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Poge 34 ‘School subjects: At, Drama, Englith, Geography, | Showkt/aboaktat: You should arrivocn tinal Hisory. Matha, Music, PE, Scsonco, Spanish ‘Sho shoukdn chow gum at school School activities: ct in pays, downoad. oxporimons, loam abeut tho port, play tha recordar, solve problema hig What your favauriteday at achool? Its Thursday Why? Boeeruse Tyo got russe. Holiday: bosch, climber climbing, forest, hikes, | Past ample (regular and brreguilarvorbal hiking, mountains, soiling, aloe, ior, ) ForBig Bad Bon! There was noescapel Through the air! ‘Tixae bo wurkke aU; Read ond nokh aa _ Sa | a woman / buy fruit | aman / ride his bike I adog/ chase a cat Describe the scene. Atten o'clock yesterday. the-sun 3 Thegits____ 4 ny alnellohthousekeenersistony MC) oe Before you read && Circle your fewourite superhero. Od btvbbdeb sb OK, Tim. I'm going co = [arenes shopping. Do your homewark. Superboy appeared again! Ho was rescuing No idea... But Isaw Superboy. » Now read the story in groups. ‘2° Listen to the second part of the story. ¢)'* SPU U- Ug Wed Nun. goes back to Tin's room Sucprisel He's there doing his homework. { Tim! Whore ware you? was looking for you! And why is your hair burning? 4 S Look and say what they were doing last night. » Now read the story in groups. im, ————— ‘erallanguage (How did you do? How did you do? 2 ® Don't worry! <=N 4 Liston and repeat. 2," ‘2 Read and complete the sentences. 1 was first. 4. was tenth, 2. _cameinthird. 5, Kevin came in_ 3. Lou came in . §. Mary was _ Listen and repeat. 23!) Complete the dialogues. OGD 0 Gaia the race. I Icame in first! Listen. and check. 2)!" __-Louldyyou'sirimwhen you) were six? 2H; Listen and circle the correct option. ¢2)'° Teould swim when I was five. Icouldn't skateboard when I was. seven. Could you sing when you were young? Yes,[could. No, couldn't. 42) Listen and chant. [4 '* T could open doors when I was four, im Fold aril hes ree. * Complete the question and answers. ut T could sing .s0rg for long, you skip when you On By the = were six? Because they were Mum's! No, I He was jumping when he fell. ‘Thoy were talking when I called. + Write the sentences. I swim /I/ see a crocodile They / watch TV /he / call ~ __ Timesto practise! a Complete with Can or Could. you swim? you swim when you were three? ____ you speak French? ____ you speak French last year? you use a computer? you use a computer when you were five? © Write two moze questions and draw. ‘an 12) Singasong. &S'* © Askand answer in pairs. Chorus: Wo are the champions! Wo aro the champions! Wo're tho Olympic champions today! ‘We couldn't jump high before, Wo couldn't win a race, ‘Wo couldn't swim vary fast. We were always in last place! Chorus Bul today we can do everything. ‘We can win the gama! ‘We can get the highest score, And carry the Olympic flame! Chorus Complote the story. started wasrunning waschasing ran wascelebrating jumped won ) tenth inarace whena dog . Listen and check. 72!” Ls | & As Thellighthouse keepers/story) Q } gon Before you read — Do the warm-up routine. i ' Touch your toes. ‘Stretch your arms. Bend your legs. {Uy Liston to the first part of the story. dy!” | vos stbbess Geamdad, Mt coach ‘One doy. Nikki wos wery sad. “Don't worry! he said “I ean help you fo re ae Ee ee \ : Teeakrun font Yast reed nove prostice” © Unie 4 « 12) Listen to the second part of the story. @)'"* (Grandad trained Nikki for a nonth. Ogres wos very proud off her They went fo the park everyday. Final, the day of the race cane. Firat Nikki did worm-up exercises, —Nikkistortedrumningbut something ond then she nan around the pack was wrong She couldn't nonfast | - a a | ‘The modem Olympic flag has got five rings. The rings are blue, yellow, black, green and red. They represent the five parts of the world that are in the Ofympic movement: Africa, the Americas, Asia, Australasia and Eungpe. Connect the dots to discover the sports 1 | added to the Olympic Games. - ; = & etsy 4% Listen and stick the missing letters. #23!" © Liston again. and repeat. 2)!" + Complete the doctor's instructions. ake cl Drinkh Use acold ¢. for a headache. fora stomach ache. for toothache, Leck and answer. ‘Toke Puta What's the matter? ter Bb -——— asore throat. onasore foot, Puta Use some p——— oa onacul for backache, + Suggest a remedy. . Complete the sentences. Mary is taller than Judy. i. is stronger than Jake. My dog is bigger than yours. 2 is faster than Jake. She is nicer than you. 2 Ellie is prettier than Mellie. 3 is taller than Jake. 2% Listen and chant, #1 | Complete the table. _Tt's,so sad I'm taller! I'm foster! Im stronger than you! | Tim older and wiser, ° And cleverer than you! You know, you know it’s true! The only problem is, You're nicer than me! Boo! Hoo! ag Look and circle the correct option. IsCarol taller than Simon? “Yes, she is. / No, she isn't. Is Nigel younger than Jane? Yes, he is. / No, he isn't. Is Alex thinner than Zoe? Yes, he is. / No, he isn't, ‘i . Write three more questions and answers. older shorter fatter Is your brother older than your sister? Yes, hois. No, he isn't. Are they shorter than you? Yes, they are. No, they aren't. Init 5 + Complete the questions. Are you older your friend? you stronger than your dad? Is your mum taller than dad? Timeyto cog Match the opposites. Sx K & Look and underline the correct option. Which is faster, the tortoise or the rabbit? Which is stronger, the lion or the butter!ly? Which is taller, the giraffe or the ant? *) practise!) & Write three more questions. 42 Sing asong. B5'“ Iwantto be free likea monkey inatree, [want tobe free like an eagle in the sky, Tyrant to be free like cc monkey in a trea, Lwant to be free like an eagle in the sky, ‘The monkoy in the tree is happier than mo! The eagle in the sky can fly and fly! I want to be {ree like a dolphin in the sea, I want to be {ree like a dolphin in the sea, The dolphin in the sea is smarter than me! _—— a Classify the adjectives, g eloan ditty fast happy new old poor rich sad short slow small strong tall young © 12) Look and complete the sentences. I've gota Ive get an It's . Its and Its also + Describe the men in the picture. In the picture, there are two men with their cars. The man with the red car is ithellighthouse|keepers/story) © Before you read Make new words from these letters. ATMEMAG Gon THENTIE ‘on ony of the rides. Scie ents he © Unie > Now read the story in pairs. ‘2 Listen to the second part of tha story. 22)" — Miter thot Joie could go-on ol the nides. ‘She wos tell ke her aThet veccabit @ die had lots of fun. At the end of the doy. (2) When she got hore she knocked at the door and her nam opened. She ‘There wos just alte in the jan. ‘She put it on herhond and made No, you aren't! than you. You [want Twent » Make your own wish. Twant Colour the flag. eisomedirestisnel Sees The Anazon rainforest is a dense, worm, wet forest It's very importont to the word's ecology becouse [Sy its plants generate most of the Earth's oxygen. The plonts ore also inportont becouse people use them to produce medicine thot cures serious ilnesses. Unit Listen and repeat, £3," 12) Complete with the corresponding vowels. a = Listen and check, 3," Listen and repeat. 2)! + Read the message. DO U WNT 2 LISN 2 MSC 2MORO? CULaRE & © Write a message for a friend. 38; Label the robots. big cheap cool casy strong I's the newest robot! Thoy're the funniest people! 12) Listen and chant. ais + Write the See in the correct column. Tim the one! ch Tm the biggest and the fostest Bi} = SY) oh ort) ‘And the cheapest, too Imthe acemeedl the KYU! Go ahead - Wee FE icicle Se OR Tank has got @} @ sound than Planes has got @ @ graphics Planes, than Tank, Family race is @ @ @ game. Planes is @r @ @ game. Talk about the games with a friend. good - better > the best bad > worse -® the worst 4 Read and answer. Who is better at English: your mum Whois worse at running: you or or your dad? your best friend? Whois the best atdancing in your Whois the singing in your fomily? family? | cheap eign] & Write four more comparisons. Acar is bigger than a bike. The rocket is the biggest. 32) Sing a song. £5! Speeding along ina train, Seeing all the cars and planes, On the roads and in the sky. ‘Only the fastest pass me by! Chorus: Wo're living in the modem werld, Full of high-toch toys, Phonos and gadgots and MP3s, For all tho girls and boys! Ichat on the intemet, Send e-mails before | forget, Make a call on my mobile phone, ‘Totell my parents I'll soon be home! Chorus i; Read and colour Tye got anew white computer It's got obig blue soreen anda cool green keyboard. I've also got a snail purple mouse anda cheap orange memory stick. My computer is on aheavy red desk next to my wardrobe. : a So + Unscramble the phrases. mouse purple- small blue- big-screen computer + new + white keyboard «cool «green orange + memory stick» cheap 42). Complete the description. Tee gota _— computer tts got screen and a oe (eae gota ae ESS é _and a = My computer is on @____+ 5° ‘Mhellgnthouse keeners/story © 2. How can you find out about records? 3. What record wrould you like to know about? 4): Listen to the first part of the story. 2'%_ What's the fostest bind in the workd? What's the heaviest land oninal? Check the onawers inthe units z none of the fastest bird in Europe. They @ wt looked in books but they couldn't find the. ‘oneswee Sie Hagh decided fo publish abook ebout records with the help of some 4 friends. They pubtished itn 1954. Thog ~ *) nanedit after Sic Hogh's conpariy. Ttbecore the most fonoos. &. Now read the story to a friend. [ans | Seats }2) Listen to the second part of the story. @\'“* ue @) Here ore some fasts talon fron the book Remeatsee that they Koop 7 rt chonging. Maybe you would fhe to check then today y t 1S The oldest pensonin the world is Edoo Gaping hos go The heaviest land enireat in the — erases pet Ean [7 workdis the Aficon elephant > tine to dey after she washes it! Tre ko t atargeat ceed And finaly here is the answer to the ‘qpeation from the previous page: ‘tha peregnne falcon ako, the fastest ving creature, reaching speeds of 199 Kionetres per hour ond op to 270 lonetres perhous when catching birds in Now read the story to a friend, Se eat eseore ‘After you read Investigate three more records and write them down. at the bottom, The orange stands te, for truth, and the. nd, there is a blue wheel ve Dharma Chakra, Read and label the pictures. . 2 Wh f law Unite Solve the crossword pu ‘Bangalore i a clty in the South of India. The ctty home to over 6 million people, ts a very busy city and people w hes, live in modern apartments and dr iest cars. Bangalore is considered th (information Technology) capital oe, = 6. Skirt, shirt and socks are aS Describe a busy city in your country. Listen to these expressions. 22) You're kidding! oo Thatsamazing! Geto Wow! Listen and check. ¢)** Listen and repeat. 72,** 4&5 Look and stick the words. @@ » Listen and repeat. @)"* + Listen and match. 2) * You're joking! That's fantastic! Incredible! & Practise the expressions with a friond. , ——S— They,used:to:playgamest 4a} Read and discuss with a friend. the game was a part ef a religious: ritual. They wed to scrifice the Bueopeans cans, the hard, rubber tLachili balls amazed them, | = “They dda know about rubbes, Nowadays, people still play A achtli in some places. It’ called 1. What was the namo of the slam, and its very similar to pall game? tennis. The bal sill very ~ 2.Did tho players use to tou _—hsany = fe weighs bg r tho ball with their hands! —— J 3, Was tho ball oan yt A “4, Did the children play the gamer 38 Listen and chant. 4%" Tlachtli They used to play here, They used to play a game called tachi. Crowds used to cheer. Thay didn’t use to call it ulama. They didn't feel fear When the goal was near. But when the game was done Children____ lean about it The priest used to come, at school. Sacrifice some players errata And offer them to the sun. Boe ———toweh the with their hands. 4 Complote the sentences. Bg Read and circle the correct answers. Mexico 500 years ago Take this quiz about Ancient Mexico. Work. with a friend. 1 Did people use-to live In pyramids? ‘ves, they did. No, they didn't 2.Did they use to have kings? Ves, they did. No. they didn't 3. Did they use to eat tacos? ‘ves. they did. No. they didn't. 4 Did they use to chew gum? Nes. they did, No.they didnt 5. Did they use to ride horses? Yes, they did. No they didn't 6. Did they use-to write with hierogyphies? ‘Ves they did. No. they didn't Listen and check. ¢)*7 Did they use to play ball games? ‘Yes, they did. / No, they didn’t. + Complete and answer, they have checolate? » Time toypractisel 48) Liston and write A or B next toach phrase. &)** + Ask and answer in pairs. 38 Sing a song. 33% (a When I was. boby, Did you use tosleep a lot? cia No,Ididnt really don’t know why — Ididn't use Maybe I was just too hot! Bseecial And then, when | was five, My parents used to say, “Please stop eating ice cream And chocolate avery day!” But now lam older, Horo lam in school. All my friends around mo ~ Lifo is really cool! Somaisoys ond g ore playing nectdace. playing musi people are. dancing Describe the other picture using the clues. What's the Where are the weather like? people? = happening? Ask a friend to holp you check your description. 1. Do tho words draw a picture? 2. Isthe order of the details logical? 3. Are the punctuation, spelling and capital letters correct? em €te |) j iy K ~ Fo Thellighthouse keepers/story © = beloeyournad Read and predict the story witha friend. , (cena) Grandad? htsa magicstone. ) Lal me tell you the story... If Ore dog. Iwent to thehat iS alone ond sow men with neps. They were painting | van heplft Tent fe i investigate. Isow a stone in DRY 4. Now read the story in groups. 4% Listen to the second part of the story. @i"" —< rm zs 3 7) That night I pat thestone next to agbed | Thked drawing, 30 the next day I drew a ond went to sleep I didn't use to dream ) picture of hin and took it to school The very offen but that night I did. | teacherlooked at it ond then went to the Ing dreaa, a young nan dressed in { Herary Ina old book he found a picture ond feathers was coling my none. I dida't ‘of the sane non It wos a Mayan warrion We visited the hil ogon ond found nore ‘ancient rebes. Sogn it was in the news. ‘Tha men with mops never cone book! 7" But other people come and found |_Moyon.ity ul of iaportent treasures. aa 4 Now read the story in groups. 5 eS ‘After you read Match the two parts of the sentences. lERSRSny (an ancient city The teacher) ‘They discovered) use to dream.) cple to populate Au Aborigines. They arrived € The Abceiginal men ned to. a only carey ay ing rem, The mock © hunk. kangarces Wemen used 46 cel lect fruit er @ aod see x Unie Ack wasvery paint their bodies important 40 for ceremonies. the Aborigines, People from It wasa part different tribes of their lives had different and not only for patterns. Each decoration, pattern had a Special meaning. The sea was angry and a big wave came. Gunya and his wife ran to the top of a mountain, One day, Gunya was out fishing with his wife, They heated rocks and threw them into the wave. They caught a Read and match, wonderful Fish. Unit FB site lla cave s swamp a tunnel a“ Ail A’ waterfall ar. field rt volcano ce Reqronscs c OK, levs go! | Adont think that’s Great idea! | No, Idon’t think so. Allright, lot's gol | Sorry, Ican't\ ») -« Listen and repeat. A ] 2) Listen and stick the words. (25, ?" G@, Unscramble the suggestions. ras go the Why don’ hilt through wot ion't E up ! acres bilge gg tunnel? the ie going Now make up dialogues using these expressions. having « i party 9 / | project i it © Listen and complete the diary. 2)" Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday a al 42} Listen and chant, 4" z My week SB oetenes aha: I'm going to the beach next Tuesday. Xm visitng my friend Lizzy. She's studying History tomorrow. & Qn Tuesday Tm away, S I'm travelling on that day. Complete the sentences. On Wednesday I'm back, I'm playing squash with Jack. i ——. my friends on Saturday, On Thursday Im studying History. | ‘They’____ a party next Friday. But Friday's free! Yippee! Isshe studying Maths tomorrow? Yes,sheis. No, she isn’t. Are you playing football this weekend? Yes,lam. No, I'm not. Aska friend about his/her plans for this weckond. Time)to, practise! 2E; Look and number the instructions. Leave the classroom slowly. Walk through the auditorium, F Stand in line. © Listen and check. @3)*" 42 Sing a song. B52 The bell is ringing. “Emergency!” it’s singing. Stay calm! Don't worry, No need to hurry! Stand in line. Everybody's fine, No need to shout! We're all going out. We're alll going home, Safe and sound, Everybody found! (2 Don't runt [| Godewn the stairs. [-] Gout to the playground. 1) Follow the blue li Sai eee aedeagal ( acrossthe bridge around tho swamp through the field up the hill) 3. Walk _ Follow the red line and write directions. Before you read Why are dogs “man’s best friends”? T). Listen to the first part of the story. @\*" ® EXBSCUIEE] titi stoppect ste act Ona doy last sonmen Mock ond I Rar oeasrahal went for a walk in the mountains: nls - with Tikki our dog. It was o sunny dog and Mark wanted to take some photos of the volcano. | ‘Angie, why don't we go across the river and up that hill? “425 Listen to the second part of the story. ¢5)*# © i tteew the Tcoudd ast see Tikki at the ee eeotie y Tikki stopped when she saw two police officers. ‘She put the contra down ond storted barking looked at the photos and knew where you were, Now read the story in groups. =) 6) After you read ear Correct these sentences about the story. = 1. Mark wanted to take some photos of the river. 2. Tikki wanted to climb the hill. 3. They fell into the river. 4. The police didn't know where they were. Haly a cou top. Florence has got a fantastic cathedral colony tt bues nex including the Colosseurrt Conned di&cover what tie ‘One ofthe most popular places to visit in aly & Pompeii Before. August 79 AD, # was a lange tonn on the Bay of Naples, near a volcano named Vesuvius. 20000 peaple edn Ported Nobody recived that aus QA active wicana A terrible. eruption began at 10 am. on 24" Angst in a few hours Porpel and Herculaneum were buried under more than ‘seven metres of ash More than 2000 people dled. ‘Today you can see the city and many of the people. preserved in stone. Ten saves died on the roofof'a building, A group of Gladiators died in a tavern People. died in their hornes. You can even see a Seeping dog, The peopte who survived never went back but now fow'ste fil the streets! + Write an entry in your diary Use words from the volcano. : 4. if Find and count the objects and people. a rucksack O} —» bus O > bus. driver ‘O > passenger oO = oO a cket [] fh tate counter [~] Toes Takes THM Tickets a Here you are. ) | & Listen and repeat. {3° _—~" », Salve the problems. oO a os on | OGS= ys Se ® yg 5) Fs a ; oO - oO & ithe Oed= as m i iw & Listen and check. (2 > Number the sentences. + Make up dialogues with a friend. to Beets One ticket to New York, please. [im] That's £575. |_| Listen and check. 3) 42) Listen and chant, {4 Carnival ! I'm going to visit Rio, Yes, Rio de Joneiro. I'm going to dance alot, Tt's going to get so hot! I'm going to join the crowd, Tm going to sing out loud, It’s Cornivall It's Cornivall In Rio, yes! In Rio de Janeiro. 4 First, sho going to got up. ‘Thon, she's going to brush her teeth, Noxt, she’s going to get dressed. Finally, she’s going to have breaklast. Number the pictures and say the actions. O [ ] J — a going to take your swimming costume? Are you going to ride your bike? Is she going to do exercise? Yes,lam. No, I'm not. Yes, she is. No, she isn’t. Look and circle the answers. e _ Timejtopractisel eg Look and complete the captions, now Lastweek everyday tomorrow T'man explorer. I study jungles, oceans and Iwas working in the jungle when Thad a litle problem. r r discover the underwater world : | s a. 2% seg esong. 5 I'm going to travel far away, « Now circle the verbs with the Travalling the world, corresponding colours. I'm packing all my bags, - My name's on all the tags. MM Presentsimpls —@W Present continuous. a . (3g Pastsimple ‘2g Past continuous London, New York, i Paris and Berlin. ‘Dy Future with be going to Line, Sydney, Tokyo and Beijing. I'm going to goaway, Seeing all the sights, Tm going to make new friends, [hope it never ends! ‘Chorus ‘Tinne to waite 3¥; Look and circle the correct option. Desr Mum and Ded, Imnbawing. a great (terribie time. Vesterdy | got up early fate tas rainy / went to the town / the beach with my g frends. We sviam read the whole mornin = Alter that we ate oranges Icecream | The Clark Famty Inthe aflemocn we visted an aquarium | 23°Rrse Avenue Sind Sw some fh / dolphins, London See-you soon, UK Maxie ~ane 2 = ee : ‘ ; C222, ihellighthousejkeepersfstory) © ie oe Before you read & Investigate the meaning of these words with a friend. charily raffle raise money E+ Listen to the first part of the story. @** cook Last sunner, ny brother and I decided to raise money for charity. We orgonized a botoon Thank you! fore’s your ticket. trip raft. och ticket cost one pound. “Hot along trip - just op ‘ond down we told tha people. © Units e !. Now read the story in pairs. Oouarararemc the balloon and up we went high into the shy. There were ropes holcing os to the ground. We thought it wos Opnrnenea tara Grid thé ropes broke! The balloon rose higher andhighen The groundlooked snaller| ‘ond smalen The baloon floated over torwn ‘across the riven then over the mountains ~ ‘ond finaly we cane to the seal Tt got dark ond we Felasleep, When we woke gp. the boloon was, hanging on the Fiffel Tower! I sded. trip fo Fronce for only one pound After you read Find captions from the text for each picture. » Write the captions. isa country in South America, population of 27 mi The official language Is ‘Spanish, but many people speak Quechua or Aima The Peruyian flag has got thresvertical stripes, tive red stripes on the sides and a white stripe in the middle. The currency inthe nuevo sal Thecapital of Penuis Lima Lima is.on the coast, but many people live high In the Andes. One of the most-famous places in Peruis Machu Flechu, eae. School activities | | | | | | x ‘Os AME aS; iseholid items; Electrical appliances “ Ordinal numbers 2 \ Pictionary: nputer parts: E es zz = S = = a £ 2 a Ee cS o ie BES wale quod 1 & & oe ‘So Pod S S a a 2 z= Large numbers ‘ Pait work | > Aska friend and mark (v7 or *). Lu GTS 5 its] PvE eyed] Monday Tuesday 2a + Aska friend and complete the table. ca —— [Adon | Dineywertd | [wets [Presser [Pon | Newyork cy | a neckago| at Luz |__| tye t SS (ey Pair work 3a } Listen to a friend and circle the differences. How manyfaltterencestcanyouind ona 4a 4 Listen to a friend and draw the missing actions. She was skateboarding when They were playing video games when + Complete the sentences. \ Pai werk 4) Listen to afriend and complete the table. oO g adjective comparative | adjective comparative fiil ay ; « | ] A S 2 fatter | | ‘stronger x 3 wiser | taller a { a4 small | dirty ERE ee E =i 5 prettier | thin | A 6a, 4 Listen to a friend and write the names. 7a + Aska friend and complete the table. One hundred years ago... go surfing play basketball. ride bikes watch TV eat ice cream go to the shopping centre drink fizzy drinks wear jeans: 8a 4 Listen to a friend and complete Jake's diary. Wei Correr its 3 ol 2b + Aska friend and complete the table. UW Holiday, ect Y [Nene] Where] When _]} ee __ eae | chad | Canada | tast weekend | é a — 3b 4 Listen to a friend and circle the differences. She | when she saw a black cat, + Complete the sentences. 5b, Listen to a friend and complete the table. 99I33IIIIIIIIIIII® They when the phone rang. adjective comparative adjetie comparative cer iegas far strong, wise a | cmaler dirtier pretty | thinner 6b, + Listen to a friend and write the names. 7, 4 Ask «friend and complete the table. One hundred yearsago... go surfing x play basketball ride bikes x watch TV x eat ice cream go to the shopping centre drink fizzy drinks wear jeans x ir work, COM TasS 5, Sn Le gotothe go Beles dentist piano lesson £ s {) [Thursday | Friday Saturday] Sunday | visit or Ed =~

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