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1.1 Introduction

India with divergent food habits is having a number of traditional foods, including
sweet products. Chikki is one of the popular Indian traditional sweet snacks. Chikki is
mainly prepared using jaggery as sweetener and roasted peanuts (Arachishypogaea).
Sweets or confections with jaggery are gaining popularity due to the awareness of its
health benefits. Jaggary is obtained by concentrating sugar cane juice to solid or
semisolid state. It is a natural sweetener having a sweet winy flavour and contains
protein, minerals and vitamins and is a potent source of iron and copper. There are
several different varieties of Chikki in addition to the most common peanut Chikki.
Usually, ingredients such as puffed Bengal gram, sesame, puffed rice, beaten rice and
copra (desiccated coconut) are used and some Chikki are made using a combination of
these ingredients. Special Chikki is made out of cashew nuts, almonds and pistachio.

Snacks come in a variety of forms including packaged snacks foods and other
processed foods as well as items made from fresh ingredients at home. Traditionally,
snacks are prepared from ingredients commonly available in the home. A ready-to-eat
nutritious snack was developed by mixing the peanut, sesame seed, dry fruits, and ghee.
Due to the busier lifestyle in the recent past, the demand for convenience products has
increased a lot with the thrust of packaged food in India. With the advancement of
technology, urbanization, increase in purchasing power, growth in female work
population, expansion of nuclear families has augmented the business of the packaged
snack food and attracted a large mass toward the snack market in India in order to save
time, people are gradually shifting to ready to eat food items.

Basically, snack Chikki are made up of Groundnut and Jaggery. We have used the
Groundnuts which is nutritionally rich in protein, fibre, vitamin minerals and low in
cholesterol hence it is used which is preferable to consumed all group of people from
infant to young. (Roger Clemens and B. Jan-Willem van Klinkner. 2014).

Groundnut is commonly called the poor man's nut. Today it is an important
Oilseed and food crop. This plant is native to South America and has never been found
uncultivated. The botanical name of groundnut is Arachishypogaea. It is derived from
two Greek words, Arachis meaning a legume and hypogea meaning below ground,
referring to the formation of pods in the soil. Groundnut is an upright or prostrate annual

1.2 General Information of Raw Materials

1.2.1 Groundnut: -

Peanut Fruit of Arachis hypogea, also known as groundnut, earth nut, arachis
nut, monkey nut and, in southern USA, goober pea (derived from the Swahili nguba);
originally a native of South America, it was introduced into the USA by slaves from East
Africa. A 60g portion (sixty nuts) is a rich source of protein, niacin, and vitamins E and
B1, a good source of copper and zinc, and a source of protein, vitamin B 6, foliate and
iron. When dry roasted or roasted and salted some of the vitamin B 1 is damaged and the
nuts are only a source of this vitamin and fat.
India holds the largest acreage (6.7 million ha) followed by China (4.7 million
ha), Indonesia, Myanmar, Pakistan and Thailand. More than 25% of the groundnut area
harvested in the world is in India followed by 20% in China. However, China is the
largest producer of groundnut and accounts for 37% of world production, followed by
India with 22%. In India the important groundnut growing states are Gujarat, Andhra
Pradesh, Tamil Nadu, Karnataka, Maharashtra, Madhya Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh, and
Rajasthan. The crop is grown in all three seasons: rainy, post-rainy, and during summer
months. It is mostly cultivated under rain fed conditions; only about 10-15% of the
cropping area is irrigated. The Peanuts production volume amounted to about 10 million

metric tons in India in the year 2021-2022. (P.V. Vara Prasad, Vijaya Gopal Kakani, Hari
D. Upadhyaya, 2009).

Proximate, physico-chemical and elemental analysis of groundnut were determined.

Fat 51-55%
Protein 38.61%
Moisture 5.80%
Carbohydrates 1.81%
Crud Fibre 3.70%
Ash 3.08%
(Table 1.1); Proximate analysis of Groundnut Chikki.

Reference. V.N Ataxia, T.F Akinsanmi and C.C. Ojeda, 2009. Proximate Analysis and
Physico-Chemical Properties of Groundnut (Arachis hypogea L.)

1.2.2 Health Benefits of Groundnut: -

• Daily intake of groundnuts can help to improve heart health.

• Groundnuts have a GI (glycaemic index) value of 13, which makes them a low GI
• Groundnuts Can Lower the Blood Sugar Level in the body.
• Groundnuts may helps to Aid Weight Loss.
• Groundnuts is may helps to Prevent Cancer
• Groundnuts can help to Prevents Gallstones.
• Groundnuts may Treat Erectile Dysfunction.
• Groundnuts may helps to Boost Hair Growth.

1.2.3 Jaggery: -

Jaggery (also called as Gud in India, Desi in Pakistan, Panela in Mexico and
South America, Jaggery in Burma & African Countries, Hakuru in Sri Lanka, and Naam
Taan Oi in Thailand). Jaggery are traditional Indian Sweeteners, which are produced in
addition to sugar from sugarcane. These traditional sweeteners are the natural mixture of
sugar and molasses. If pure clarified sugarcane juice is boiled, what is left [usually
possessing sucrose (65-85%)]. Jaggery is a finely granulated, crystallised sugar that
contain 94-98% sucrose.
Jaggary is a traditional Indian sweetener made from sugarcane and is believed to
be a healthy substitute for sugar. The process of making jaggary which does not involve
any chemical agents has all natural mineral salts retained in it. Jaggary has many health
benefits as compared to sugar/ 60g portion, and roasts and salted about 250mg. All three
types contain 30g of fat per portion of which 20% is saturated and 50% mono‐
unsaturated; and supply 350kcal (1470kg).
It is a concentrated product of cane juice and often date or palm sap (see: palm
sugar) without separation of the molasses and crystals, and can vary from golden brown
to dark brown in colour. It contains up to 50% sucrose, up to 20% invert sugars, and up
to 20% moisture, with the remainder made up of other insoluble matter, such as wood
ash, proteins, and bagasse fibres. Ancient scriptures on Ayurveda mention various
medicinal uses based on method of preparation and age.
The country would need about 50.75 m tonnes of sweeteners of jaggery. Jaggery
is a wholesome diet. It contains 0.6-1.0% minerals, important among them are iron
(11%mg), calcium (0.4%), magnesium and phosphorus (0.045%). Jaggery also contains
reducing sugars including glucose and fructose (10-15%), protein (0.25%), and fat

1.2.4 Health Benefits of Jaggery: -

Jaggary purifies the blood taking few grams of jaggary each day is known to be
beneficial it also increases the haemoglobin level of blood and prevent anaemia.
Daily use of jaggery may increase human life span. Incidence of less diabetes is
reported in jaggery consuming area compared to sugar consuming area. Sugar need extra
heat for digestion. It takes calcium and potassium from the body without which it just
cannot be digested. Jaggery is often called the medicinal sugar and possess nutritive
properties of high order.

Ancient medical scripture, Sushrata Samhita state how it purifies the blood,
prevents rheumatic afflictions and bile disorders. The preventive action of jaggery on
smoke-induced lung lesions suggests the potential of jaggery as protective agent for
workers in industry in smoky environments. Magnesium found in jaggery strengthens the
nervous system and potassium conserve the acid balance in the cells and combats acids
and acetones. Jaggery is very rich in iron and prevents anaemia. Jaggery supplements the
requirements of iron and calcium in women and children and also increases vitality in
men and help in digestion. The micronutrients present in jaggery have antitoxic and
anticarcinogenic properties. Its dietary intake can prevent the atmospheric pollution
related toxicity and the incidence of lung cancer (PVK Jagannatha Rao, Madhu Sweta
Das & SK Das, 2007).

1.3 Objectives: -

 The preparation and marketing of Groundnut Chikki.



2.1 Preparation of Business Plan: -

“It is a summary of how a business owner or a manager or an entrepreneur intends
to organize and implement activities necessary & sufficient for venture to succeed”
2.1.1 Gathering Fact: -
We have collected the necessary information from Text Book of food science,
reference book, food magazines, internet and Market Survey on Peanut Chikki about a
particular specified problem or situation for launching of product.
2.1.2 Analysing Fact: -
Gathered information is analysed by means of SWOT analysis i.e., strength,
weakness, opportunity and threads.
2.1.3 Forecasting Changes: -
Estimation of future condition, it includes various parameters such as total
demand for product estimate for market sell possibilities.
2.1.4 Setting goal and result: -
It should be desirable to achieve the objective desired by the group goal should be
specified in qualitative term like short term goal and long-term goal.
2.1.5 Developing alternatives: -
When forecast is available and goal is specifically designed, a number of
alternatives course of action have to be considered for this purpose each and every
alternative will be evaluated by weighing its problem and confusion in the light of
resource available and requirement of the group.
2.1.6 Choosing Between Alternatives: -
After objectives and scientific evaluation, the best alternatives are chosen.

2.1.7 Preparing or Installing Plan: -
After the plan have been determined, it is necessary to implement these plans into
confidence. It includes introduction of product to the market to successful installation we
able to get valuable suggestion and improvement in a formulation.

2.1.8 Evolution of Progress: -

After the selected plan is implemented, it is important to appraise its effectiveness
these done on the basis of feedback or information received from depth or person

2.2 Selection of Product: -

Chikki is one of the traditional sweet products and also sweet snacks. General
ingredients for making Chikki are peanut, jaggary and liquid glucose etc. we select the
product because of it reduces malnutrition problem and it increase economical condition,
it has high energy and high proteins value in low cost.

2.3 Innovativeness: -
Sesame (Sesamum indicum L.) has many different names, which vary from one
country to another. It is known as benniseed, benne, gingelly, Genelin, tila, and simsim
or semsemin in Africa, Southern United States, India, Brazil, Sanskrit, and Hebrew,
respectively. It belongs to a Pedaliaceae family, it is the seeds of tropical annual
sesamum indicum. Sesame was discovered in its original home in Africa and then moved
to both China and India, where it is considered one of the oldest and most important oil
seeds known to mankind. Sesame has been classified in different colours varies from
white, yellow, red, brown, grey, to black.
Sesame seeds are used in various food and snack preparations as well as in salad
dressing. The importance of the sesame crop in the whole world is increasing due to its a
rich source of calcium, phosphorus, and protein, in addition, to being an economic oil.
Sesame seeds contain the highest oil compared to any other oilseed to an extent of 50%
and above. Global cultivated area of sesame crop in 2017 was around 10,245,246 ha,
producing 5.90 million metric tons, which production increasing by 1.6 million cubic
meters compared with yield production in 2013. In 2021- 2022, India produced an
estimated 0.71 million metric tons of sesame. This was a little less than the previous
fiscal year (Noureddine Sarabi and Andrey Butovchenko, 2019).
In the production of Groundnut Chikki, for the innovative we added the sesame seed
(Till) in the Groundnut Chikki. In hot jaggery, with Groundnut we added sesame seed
and mix them properly. Because of the health benefits and nutritional value, we added
the Sesame seed (Till).
The prepared Groundnut Chikki is having good taste appearance and colour. It is also
having excellent storage property about three months. The cost of the Groundnut Chikki
prepared here is low as compared to the market product. The major ingredients are
Groundnuts, jaggery and Til.
2.4 Creativity: -
The preparation of Groundnut Chikki by good raw material leads to have good and
safe quality. By looking into chemical composition, the carbohydrates and protein
content are more and it can be exploited as source of calories and due to additional
ingredients, it provides pleasant taste and important health benefits to our body.
2.5 Realistic Plan: -
It is nothing but the confidence to maintain the quality standards of Groundnut Chikki
towards consumer. It also emphasizes the attraction towards the goal during the
production and marketing of Groundnut Chikki.



3.1 Organization of Resources

3.1.1 Project Area: - The present project on “Production and marketing of “Groundnut
Chikki” was carried out in, department of food Science and Technology, college of food
Technology Aundha (Nag) dist. Hingoli. Materials procured from local market of
Aundha (Nag).

3.1.2 Required Material: -

Material Procured From

It is available in wholesale market of

Aundha (Nag)
It is available in wholesale market of
Aundha (Nag)
It is available in wholesale market of
Liquid Glucose
It is available in wholesale and retail
Veg Fat
market of Aundha (Nag)
It is available in wholesale market of
LDPE Polythene as Packaging Material
(Table3.1); Required Material

3.2 Organizing Utility: -

3.2.1 Utensils: -

Tray, knife, cutter, cooking assembly, pan, ladle, etc.

3.2.2 LDPE: -

Used for packaging of Groundnut Chikki. LDPE is defined by a density range of

0.910 - 0.940g/cm cube. It is not reactive at room temperature except by strong oxidizing
agent and some solvent cause swelling. It is thermoplastic polymer consisting of long
hydrocarbon chain.

3.2.3 Labels: -

Used to giving information about product to customer and also procured for

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3.3 Time Management: -

Unit Operation/Process No. of Days

1 Purchasing of raw material 1 day

2 Preparation of product, Packaging and Labelling 1 day

3 Selling and Marketing 2 days

Total time required 4 days

(Table 3.2); Time Management

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4.1 Introduction

First the measured quantities of groundnuts, then they are roasted on pan and then
skins are removed. Then the material is put into a crusher in order to break it into small
pieces. At the same time the syrup of jaggary and glucose is prepared in a big pan
(Karahi). Judge the end point of jaggary and then mix all the crushed ingredient into the
jaggery syrup and mix them well. Then the crushed material and the syrup are mixed
together in a separate shallower. Some sugar powder is also added in the mixture and the
final content is spread over a flat wooden plank. The mixture is further pressed with
wooden rollers In order to make a uniform thickness of layer. The layer is then cut into
square pieces by an aluminium cutter to give it a discrete size and shape.

4.2 Standard Recipe of Groundnut Chikki for (1Kg): -

Sr. No: - Ingredients Weight

1 Groundnut 529 gm

2 Jaggery 470 gm

3 Liquid Glucose 117 gm

4 Veg Fat As per requirement

(Table 4.1); Recipe of Groundnut Chikki

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4.3 Flowchart for Preparation of Groundnut Chikki: -

Selection of good quality Groundnuts



Roasting of Groundnut (At 55oc for 15 Mins)


Removing of Husk (Red Skin)

Splitting Groundout

Smearing of Pan

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Heating of Jaggery in Pan (At Low Flame)

Addition of Glucose Liquid

Judging End Point (Drop test) Hard Boiling Consistency

Mixing of Peanut into Jaggery

Spreading on Smeared Tray & Pressing with Rolling Pin

Cutting with Roller Cutter (2x2cm)

Cooling (At Room Temperature)



Storage (At Room Temperature).

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4.4 Packaging Material: -

Low density polyethylene (LDPE) is used for packaging of Groundnut Chikki.

This clear or translucent plastic exhibits flexibility, chemical resistance, high barrier to
moisture & air and waterproofing capabilities. It is used in the manufacture of a wide
range of products, including grocery bags, plastic wrap and film, flexible packaging
material, and injection moulded parts. LDPE is defined by a density range of 0.910 –
0.940g/cm cube. The size of packaging is 5x6 inch. It is not reactive at room temperature
except by strong oxidizing agent and some solvent cause swelling. It is thermoplastic
polymer consisting of long hydrocarbon chain.

4.5 Regularity in Production: -

As per the demand and interest of the consumers we have made the product
regularly. From market survey and consumption pattern we come to know the quantity as
well as quality parameters of the consumers and in accordance with it, there was
regularity in production.

4.6 Position of Product in Market: -

Market Survey: -

Groundnut Chikki is sweet item which are ready to eat food product. During
market survey we studied that the availability of Groundnut Chikki was very less. The
available Groundnut Chikki in the market were sold without brand name. Hence, we
decided to develop new product which will fulfil the consumers need. The product
chosen was not found on large scale in market. As this product can be consumed by
every age group of consumers and due to its less availability in market, we will also
study the market demand for Groundnut Chikki.

Place of Survey: -

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I. Dargah Road, Parbhani.
II. Main Market, Parbhani.
III. Shivaji Chowk, Parbhani
IV. Kranti Chowk Parbhani.

Name of Product: - Groundnut Chikki

Different Brands of Groundnut Chikki in Market.

Name of Product Net. Wt. (gm) Price (Rs)

1 Kaka Premji Chikki 35 gm 10

2 Sheng dana Chikki 35 gm 10

3 SNR Chikki 50 gm 15

4 Haldiram Chikki 25 gm 5

5 Nutritious Chikki 40 gm 10

6 Shree Chikki 100 gm 38

7 Charlie Chikki 75 gm 30

8 Surya Chikki 90 gm 27

9 Paper Boat Chikki 28 gm 10

(Table 4.2); Different Brands of Groundnut Chikki

4.7 Evaluation of Presentation: -

The Groundnut Chikki must attract eye site of the consumers. The appearance of
the product including the packaging materials Size, Shape & Colour of the product
must be attractive. As the appearance of the product plays a vital role in the selling of
the product. For making the presentation we have noted all the important points
which are very essential from production and marketing point of view.

4.8 Adhering to rules and Regulations: -

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There are various rules and regulations were enacted by state as well as central
government of India. These should be followed by manufacturers. These rules
include SWMA, PFA, FPO, FSSAI and other acts. There was no addition of
adulterant. The Groundnut Chikki was prepared according to these rules and

4.9 Adhering to Plan: -

The processing of food is made according to planning which we have been made. It
leads to get maximum profit from our enterprise. Because in the planning of any
enterprise, land labour, water, electricity, transportation facility, are taken in to account
before starting new enterprise. The Groundnut Chikki was prepared by taking this point
into account. The market for this was near from processing place.

4.10 ELP Schedule: -

Date Activity Conclusion

18/05/2022 Registration of 7th semester

-People need good quality food product

-People are become health Conscious and
they required ready to eat food product
-People prefer packed food product
Group discussion on idea
-Is there demand for the product which is
19/05/2022 generation, we perform
going to be prepared by us? -Beneficial
market survey.
properties of the product which is to be
prepared was discussed -Various problems
which are going to be faced during
marketing were discussed.

After studying the market survey, we

19/05/2022 Selection of product
decided to finalize to prepare products.

17 | P a g e
We do the first trial of making of
Groundnut Chikki, in first trial the product
21/05/2022 First Trial
is not made correct, the product is made

In the second trial, product again not made

23/05/2022 Second Trial right, the texture of product is made too

In third trial, the groundnut is more

24/05/2022 Third Trial
roasted and burned.

In fourth trial we close to make the

Groundnut Chikki perfect. The Product is
25/05/2022 Fourth Trial
made correct but we enable to cut the
product properly.

In last trial, we made the product

completely perfect. The taste and texture
27/05/2022 Fifth trial
all are made good on the basis of sensory

-Wholesale market.
28/05/2022 Raw material availability -Most of the raw material was purchased
from wholesale.

Process of production and Lab scale production was done successfully.

28/05/2022 sensory analysis was done of
Phase 1 product.
Firstly, the products were prepared and sold
30/05/2022 Production from pilot scale
within the market. By taking orders from
To to large scale and
consumers the production was carried out on
Marketing of Phase 1
15/07/2022 large scale. For production and marketing, we
divided the whole product in 10 batches
(Table 4.3); ELP Schedule

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4.11 Production and Marketing Schedule: -

Wt. of
Marketing No. of
Batch Production Quantity Each
and selling Packets
5 Kg (100 45
1 01/06/2022 50 gm
Packets) 03/06/2022 55

5 Kg (100 07/06/2022 50
2 06/06/2022 50 gm
Packets) 08/06/2022 50

5 Kg (100 11/06/2022 40
3 10/06/2022 50 gm
Packets) 12/06/2022 60

5 Kg (100 14/06/2022 59
4 13/06/2022 50 gm
Packets) 15/06/2022 41

5 kg (100 18/06/2022 52
5 17/06/2022 50 gm
Packets) 19/06/2022 48

5 Kg (100 23/06/2022 38
6 22/06/2022 50 gm
Packets) 24/06/2022 62

5 Kg (100 28/06/2022 47
7 27/06/2022 50 gm
Packets) 29/06/2022 53

5 Kg (100 02/07/2022 43
8 01/07/2022 50 gm
Packets) 03/07/2022 57
9 6/07/2022 5 Kg (100 50 gm 07/07/2022 51

19 | P a g e
Packets) 08/07/2022 49

5 Kg (100 14/07/2022 54
10 13/07/2022 50 gm
Packets) 15/07/2022 46
(Table 4.4); Production and Marketing Schedule



5.1 Sales Performance: -

The production of Groundnut Chikki has to make according to the demand of the
consumer. The sale of product can be achieved by door-to-door marketing and selling
and through food exhibition; also, one can sell it on local shops.

The overall demand is considered before production. Due to the innovation, we

made as well as its good appearance and taste, the product got a very good demand in
Aundha (Nag) market.

5.2 Sales Volume: -

The quantity of Chikki sold by retailer or wholesaler must be monthly or weekly.

It will help us to decide exact volume of production.

The demand changes from family to family and person to person in Aundha

The materials required for preparation of Groundnut Chikki are as


Total raw material cost for 50 kg.

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Sr. No Ingredients Unit Price Req. Quantity Price (Rs).
1 Groundnut 120 Rs/Kg 50 Kg 6,000
2 Jaggery 50 Rs/Kg 50 Kg 2,500
3 Liquid Glucose 100 Rs/Kg 1 Kg 100

4 Packaging Material 50 paise/1 1225 Pcs 200

5 Labelling 50/100 1225 600

Total Cost Rs.9,400

(Table 5.1); materials required for preparation of Groundnut Chikki

5.3 Economy of Productions: -

Total Cost of Raw Material = 9,400

Processing cost 10% of raw material = 940

Total Cost of Production = 10,340

We sell the product at the rate of Rs 10/- for 40 gm.

For 50 kg the total sell should be of Rs.12,250/- but due to certain circumstances we
have the product of 49 kg and hence the total gain is of Rs. 12,225/-. 1 kg is lost during the
processing due to Handling and Mechanical problem.

For 49 kg the total sell is of Rs. 12,225/-

Net profit is Rs. 1,910

5.4 Remedies for Problems: -

I. Be prepared for the extra parts of machineries so that if any problem regarding the
breakage of any part of machinery occurs, we can avoid loss of material inside
Machinery and also, we can save our time.

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II. Arrange electricity alternatives, this will help to reduce loss of raw material inside
machinery due to electricity problem. Generator will be the alternative for this

5.5 Project Economy: -

Product yield = 49 Kg
Package weight = 40 gm
Total Number of Packs = 12,225
Unit Price = 10 Rs
Sale = 12,225
Profit = Total sale – Total cost of production
= 12,225-10,340
= 1,885

Production cost for 1 pack = Production cost ÷ No. of packets produced

= 10,340 ÷ 1,225
= 8.0
Percent Profit = (Profit ÷ Total Input) × 100
= (1,885÷ 10,340) × 100
= 18%

5.6 Fixed Capital: -

Machineries and equipment cost
10% of machineries and equipment cost.

Sr. No. Equipment Quality Cost (Rs)

1 Cooking Assembly 1 1000
2 Packaging Machine 1 800
3 Tray 2 600
4 Pan/Kadhai 1 500
5 Roller 1 100
Total 3000/-
(Table 5.2); Fixed Capital

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Total = 3000/-
10% Fixed Capital = 300/-

5.7 Breakeven Point: -

Breakeven point analysis in terms of volume, days and cost is as follows:

I. Breakeven point (Sale Volume): -

= (Total cost of production + 10% fix capital) ÷ Sale per unit cost
= (10,340+300) ÷ 10
= 1,064 No. of Packets
Hence, minimum 1,064 no. of packets to be produced to obtain the breakeven point.

II. Breakeven point (Days): -

= Breakeven sales volume ÷ capacity
= 1,064 No. of Packets ÷ 125 Packets Per Day
= 8.5 Days
Hence minimum 8.5 days are required to obtain breakeven point.

III. Breakeven point (Cost): -

= Total cost of production + 10% fix capital
= 10,340+300
= 10,640
Hence breakeven point in terms of cost is Rs. 10,640/-

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6.1 Book Keeping: -

Daily we note down the work we have done along with the procurement,
expenditure as well as budget of daily production.
It really helps us for the overall management of the financial things as well as
evaluating the profit. Book keeping plays a vital role in our overall management.

6.2 People Management: -

It is very essential to manage people and their work. For that purpose, we have
distributed people in three groups. One group will involve in production, another will do
drying and the third will perform packaging and labelling.
On the next day every group will be involved in selling and marketing.
6.3 Preparation of Manual: -
Finally, we all have prepared the manual from the data recorded from book

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This includes each and every step performed by us during production, marketing selling
6.4 Preparation of Final Report: -
As per the things we have done, we have made a report with our excellence.



During the hands-on training program, we got a great opportunity to learn,

observe, and apply the technology for the better improvement of product.
Chikki is one traditional food product including sweet product and also sweet
snacks. General ingredients for making Chikki are groundnut, jaggary, liquid glucose etc.
According to Market survey we concluded that 4 Kg Chikki per day easily sold in the
local market, Aundha (Nag). The final product is appreciated by consumers.
The necessary tests must be carried out so as to choose the best quality raw
material. The raw materials determine quality processed finished product. The processing
condition and hygienic conditions must be maintained during the production. The
Groundnut Chikki will not set accurate scales are needed to make sure that the correct
amounts of ingredients are used each time.

25 | P a g e

I. GROUNDNUT: Post harvest operation by P. C. Nautiyal.
II. Nutritive value of groundnut by faujdar Singh- 19933).

III. Quality and utility of oilseed by G. Nagraj.

IV. Formulation of Chikki by using gum acacia by Surekha Dombey (et al.,).

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