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Sanjivani Rural Education ASSIGNMENT YEAR: 2022-23

NO. 2 DEPT: Mechanical Engg.
ACAD/F/06 Subject: BEE(22310) Pages: 01
Rev=00 Date: 31/12/2017 Unit No: 04 Date of submission :
Name of Subject Teacher: PROF. S. B. Jangame Total No of Questions:

1. List the different types of electronic components with example.

2. State the different types of resistors and capacitors.
3. Define active component. Give two examples.
4. State any four specifications of resistor.
5. Compare between active and passive components.
6. Find the resistor value from the given color code:
(i) Orange, Red, Brown, Gold
(ii) Brown, Black, Brown, Gold
7. Find the value of resistor from the given color code.
(i) Brown, Black, Red, Silver
(ii) Orange, Red, Brown, Gold
8. Compare analog and digital ICs.


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