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Historical revisionism and fake news entail negative historical revisionism, martial law, and how

today’s history was changed or rewritten. History is events of the past were to those who survived
the Marcos’ Martial Law and the burden they carry until this day for preserving history’s purity.
Rewriting history has impacted older generations who have experienced physical and survived the
Martial Law, whereas nowadays Marcos is a hero, whether we like it or not. For me, people have
different perspectives on historical revisionism because all histories are bound to happen and
must remain in the past where the future generations can learn a lot from it, should not repeat
itself, to discover the truth on all of the past events, and should always enhance our
understanding of the events that have developed in our current reality. But sometimes, rewriting
history can be manipulative in its way when it comes to the historical record and can inflict harm
on history itself. The best way to rewrite history is to create and value the facts in writing it right
away, research as much information as you should, talk to real people, not pages, always relax,
and free your mind because everything will follow

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