The Britsh Isles Folytatas

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Great Britain: England + Scotland + Wales

United Kingdom: Great Britain + Northern Ireland

England: Capital: London

Symbol: red rose
Patron: St. George

 Home counties (London and counties around London)
 South/ Southern England
 East Anglia (schools : Oxford, Cambridge)
 Midlands (economy, business)
 North Anglia (Hadrian’s Wall)

Scotland: Capital: Edinburgh

Symbol: thistle
Patron: St. Andrew

 Highlands (most Scottish things, like kilt, bagpipe and others but most of the people don’t live there)
 Lowlands

Wales: Captal: Cardiff

Symbol: leek, daffodil
Patron: St. David

It has a individual language, the Welsh language

It has been a part of the Great Britain and the self confidence is very strong
Wales tried to get more independence from the Great Britain
There Are 40 Welsh MPs (members of the parlament )
National Eisteddfod – fesztivál, 8 days long where they try to keep the Welsh language alive

Northern Ireland: Capital: Belfast

Symbol: shamrock
Patron: St.Patrick

in this territory Irish people mainly catholic, wanted to be free from the Anglican protestant rule
This is why in 1922 the southern part of the Island become Ireland

History of the Great Britain

In the Ancient times this territory belonged to the Roman Empire which ended in 476. The the celtic tribes
came. Angels, Saxons, Jutes. From the saxons kings were rule from 827 till 1066. After the Battle of Hestings
(106) the Noermans came on the throne. They were on the trone from 1066 until 1154 when the Plantagenet
royal family came. The rule until 1272.
The Monarchs of England and wales started 1272.
In 1399 the House of Lancasters get the power but the house of York changed them in 1461. They were in
charge until the War of Roses broke out in 1485 between the two houses. A third house won this war. This
was the house of tudors (1485 – 1603)

Henry VII. : 1485 – 1509
Henry VIII. : 1509 – 1547
He had a brother Arthur. Artur died 1502. Arthur had a wife : Catherine of Aragon. Henry after his brother
death married her
Henry and Catherine had only one child, Mary (Bloody Mary). The others were miscarriage or still born.
Henry’s second wife was Anne Boleyn who came in 1522 and became Catherine’s ladyin waiting. Henry started
to flirt with her. Soon they fell in love but Henry was still married to Catherine who was depressed at that
time. Hernry wanted to divorce but the Pope refused. So Henry started a new religion, the Anglican protestant
amd he devorced from her. 1533 he married Anne and sonn they had aa daughter Elizabeth. But Henry
realized that Anne is a terrible person and he wanted a divorce again. 1536 Catherine died in Cancer. Henry’s
3.wife was Jane Seymour who was Anne’s ladyin waiting. Henry was so in love with Jane so he said that Anne
is a witch and executed her in 1536. So he could married Jane. Henry wanted a son so much and in 1537 Jane
gave birth to Edward. But Jane died after 1-3 weeks. Henry needs another wife. This was Anne of Cleve. They
met in 1539 and they married in 1540. After a half year they got divorced and Anne got a castle in the
The 5th wife was another ladyin waiting who was only 15 years old. Her name was Catherine Howard and she
was a cousin of Anne Boleyn. Henry loved her innocent but it wasn’t true (she had 2 lovers). She was executed
in 1542.
The 6th wife was Catherine Parr in 1543. She raised all the children. Henry died in 1547. His son, Edward came
on the throne.
Edward VI. (1547 – 1553)

Tudor II.

Edward VI.: 1547 - 1553

He was too young so he needed regents, Edward and Thomas Seymour. The first, Edward put his people to the
King’s Council. And Thomas married Henry’s widow, Catherine Parr. They had a baby and Catherine dies in
1548. In 1549 Thomas was executed because Edward said that ha wanted to kill the king.
After this another lord entered the scene. Jhon Dudly who also wanted the throne. In 1552 Edward was
accused by John Dudly and he was executed.

MEANWHILE: Edward VI. died in TBC in 1553.

John Dudley wanted the throne so much so he gave his son, Guildford to Lady Jane to get married in 1553.
Jane was a cousin of Mary and Elizabeth. They were tne king and queen for 9 days.
Mary the first child of Henry VIII. came back and killed Lady Jane, John amd Guilford Dudly. She became the
Queen (1553 – 1558), Bloody Mary. She wanted to be England catholic again. She married Plilippe, a Spanish
prince in 1554. In 1555 Mary thought that she is pregnant but wasn’t true. Her stomach was getting bigger and
bigger because of a tumor. She died in 1558.

Elizabeth I. (1558 – 1603)

Elizabeth I. came on the throne. She was called ‘’The virgin queen’’, she said ‘’ I am married to England’’,
althoudh she had a lover, Robert Dudly
Virginia named after her
So in Scotland Mary Stuart was the queen but she chose tge wrong husband and caos broke out in Scotland.
She escaped to England but in 1587 she was executed by Elizabeth the I.
In 1558 Spanish started a war aganist to England with the Spanish Armada. In that time Philippe was on the
In 1602 Elizabeth was so afraid of death, she didn’t want to sleep. In 1603 she died in her chair.
England needs another king/queen because Elizabeth died without a heir. This was James Stuart who was the
king of Scotland. He was on the British throne from 1603 till 1625. In England he was James I. But in Scotland
he was the 6th in the name, James. (James VI.)
James had a wife and children, but his love was the Buckingham prince, he was homosexual.
After a sort period of time the British Civil War broke out and the House of Stuart then the House of Hannover
rule England and Scotland

Victoria I. And the Victorian Era

5th in the line of throne but everybody before her died. She was the queen from 1837 until 1901. We call this
period of time The Victorian Era. In that era moral was very important and there were strict rules and laws.
She was only 18 years old when she got the crown. She was not so popular at that time.
She married to her cousine, Albert in 1840 and they were in love. Albert and Victori had 9 children.
The 1. Child was Edward who was a strong villed child. Victoria sent Edward to military school were he slept
with a prostitude. This was Bertie’s sin and Victoria was so angry about it. She even blame him with the death
of Albert in 1862. From then Victoria always wore black.
Victoria fell in love with John Brown
Victoria had 42 grandchildren (Grandmother of Europe)
In 1901 she died
Her son, Edward VII. was on the throne (1901 – 1910)
George V. (Edward’s son) 1910 – 1936
Edward VIII. (George’s son) 1936 – 1936 was in love with an american women (Wallish Simson) so he gave the
crown to his brother, George.
George VI. 1936 – 1952
His daughter, Elizabeth II.
Queen Elizabeth II. 1952 –
 Her husband: Philippe – 4 children (Charles, Ann, Andrew, Edward)
The United States

Symbols: 1986: red rose

Flag: 50 stars – 50 states
13 stripes – 13 colonies
1776 – War of Independence
The Pledge
The seal of the US – bold eagle. In the bald eagle’s claw there are 13 arrows which stands for the
original 13 colonies and it means war and olive branches which means peace.
Uncle Sam – he was a real person who was a tradesman, his real name was Samuel. He brought boxes
which carried the US words. At that time not many people know what US mean and when a person asked it
they said that it stands for Uncle Sam. Later Uncle Sam became a symbol of the USA. They even print him on
posters during wars. I think everybody knows this poster where a old man in clothes in zhe US flag points at
you and it says Uncle Sam wants you.
Melting pot or Salad bowl


The United States has 4 big regions:

The Northeast: which is the oldest part of the US. 18 indian tribes libe here. This is the oldest because the first
bigger settlers came here.
 Declaration of Independence (1776)
 Famous universities and schools - Harvard, MIT

 Second oldest part
 Mainly Spanish settlers
 Lots of cotton plantation and tobacco

 Plains
 Transportation center point
 Most of the crops come from this territory

 Harbours
 Big cities : Los Angeles
San Fransisco
 Hollywood
 Warm weather
 Gold rush
History of the USA

In 1492 Columbus discovered America, he didn’t know that was a new continent he thought that he arrived
to India. America was named after Amerigo Vespucci who realized it is a new continent. The first settlers was
only came to the New World in 1526. They were spanish. But Queen Elizabeth sent people to discover the land
too. In 1585 the English people create Virginia (virgin queen). And in 1607

 America was named after Amerigo Vespucci

 First settlers who came to the New World 1526 (Spanish)
 Queen Elizabeth sent people to discover

1585 (English people)  Virginia (British colony)

1607 – Jamestown
1620 – Pilgrims fathers (Mayflower) – in December

No food, no shelter – Indians helped them (Thanksgiving)

New Amsterdam  New York (1620’s)

(Dutch) – Bought from the Indians

War of Independence
New World – same laws – BUT no rights in the government
- taxes

1651: navigation act  anything that grows outside of England has to

be sent to England
1765: stamp act  legal documents, newspaper, playing cards } Taxes

 king noticed that something wrong and sent soldiers
 Boston massacre (a group of people went home and one of them
thought that s funny to throw to the soldiers  they started shooting)

1773: I. Continental Congress  13 states

Fights began  war

II. Continental Congress they needed a leader: George Washington
1776: Thomas Paine wrote a book, Common Sense

Says we have to from a new country

1776: 2 July - Declaration of Independence (signed it)
4th July - they announced it
1778: Treaty of Paris
Foundation of The United States of America (USA)- 19th century

PROBLEM #1: huge territory of French blocking them to move west

PROBLEM #2: Indians
PROBLEM #3: Mexicans (Spanish)

#1: Louisiana Purchase  they sold it for 15 millions dollars

PROBLEM #1: Solved
#2: Chief Little Turtle – most famous leader
1830: Indian Removal Act – roads – Trial of Tears
#3: Mexican wars (1840 - 50)
 They found gold in the West gold rush (1860) California

More and more people came to the New World

Civil War:

North: Cities South: Farms

Factories Plantations (tobacco, corn)
Slaves (from Africa)

The states started to fight that the new states who were joining can or can’t keep slaves  Mission

2 main reason:
1. Slaves
2. North – industrial
South – agricultural

Civil War: 1861 – 65

Fights begun on the 12th of April in 1861

1861 – 63: South was winning – But they ran out of supplies
1863: turning point  Battle of Gettysburg – South started to lose
Abraham Lincoln: 1862 – Emancipation Proclimation

1865: Lincoln was killed (by John Wilkes Booth)
1865 dec.:
 13th amendment (Constitution)  slaves are free
 14th amendment: US citizen ship
 15th: black people got the right to vote

1865: South lost – slaves are free people didn’t want to except it

Veterans  Ku Klux Klan – chasing black, catholic, jewis people

Us – 20th centurs

WWI (1914 – 18) and WWII (1939 – 45)

When the US joined the war 1941 – Japanese attack Pearl Harbour
was decided
(weapons, supplies) US joined the war

Another big power – Szovjetunion

Cold war
Started a competition – space/ weapons

Great Depression – no food, no jobs

Solutions: build bridges, houses


1962: Cuban Missile Crisis

The Queen

The role of the Queen:

 Head of the State
 Commander-in–Chief of Armed Forces (can declair peace or war)
 Head of the Church of England
(Spiritual leader: the Archbishop of Canterbury)

3 rights of the Queen:

 To encourage
 To warn
 To be consulted

Prime Minister: Head of the Government (Theresa May)

,,Kissing Hands’’  Prime Minister kiss the hand of the Queen
Each week at Wednesday in a private audience the Queen and the Prime Minister  talk about the news 

Every day she has to go through every document in the red box big work

53 country’s common wealth

She appoint and dismisses the Prime Minister and ministers
She can drive as fast as she wants and she doesn’t need a licenses number

The President of the US

The Head of State

The Head of the government
Commander and chief of Armed Forces
Elected for max. 8 years (2x 4 years) – 2 term precedent

1951: 22nd amendment

Difficult voting system
Powers of the President:
 Execution of federal law
If a bill wants to pass by the Congress

The president can: 1. Sign it becomes the law

2. Veto  send back to the Congress

2/3 of the Congress accepts it

It becomes the law
3. Do nothing  after 10 days it becomes the law

 War and foreign affairs – declare war and peace

 Judicial power – to nominate federal care every American abroad and every foreigner in the US

Ceremonial roles:
 Griffith Stadium – first pics (old star games)
 Since 1878 every Easter – egg rolling
 Thanksgiving – each year a turkey gets federal pardon
 First celebrity

President: Older than 35 years old

Born in the USA
Live there 5 years before
First Lady: She is the hostess of the White House
She is followed by her fashion
Flotus (First Lady of the United States)

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