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Urinetown - Props List as of 1.4.


Place/Time - Present parallel universe where Lockstock is telling the past history of the UGC and how and why
the world of today maintains the measures of conservation and regulation to try to maintain the small amount
of resources left to us. The world of the play, however, is a stage where actors are obviously creating a stage
play propaganda for the audience. It may seem a bit like California at times. It also may have a sense of a
theater where the stock of props and costumes has been raided in order to present this week’s propaganda

Scene Prop Actor Placement

Presho Handcuffs and “key” Lockstock Right


1.1 Small Table with ledger Penny Left

Urinal Change container with screw off lid Sally Right
Several containers of small change Chorus Right
A Mop Penny Left
Spray bottle with rag Bobby Left
Bright Yellow Cleaning Gloves Penny Left
6 Clipboards UGC Chorus Right

1.2 Desk with office stuff

UGC 1 Side Chair
1 Executive Swivel Chair
6 Clipboards (same)
Steno Pad

1.3 10 Flashlights Cops

Street Small Suitcase Hope
Instant haze spray

1.4 Legal document in envelope or folder McQueen


1.5 Stacks of Paper from copying and faxing Hope Right

UGC Wad of Bills Fipp Left
Bunny slippers cladwell In the box
shoe box cladwell Left

1.6 Small table and ledger from 1.1

Urinal More haze in a can
Protest signs including “Feel the Bern”
Les Mis Flag

2.1 “Secret Hideout” Sign

Hideout Chair
Gag Hope
Rope Hope
7 white handkerchief Chorus Right
Knife Hot Blades Harry Right
Propaganda memos Bobby Right
6 fiddler bottle hats with bottles Chorus half L and half


2.3 Suitcase with stack of cash inside McQueen

UGC Handcuffs Bobby
Blindfold Bobby

2.4 Haze in a can

Hideout Key Penny

2.5 River Fabric from Children of Eden

Montag Toilet Paper (8 long pieces used every
e night)

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