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Supply notes October 23rd

Thank you for covering my classes today.

This is a great bunch of students, if you need any help – Fin and Mitchell from 7F and Keira from
7E will be able to point you in the right direction.

Please take attendance at the beginning of periods 1, 5, and 9

*please do not take away Izzy’s phone.

Feel free to adjust wherever you feel necessary! I will cover whatever you do not get to

8:50 – 10:50 Room 106 STEM 7E

Students have made eco jars, please have them (ONE AT A TIME – we have been known to
smash jars lol, please make sure they are very careful) get their jars and return to their desk.

Once everyone has their jars, they can take a piece of paper and a pencil and do a “gallery walk”
to view the other students jars and make observations as to whether the ecosystems are
thriving or not.

Once this is complete, students can work in small groups and create a chart in their science
notebooks with the headings.

Tundra, Desert, Forest, Wetland, and Aquatic  They can try to brainstorm and come up with as
many places as they can that would fall into these categories.

Ex, Sahara Desert, Congo rainforest, Everglades.

Once this is complete, they can try to generate a list of non-common animals found in these

At this point you can run a blooket/kahoot on ecosystems and have a little fun/break with them.
Students can transition to math once this is complete, have them take out their math notebook
(grid paper) and explore drawing squares, have them try to draw pictures only using squares,
and then have them draw a 1x1 square, 2x2, all the way up to 10x10 (we will come back to
these drawings tomorrow)

If they get through all this, they can explore the classroom to see if they can identify examples
of “perfect squares.”

11:30 – 12:30 GYM 7E

This is a busy time in the gym as there are usually multiple classes scheduled at once, please
discuss with Mme Montcalm and Mr Martyn.

If you end up with your own space, they can do a dynamic warmup led by Laikyn and then play
soccer, split them into 4 lines and do 4-minute shifts.

12:30 – 1:30 Room 106 STEM 7F

Same as two morning periods.

2:10 – 3:10 Room 106 7F STEM

Continued from periods 7/8

*If you need anything please see Rhonda Hargrave across the hall or email me.

Thanks again,

Mason Truswell

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