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Le Huynh Thanh Tam

603-103-MQ TIME TRAVEL IN LITERATURE section 00021

SWA 1: Assess the concept of the “greatest good” in terms of Reality Changes in the novel, focusing how Eternity
views it and how the Hidden Centuries view it.
Words: 717

Time Travel Ethics: The Pursuit of the Greatest Good

“The End of Eternity”, a scientific novel by Isaac Asimov, published in 1955, explores the mysteries and
complexities of time travel. The story dives into an organization out of time called “Eternity” with the
main goal is to create a better world for human beings by trying to control time. However, is everything
really that simple? On the other hand, the people from the Hidden Century want to live regular human
lives, experiencing the consequences of their actions. They prefer to face the natural outcomes of history
and the choices they made, rather than having their lives controlled or altered by an external
organization like Eternity. By analyzing the concept of the “greatest good” in terms of Reality Change in
the novel, this paper will prove why people from the Hidden Century have their own points and why we
should not change history.

The idea of the “greatest good” in the context of Eternity is complex. They aim to create
a stable and better future for humanity, which aligns with the idea of maximizing the
well-being of the majority. By leading the timeline, they want to reduce problems and
suffering. But that also mean Eternity is messing with time. Their action involves
manipulating timelines and erasing entire civilization, control what people should do. All
the Eternals who work for them are basically snatched from their homeland and forced
to work in a dull place. This is counted as exploitation of underage labor, since they
were only fifteen years old. These people have no freedom, no love or family. This leads
to various issues, for example: Harlan and Twissell. They demonstrate how the lack of
personal freedom and natural human experience can make them desperate for
happiness. They both tried to break the rule to get what they think they deserved. This
is not only disrupted the organization’s work but also had a significant impact on
humanity when they attempted multiple times to change the course of history. The
“greatest good” may seem noble but it should not come at the cost of human freedom
and the value of their natural experience.

Although the Eternity always carefully plan each small change (Minimal Necessary
Change) to achieve the greatest benefit (Maximum Desired Response). But there are
many other moral issues that persist. For instance, they possess an anti-cancer serum
but can't distribute it to everyone. Instead, they prioritize saving lives with the least
unwanted effect on the timeline. This raises profound questions about the equal value
of all lives, and everyone's desire for survival. As Harlan expressed:” And what happens?
Are the Centuries happy? Not on your life. One man gets cured and a dozen, same
country, same Time, don’t. Everyone says, why that one? Maybe the guys we didn’t
treat are better characters, maybe they’re rosy-cheeked philanthropists beloved by all,
while the one man we cure kicks his aged mother all around the block whenever he can
spare the time from beating his kids. They don’t know about Reality Changes, and we
can’t tell them.” (pg.107, Chapter 6, The End of Eternity). In the story, the people from
Le Huynh Thanh Tam
603-103-MQ TIME TRAVEL IN LITERATURE section 00021
SWA 1: Assess the concept of the “greatest good” in terms of Reality Changes in the novel, focusing how Eternity
views it and how the Hidden Centuries view it.
Words: 717

the Hidden Centuries, including Noys, have a different perspective. They don't agree
with changing time because they think that everything happens for a reason. In their
view, changing the course of history goes against the idea that events are meant to
happen, even if they are difficult or lead to suffering. Manipulate time interferes with
the natural flow of life, people should handle their own problems and learn from their
experiences. In fact, as Noys said, there are existing infinity timelines, there are infinity
possibilities in multi-universe They see the existence of multiple timelines as part of
natural order of the universe. The universe is vast and complex, and human have limited
knowledge and control over it. They learn more towards the idea of accepting the things
are and facing difficulties in the present is essential for personal development.

In conclusion, the concept of “greatest good” isn’t as simple as it sounds. The Eternity
tried to create a better future but came at a cost with humanity’s freedom. The
philosophy of not changing history encourages acceptance the Reality. It is a belief that
every event, good or bad, is part of the universe.

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