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Assignment PSD3 Leadership and Responsibility:

Interview with a business professional

Bobrov Danylo
Professional skills development 3- LBVP21TOP3
Desire Nieborg
7 April 2022

Words: 2914
PSD3 Leadership and Responsibility:
Interview with a business professional

Table of Contents

Chapter 1 : Part A Personal reflections......................................................................................3

1.1. Reflection on Session 1..................................................................................................3

1.2. Reflection on Session 2..................................................................................................4

Chapter 2 : Part B DIY Experience............................................................................................4

2.1 Planning and Organization..............................................................................................6

2.2 Analysis...........................................................................................................................6

Chapter 3 : Part C Assignment...................................................................................................6

3.1 Introduction.....................................................................................................................7

3.2 Methodology...................................................................................................................7

3.3 Findings...........................................................................................................................7

3.4 Conclusions.....................................................................................................................8

3.5 Recommendations...........................................................................................................9

Chapter 4 : Part D Assignment..............................................................................................8

List of interview questions.......................................................................................................10

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PSD3 Leadership and Responsibility:
Interview with a business professional

The development of leadership qualities and responsibility for their actions are very
important for a person in the modern world, because people are divided into 2 types in the
current realities: those who follow and those who follow someone. These 2 qualities are very
valuable for a person as they are rare. To adapt to new conditions, to be the leader of the
general opinion and also to be responsible for all this is a big and heavy load that not
everyone can withstand. This report consists of 3 parts. The first part contains my thoughts
about such qualities as responsibility and leadership, what they are and how to develop them.
Next, the reporter will contain information about my interview with a Ukrainian
businessman, how I composed questions and selected a person for an interview. The last part
of the report contains my conclusions and arguments about the interview I conducted.

Chapter 1 : Part A Personal reflections

1.1.Reflection on Session 1
Leadership is a social process in which one person receives support from the outside to
achieve a common goal. This quality can be possessed by units of our society, but this does
not mean that leadership cannot be developed.

The development of this quality will help you to gather a cohesive and effective team around
you and get more freedom when making decisions. It will open up new ways for you in life,
perhaps set new goals for you, moreover, this quality will help you to be more open towards
others, they will be interested in you and ask for advice from you!

There are a lot of ways to develop leadership skills, for example, control the situation and
inspire people. Being a leader means spreading your desire to progress to others. Always be
in the field of view of the colleagues, direct them and they will give results.

I also advise you to listen to others and never stop learning. Listen to the advice of smart
people, implement them into your plans. You should never experience feeling annoyed when
your colleagues or friends disagree with your opinion. Constantly learn something new,
because it will help you keep a clean mind in old age and not lose your previously learned
skills. In my class, almost all the guys are not silent, but express their point of view, everyone
listens and helps each other, I am very happy about this because it makes the class friendly,
smart and productive.

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PSD3 Leadership and Responsibility:
Interview with a business professional

I can call myself a leader because since childhood I gathered people around me and was the
soul of the company. I have no problem working in a team, representing someone or
something. Personally, it seems to me that only extroverted people have the opportunity to
lead people, because introverts are closed people who are not used to attention and are not
ready to lead people.

1.2.Reflection on Session 2
For me, responsibility is one of the most important qualities in a person, because this factor
determines whether a person will fulfill a promise or whether he will fulfill his work duties
on time. This quality can be developed like all others. This quality plays a major role in
relation to other people, their attitude towards you, as well as the degree of trust in you. All
these indicators directly depend on how responsible you are and whether you can be trusted.

Usually, responsibility comes with age, you grow, you learn something new. As a result,
there are more and more tasks and goals, respectively, the responsibility for performing these
tasks is also growing. We need to understand that we have responsibilities to parents, friends
and animals. A person should live not only as he likes, but also take into account the opinions
of others at the same time so that they feel comfortable next to you. There is also a
responsibility before the law. Only one wrong action separates you from the bars, and
unfortunately, nowadays there are fewer and fewer people who do not allow them. There are
fewer and fewer people to rely on.

I believe that this quality should be developed from childhood, because an adult is fully
developed and it will be very difficult to change something in him. All children are similar to
their parents in appearance and character- therefore, it is very important to convey the right
and necessary things to your child, be an example, show how to behave by example, then
your child will grow up responsible and ready for the adult world. It is wrong when parents
shift the upbringing of their child to others, for example friends, relatives. First of all, this
speaks about the irresponsibility of parents, their child grows up on the street and will never
become a decent person. First of all, the poor upbringing and irresponsibility of the child will
affect first his parents and then the rest of the world in which he will live and coexist.

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PSD3 Leadership and Responsibility:
Interview with a business professional

I can call myself a responsible son, i was lucky with my family, my relatives love me and
brought up a decent person in me. You can rely on me now, studying at the university, I have
no problems working in a team. The guys know me as a smart, charismatic person who you
can rely on. In the end, I want to say that the qualities and psychotype of a person are created
by the upbringing of parents and your environment. Responsibility is a very strong and
important quality in a person at the moment, without it it will be difficult to exist in the
modern world.

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PSD3 Leadership and Responsibility:
Interview with a business professional

Chapter 2 : Part B DIY Experience

2.1 Planning and Organization
For this task, it was necessary to find and interview one entrepreneur on the topic of
leadership and responsibility. The task does not require mandatory teamwork, so I decided to
work alone. At first I decided to find the right person for an interview. I chose only Ukrainian
businessmen since I am from there and only with them I was able to contact and choose the
time for our online meeting. My choice settled on the founder of the computer academy,
Dmitry Korchevsky. I studied at his academy a few years ago, and I liked the way the
learning process was set up: its convenience and efficiency. The next stage in the preparation
of the interview was the questions. I have compiled 10 open-ended questions on leadership
and responsibility, how to develop these qualities and what they are needed for.

2.2 Analysis

I really liked this assignment and my interview with Dmitry. It took place in a calm, friendly
atmosphere. The survey participant answered all the questions in detail, while clearly
understanding the topic of the conversation. I learned a lot from his answers, he also told me
about the pitfalls in business, as well as the pros and cons of being a leader. According to his
answers, it can be judged that a person understands this issue and is a real leader and an
example for others

Chapter 3 : Part C Assignment

3.1 Introduction
This topic gave us the opportunity to reflect, create questions and interview any entrepreneur,
find out what it's like to be a leader, what are his responsibilities and is it difficult to be one?
While I was writing this portfolio, I read articles on these topics for myself, I learned new
ways to show leadership qualities, cope with tasks, adapt and become the best version of
myself. This report contains my reasoning, conclusions and recommendations about the
interview I conducted.

3.2 Methodology
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PSD3 Leadership and Responsibility:
Interview with a business professional

10 questions were prepared before the interview. They were aimed at identifying such
qualities as leadership and also how leadership helps in work. I also wanted to get
information about the biography and personal business path of our guest, Dmitry. I wanted to
hear the obstacles on the way to creating my own capital, as well as what type of business is
relevant in 2022 and how students build their capital right now, despite studying.

All 10 questions are open, that is, they assume a detailed answer. The questions were
compiled on various topics, and aimed to get to know Dmitry better and remember a few life
hacks and tips that can be applied in business in the future.

3.3 Findings

Dmitry gave detailed answers to my questions, thanks to him I learned many new methods
how to increase my responsibility and be able to show leadership qualities among the people
around yo u. When choosing a candidate for an interview, I was guided by 3 factors. I wanted
the interviewee to have at least 10 years of work experience in one field, thanks to this we can
conclude that the person knows a lot about his business and can give any recommendations.
The second factor was convenience for both of us. I had to compose interview questions, and
Dmitry had to find free time for me to answer them, I wanted it to be in a calm atmosphere
and my interlocutor was comfortable. The third factor was my limited choice. Since I do not
know many foreign entrepreneurs and have lived in Ukraine almost all my life, there were not
so many candidates with whom I was in touch and had the opportunity to record an interview.
Dmitry Korchevsky is the founder of the largest non-governmental academy of various
computer sciences. The main incentive for his endeavors was dissatisfaction with the way the
education system is built in Ukraine. It was outdated and not effective. This prompted him to
create his own academy, which offered a completely new way of education. His philosophy
also says that it's never too late to learn and you need to improve all the time. That is why in
his classes you can see absolutely adult men and women. It offers education not only to
children and teenagers, but also to every person who wants to learn something new.

3.4 Conclusions
The results of the interview opened up a lot of new things for me in doing business. I used to
think to start my own business, it does not require particularly large investments. I was very
much mistaken, the time spent with Dmitry opened my eyes to how business is conducted,
how to find investors correctly, establish a climate in the team, how not to lose motivation
and motivate colleagues with their actions and decisions.

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PSD3 Leadership and Responsibility:
Interview with a business professional

The interviewing process itself was as usual and simple as possible. First I contacted Dmitry
and we chose a convenient time and day for both of us. Thus, the interview turned out to be
holistic, interesting and informative for me. Then we called up and talked a little before the
interview itself, and then I started asking questions prepared earlier. During the survey, he
acted and answered like a true professional and opinion leader, I liked the confidence in his
3.5 Recommendations

In order to acquire new qualities and develop old ones, such as leadership and responsibility, I
recommend my classmates to be open to the world, always learn something new, because
time does not stand still and everything around you is progressing. If you want, and most
importantly, to lead your like-minded people or lead people with your idea, then you must
definitely withstand criticism in your direction and listen to the opinions of people who
surround you. A leader and a simple person must be reliable and loyal before the law, their
family, friends, and the world around them.

Gordon, Jon. The power of a positive team: Proven principles and practices that make great
teams great. John Wiley & Sons, 2018.

Chapter 4 : Part D Assignment

The Power of a Positive Team by Jon Gordon is a book that shares principles and proven
practices that lead to the building of great teams. Jon Gordon is a graduate of Cornell
University and did his Master's in Teaching from Emory University. He focuses more on
training and developing positive organizations, leaders, and teams. Previously, Gordon
worked with academic institutions, athletic organizations, and Corporations, including San
Diego Padres, Miami Heat, and Los Angeles Dodgers. The book motors over themes and
tools: culture, dealing with negativity, ownership of team dynamic, and tacking goals.
Gordon shows us using tools and reminds us that these tools are used within our power. I
choose this book because it is good to use for teams striving for more and wanting to become
great (Gordon, Jon). I find it very easy to read and contains interesting stories many different
professionals share. Moreover, in every chapter, Gordon's bullet-point is a call to action
worth heeding.

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PSD3 Leadership and Responsibility:
Interview with a business professional

Positivity coach Gordon talks to most outstanding teams and shows how good collaboration
or teamwork happens and how this is crucial to team success. The author talks more about
tools and principles they use to improve their teams, commitment, culture, communication,
connection, performance, and team culture. Gordon also identifies the common obstacles
which hinder team success. Collaboration between group members helps in overcoming
negativity; keep moving forward by facing adversity. Jon Gordon also provides a blueprint
for addressing common factors that make organizations or teams fail, including
unaccountability, inconsistency, selfishness, and complaining. Gordon also shares the best
practices to transform negativity between members and create more trust and better ways to
make the team stronger, better, cohesive, and positive team.
Critical analysis
I enjoyed reading this book. I have served and have been a leader of many teams. Therefore, I
identified many helpful things in this book. The first half of the book motivated me on things
to do with different groups on how I can bring collaboration between team members and be a
more effective leader. Gordon gives the target audience words of encouragement, especially
when you are in an optimistic team. In each chapter, there is essentially a collection of
motivational teamwork phrases with short real-life examples. It gives me the energy of “let’s
do it ."Recently, I formed a runners group during the pandemic period, but we were not
exactly a team because some were just seasoned runners training. I could not tell that our
group was a team. Still, after reading Gordon's book, I had to develop critical ways of
recognizing our informal running group to have better collaboration between members. I
showed them the importance of showing up, giving positive feedback, ending together, and
starting together. To benefit more from the content in this book, you should compare
Gordon's thoughts with your life experiences. After reading it, see how you can improve your
team, including your community, family, service, or work teams, to make better good teams
and fulfill life.
One time, I was given an essential project in a company I was working as a part-timer. I
needed a lot of time to finish this project because I had other activities to attend. I requested
the manager add one more person to work as a group, and he granted my suggestion. With
the addition of one more member, I could dedicate more time to the project and work
together, which made us complete the project on time.
In my last role, I worked in a hotel in a management department. It was during summer,
customers complained about poor communication from workers. I was surprised to hear this
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PSD3 Leadership and Responsibility:
Interview with a business professional

because it was easy to solve it. One of the customers told me that he had presented the issue
at the front desk. For an immediate and effective solution, that evening before closing, I
called all workers and taught them that good communication was the best way to deal with
customers. We talked about different ways to boost their customers with customers. The next
day I did not receive any complaints again from the customers.
This is an exciting book that can and should be read by all. It can also be suitable for
seasoned travelers on this road because it is a time refresher and valuable. This book may not
be the one book that every leader needs to read because it may not give enough clear
solutions. But it is worth reading and embracing principles. Finally, this book provides a
delightful foundation for exploring collaboration among team members.

Appendices: List of interview questions

1. What are the most important values you demonstrate as a leader?

2. What is the difference between a Team leader and a Team manager?

3. How do you get others to accept your ideas?

4. How do you organize projects and tasks?

I organize them by what is the most important and time-sensitive to complete.

5. How do you encourage the development of your employees?

6. What are the most difficult decisions to make?

7. How would you deliver bad news to your team?

8. What is the most difficult part of being a leader?

9. How do you motivate your team?

10. What is your greatest strength?

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PSD3 Leadership and Responsibility:
Interview with a business professional

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