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MSE- 821

Lecture 2

Asst. Prof (Dept. MSE)
Crystal systems

The seven crystal systems

The fourteen 3D bravais lattices
Direction and planes
3 to 4 index notation:
Direction and planes
Bonding in Metals and Ceramics
Type Bond energy Comments

Metals Large (Tungsten) Non-directional bonds
Small (Mercury)

Directional bonds

Covalent Ceramics Large

Non-directional bonds

Ionic Ceramics Large

Does bonding affect mechanical properties?
Ceramics Large bond energy
large Tm Melting Point

(Ionic & covalent bonding): large E Young's modulus

small a Generalized Angle

Metals Variable bond energy

moderate Tm
(Metallic bonding):
moderate E
moderate a

Polymers Directional Properties

Secondary bonding dominates
(Covalent & Secondary):
small Tm
small E
large a
Stacking of atoms in metals
Linear density

Linear Density = Number of atoms centered on direction vector

Length of direction vector
Planar density

Planar Density = Number of atoms centered on a plane

Area of plane

Ionic vs Covalent

The degree of Ionic bonding depends

upon the difference of electro-
negativity between the two

% Ionic character:
{1-exp[-(0.25)(XA-XB)2]} * 100
Rule 1
Each cation will be coordinated bu a polyhedron of anions, the number of ions in
which is determined by the relative sizes of the cation and anion.

This depends on the radius ratios: RC/RA

Rule 2
Basic coordination polyhedra are arranged in thee dimensions in a way that preserves
local charge neutrality.

Rule 3
Coordination polyhedra prefer linkages where they share corners rather than edges,
and edges rather than faces.

Unstable Critically stable Stable

Crystalline vs non-crystalline ceramics
Glass formation

Atomic arrangement in crystalline vs glassy metals

• Glass formation is a kinetic transition, therefore, it depends upon the kinetics of the process
• The internal timescale, τ, for the process is controlled by the atomic or ionic bonding between
atoms or ions
Strong and numerous bonding increases τ
Weak and limited bonding decreases τ

• The external timescale, t, is controlled by the experiment or process, i.e., how fast is the liquid
Ceramic Glasses and Transparent Ceramics
Suggested Reading:
Fundamental of Materials Science and Engineering, W.D. Callister, Ch-2 whole
Fundamental of Materials Science and Engineering, W.D. Callister, Ch-3: Section 3.1-3.16

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