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Contemporary Womens Health Issues

for Today and the Future 5th Edition

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Chapter 07 - Preventing Abuse against Women

Chapter 07
Preventing Abuse against Women

Multiple Choice Questions

1. __________ women have been raped or sexually assaulted at some point in their lives, and
_______________ have been raped by an intimate partner.
A. 1 in 2; 1 in 3
B. 1 in 5; 1 in 10
C. 1 in 6; 1 in 10
D. 1 in 2; 1 in 6

2. Which of the following statements are incorrect with regards to violence and abuse?
A. Violent crimes committed against men are decreasing while crimes against women are not.
B. An adult female is more likely to be raped or beaten by someone she knows than a stranger.
C. Women murdered by their intimate partner had visited the ER within two years of the
D. Children from abusive families are more likely to grow up to be abusive parents.

3. Which of the following is not a reason that a woman stays with a man who abuses her?
A. She feels sorry for him.
B. She loves him.
C. She is financially dependent on him.
D. She lacks outside emotional support.

4. Sheaka continues to stay with her abusive partner. Raised in a different country, has no job
and no family in the U.S. Which of the following factors contribute to her commitment to stay
in this relationship?
A. Emotional dependency and lack of family support
B. Cultural constraints and religious beliefs
C. Previous partner abuse
D. A and B only

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Chapter 07 - Preventing Abuse against Women

5. Females who experience childhood sexual abuse experience all but which of the
A. experience post-traumatic stress disorder
B. develop a negative self-image
C. grow up to become social advocates
D. have long term physical health problems

6. Cuts, burns, or frequent use of enemas or laxatives are behaviors related to which type of
childhood abuse?
A. physical abuse
B. neglect
C. sexual abuse
D. emotional abuse

7. Domestic abuse tends to follow a 3-stage cycle. Which of the following is not a stage in the
abuse cycle?
A. stress and tension buildup stage
B. verbal and emotional abuse stage
C. the acute physical battering stage
D. loving, calm, less tense stage

8. Minimization, directionality, trivialization, and blaming the victim are all _________.
A. Characteristics of battered partners
B. Perceptions of individuals toward battered women
C. Stages of public opinion about abuse
D. Common elements in all types of abuse

9. A woman is less likely to agree to counseling during which phase of the cycle of abuse?
A. tension phase
B. build-up phase
C. battering phase
D. calm phase

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Chapter 07 - Preventing Abuse against Women

10. During which phase in the cycle of abuse are the perpetrator and the woman more
amenable to intervention and counseling?
A. tension phase
B. build-up phase
C. battering phase
D. calm phase

11. Which of the following is not a tip to help a woman avoid date rape?
A. Depend on your friends to make you aware of your date's body language and other
non-verbal clues.
B. Communicate your sexual limits to your date in a firm manner.
C. Trust your intuition and feelings related to your date and his behavior.
D. Avoid excessive use of alcohol and other drugs.

12. One impact of intimate partner violence (IPV) that is often overlooked is the economic
impact. Currently the annual cost of IPV is ______________.
A. $4.1 billion
B. $2.6 billion
C. $3.7 billion
D. $8.3 billion

13. Sex Trafficking, considered a form of modern-day slavery, entraps over

____________________________ women in the United States each year, in such activities as
prostitution, pornography, and/or stripping.
A. 50,000 women
B. 60,000 women
C. 75,000 women
D. 100,000 women

14. Which one of the following is not considered a form of sexual harassment?
A. Unwanted comments with sexual overtones
B. Uninvited touching or staring
C. Not traveling on business-related projects with other employees
D. Jokes with sexual overtones

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Chapter 07 - Preventing Abuse against Women

15. Minimization, directionality, trivialization, and blaming the victim are all ___________?
A. characteristics of battered partners
B. perceptions of individuals toward battered women
C. stages of public opinion about abuse
D. common elements in all types of abuse

16. Carlos was easily angered by Rose. Which of the following incidents would be less likely
to trigger his violent behavior against Rose?
A. Rose asked for money.
B. Rose went shopping and did not buy him anything.
C. Rose did not feel well and begged to delay sex until another time.
D. Rose did not have dinner on the table and house cleaned up when he got home.

17. Which is correct in regard to types of abuse moving from less sever to more severe?
A. throwing things at the woman, slapping, closed fist hitting, threatening with a weapon.
B. slapping, biting, closed fist hitting, pushing
C. shoving, threatening with a weapon, beating up, attempted strangulation
D. punching walls, attempted strangulation, closed fist hitting, assault with a weapon.

18. Of the following ways to help battered women, which one is not recommended by experts
in the field?
A. locate and list abuse-related resources
B. remind her that if she would leave, the abuse would stop
C. believe her when she tells you about the abuse
D. suggest that she seek professional help in addition to your help

19. Which factor does not increase the risk of being sexually assaulted?
A. Being single
B. Victim of previous sexual assault
C. Living on campus
D. Lower socio-economic status

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Chapter 07 - Preventing Abuse against Women

20. Victims of domestic violence among lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT)
populations face numerous barriers in seeking help and treatment. Which of these is not a
barrier to helping LGBT populations related to domestic violence.
A. Fear of coming out as a gay/lesbian individual
B. Reluctance in reporting if they have not come out
C. Lack of well trained staff who deal with LGBT issues
D. Having courage to seek help when involved in a violent situation

21. Under the influence of alcohol for both men and women, men are _____ likely to be more
aggressive in regard to sex, and women are _____ likely to recognize some of the danger
A. More; more
B. Less; less
C. more; less
D. less; more

22. One of the following statements is incorrect regarding the long-term consequences of
violence against women. Which one?
A. Increase in the costs of health care
B. Potential for abused victim to abuse her own children
C. Decrease in loss of trust of other individuals
D. Potential for women to experience various types of sexual dysfunction

23. Which of the following situations best describes a codependent relationship?

A. Dick hit, punched and kicked Jane; she called police.
B. Sally met Harry at work, but did not go out with him when he asked her for a date.
C. Marie feels sorry for Mario and takes care of the children when he becomes drunk and
D. Joe uses threats of taking away the children if Amy won't do as he asks; she leaves the

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Chapter 07 - Preventing Abuse against Women

True / False Questions

24. As a result of severe Intimate Partner Violence, victims lose a total of 8 million days of
paid work.

25. One in four women will experience severe domestic violence sometime in her lifetime.

26. Finances is the most common reason that a woman stays with a man in an abusive

27. A current or former husband, boyfriend or date is more likely to rape, beat or stalk a
female than any other person.

28. Women who have been raped by an acquaintance, such as a boyfriend, neighbor, or
relative, are more likely to report the rape than a woman who has been raped by a stranger.

29. Every year in the U.S., the costs of all aspects of rape (law enforcement, treatment, lost
productivity and etc.) is $460 million dollars and cost for stalking has an annual cost of 461
million dollars.

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Chapter 07 - Preventing Abuse against Women

30. A woman in college is more likely to be raped by and acquaintance than by someone she
does not know.

31. Women are more likely than men to be the perpetrators of abuse against children.

32. During the tension phase of the cycle of abuse, the man attempts to justify his behavior by
blaming other for his behavior.

33. During the calm of honeymoon phase of the cycle of abuse, the man engages in minor
verbal or physical abuse and to keep the women under control.

34. Research conducted on college campuses determined that 40 percent of college age
women reported being raped while on a date.

35. If a woman is assaulted or murdered and is pregnant, the perpetrator can also be indicted
for murdering an unborn, viable fetus.

36. Cyberstalking includes identity theft, making threatening remarks, posting suggestive
pictures without permission and is a federal crime.

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Chapter 07 - Preventing Abuse against Women

37. Due to the overwhelming concern for IPV, there are several thousand shelters available
for battered women in the U.S., where women can find refuge and safety.

38. Once a woman has experienced domestic abuse or acquaintance rape, she will be unable
to overcome the emotional trauma and therefore, have negative consequences throughout her

39. In the book, The Courage to Heal, the authors state that women will go through, in
sequence, all 14 stages of healing from violence and abuse.

40. The first stage of healing, according to the authors of The Courage to Heal, is for the
abused woman to confront the perpetrator and disclose the abuse.

41. The problem with the concept with "self-caring" is that women become selfish and
self-centered and are lax in taking care of their family during the healing process.

42. Women should be taught, from a very early age, to be intolerant of any form of physical,
sexual, or emotional abuse inflicted upon them regardless of who is abusing them.

43. Nine out of ten victims of rape knew their attackers as dating partners or acquaintances at
the time of the assault.

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Chapter 07 - Preventing Abuse against Women

44. The majority of violence and abuse is committed in Caucasian homes against Caucasian
women and children.

45. It is important to recognize behaviors associated with a potential rapist. These include:
disrespectful behavior toward women, viewing women as second class citizens, lacks concern
for women's feelings, and is often controlling and domineering.

46. Most elder abuse, such as neglect or financial exploitation, is caused by the victim's
neighbors or service people, such as repairmen.

Matching Questions

47. Match the following description and terms

1. Ultimate control of Partner not allowed to work, have a bank account,

behavior or write checks 5
2. Fear for self or Threatening to take children or degrading mother
children in front of children 4
Yelling, gestures, verbal degradation are
3. Isolation frightening 2
Partner not allowed to join organization, travel, or
4. Use of children run errands 1
5. Financial Jealousy, restricts control with friends and social
disadvantages contacts 3

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Chapter 07 - Preventing Abuse against Women

Essay Questions

48. Explain the stages and the meaning of the stages as written in the short poem,
Autobiography in Five Short Chapters. What is the significance of this poem to women who
live in an abusive relationship?

Answers will vary

49. What can you do on a personal level and what can communities do to help prevent the
epidemic of violence and abuse in the U.S.?

Answers will vary

50. If you were a woman with children, who has decided to leave an abusive relationship,
outline what you would need to do to prepare for leaving and surviving outside of your
abusive home.

Answers will vary

51. Briefly list and describe five main aspects of The Violence Against Women and
Department of Justice Reauthorization Act of 2005.

Answers will vary

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