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G distancing W time B inking | a Talk toa partner, 1 Which of the following do you do? To what extent do you think doing one thing affects how well you do the other? + Talk ona hands-free mobile while you are driving, + Talkcon the phone while you are doing housework ‘or cooking, + Check your emails or chat online while you are ‘working or studying. + Look ata website while you are having a conversation ‘on the phone. + Listen to music while you are studying / working + Listen to music while you are doing exercise. + Send a text while talking toa friend. 2 Are there any other activities you do simultaneously? 3 Have you ever made a mistake or hid an accident ‘because you Were multitasking? 4 Do you think multitasking helps you to use your time better? b Workin pairs, A and B. You are going to read different articles about new research into multitasking. Read your texts and be ready to tell your partner about the following: ‘whet the research has shown ‘hat sort of multitasking people do a) during the day b) during the evening Mark Vickery and his wifes experience what he thinks the pros and cons are a typical teenager’ attitude to multitasking ‘what the research has shown about multitasking ‘what things we can do successfully simultaneously ‘what happens when people try to do two or mote related tasks simultaneously ‘problems that arise from multitasking when you are driving ¢ Now tellezch other the main points in the articles you have just read, ne A “Half our ies spent trying to find something to do with the time we have rushed througi ie trying to save” Wil Rogers, US humorist, Multitasking = 31/7 1 Latest research suggests that typical middle-class city-dwellers now have so many time-saving gadgets that they can fit into 24 hours the same quantity of tasks that a decade ago would have taken 31 hours to complete. 2 For many people, the frenzy starts over breakfast, reading emails on a hand-held BlackBerry® while ‘making toast. It caries on in the car where a driver with a Bluetooth® earpiece holds a conference call while keeping an ear on the radio and checking the satnav 3. Work is then a blizzard of emails, phone calls, and ‘meetings, often happening simultaneously. However, according to OTX, an American consumer research organization, the most intense period of multitasking appears to be in the evening. ‘People will be pressing television remote control while using a wireless laptop computer balanced on their knee, emailing ‘and texting friends on a mobile phone, and holding ‘a conversation with friends or family members,’ said Patrick Moriarty, one of the authors of the report. They. may be far more mentally engaged than they are in the office.” 4 According to the study, while television remains the ‘main Focus of attention in the evening, nearly half the respondents were also using computers and phones (0 catch up with friends, update their Facebook or other social networks, or download and listen to music. 5 Mark Vickery, 35, from Medway, Kent, agreed that for him and his wife Susan, an NHS doctor, the evening was tha peak of multitasking. ‘Both of us are out of the house during the day’ said Vickery, a marketing manager. When we come back in the evening we tend to have a lat of technology on the go. We'll be using online banking, Facebook, and email, and programming the TV shows we want to watch later. 6 ‘On the one hand its good - you get more done. On the other hané, when I eft university seven years ago, life was much simpler. There was more telking face-to- face and more time spent over dinner.” Blackserry® hand-held device which makas available mail, ‘bile pono, ob browsing, ee Bluetooth® techaology tht makes it possible for various devices and peciphetls to communicate with each other and ‘withthe Internet without the need for cables atmo navigation system tht receives nformaticn via eotlite Fires The Times "The great myth of multitasking 1 You open the door to your teenage daughters room, ‘hat are you doing? you ask. ‘Nothing much,’ she answers, ‘Burning a CD, doing my homework, helping Jade with hers on MSN...” ‘all atthe same time?” ‘Sure, i's easy! 2 While your daughter may be convinced that she can do all these things at the same time, a number of recently published neuroscience research papers argue that this is notin fact the case. Apparently what is realy happening is that our brains juggle these tasks, rapidly ‘switching from one to the other and choosing 2 sequence in which to do them. 2 This may seem counterintuitive. Multitasking isa perfectly natural everyday occurrence. We can cook the dinner while engrossed in a soap on TV or we can chat to a friend while walking down the street without bumping into anybody or getting run over. However, research suggests that there is an enormous diference between hhow the brain can deal with what are referred to a5 ‘highty practised tasks, such as string or walking, and how it responds when, for example, you think about another ingredient or you decide to change the rection in which you are welking. n this case, our brains will require us to concentrate on the activity at hand. 4 The problem, it seems, occurs when human beings try to carry out two or Fore tasks that are in some way related. We can see the effect ofthis if we look at ‘what happens when people use mobile phones while driving (even if they are hands-free). Most people feel they are capable of driving and having a conversation at the same time. This i fine until they need to process language while driving, for example on a road sign. ‘Then the language channel ofthe brain gets clogged and the brain can no longer cope. A similar thing occurs if ‘the conversation tums to something visal, for example {your friend describing what their new flat looks like, in this case, as you try to imagine what they are describing, the visual channel of the brain is overloaded and you can no longer concentrate on the road. 5. David E Meyer, dtector of the Brain, Cognition, and Action laboratory atthe University of Michigan, who i considered to be one of the world's experis in this “eld, believes that human beings ‘will never, ever be able to overcome the inherent limitations in the brain for processing information during multitasking, Itjust can't be done, any more than the best of all humans will ever be able to run a one-minute mile! [MSN here elas to MSN messenger, en line instant rassopingeervieo 2303p infernal sap opera LEXIS IN CONTEXT 4. Work with the same partner. Find words which mean: in 1 nour a small ool or device that does something usefl (Para 1) 2 oun a state of great activity (Para 2) 3 ow a movtorm, large quantity of things ‘that may seem to be aftacking you (Para 3) 4 mp find ont wht people have been doing, get their latest news (Pare 4) 5 noun the top of a mountain, the point ‘when sb / sth is best, highest, o strongest (Para 5) B 6 veri to throw asetofthree or more objects in the arand catch and throw them again quickly one ata time, to try to deal with two or more activities at ‘the same time (Para 2) 7 “adj so interested in sth that you give it all your attention (Pera 3) 8 verb to deal succesfully with sth difficult (Para 4) 9 __verb block (Pera 4) 10 verb to succeed in dealing witha problem that has been preventing you from achieving sth (Pra 5) Metaphors | | ‘When you look up a word in the dictionary, the first :meaning(s listed will normally be the literal meaning(s) and metaphorical meanings will be listed later. However, if you know the literal meaning of a word or phrase you can often guess the metaphorical meaning in a text, ‘eg. ifyou know the literal meaning of blizzard you can easly understand the metaphor a blizzard of emails. € After reading the two articles, do you think that ‘multitasking saves you time, or are you probably ‘wasting time by doing things less effectively? Give ‘examples from your own experience, 2 GRAMMAR distancing a Look at the highlighted phrases in the two articles. ‘What do they have ia common? ‘b © p40 Grammar Bank 28. Read the rules and do the exercises. cc You are ajournalist. Your editor has asked you to write a paragraph about one of the news stories whose headlines are below, However, she has asked you to be careful wht ‘you say, asthe facts avert been confirmed yet. Choose one story and write a paragraph of approximately 100 words. EATING CHIPS HELPS YGU STUDY BETTER! Footballer’s wife seeks divorce POLITICIAN LINKED TO CHARITY SEAMDAL Isjungle plant the key to eternal youth? i seem | appear 1 It seems / appears (that) there is a direct relation between your position inthe family and your personality. “The new head of depariment seems / appears to be quite fiend. Excuse me. There seems to be a mistake with the bill, 2 It would seem / appear (that) Mr Young had been using the companys assets to pay off his private debts. ‘We often use seem and appear to give information without stating that we definitely know itis true, and inthis way distancing ourselves from the information. ‘We cam use It seems | appears + that + dase, or subject + see appear + infinitive. We use It would seem | appear + that + clause to distance us even further from the information, and to make it sound less sure. This is more formal than It seems / appears. ‘The passive with verbs of saying and reporting 1 It is said that using a washing machine sav people oa average 47 minutes a day. Ithas been announced by a White House spokesman that the President has been taken to hospital 2 The company director is expected to resign in the nex few days ‘The missing couple are understood to have been living in Panama forthe last five years. 3 There are thought to be over thousend species in danger of extinction. Another way of distancing ourselves from the facts, especialy informal ‘writen English, i to use the passive form of verbs ke say, think tc, to introduce them. We can use: 1 d+ passive verb + that + danse, + Verbs commonly used in this pattem are: agree, announce, believe, expect, hope, report, say, sugges, think, and understand, 2 subject + passive verb + to + infinitive. + Verbs commonly used inthis pattern are believe, expect, report, say, think, and understand. 3. There can also be used + passive verb + io + infinitive ‘Compare: itis sai that there are more than five allio people living in poverty inthis country. There ae said to be more then five milion people living in poverty in this country. other distancing expressions: apparently, according to, may | might 1 Apparently, Maurice and Wette have separcted 2 According to new research, the idea that we have to drink two litres of water a day isa myth. 3 Dinosaurs may have ded out due o extremely rapid climate change. ‘There are ramoars thatthe band, who disbanded in the late 806, might be planning to re-form and record new album. 1 We can use apparently (asully ether at the beginning or the end ‘of a phrase) to mean that we have heatd / read something, but that itmay not be true. This is very common in informal conversation. 2 Wecan use according toto specify where information has come from, We use it to attribute opinions to somebody else (NOT Acconding tome). 3 Using may / might also suggests that something is ¢ possibilty, Dut not necessarily tru. Complete the sentences with one word to distance the speaker from the information. Sometimes there is more than one possibility. Apparent, Lisa and Dani are going to get matted. Have {ou heard anything? 1 It___ thatthe ess children sleep, the more likely they aze to behave badly. It_____ appear that someone has been stealing personal stems from the changing rooms, ‘Mark to have aged a lot over the last year. He may not lookit, but he is__to be one ofthe ‘wealthiest people inthe country to some sources, the latest research is seriously awed, Despite the fact that there willbe an autopsy his death have been from natural causes, are thought to be sceral reasons why the species aed oat ‘The missing couple are believed financial difficulties tis understood the near future. have had the minister willbe resigning in Rewrite the second sentence so that it means the same as the first. People say that eating garlic stops you catching colds. Tris said that eating garlic tops you catching cols. Apparently, people who work night shifts die younger yond = It is possible that the prisoners escaped to France. “The prisoners may ‘We expect that the Prime Minister will make a statement this afternoon. “The Prime Minister is —_ ‘The company has announced that the new drug will go on ssale shortly, t People believe that impovements in diet and lifestyle are responsible forthe rise in life expectancy. Improvements in diet and lifestyle ‘The manual says you have to charge the phone for atleast Whours. According — 1tappears thatthe government is intending to lower interest rates, ‘The government. People have suggested that the painting i fake. It It seems that there are more cyclists around than there used tobe There GDL atuttizom [New Eaglih File Taachor’s Book Advanced Photocoplabie © Oxford University Press 2010, Grammar distancing ) Rewrite the sentences using It seems / appears + that + clause. 1 The government appears to be planning to raise taxes. Itappears that the government is planning to raise taxes. 2 Men seem to be more at risk from this disease than women. 3 She appears to have changed her mind since I last spoke to her. 4 You seem to be unable to deal with this problem effectively. 5 The weather seems to be about to improve. 6 The robbers appear to have been wearing face masks. ) Rewrite the sentences using subject + passive verb + fo + infinitive. 1 Itis thought that the finance minister is about to resign from his post. ‘The finance minister is thought to be about to resign from his post. 2 Itis expected that a spokesman will make an announcement later today. 3 Itis believed that more than half of the population suffer from headaches. 4 Itis said that St Petersburg is one of the most majestic cities in the world 5 Itis thought that at least seventy people have been injured as a result of the explosion. 6 Itis expected that the economy will grow over the next six months. } Read the news report and underline all the distancing expressions. Concern is growing about a thirty-year-old man who has been missing from his Yorkshire home for more than aweek. It seems that Dan Glayver was last seen ‘when he left his office at around six p.m. last ‘Thursday. According to his partner, he did not return home that evening. Mr Glayver’s credit cards and mobile phone do not appear to have been used since ‘Thursday and his sudden disappearance is apparently completely out of character. Furthermore, there are said to be several inconsistencies in his partner's version of events, and the police are continuing to question her. It has been suggested by neighbours ‘that the couple’s relationship may have broken down in recent months. [=o D You are a TV newsreader. Use the following pieces of gossip to prepare an ei official news report about a famous actress. Be careful to distance yourself from the people's claims using a range of structures from a-c above. Blanche doesnitheve ‘any real frlends, only people who want to ‘be famous like her. another man. She's close toa nervous brealalown because the paparazzi follow hee everywhere, Her husband Jet left hher last week, and she ‘was seen dancing in a club last night with Jets going to file for divorce and Blanche wort have anything left after she's paid the lawyers “The bax office takings of her new film were very ‘poor and her career is in ruins. Actress Blanche Devoy was said to be close to a nervous breakdown last night. It has been suggested that... 161 INSTITUTO SUPERIOR DEL PROFESORADO “DR. JOAQUIN V. GONZALEZ” CONCURSO DE SELECCIGN DOCENTE: CLASE PUBLICA Instancia curricular: LENGUA INGLESA I Aspirante: SERGIO F. RODRIGUEZ RAMOS Fecha de la clase: 26 de junio de 2012 ‘Tema: CAUSATIVE VERBS (OCABULARY: Household Jobs A) In pairs, decide which word/phrase does not go with the verb in italics in each phrase. There is only one incorrect combination in each phrase. Example: cook dinner / the sauce / #he-kitchen change a plug / a leak / a light bulb decorate a flat / a room / kitchen appliances (ficthe grass / the shower / a washing machine service a scooter / clothes / a boiler [SPEAKING B) Let's discuss the following. 1. Which of the jobs mentioned in the previous exercise do you do yourself? 2. Who does the other jobs in your home? 3. Which of these jobs do people normally pay for? Sere ISTENING COMPREHENSIO! C) Listen to two women (Jan and Donna) talking about some tasks that they do themselves and others that other people do for them. As you listen, decide whether the following sentences describe Jan or Donna.? ‘She does most things round the'house herself. She got her father to teach her how to do things. ‘She had never had any kitchen appliances serviced before. ‘She sometimes has her brother do things for her. She is having the bathroom redecorated. She services her own scooter. She had to get the boiler serviced. NOURONE (GRAMMAR: Causative Verbs D) Examine the sentences in the previous exercise and fill in each of the following gaps with the number of the sentence in exercise C. suggest that the speaker does the task/s Sentences «and . without help from other people. FE) Now analyse the other sentences in exercise C and decide which have the following structures. 1. Person 1 + have/get + something + past participle 2. Person 1 + get + person 2 + full infinitive (i.e. infinitive with to) 3. Person 1 + have + person 2 + bare infinitive (i.e. infinitive without to) F) Finally, in pairs, match each of the structures in the previous exercise to the meaning below that it expresses. 1. Someone does the job for the speaker and we know who. 2. Someone does the job for the speaker but we don’t know who. ' Recording from Redston, C, & G. Cunningham (2009) Face2face (Upper-intermediate ~ Student’s Book). CUP. Lesson 10 A. G) Choose the correct form of the words/phrases underlined. 1. [had the roof repair - repaired after the storm. 2. She has finally decided to get - have an interior designer to decorate her flat. 3. As we can't do it ourselves, we will have to fix the washing machine — get the washing machine fixed. 4. Have they ever had you do ~ to do the washing-up? H) Complete the second sentence so that it has roughly the same meaning as the first. Use the word given in brackets and do not change it. Example: asked someone to change the plug for me yesterday. (HAD) Thi ed yesterday. 1. Do you ever make someone help you with your college homework? (GET) Do you ever .. Ps . you with your college homework? 2. Do you pay someone to cut your hair or do you cut it yourself? (HAVE) Do you .... ae .. cut or do you cut it yourself? 3. When did you last have a photographer take a photo of you? (GET) When. did you last . photographer? 4. If there was a huge spider in your bathroom, would you ask somebody else to remove it for you? (HAVE) If there was a huge spider in your bathroom, would you bya .. it for you? 5. What would you like a college teacher to have you do in class? (GET) What would == you —slike_ «= a_—s(tcollege~—steacher —to oa .. do in class? 1) Ask other people in the class the questions in the previous exercise. Passive Iwas bora... We say: I was born. (not am born’) © Twas bora in Chicego, © Where were you born? (not ‘winere are you born’) | P2#* simple lout ¢ How many babies are born every day? resent srmple Some verbs can have two objects. For example give: «© Wegave. the police the information, (= We gave the information tothe police.) object’ ~abjeaa Sot is possible co make two passive sentences: © The police were given the information. or ‘The information was given tothe police. Other verbs which can have two objects ace: ask offer pay show teach tell ‘When we use these verbs inthe pusive, most often we begin withthe perso © Twas offered the job but I refused i, (= che offeted me the job) © You will be given plenty of time to decide. (= we will give you platy of time) © Have you been shown the new machine? = has anybody shown you...2) ‘@ Themen were paid £200 to do the werk. (= somebody paid the men £200) dont like being ‘The passive of doing/sering ec. is being done being seen ete, Compare: ‘active: I doa’ like people telling me wha to do, ‘passives don’t like being told what co do, ¢ Iremember being given a toy drum on my fifth birthday. (=I remember somebody giving me a toy drum.) ‘© Me Miller hates being kept waiting, («be hates people keeping him waiting) ‘© Wemanaged to climb over the wall without being seen (without anybody setng us) Get Sometimes you can use ge instead of be inthe passive: © Thece was «fight atthe party but nobody got hurt.» nobody was hurt) © [don’t often get invited to partes = Fm not often invited) 12 Frm sarprised Ann didn't get offered the ob, (..Ann wast offered the job) “ont san use get say that meting happens to somebody or something, especially if this it ‘unplanued or unexpected: © Our dog got sun over by acat, “You cau use get only when things happen or chenge. For example, you cannot use get in these seater © ils iked by everybody, (not ‘gets liked this isnot a“happening') He was a mystery man. Nothing was known about hin. (not ‘got known") ‘We use get mainly in informal spoken English, You can use he inal situations ‘We also use get in the following expressions (which are not passive in meaning): set marie get divorced ‘et dressed (= puton your clothes) ge changed 2 your clothes) Paseo) end) RETIN Ba 432 33 BA ww EXERCISES & ‘When were they born? Choose five of these people and write a sentence foreach. (Twa of there were born in the same year) Beethoven Galileo vis Presley 1452. 1869 1929 Agatha Christie Mahatma Gandhi», Leonardo da Vinci 1588. 1891. 1935, Mek-Disney Marin Luther King William Shakespeare 1770 490 1 Walt. Dir wae her.n i201, 3 —_ S 4 es . 7 And you? 1 ora rea eas Write these sentences in another way, begining inthe way chown 1 Thay didn’t give me the money. 1 watt itn the money, 2 They asked me some dificult questions at the interview. 3 Janes’ colleagues gave her a present when she seticed, Janes. a . eee 4 Nobody told me that George was il. TWA88" rene : ef 5 How much will they pay you? How much will 70 nn 7 suciedntaleae teas 6 Think they should have offered Tom the job, 1 think TO eonnrneaennne ca - 7 Has anybody shown you what to de? fife Have you rail Sees ana | Complete the sentences using bung one ofthese verbs ask attack give invite keep pay 1 Me Miler docgn't lke .belna kept. siting 2 They went to she party without 3 Most people like or summnnunnsnmrs PRESRES 4 Tes a dangerous city, People won't go aut after dark because they ae ataid of 5 Tdon' ke stupid questions 65 ew people are prepared t0 Work WithOU cnn Complete the sentences using getlgot + one of thee vere (inthe correct form) ask break damage wet pay steal ~ sting stop ure 1 ‘There was fight at che pasty but nobody 0 hur, a etedseeecctie ‘bya bee while he was siting in the garden, 3. How did that window. 2 4 These tennis courts don ¢ seu mnmmvnvnns VERY offer. Not many people went to play 5 Tused to have a biycle but in 6 Last night | ise 7 How much did you, no B Please pack these things very carefully. don'e want them to : 9 People often want to know what my job is. Toft ure that question, er itis said that... He is said to... (be) supposed to. Stuy this example situation: ‘You can use these structures with a number of other verbs, especialy thought believed considered reported known expected alleged understood CConpare the ewo structures: Henry is very okd. Nobody knows exacely how old he is, but Isis said that [Bis 108 years od or [Hein said wo be 108 years old Bodh these sentences mean: People sy that hei 108 years ld? © Cathy works very hard, Its said that she works 16 hous a day. © The police are looking fora missing hoy. tis believed thatthe boy is wearing aor "The boy is believed ro be weating a white pullover and blue jeans. ‘white pullover and blue jeans, ‘© The strike staztodtheee weeks ago, kis expected that will end soon, or "Tae stike is expected to end soon, © A Laiend of mine hes been serested Tis alleged that he kicked a policeman. or “He is alleged to have kicked s policeman, © Those two houses belong tothe satne faily. (oF Sheis seid to work 16 hours a dey.” eee 44 Write these sentences in another way, beginning as shown. Use the underlined word ix yous sentence, 1 Ie is expeced thatthe sti will end aoon, The strike .IRepectedtaendsoen. 2 tis expected thatthe weather will be good tomorrow. ‘The weather is ie 3 tis helcwed that the thieves goin through the kitehen windows, The thil¥ 6 sernnannrnrr nn eee 7 s 4 tis reported that many people ace homeless after te floods, Many POPE seoonnennneeee 5 tis thought that the prisoner escaped by climbing over a wall The prkonet nnn eee es 6 tis alleged thatthe man drove chrough the town at 90 rales a hour, The MAM i renner - = 7 tis reposted that the building bas been badly damaged by fc. The building a ee eee eee ae 8 a Its sad that che company i Iovng «lo of money. “The company

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