5 Lost Principles For Success

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1. Establish what truth means for you.

2. Evaluate your current beliefs and figure out where your limiting beliefs come from.
3. Have a mentor.
4. Figure out what curriculum will set you free.
5. Seek intense hardship to forge discipline and self-control.

The five lost principles to become free and achieve success in whatever you do.

- 1. Establish what truth means for you and orient yourself accordingly. Finding your own
truth is crucial for determining your success.

It is important to determine your own understanding of truth and orient yourself

accordingly. By defining your own truth, you can navigate through life and make decisions
that align with your values and aspirations.

Socrates developed the Socratic method to find truth through questioning and examining
- By engaging in conversations with people from all walks of life, Socrates helped others
recognize their own ignorance as the first step towards wisdom.
- The Socratic method allows you to get to the real foundation of your beliefs by questioning
and critically examining them.

Socrates's execution was the starting point of the war on truth.

- Socrates was executed for corrupting the youth and questioning traditional values.
- People who encourage young generations to think for themselves are facing digital
execution or cancellation.

Plato's traumatic experience witnessing his mentor's death led to the foundation of the
academy and the birth of the education system.
- Plato was deeply affected by Socrates' death and developed ideas about injustice, the role
of the individual, and the concept of the good.
- The foundation of the academy in Athens marked the origin of the education system,
differing from the modern-day system as it came from the people, not the government.

- 2. Evaluate your current beliefs and identify their origins. Figure out where your limiting
beliefs come from.

Take the time to critically examine your existing beliefs and question their origins. By
understanding where your limiting beliefs come from, you can challenge them and open
yourself up to new perspectives and possibilities.

Independent critical thinkers diverge from initial philosophies

- Plato and Aristotle had different views on acquiring knowledge
- Aristotle mentored Alexander the Great to provide an elite education

Study science, philosophy, and mathematics to become a critical thinker and achieve true
- The ancient Greeks believed that studying these subjects made one a critical thinker and
led to true freedom.
- The school curriculum developed during the Middle Ages aimed at achieving spiritual and
intellectual freedom through a set of subjects.

- 3. Have a mentor.

Having a mentor is crucial for achieving success in life.

- Geniuses and incredible individuals in history were mentored by great minds.
- In the past, education involved fathers entrusting their children's education to wise
mentors who taught essential skills for becoming wise citizens and critical thinkers.

Having a mentor can be instrumental in your personal growth and success. Mentors provide
guidance, support, and wisdom based on their own experiences and knowledge. They can
help you navigate challenges, offer valuable insights, and inspire you to reach your full
Also it is important to know that mentors cannot promise your success because they are
unable to do the hard work for you. However, if you are willing to listen and follow their
advice, mentors can help you reach your goals faster. Their main role is to save you time by
helping you avoid the mistakes that beginners often make.

- 4. Follow the right curriculum to achieve freedom. Figure out what curriculum will set you

- The curriculum will provide you with the necessary knowledge about yourself and the
world to pursue freedom.
- History has shown the power of following a curriculum, such as the Prussian curriculum
that indoctrinated generations and created obedient factory workers.

Determine the curriculum that will set you free. Study subjects such as science, philosophy,
and mathematics to enhance your critical thinking abilities and develop a deeper
understanding of the world. By engaging in a well-rounded curriculum, you can expand your
knowledge and acquire the tools necessary for intellectual and spiritual freedom.

- 5. Seek intense hardship to forge discipline and self-control.

Embrace challenges and hardship as opportunities for personal growth and

self-improvement. By pushing yourself beyond your comfort zone, you can develop
discipline, resilience, and self-control. These qualities are crucial for success and enable you
to overcome obstacles on your path to true freedom.

- The Spartans believed in enduring through intense hardship to become strong and
disciplined individuals.
- Intense hardship breeds discipline and delayed gratification, leading to success.

Discipline and self-control are crucial for success in today's world

- The principles of discipline and self-control were highly valued in ancient Sparta and led to
their success for 150 years
- These principles are more relevant than ever and can lead to success in today's world,
especially for young adults.

The truth is being hidden by those in power to maintain control.

- The goal of those in power is to grow and perpetuate their own control, disregarding the
well-being of their people.
- The population knowing the truth poses a risk to the power of those in control, as they
would not be able to manipulate and deceive.

By incorporating these principles into your life, you can enhance your personal growth,
break free from societal conditioning, and achieve true freedom.


Here are five essential principles to achieve success and freedom in your endeavors:

1. Define your own understanding of truth and align your actions accordingly:
- Determine what truth means to you and orient yourself accordingly.
- Use the Socratic method to question and critically examine your beliefs.
- Recognize the importance of navigating through life based on your own truths and

2. Evaluate your current beliefs and identify their origins:

- Engage in critical thinking and question the origins of your limiting beliefs.
- Separate yourself from initial philosophies to foster personal growth.
- Explore various subjects such as science, philosophy, and mathematics to become a
critical thinker.

3. Seek guidance from mentors:

- Historical geniuses and remarkable individuals had mentors who provided guidance and
- Recognize the value of mentorship in your personal growth and success.
- Mentors offer support, insights, and inspiration as you strive to reach your full potential.

4. Follow a curriculum that promotes freedom:

- Choose a curriculum that empowers you with knowledge and understanding.
- Study subjects like science, philosophy, and mathematics to enhance critical thinking.
- Avoid curriculums that seek to indoctrinate and create conformity.

5. Embrace challenges to develop discipline and self-control:

- View difficult experiences as opportunities for personal growth.
- Push beyond your comfort zone to develop discipline and resilience.
- Understand that discipline and self-control are key traits for success in today's world.

By incorporating these principles into your life, you can foster personal growth, break free
from societal constraints, and achieve true freedom. It is important to recognize that these
principles may challenge existing power structures, as they prioritize personal growth and
critical thinking over control and manipulation. Stay committed to your own growth, pursue
truth, and work towards achieving your goals.


Here is the revised version of the text to make it more readable:

"The Five Lost Principles to Become Free and Achieve Success in Whatever You Do:

1. Establish Your Own Truth:

It is important to determine your own understanding of truth and orient yourself
accordingly. By defining your own truth, you can navigate through life and make decisions
that align with your values and aspirations. Socrates developed the Socratic method to find
truth through questioning and examining beliefs.

2. Evaluate Your Beliefs:

Take the time to critically examine your existing beliefs and question their origins. By
understanding where your limiting beliefs come from, you can challenge them and open
yourself up to new perspectives and possibilities. Independent critical thinkers diverge from
initial philosophies.

3. Have a Mentor:
Having a mentor is crucial for achieving success in life. They provide guidance, support, and
wisdom based on their own experiences and knowledge. Having a mentor can be
instrumental in your personal growth and success.

4. Follow the Right Curriculum:

Determine the curriculum that will set you free. Study subjects such as science, philosophy,
and mathematics to enhance your critical thinking abilities and develop a deeper
understanding of the world. By engaging in a well-rounded curriculum, you can expand your
knowledge and acquire the tools necessary for intellectual and spiritual freedom.

5. Seek Intense Hardship:

Embrace challenges and hardship as opportunities for personal growth and
self-improvement. By pushing yourself beyond your comfort zone, you can develop
discipline, resilience, and self-control. These qualities are crucial for success and enable you
to overcome obstacles on your path to true freedom.

By incorporating these principles into your life, you can enhance your personal growth,
break free from societal conditioning, and achieve true freedom. Remember, the truth is
often hidden by those in power to maintain control. By seeking your own truth and following
these principles, you can navigate through life with clarity and authenticity."

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