Essay Draft

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Shaza Alkendarji Academic Honesty and Drafting


Academic honesty questionnaire:

A. Identify three reasons why students cheat. (point-form)

1. Lack of knowledge: Sometimes students fail to understand what is required in the
assignments or do not know how to do what is required so they rely on other tools like AI to do
their job.
2. Lack of time: Many students feel the pressure of having too many assignments to do within a
short time, especially those students who work full-time or part-time jobs. Those students may
not have enough time to meet the deadlines of their assignments, so they cheat.
3. Lack of good examples: Some students are negatively influenced by their "cheaters" friends,
who make them believe that it is acceptable to cheat as long as everyone else is doing it.

B. Identify three problems associated with ChatGPT and/ other AI tools. (point form)
1. To be able to use ChatGPT you need to create a personal account on the ChatGPT
website which requires access to your email and your personal information. This raises
privacy concerns since we need to be careful about the kinds of data we give CahtGPT
access to.
2. ChatGPT encourages students to become lazy and rely on AI tools to write their
assignments and answer any questions rather than working hard on their own assignments
since it is easier to use ChatGPT than it is to work hard to search for answers and spend
long-time writing essays.
3. The information generated by ChatGPt is not always reliable because it is collected from
different websites on the internet and may or may not be correct information.

C. Option 1: Go on Google and browse through a few sites to find 5 AI tools used for essay
writing that may breach academic honesty in Colleges. (100 words)
Option 2: Go to Search “ List 5 AI tools that are used
for essay writing that may breach academic honesty in Colleges. Paraphrase the
response in your own words. Please note that chatgpt uses your data when you sign up
which may become a breach of your privacy. If this is a concern, you might want to
choose option 1. (100 words)
Shaza Alkendarji Academic Honesty and Drafting

Option 1:
In her article “10 AI Tools To Make Your Academic Writing Smarter & Faster”, Soniya Jain
(2022) mentioned five of the most used AI tools for academic writing, those tools are:
CopyAI: a platform that assists in the generation of human-sound material on a variety of topics.
Writesonic: a free tool that helps people to write articles or blogs about several topics.
Scalenut: a tool that can help in writing long articles.
Texta: a tool used by famous companies such as Google and Amazon and can help in writing
Hyperwrite: an extension for Chrome and is used to write academic essays.

D. Option 1: Go on google and browse through a few sites to find ways to avoid academic
dishonesty. (100 words)
OR Optional: Go to Search “How to avoid academic
dishonesty”. Paraphrase the response in your own words. Please note that chatgpt uses
your data when you sign up which may become a breach of your privacy. If this is a
concern, you might want to choose option 1. (100 words)
Option 1:
As per Cizek, G. J. (2003) Academic dishonesty is defined as participating in or contributing to
dishonest conduct in teaching, learning, research, and other academic activities. It is very
important to avoid academic dishonesty and here are some ways to do this by DiMenna-Nyselius
Library, Fairfield University (n.d)

 Be aware of your assignment's deadlines and start working sooner to meet them.
 Write down your notes on each source you are using while you are doing your research.
 Ask for additional information from your instructor or for help.
 Keep your integrity in mind and always prioritize it.
Shaza Alkendarji Academic Honesty and Drafting

Critique Essay Draft

Shaza Alkendarji

College Communications 2 (COMM171)

Prof. Emilda Thavaratnam

November 2, 2023
Shaza Alkendarji Academic Honesty and Drafting

When we were students, we all had dreams of a bright and successful future, but for some

of us these dreams were dashed by inflation and the increased cost of living.

The article “I'm studying for my dream job. But inflation is shifting my priorities”, by

Kyla Cassandra Cortez (2023) highlighted the impact of inflation and rising living costs on


Cortez (2023) discussed how inflation is forcing students like her to reconsider pursuing other

fields of study rather than their ideal ones to be able to obtain better careers. She highlighted how

inflation not only affected her financial situation but also influenced her decision to pursue

journalism while considering other conventional fields such as law and engineering. Kyla (2023)

also explained how the rising cost of living has put financial strain on her and put her in a

situation where she needs to choose between her financial stability and her university life

experience. In the end the author rais a huge concern about whether she should choose her dream

job ofinancialancial stability.

The author was able to convincingly imply that the inflation Canada is experiencing has had an

enormous effect on students who are now struggling financially due to rising living costs by

using logical and emotional appeals.

To begin, the author concentrated her argument primarily on emotional evidence,

telling the audience about her challenges and sturgeels to reach her dreams and goals. She started
Shaza Alkendarji Academic Honesty and Drafting

her articl by telling the audicne how difficult it was to convince her parents of her decision to

pursue journalism. Cortize (2023) claimed in her article that her parents were opposed to her

desire to become a journalist since they saw it as a dangerous job in the Philippines. By sharing

this personal experience with the readers, Cortize (2023) successfully built a connection between

her and the audience as many of the readers, whether they were parents or students, can relate to

the same situation. This generates feelings of compassion and empathy for the hardships

experienced by those following their aspirations despite financial limitations.

On the other hand, Cortize (2023) mentioned that some of her friends had the same experience as

hers and took the decision to change their programme of study to have better employment

chances. This was able to let the author question her decisions and whether it is better for her to

study in more traditional programs such as law or engineering. By sharing her friend’s

experience, the author was able to tap into the reader’s feelings of empathy since many people

may have the same experience which forced them to limit the achievement of their goals.

On the other hand, Cortize (2023) used logical appeals to convince the readers of

her idea that inflation forced her to reconsider her decision and choose between her dream job

and financial safety. Cortize (2023) appeals to cause and effect as she builds a strong connection

between the raising living cost which make it difficult to survive in Toronto as an undergraduate

student and her need to take unsafe decisions to save money. She used the example of getting

home late from a soccer game at her university and choosing to use public transit, which may not

be safe at night, to save money. In addition, she refers to an article from The Canadian

Press · which was posted in 2023 about how the economic crisis forced Postmedia Network

Corp. to cut off 11% of its editing team. By reffering to this articl,Cortize (2023) tried to support
Shaza Alkendarji Academic Honesty and Drafting

her thesis with logical appeals in order to convince the audience that her decision to study for her

dream job in journalism is being influenced by the economic crisis and inflation. By using this

teqnique she was succussful to show responsible and practicla way of thinking and planning for

her career path.

In conclusion, Kyla Cassandra Cortez's article, “I'm studying for my dream job. But

inflation is shifting my priorities”, was successful in highlighting the effects of inflation and

growing living costs on students' preferences and job choices. Cortez effectively supported her

argument and emphasized the challenges experienced by students like herself in following their

goals while managing financial restraints by appealing to logic and emotions. She was able to

connect with her audience and relate to their own shared experiences and provide evidence to

support her ideas. Finally, she was able to persuade the audience to evaluate their own decisions

and consider how inflation affects their dreams.

Shaza Alkendarji Academic Honesty and Drafting


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