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Refrigeration and Air conditioning MCQs


76. Oil separator in a refrigeration cycle is installed

A. Before compressor
B. Between condenser and evaporator
C. Between condenser and expansion vlve
D. Between compressor and condenser
E. Could be installed anywhere
Answer: D

77. If a refrigerator compressor cuts out on starter overloads the probable reason
could be
. c
A. Low line voltage
B. Suction pressure high
C. Discharge pressure high
q M
D. Compressor tight
E. Any of the above
Answer: E M
78. In electrolus refrigerator
A. Hydrogen evaporates in ammonia
B. Ammonia evaporates in hydrogen
C. Hydrogen is absorbed in water
D. Ammonia is absorbed in hydrogen
E. Ammonia is absorbed in water
Answer: B

79. A condenser removes from the refrigerant

A. Sensible heat only
B. Latent heat only
C. Sensile heat and latent heat
D. Partly sensible heat and latent heat
E. None of the above
Answer: A

80. During dehumidification process

A. Relative humidity decreases
B. Relative humidity does not change
C. Specific humidity decreases
D. Relative humidity increases
E. Specific humidity increases
Answer: A

81. In a refrigerator evaporator is located

A. Inside the refrigerator cabinet
B. Adjacent to compressor
C. On the side of condenser
D. On the bottom of refrigerator cabinet
E. Behind the refrigerator cabinet
Answer: A

82. In case of wet bulb depression is zero, it can be concluded that

A. Rain is likely to occur
B. Storm is likely to hit the place
C. Relative humidity is zero
D. Relative humidity is 100%
E. None of the above
Answer: D

83. Freon type (halocarbons) refrigerants are

A. Poisonous
B. Coloured
C. Have peculiar odour
D. Irritating
E. Non-poisonous
Answer: E

84. Brine is always used as a secondary refrigerant in

A. Cold storage plant

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B. Milk chilling plant
C. Cinema hall air conditioning plants
D. Ice plant
E. All of the above
Answer: D

85. The bulk of tubes at the back of the domestic refrigerator are
A. Condenser tubes
B. Evaporator tubes
C. Capillary tubes
D. Throttling device
E. Refrigerant cooling tubes
Answer: A

86. Out of the following refrigerants which one will provide highest compressor
displacement per tonne of refrigeration in a vapour compression system operating
between fixed temperatures
A. Freon 22
B. Carbondioxide
C. Freon 11
D. Freon 12
E. Ammonia
Answer: C

87. Which of the following has lowest COP?

A. Vapour compression cycle using wet compression
B. Vapour compression cycle with superheated vapour at the end of compression
C. Vapour absorption cycle
D. Vapour compression cycle using dry compression
E. All the refrigerants have identical specific volume
Answer: C

88. The performance of an evaporative condenser largely depends on

A. Wet bulb temperature
B. Dry bulb temperature
C. Hot water temperature
D. Ambient temperature

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E. Air conditioned room temperature
Answer: A

89. The rate of evaporation of water will be low when

A. Rate of evaporation does not depend on relative humidity
B. Sensible heat factor
C. Relative humidity is high
D. Reactive humidity is zero
E. Relative humidity is less than 50%
Answer: C

90. Dry bulb temperature depends on

A. Humidity of air
B. Water vapour content of air
C. Condition of air
D. All above
E. None of the above
Answer: E

91. In a psychrometric chart vertical lines indicate

A. Dew point temperature
B. Dry bulb temperature
C. Wet bulb temperature
D. Percentage humidity
E. Relative humidity
Answer: B

92. In case of completely dry air

A. Total heat is same as latent heat
B. Total heat is same as sensible heat
C. Total heat is sum of sensible heat and latent heat
D. Total heat is sum of sensible heat required for all individual constituents
E. None of the above
Answer: B

93. When the lower temperature is fixed, the COP of a refrigerating machine can
be improved by

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A. Operating the machine at higher speeds
C. Raising the higher temperature
D. Lowering the higher temperature
E. None of the above
Answer: D

94. Water is used as a refrigerant in

A. Vapour absorption cycle
B. Steam jet refrigeration
C. Vapour absorption cycle
D. Cascade system
E. None of the above
Answer: B

95. During adiabatic saturation process on unsaturated air

A. Dry bulb temperature remains constant
B. Wet bulb temperature remains constant
C. Dew point temperature remains constant
D. Relative humidity remains constant
E. None of the above
Answer: B

96. In a vapour compression refrigeration cycle, high head pressure is indicated

which does not change even when compressor is stopped and allowed to cool. The
probable cause may be
A. High refrigerant charge
B. Low refrigerant charge
C. Air in the system
D. High vapour pressure
E. Any of the above
Answer: C

97. A critical temperature is the temperature

A. Below which gas is always liquefied
B. Above which a gas will never be liquefied
C. Below which a gas does not obey gas laws
D. Above which a gas may explode

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E. None of the above
Answer: B

98. A Salinometer
A. Measure intensity of illumination
B. Measures temperatures in cryogenic regions
C. Measures solar radiation
D. Measures sound level
E. Measures density of brine
Answer: E

99. In cooling towers the heat is dissipated mainly by

A. Freezing
B. Convection
C. Radiation
D. Conduction
E. Evaporation
Answer: E

100. Capacity of a domestic refrigerator is in the range

A. 1 to 3 tonnes
B. 7 to 10 tonnes
C. 0.1 to 0.3 tonnes
D. 3 to 5 tonnes
E. 5 to 7 tonnes
Answer: C

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