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1.1 General Introduction
Coconut belongs to the family of palmae and its botanical name is cocos
nucifera.coconuts have a significant role in human diet due to the presence of
important physiologically functional components. The fatty acids present in
coconut have increasing health beneficial functions. Natural coconut fat in the diet
helps in improving anti inflammatory response of the immune system. It also
normalizes body lipids and protects the liver against alcohol damage . Coconut is
a rich source of edible oil and a good amount of it is extracted for use as a frying
medium. Coconut is also used in the preparation of chutneys, curries, etc. And
also used as shredded coconut, coconut milk, coconut jam (high/low fat), coconut
syrup, coconut honey, sweetened condensed coconut milk, etc. The philippines
ranks first in the production of coconut, followed by indonesia and india. India
accounts for 22.3% of world production.
In day to day diet, coconut finds extensive application in the preparation of
bakery products and many traditional indian sweets. One such sweet, which is
quite popular in southern india, is coconut burfi, wherein coconut is the main
ingredient. This is made from coconut and sugar with or without cow/buffalo
milk, butter and flavoring. With about 55% sugar, 22.5% fat, 5.5 % carbohydrate
and 2.2% mineral content, coconut burfi contributes to calories and nutrition in the
diet apart from serving as a tasty delicacy. Fresh coconut meat is rich in protein,
lipid and carbohydrate and forms a good nutrient for the growth of
microorganisms. Significant microbial loads on coconut and its products are
documented, which is attributed to organisms of soil source rather than to water
supply, handling equipment, etc.
production of products on a large scale is based on traditional home scale
technology, except for increase in the number of vessels and batch size.the batch
production of traditional sweetmeats is generally small, thus defying attempts at
bringing in uniformity in the quality standards. The trade runs on the basis of
sensory quality. And have reported heavy microbial loads in traditional sweet
products. Indian sweets, in general, are made unhygienically in unorganized
sectors, and 330 v.. The manufacturing units are so small that the wages of

labours, fuel and raw materials make the product expensive. Hence, they have a
very short shelf life, and during storage undergo physico-chemical and biological
changes like change of colour due to browning, drying out or hardening, changes
in texture, crystallization of sugar on surface, mould growth, etc. As such, the
shelf life of most of these sweets is restricted to about 1 week. In recent years,
with increasing demand for exports of sweetmeats from india, the problems of
packaging and storage to ensure longer shelf life have assumed greater
importance. But except on dehydrated holige, soft holige and desiccated coconut,
there is not much literature available on the packaging of coconut based indian
traditional sweets. Hydrolytic rancidity is common in coconut products as they
contain high amounts of saturated fat. Even with sugar content of 55%, coconut
burfi, like any other sweet, undergoes microbial spoilage due to its high aw of
about 0.83.
1.2. Production of coconut in india
1. India Is One Of The Largest Producer Of Coconut.
2. Production Of Coconut In 2018 Was 11,706,343 Tones.
3. Traditional Areas Of Coconut Cultivation Are The States Of Kerela ,
Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu And Goa.

1.3. Types Of Burfi

Burfi Are Classified On The Basis Of Ingredients Used In Preparation.
1. Coconut Burfi
2. Almond Burfi
3. Chocolate Burfi
4. Jackfruit Burfi
5. Mango Burfi
1.4. Consumption Of Burfi
Burfi Is Traditionally Consumed After The Meal.
1.5. Objectives
1. Preparation Of Coconut Burfi
2. Marketing Of Coconut Burfi

2.1. Preparation of business plan
“ It is a summary of how a business owner or a manager or an
entrepreneur intends to organize and implement activites necessary and
sufficiently venture to succeed”
2.1 Gathering fact
We have collected the necessary information from the reseach
papers and books on coconut burfi technology about a particular specified
problems or situation for launching of product.
2.2. Analyzing fact
Gathered information is analyzed by means of swat analysis i.e.
strength, weakness, opportunity and threats.
2.3. Forecasting change
Estimation of future condition, it includes various parameters such as
total demand for product estimate for market sell possibilities.
2.4. Setting goal and result
It should be desirable to achieve the objectives desired by the group
goal should be specified in qualitative term goal and long term goal.
2.5. Developing alternatives
When forecast is available and goal is specifically designed, a
number of alternatives course of action have to be considered for this
purpose each and every alternative will be evaluated by weighing its pros
and cons in the light of resource available and requirement of the group.
2.6. Choosing between alternatives
After objectives and scientific evaluation the best alternatives is chosen.
2.7. Preparation and installing plan
After the plan have been determined, it is necessary to implements these plans
into confidence. It includes introduction of product to the market for successful
installation we able to get valuable suggestion and improvement in formulation.

2.8. Evaluation progress
After the selected plan is implemented is important to appraise its
effectiveness these done on the basis of feedback or information received from depth
or person concerned.
2.9. Selection of product to be manufacture
We have made the coconut burfi by adding the beetroot as innovative. As beetroot
have many beneficial properties and also gives a natural colour to the coconut
burfi as coconut nature production of beetroot is more so to avoid excess loss of
beetroot fruit we preserve it by making beetroot pickle which having long shelf
life and great consumer demand due to having more health benefits.
2.10. Innovativeness of product
Making coconut burfi by above mentioned method of preparation is very
ancient practice over the year great strides have been made in making coconut
burfi in a scientific manner. The development of coconut burfi by mixing the
ingredients in the correct portion. Recently the production of coconut burfi can be
made easily by various methods. Such as addition of beetroot.
2.11. Creativity
The preparation of coconut burfi by good raw materials leads to have good
and safety quality. By looking into chemical composition. The carbohydrates and
protein contents are more and it can be exploited as source of calories to combat
malnutrition and diabetics drugs effects in our body.
2.12. Realistic plan
It is nothing but the confidence to maintain the quality standard of coconut
burfi toward consumer. It also emphasizes the attraction toward the goal during the
production and marketing of coconut burfi.
2.13. Overall project report and project presentation
As per the plan of production , organization and selling we made overall
project report and project presentation.

3.1. Organization of resources
3.1.1. Project area
1. The product of coconut burfi has been manufactured at home.
2. The product of coconut burfi has been manufactured in department of
food processing technology and pilot plant of m.i.p. college of food
technology, Aundha (nag), dist. Hingoli.

3.1.2. Required materials

Sugar: Free from adulteration.
Other ingredient: Milk powder,vanaspati ghee,cardamom.
Procured from pilot plant
Utensils, trays, crates, frying pan, gas cylinder etc.
3.2. Organizing utility
1. Cutting knifes: are used to cutting the raw beetroot .
2. Utensils: used to washing of coconut and beetroot for tempering.
3. Trays: used to spreading of beetroot for tempering.
4. Spoon: for steering.
5. Muslin cloth: used to cover the tray.
used to giving information about product to customer and also used for

3.3. Raw material used for coconut burfi
3.3.1. Coconut
Fruit:- Coconut
Family:- Areacaceae
Botanical Name:- Cocos Nucifera

Coconut have been used from thousands of years and may have spread to their
present range because of pacific island settlers.
Nutritional status of coconut per 100gm is as follows
Saturated fat – 30 g Vitamin – 5%

Cholesterol – 0 mg Iron - 13 %

Sodium – 20 mg Magnesium – 8 %

Potassium -356 mg Calcium – 1%

Carbohydrate – 15 g Vitamin D – 0 %

Protein – 3.3 g Cobalamin – 0 %

Health Benefits
1. Coconut contains a considerable amount of mineral.
2. Like manganese, copper and iron that takes care of our immune system and
strengthens our bones and muscles. It can improve bowl movement .
3. It can help boost brain health.
4. It may help treat anemia.
5. It may help you lose excess body fat.

3.3.2 .Sugar
Botanical Name: - Saccharum Officinarum
Family: - Poace

sugar is contained in certain kinds of food or it is added to give a

sweet taste.sugar is extracted from certain plants, such as sugarcane or sugar
Health benefits
1.Help to maintain blood pressure
Sugar can lower your blood pressure, decrease your risk of heart attack and
make you less likely to develop dementia.
2.Good effect on brain
Sugar can have beneficial effects on our brain.
3.3.3. Milk
Botanical Name: - Silybum marianum

Milk has many nutrients to help babies grow and babies be healthy. It is a rich
source of calcium which is good for bones and teeth.

Health benefits
1.Bone heath
Calcium is an essential nutrient for strong bones and teeth, muscle
movement, and nerve signals. Health authorities recommend getting enough
calcium to help prevent bone fractures and osteoporosis.
2. Heart health
milk is a source of potassium, which can help the blood vessels dilate and reduce
blood pressure.
3.3.4. Vanaspati ghee
Ghee has long been a staple in indian cuisine and recently become quite popular in
certain circles elsewhere.

Health benefits
1.important source of fat-soluble vitamins
Ghee is a rich source of important fat-soluble vitamins like vitamins A, E,
K2, And D.
2.Positively affects the nervous system
Ghee contains many vitamins and minerals that regulate and repair the gut
lining which in turn is important for brain health as well.

3.3.5. cardamom
Botanical Name: - Amomum Subulatum.
Family : - Zingiberaeae.

Large cardamom is a perennial herb with subterranean rhizome and 50-140

aerial leafy shoots. Each shoot has height of 1.7 to 26 meter and possess 9 to 13
leaves in each tiller.
Health benefits
1. Antioxidant and diuretic properties may lower blood pressure
cardamom may help lower blood pressure, most likely due to its antioxidant
and diuretic properties.
2. Cancer-fighting properties
Certain compounds in cardamom may fight cancer and stop the growth of
tumors in mice and test tubes. Human research is needed to validate if these results
apply to humans as well.
3. Protect from chronic diseases
the antioxidant compounds in cardamom may help protect cells from damage and
slow down and prevent inflammation in your body.

3.4. Time management
The manufacturing of beetroot pickle carried out in continuous manner. The
time management of beetroot pickle preparation is carried out by following manner.
Sr. No. Operations Days
1 Purchasing of coconut 1day

2 Production of product 1days

3 Packaging and labelling 1day

Total time required 3 Days

3.4. Regularity in production

Physical characteristics of coconut
Sr. No. Characteristic Observation

1 Colour White internally

2 Weight of coconut 150-200 gm

3 Shape Rounded

4. Production And Marketing
4.1. Standard recipe for 1 kg.
Sr. No. Ingredients Weight

1 Coconut (grind) 456 gm

2 Sugar 456 gm

3 milk powder 50 gm

4 Vanaspati ghee 30 gm

5 Cardamom powder 4 gm

4.2 standard recipe for 44 kg.

Sr. No. Ingredients Weight

1 Coconut (Grind) 20.064 Kg

2 Sugar 20.064 Kg

3 Milk Powder 2.20 Kg

4 Vanaspati Ghee 1.32 Kg

5 Cardamom Powder 176 Gm

4.3 method of preparation of coconut burfi flow chart:-

Mixing of ingredient (ghee& sugar)

Dissolving milk powder into water



Judging end point

Pouring into smeared tray


Cutting into pieces


Manufacturing process of coconut burfi
1. Selection of ingredient
Good quality of dessicated coconut, sugar, milk powder, ghee, cardamom
2. Mixing of ingredients
Mix desiccated coconut, sugar(in powder form) and ghee in a kadhai on a gas
3. Dissolving milk powder
Dissolve milk powder in a water according to a requirement till becomes a little
thick liquid.
4. Mixing
Mixing of all ingredients, this is the most important step of process.
5. Heating
Heating should be done at a low flame till it becomes slightly red in colour.
6. Judging end point
At this point we have to see the consistency of the batter .
7. Pouring into smeared tray
Pour all the batter in a tray by pressing it in a plane form.
8. Cooling
Cool the product at a room temperature till 15-20 minutes.
9. Cutting into pieces
Then cut the pieces in a same manner properly.
10. Packaging
After the production, put the pieces in a packaging material and seal it properly.
11. Labelling
After packaging, label the product.
12. Storage
Coconut burfi is stored in a room temperature at a dry place.
4.4 Product quality
The final product quality is very important for in manufacturing and
marketing of coconut burfi. The quality of product is evaluated by internal and
external characteristics of coconut burfi.

Sensory Evaluation Sheet
Date. __/__/2020
Name Of The Product :_____________________________________________

Name Of Evalvator :_______________________________________________


Sample Appearance Colour Taste Flavour Texture Mouth Feel Overall


Hedonic scale: -
9. Like extremely
8. Like very much
7. Like moderately
6. Like slightly
5. Neither like or dislike
4. Dislike slightly
3. Dislike moderately
2. Dislike very much
1. Dislike

signature of the evalvator

4.5. Packaging material
The coconut burfi was packed in the HDPE packets. After packaging they
were sold into the market .
4.6. Position of product in market
1. Economic liberalization of india is the feeling factor for changing the food habits
of people. Because economics liberalization peoples are influenced by western
living standard and their habits.
2. The indian market has strong potential to attain top position in global market.
3. Coconut burfi is one of the products among different product. Indian coconut burfi
has unique identification in global market.
4. Coconut burfi provides numerous beneficial health effect which are as follows.
5. Good appetizers and increases palatability of foods.
6. Stimulate flow of gastric juice and thus help in digestion. High fiber content
promote healthy function of digestive system. Excellent source of minerals.
4.6.1 Place of survey
1. Parbhani market.
2. Basmat road.(parbhani)
3. Basmat market.
4. Aundha market.
4.6.2 Different brands of coconut burfi
Sr. no Brand Net wt. Price
01 Kailash sweets 250 gm 135/rs
02 Haldiram coconut burfi 400 gm 389/rs
03 Nonroactive coconut burfi 200 gm 394/rs

4.7. Rule and regulation
4.7.1. Adhering to rules and regulation coconut burfi
Being an iso 9001: 2008 (quality management system) certified and quality
conscious organization, we at elixir lay extreme emphasis on the quality of our
products. To ensure this, we have developed an efficient management which is
well operated by our team of quality controller. We fallow all the rules and
regulations in the formulation and processing of our products to ensure that these
comply with international quality standard. The finished product goes through
stringent quality taste by our team of quality controllers in order to achieve
maximum customer satisfaction.
Quality check and equipment inspection are conducted continuously
throughout our manufacturing process. Our product has normal flavour, odour and
colour an process texture characteristics of the product.

Adhering to standard our products are free from micro-organism in

amounts which may represent a hazards to health and does not contains any
substance originating from micro-organism in amounts which may represents a
hazards to health.
4.7.2. Adhering to plan
The planning is nothing but well manner work which can be done to help
complete the process in time. By planning we can save the resource such as raw
materials, water like that inputs. Planning help to improve
quality of product and process done in well hygienic condition.

4.7.3 production and marketing schedule
Batch Production Quantity in Marketing No of
No. Kg and selling package
1 20/05/22 5 kg 21/05/2022 25 packs
50 packs 23/05/2022 25 packs
2 24/05/22 4 kg 25/05/2022 10 packs
40 packs 28/05/2022 30 packs
3 30/05/22 5kg 31/05/2022 30 packs
50packs 03/06/2022 20 packs
4 04/06/22 6 kg 06/06/2022 40 packs
60 packs 08/06/2022 20 packs
5 09/06/22 8 kg 10/06/2022 40 packs
80 packs 14/06/2022 40 packs
6 20/06/22 5 kg 21/06/2022 20 packs
50 packs 24/06/2022 30 packs
7 27/06/22 7 kg 28/06/2022 40 packs
70 packs 04/07/2022 30 packs
8 05/07/22 4 kg 06/07/2022 20 packs
40 packs 20 packs
44 kg 440 packs

5.1 Sales performance
The production of coconut burfi has to make according to the demand of
The sale of product can be achieved by nearby homes also local shops.
The overall demand is considered before production . Due to the
innovation we made well as its good appearance and taste, the product got a
very good demand in sailu, parbhani and aundha .
5.2 sales values
The quantity of cocont burfi sold by must be monthly or weekly. It will help
us to decide exact volume of production.
Raw material cost for 44 kg:-
Sr. No. Ingredients Per kg price Quantity Price

1 Coconut 160/kg 20.064 kg 3210.24/-

2 Sugar 37/kg 20.064 kg 742.36/-
3 Milk powder 200/kg 2.20 kg 440/-
4 Ghee 180/kg 1.32 kg 237/-
5 Cardamom powder 1800/kg 176 gm 315/-
6 Packaging 3.5 per pake 440 packs 1540/-
7 Labelling 1.5 per lebell 440 packs 660/-
total amount 7144/-

5.3 Economy Of Production

Total Cost Of Raw Material For 44 Kg = Rs. 7144/-

Processing Cost 15% Of Raw Material = Rs.1071.6
Total Cost Of Production = Rs. 7144+ 1071.6
= Rs. 8215.6/-
We sold the product at the rate of = Rs. 30 for 100 gm.
For 44 kg total sale is = Rs.13200
Net prof = toal sale – total cost of production
= 13200 – 8215.6
= 4984.4
Total No. Of Packs = 440 Packs
5.4 Project Economy
Product Yield = 44 Kg
Total No Of Packs = 440 Packs
Unit Price = 30
Sale = 13200
Profit = Rs. 4984.4
Production Cost Of 1 Pack = Production Cost ÷ No. Of packets produced
= 8215.6÷ 440
= Rs. 18.67
Percent Pr = Profit ÷ Total Cost Of Production x100
= 4984.4÷ 8215.6 x100
= 60.66 %
5.5 Fixed Capital
Rs. 500/- fixed capital as rent of machineries and equipment.
Breakeven point analysis in terms of sale volume days and cost as follows.
Breakeven Point Always In Terms Of Volume, Days And Cost Is As Follows.
5.5.1. Breakeven Point In Terms Of Sales Volume
= (Cost Of Production + Fixed capital) / Sale per Unit Cost
= (8215.6+ 500) / 30
= 290.52 packs
Hence Minimum 290.52 No. Of Packets To Be Produced To Obtained The Breakeven
5.5.2. Breakeven Point In Terms Of ( Days)
= total no. of packet ÷ days of marketing

= 440 ÷ 16
= 27.5 Days
Hence Minimum 27.5 Days Are Required To Obtained Breakeven Point.

5.5.3. Breakeven Point In Terms Of Cost

= cost of production + fixed capital
= 8215.6 + 500
=Rs. 8715.6
Hence break even point in term of cost is rs. 8715.6

6. Documentation and report
6.1. Book keeping
Daily we note down the work we have done along with the procurement,
expenditure as well as budget of daily production.
It really has helps us for the overall management of the financial things as well
as evaluating the point.
Book keeping plays a vital role in our overall management.
6.2. People management
It is very essential to manage people and their work. Due to pandemic we
have individually perform, production, packaging and labeling.
6.3. Preparation of manual
Finally we all have prepared the manual from the data recorded from book
keeping. This includes each and every step performed by us during production,
marketing and selling etc.
6.4. Preparation of final report
we have made a report with recorded data.

7. Conclusion
During the hands-on training programme we got great opportunity to learn,
observe and apply the coconut burfi technology for the better improvement of
Suggestion for next batch
1. Following technological intervention suggested for improvement of process.

2. Nutritional quality of coconut burfi may be improved by adding fruits, to improve

its nutritive value.

8. Reference
1. Ananthanarayanan, R. And Jaya ram Paniker, C.K. 1998. Textbook Of
Microbiology, 5th Ed., Orient Longman Limited, Chennai, India. Anonymous.
2000. History Of Coconut.
2.Http://Www.Ikisan.Com/Links/ Ap Coconut history. Shtml (Accessed April 10,
3.Anonymous. 2001. Coconut Oil. Http://Www.Healingdaily.Com/ Detoxification
diet/Coconut-Oil.Htm (Accessed April 10, 2008).
3.Ayerst, G. 1969. The Effects Of Moisture And Temperature On Growth And Spore
Germination In Some Fungi. J. Stored Prod. Res. 5, 127–141.
4. Blaschke-Hellmessen, R. And Teushel, G. 1970. Saccharomyces Rouxii
Bout roux Alls Ursache Von Garungser scheinungen, Geformten Marzipan- Und
Persipanartikeln Und Deren Verhutung Im Herstellerbetrieb. Nahrung 18, 250–267.
5.Bureau Of Indian Standards (Bis). 1960. Methods Of Sampling And Testing For
Papers And Allied Products, Is: 1060, Part Ii, New Delhi.
6.Bureau Of Indian Standards (Bis). 1975. Specification For Desiccated Coconut,
Is: 966, New Delhi.
7.Bureau Of Indian Standards (Bis). 1982. Specification For Polyethylene For Its
Safe Use In Contact With Foodstuffs, Pharmaceuticals, And Drinking Water, Is:
10146, New Delhi.
8. Bureau Of Indian Standards (Bis). 1984. Specification For Polypropylene For
its safe use in contact with foodstuffs, pharmaceuticals, and drinking water, is:
10910, new delhi.

Photo Galary


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