee. While sipping our drinks, we laughed about
the times when we used to pull all-nighters before exams. It was a nostalgic day filled with
laughter and shared stories.
1. What were the two friends doing in the park when it started raining unexpectedly?
2. How did the rain impact their conversation and time in the park?
3. After seeking shelter from the rain, what did the friends reminisce about?
4. What decision did the friends make after the rain subsided, and what did they do?
5. What specific memories did they share and laugh about while sipping coffee?
Metodología del Plan de Mejora

Los estudiantes por medio de los apuntes de sus cuadernos deben repasar los temas vistos en clase
durante el periodo tres y resolver los ejercicios del plan de mejora como apoyo para la evaluación que se
realizará el martes 7 de noviembre. Los ejercicios del plan de mejora solo tienen como propósito realizar
el repaso de los temas y tiene un punto (1,0) de valoración de la nota total de recuperación de las
actividades realizadas hasta la semana 9. Los cuatro puntos restantes (4,0) se sumarán por medio de la
evaluación para identificar el trabajo realizado de los estudiantes de los ejercicios del plan de mejora. Por
lo tanto, con los ejercicios y la evaluación se sumará la nota total de (5.0) la cual se reconocerá con un
valor máximo de (3.0) para las notas recuperadas hasta la semana 9.

Finalmente, los estudiantes el martes 7 de noviembre deben entregar el plan de mejora con los
ejercicios resueltos para poder presentar la evaluación de recuperación.

Todo estudiante que no entregue el plan de mejora el martes 7 de noviembre no tendrá derecho a
presentar la evaluación de recuperación.

VALORACIÓN: Periodo: Fecha:


Educador: Educador:

Estudiante: Estudiante:

Padre y/o Acudiente: Padre y/o Acudiente:

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