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Design doc for Phantom Turret game

Game Elements:
- Load screen: show the loading progress
- Main menu: ability to start a new game, resume an existing one, exit and change the
language, mute/unmute the sounds
- Select name screen: set or change the current user name, if not set generate an unique
- Level map screen: should show the the cards for corresponding locations, gray out ones
that are still not open, and highlighted that are already opened, progress/score for each
map, ability to swipe the cards
- Leaderboard screen: use playfab for storing the score of users and show the top
leaders, show you placement at the end of the table
- Game session/screen: HUD, enemies spawn point, enemies target point,
location(background of location), pause modal(resume, exit with ability to save the
current progress, mute/unmute the game sounds), win/lose modal with the score and
corresponding amount of stars, towers with ability to buy/sell/upgrade - should be
represented as a slider with the list of available for purchase towers/cannons. When you
click on the tower you wanna buy it should show the specification of current tower and

Game mechanics:
- When you start the game a specific location should be displayed. When you click on the
“Ready” button the wave of enemies should start to move to the target
- Each map should have it’s amount of waves and each wave should have amount of
enemies and its types
- When you click on the empty turret pad on the map it should be highlighted and turret
menu should slide up from the bottom and show the list of turret available for purchase
- When you don’t have enough money slots should be gray-outed
- Every level should have a specific list of towers so not all the towers are available for
specific locations.Also, each turret should have upgrades you can apply and the amount
of these upgrades should depend on the current location. Currently the max amount of
upgrades for each turret is 3.
- When you click on the tower you wanna buy it should show the specification of the tower
and its price. When you click the second time on the same turret it should actually
purchase it
- When you confirm purchase it should be placed to the point you selected previously
- When you click on the tower that placed on the map it should show its current range, sell
price and the current level of upgrade
- When enemy in the range of the turret it should start to shoot with some delays/freeze
- Every turret has its specific type of ammo/bullet along with the effect(particles) when you
hit the enemy. Also the enemy should be “highlighted” when it gets hit by the bullet.
- Target should have an HP bar. Amount of HP should depend on the current locations.
Because the current location represents the difficulty of the game.
- As soon as there is no more HP left - use loses and get the score but the next level is
not opened. If the user manages to kill all the enemies or if the enemies target has more
than 0 HP it should open the next level that can be represented as a highlighted card on
the Levels screen.
- When user loses or win there should be modal with score and stars(depends from the
score) and buttons for: play current level again, go to the next level/map and
close(navigates to the Levels screen)
- Currently I have 3 locations and I want to break each one into 5, so every location
should have 5 levels so in total it’s gonna be 15 levels.
- If the turret is already placed you should be able to sell it and get 2 times less money
from the origin price(it should consider the upgraded price as well). Click on the turret
and there is an option to sell it.
- All the enemies should go strictly by road
- For every killed enemy money/points should be added
- Basically every turret/tower should have following settings: reload/delay/freeze time,
range, damage, description, price, possible upgrades
- Turrets shooting animation is already represented as a framed sprites
- Progress should be saveable
- Multi-language should be present for all the elements(logic is already added)
- Every enemy should have a HP bar

Side Note: All the described screens already have been added. First game screen is added as
well. It already has the logic for pads(highlighting and the turrets panel that slides up), turret
panel has some logic: shows only those turrets that are available for the current level, also there
is a gray out of those that costs more than the user has money/points, target spot has the HP
bar. Levels screen also already has logic to gray-out those levels and maps that are locked,
showing the level number, score and stars. Multi-language is added as well.

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