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In the expansion of (2x+ y)l5,the

8th term are respectively -
indices of x and y in the (i) Prove that the coefficient of x in the expansion of
(1+x)2n is twice the coefficient of n inthe expansion
A 8 and 7 B 6 and 9 9 and 6 (D 7 and 8 of (1 +)2n-1.
13. The coefficient of 10th term in the coefficients
expansion of (x -
is (iti) Prove that in the expansion of(1+x)57,the
of x14 and x43 are equal.
B 20 Ca C
8. Find the middle term (or terms) in the following
14. In the expansion of (a+x)",the expansions :
the end is coefficient of rth term from
B (1) (1)
"C,+1 (D)
"Cn-rt1 (iii)
(iv) (2x-)2n
Very Short Answer Type Questions 9. Using binomial theorem find the value:
2 marks
(1) (999)3 (ii) (10l)4
1. State the binomial theorem for a positive
integral index.
2. If n is a positive integer, show that, in the Eachquestioncarries
expansion of
(1+x) the sum of the coefficients of terms in the odd Short Answer Type Questions
positions is equal to the sum of the coefficients of terms in 4 marks
the even positions and each sum is equal to 2-1,
1. "If n be a positive integer, then the terms in the expansion
3. Write down the binomial expansion of, of (1 +x)", having equal numerical coefficients shall be
(i) (a + 2b)6 (ü) equidistant from the beginning andthe end."-Prove this.
2. Find the coefficients of
(iüü) (iv)
S0 5 in the expansion of (+
(1) (-3r²y +3xy2 -y³y (vi) (2-x-2)3 A) *2 in the expansion of (2x-)
(vii) (1 -x+x2)4
Simplify : (t) x1l in theexpansion of (2
(i) (3+ 1)6 -(/3- 1)6 (H) (2+ 3)7+(2-3)7
(iüi) (*+y- 4y(x +y)³+6y(x +)?-4y°(*+y)+y4
(iv) (a-3)3 + 6(a 3)+ 12(a3) +8
(iv) x-2 in the expansion of
(v) (x+a2-1)'+ (x--1) o y2r+l inthe expansion of
5. Expand (3x- 3/
up to the term independent of x. 6 (vi) xlb in the expansion of xl(x2)l0
6. Determine : 12 6(vi) x in the expansion of (1 -x+ 2r4)1-}"
(1) 10th term in the expansion of(3a+
10 ( ) l0 in the expansion of (1 +x+x)(1-x)5
(i) 4th term in the expansion of ( - ) 3. Find the termn
expansions :
independent of x in each of the following
(iüi) nth term in the expansion

(iv) the general term in the expansion of (a 3a)

(2) (11)
of (1x5 9
(v) 3rd termfrom the endin the expansion
(vi) (r+ l)th term from the end in the expansion
(1 -3x)". (i) (9x2-e
7. () Show that the coefficients of x and x" are equal in
tn, (vii)
the expansion of (1 + x)m
. Which term in the
expansion of 2.5() If the coefficients of x2 and ll in the
the value of of x where p, q (1+xP:|1+) is
(1+ ax +2x) be 27 and expansion
(-192) respectively,
5. ) that term? are positive integers?What is
that, a=-1. show
Examine whether or not there is
any term independent () If in the expansion of (1 +x)" (1- x) the
of xin the
expansion of of x and y2 are 3 and (-6) respectively then. coefficientthse
Examine whether or not there is any term value of m. find
x in the containing 13. (1) Use binomial theorem to show that if n>1 is an
expansion of 2x. then, integer
) if the
coefficient of x in the expansion of x+
be 160, find the
6 (a) 11n- 10n-1 is divisible by 100
value of k. (b) 32n-8n-1 is divisible by 64
If the term free from x in Ko 52n-24n - 1 is divisible by 576.
the expansion ofx Jm 10 (iü) n(> 1) is a positive integer. Show that 14" - 13n-1 i
be 405.find the
7. ) If the value of m. divisible by 13 for all n.
21st and 22nd terms in
the (jji For every natural number n (> l), prove that
(1+x)* are equal, find the value of x. expansion of 4n+ 15n - 1 is divisible by 9.
(ii) If the coefficient of x
and xtl are equal in the (iv) If n is a positive integer (>l),
show that.
eKpansion of (1 + x)2n+1, then find the valúe of r. (42n +2- 15n - 16) is always divisible by 225.
[Council Sample Question '13] 14. Using binomial theorem find the value :
ii) In the expansion of (1+x)20,the ) (0.999) (correct to three places of decimals]
coefficient of the rth
term is to that ofthe (r+ l)th term is in the
ratio 1:2. Ki) (1.02) [correct to two places of
Find the value of r. decimals]
(iv) If in the expansion of (1 + x)32, the 15. Write down the
coefficient of expansion of By giving suitable
(3r+ 1)th termn be equal to the coefficient of (r
+5)th values to x and y, obtain the value of
term, show that, r=7. four places of decimals.
(39.75) correct to
(v) If the coefficient of (r+ 3)th term in the 16. Prove that,
expansion of
(1+x)1 be the same as the coefficient of (3r+2)th
term, find these two terms. n!
+ x-l.a xn-2. a2
+ a"_(x+ ay"
(n-1)!1! (n-2)!2! (n-3)!3! n!

Show that the coefficient of the (r+ l)th term in the
Two successive terms in the 9
expansion of (1 +x)" is equal to the sum of the coefficients expansion of are equa.
of the rth and (r+ l)th terms in the
expansion of Find these two terms and their
(l+x)n- 1 18. If n be a positive
integer and the sums of the odd terms anu
Show that the middle term in the expansion of (x +l)2n /s even terms in the expansion of
(a+x)n be A and b
1.3-5:(2n-).9n. h, respectively, prove that,
n! (i) 42- B² =(a2-x2y
Show that the coefficient of the middle term of (iü) 4AB= (a + x)" -
(1+x)2m is equal to the sum of the coefficients of the 19. Find the value of
two middle terms of (1 +x)2m-1
(ii) Show that the coefficient of the middle term in the (1+x)"+"C,(1+x)2-l.(1-1)
expansion of (1 +x)0 is equal to the sum of the +"C,(1+ x)" -2(1-2+...+(1 -x)"
coefficients of the two middle terms of (1+x)39. 20. If n be a positive
integer, showthat the algebraic sum ofthe
11. () If the coefficients of (p+1)th and (p+3)th termns in numerical coefficients in the exxpansion of (3x--2y)" is l.
the expansion of (1+x)" be equal, show that, 21. Show that the sum of the
p=n-1. coefficients of the odd terms
expansion of (1 +x)2n is 22n - 1
as In the binomial expansion of (a - b)", n>5, the sum 22. If (1 +x+ x*)" = a, t a,x +t
of the 5th and 6th terms is zero. Find the value of a,x +agr+ +ay,r"
prove that, a, +, t at** +
agn -37+1).
If (1 +*)"= Co + C,x+ Cyr.. + Cp" then show
23. If a, be the coefficient of x in the expression of
(1+ bx+ cxy", then prove that, 2na, =(n- ().C+2-Cz +3· C, + +n C, = n2n -1
24. In a binomial expansion if the coefficients of two
terms are equal, show that the coefficients of terms just () G -2C, +3C,-.. +(-)7 -In-C, =o
preceding and succeding these terms are also equal. 2n +1-1
+ ++ n+1 n+1
25. If (1+x)" 2 3
1+"C,x+ "C,+.+"C, and
Cn 1
a0 a1 ag" an are in A.P., show that -... +(-l)". n+ 1 n +1
2 3
an-"C, a +"Ca, +(-1)"."Ca, =0. (2n)!
(v) CoCntGCn-1tC2 Cn-2t +Cno= (n!)2
26. If the coefficients of three successive terms in
the expansion
of (1+ x)" be a, b and c respectively, then show +3G, +5C, + + (2n + 1)C = (n + 1)2",
2ac + b(a+ c) and a(b+c) th termn
b'-ac h2-ac
has coefficient a. (vity 2C2 nCn n(n + l)
Co Cn-1
Eachquestioncarries 2
Long Answer Type Questions 3 5 n+1
5 marks
+ + 2"-1
1. State and prove the binomial theorem for a positive integral 2 4 6 n+1
The coefficients of 5th, 6th and 7th terms in the expansion
CoG, + C,C, +C,C, t*. +Gn-1Cn
of (1 +x)" are in A.P.; find n. (n + 1)! (n- 1)!
>3. If the coefficients of three successive terms in the expansion 2 2 2
of (1 + x)7 are 120, 210 and 252 respectively, find n. (xi) Co+ + (2n + 1)!
2 n+1
4. If the 2nd, 3rd and 4th termns in the expansion of (x + a)n {(n + 1)!}2
are 240, 720 and 1080 respectively, find x, a and n. (xii) (Co+C+Cz t"+C)
5. The three successive coefficients in the expansion of (1+ x)" 21
are in the ratio 1:2:3. Find n.
6. If the coefficients of the consicutive four terms in the (xiii) CoC,+
C,C,+1tC,C,+ 2t* +Cn-Cn
expansion of (1 +x)" be a,, ag az and a4 respectively, (2n)!
show that, (n + r)! (n- r)!
22 2
= 2. (xiv) Cn -C"+C, -Ca2 + . + (-l)". C,"2 = 0, where n
is an odd integer
[Council Sample Questlon '13] (xv) n

If n be a positive integer and if the 3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th 3."Co-8."C, + 13."C, - 18."C
terms= 0
+ up to (n+ 1)
terms in the expansion of (xt A)", when expanded in
ascending powers of x, be a, b, c and d respectively, (xvi) Co +4C, + 8C, +12Ct... +
4nC, = 1+ n. 2n+1
show that, 11. If (1 -x)" =
h2- ac
c2- bd
Co-C,x+Cyx- Cr + ...
Find the coefficient of x in the following expression :
C+2Cz + + **+ n"C,
+C,(-1)x+ .. +(-1)" x" show that,
(x+ 2)n+ (x+ 2)n-'(x+ 1l )+ (x+ 2)"-2(x+ 1)2 12. Find the sum of the3C, =n. 2n-1
+ +(x+ 1) series
If the first three terms in the expansion of (1+ x)" are in A.P.
"co+ 2."Cx+3."."C,r+... +(n+1l). "C,xn
and hence show that, 'n'
prove that,
4nx + 2= 0.
n(n>1 )x
"Co+2."c, +3."C, t+**. +(n+1)"C, =(n+
13. Show : when x=5
(iv) 1+8
() *-"C(r +y) + "c,r+2y)-"C(r+ 3y) + =0 2x 3y when x= 3
(ii) 2"-.2n-1+ n(n-).2n-2_... +(-1)" =1 x=3, y=!.
1! 2!
(vi) (ax- by) 0 when a = 2, b=5,
14. If (1 +a)" = Ch +C,r+ C,2+. + C show that, coefficients in the foll
16. Find numerically the greatest
1 2n-1 expansions :
(iü) (2 -3x)15
1!(n -1)! 3!(n-3)! 5!(n - 5)! n! (1) (2a + 3x)1 3n
15. Find numerically the greatest terms in the following 17. Which term in the expansion ofx+ 2x) has the grea
expansions :
coefficient ?
() (1 the eleve
18. In the expansion of the expression (a+ x)l,if
term is the geometric mean of the eighth and twelfth
(iüi) (2a- 3b)9 when a= which term in the expansion is the greatest?

8. (i) 70 (iü) 70
Mutiple Choice Type (2)" (2n)!
(iüi) 126x0 and (- 126x3) (iv) (-1)"n.(" (n!)?
1. 2. A 3. 4. A
5. 6. © 7. O 8. © 9. (1) 997002999 (iü)) 104060401
9. 10. 11. © 12.
13. 14. Short Answer Type
Very Short Answer Type 2. (i) 960 (iü) 60 (iüü) (-792) (iv) -216 >
(v) (-1)n-r. (2n+ l)!
3. (i) ao+ 12a5b + 60ab2 + 160 a³b3 + 240 a2b4 (n-r)!(n +r+ 1)!
+ 192ab5+ 6466 (vi) 3360 (vii) (-34) (viii) 4433
(i) 7_21a189q_ 945a , 2835 a3 5103 42
b3 b4 b5
5103a 2187
3. (iü)) 495 (iü) -252 c2 (iv)
+ 18
(iüü) + 8x3, 8x2 32 x 4 16 (v) 96096 (vi) 495 (vii) 21 (viii) 25
81 27y 3y 3y' y 4. (q+ l)th term = Pt q)!
646 324 +2022 20 135 243 729 plq!
(iv) 729 27 3
4x2 8x 64x6 5. (1) No (iü) No
6. (1) 2 (i) 9
(i) -3x5-34 +11x+6x2-12x-8 7. (1)
(11) n (iü) 7
(vii) 1- 4x+ 10x-16x + 19x-16x5 +
10x6 4x7 + x8
4. (i) 240./3 (iü) 10084 (iii) 4 (v) 47
C13'*13 and C,a4
(iv) (a-l)3
(v) 128x-224x5 +112x3- 14x
5. 6561x- 87480x+510300 11. () n-4

6. (1) 1485 x 21a-6 12. (ii) m= 12

(1) -120a4. b-4
(ii) 14. 1) 0.996
(iü) 1.17
(iv) (-1).""C,"3-. am-2r 15. 256.x4 -64°y+
(v) 4375x4
(vi) (n-- l)"(n-r+)2r)n-r
17. 2nd and 3rd
6xy-xy +256 , 2496597.5039
r! terms, value = 1152
19. 2n

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