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Business event BSS JTCG : JT BizFusion

Activities 1 :
Activity: Business Battle Royale : Corporate clash debate
Objective: Enhance communication skills, critical thinking, and
teamwork among delegates while discussing and debating the
strengths and weaknesses of two assigned business companies.
Duration: Approximately 1 hour
1. Divide the delegates into two teams, each representing one of the
assigned business companies.
2. Assign each team a specific business company to research and
1. Opening Statements (5 minutes per team):
• Each team presents a brief opening statement highlighting
the key strengths and competitive advantages of their
assigned company.
2. Rebuttal Round (10 minutes per team):
• Teams take turns to present rebuttals to the opening
statements of the opposing team.
• Focus on highlighting the weaknesses and challenges faced
by the other company.
3. Cross-Examination (15 minutes):
• Teams can ask questions to the opposing team about the
information presented during the opening statements and
4. Counterarguments (10 minutes per team):
• Teams present counterarguments to the points raised by the
opposing team during the rebuttal round.
5.Closing Statements (5 minutes per team):
• Each team delivers a concise closing statement summarizing
their arguments and emphasizing why their assigned
company is a better choice.
Judging: Appoint a panel of judges (or the audience) to evaluate the
teams based on the following criteria:
• Content and Quality of Arguments
• Communication and Presentation Skills
• Ability to Address Counterarguments
• Overall Teamwork and Engagement
Activity 2 : "MediaFusion AdQuest: Crafting, Curating &
Showcasing Ads"
Objective: Infuse business innovation with media creativity by
challenging students to create impactful advertisements at home
and present them during the event. Students will also share insights
on the significance of media in business, its impact on sales, and
other related aspects.
Duration: Half-day event
1. Assign each student or team a product or service to advertise.
2. Provide guidelines for the format and duration of the ads.
1. Ad Crafting & Curating (2 weeks prior to event):
• Students work from home to create engaging
advertisements for their assigned product or service.
• Ads can include videos, images, jingles, slogans, or any other
creative element.
2. Presentation Day:
• Students showcase their ads in a designated space during
the event.
3. Media in Business Discussion (During the event):
• Each student or team presents a brief talk on the
importance of media in business.
• Discuss how effective media usage impacts sales, brand
image, customer engagement, and more.
Event Day Schedule:
1. Ad Display Session (1 hour):
• All created ads are displayed for attendees to view and
• Attendees can vote for their favorite ad.
2. Media in Business Presentations (1 hour):
• Students share insights on the role of media in business
• Discuss how well-crafted ads contribute to sales growth and
brand recognition.
Judging Criteria:
• Creativity and Originality
• Clarity of Message
• Emotional Impact
• Audience Engagement
• Students learn to communicate a business message through
• Develop creative thinking and design skills.
• Experience the process of crafting an advertisement.
• Gain insights into the power of media in business promotion.

Activity 3: "BizTrivia Showdown: Business Knowledge in a

Nutshell" (mandatory)
Objective: Wrap up the event with a lighthearted and engaging
business-themed trivia game that tests students' knowledge and
adds a fun twist to the business-focused day.
Duration: 30 minutes
1. Prepare a list of trivia questions related to business concepts,
famous entrepreneurs, iconic brands, and more.
2. Divide students into small teams of 3-4.
1. Round 1 - Quick-Fire: (10 minutes)
• Ask a series of rapid-fire questions, each with a 10-second
time limit.
• Teams compete to buzz in with the correct answer.
• Award points for each correct answer.
2. Round 2 - Multiple Choice: (10 minutes)
• Present multiple-choice questions to each team in turn.
• Teams have a short time to confer and choose the correct
• Points are awarded for correct choices.
3. Round 3 - Picture Round: (5 minutes)
• Show images related to famous logos, business figures, or
• Teams guess the company or individual associated with each
4. Final Round - Business Pictionary: (5 minutes)
• Each team takes turns sending a member to draw a
business-related term or concept without using words.
• The team members must guess the term within a time limit.
• Points are awarded for correct guesses.
• Benefits: End the event on a fun note.
• Reinforce business concepts in an enjoyable way.
• Foster team bonding and friendly competition.

Note: Opt for Business Battle Royale or MediaFusion

AdQuest. Unleash strategic debates or creative ads. Don't
miss BizTrivia Showdown – mandatory and enjoyable.

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