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Sustainable Architecture Design in Warm and Dry Climate in Yazd, Iran

Undoubtedly, Excessive population growth and subsequent increase in urban settlements in recent
years, associated negative and irreversible environmental changes. The gradual warming of the
Earth and the irresponsible use of fossil energy has brought unpleasant consequences. On the other
hand, faint connection between vernacular architecture and modern architecture, contemporary
architecture has generated tremendous challenge. Sustainable development and the implications it
could very well be consistent with the goals and objectives of modern architecture and urbanism
as the most effective way to achieve the main goals of sustainability considered. According to the
ancient architectural capabilities in alignment with the climate and sustainable development
concepts on the one hand and on the other hand given the fact that the use of technology alone can
not guarantee the environmental problems of erosion, Review the measures represents necessary.
This research tried to review the overall concepts of sustainable architecture to analyze the
theoretical foundations of ancient architecture in the hot and dry climate deal and solutions to use
them in modern sustainable building design. The issue of sustainability in architecture of climate
architecture of ancient Iran needs to be measured and finally to the question of whether the
elements of a stable climate in ancient Iranian architecture a good model for sustainable design
can be is to be answered.
Sustainable construction is essential for both reducing the severity of the desert and warmed
climate in Yazd, Iran, as well as for cultivating a comfortable and eco-aware way of life. Our idea
of sustainable architecture in Yazd combines traditional architectural knowledge with innovative
design principles in a way that is specifically suited to this hot, dry area.

Passive Solar Design: We use a smart solar passive arrangement while embracing the
distinguished past of Persian architecture. Our structures reduce east and west-facing openings in
the scorching summers to avoid overheating and maximize the usage of south-facing windows
during the cooler months to capture sunlight. This strategy guarantees thermal comfort and energy
Natural Cooling Mechanisms: We add adaptable windows, wind towers, and ventilated
courtyards into our designs because we understand how important natural ventilation is for
reducing high temperatures. Even during the hottest months, these components let air circulate,
creating a pleasant and comfortable environment within.

Innovative Shade Structures: We utilize architectural shading components like Mashrabiya

screens and pergolas, which not only prevent solar heat gain but also give the designs a traditional
Persian style, to shade our buildings from the harsh desert sun.
Water Harvesting: Water scarcity is a major issue in this dry climate. In order to solve this, we
put in place rainwater harvesting systems for non-potable uses, which lowers water usage and the
environmental impact of our buildings.

Local and Sustainable Materials: We are dedicated to using sustainable and locally sourced
materials. This strategy boosts the regional economy while reducing the carbon footprint
associated with transportation.

Passive Cooling Techniques: Traditional cooling techniques in Yazd include evaporative cooling
devices like qanats and windcatchers. These traditional methods are included into our designs to
improve cooling effectiveness while preserving the local culture.

Renewable Energy Integration: Strategically arranged solar panels capture the ample sunshine,
generating sustainable energy and minimizing reliance on traditional power sources.

Traditional Courtyards: Persian design has a strong emphasis on courtyards, which provide a
shaded and naturally cool outdoor area. These courtyards are a part of our designs, providing
homeowners with a connection to nature and lowering inside temperatures.
We aim to design sustainable, persistent, and aesthetically pleasing structures that not only
withstand the harsh climate but also embrace and enhance the unique cultural and environmental
qualities of this area. We do this by fusing these innovative design principles with the rich
architectural history of Yazd. Our aim is to make sure that Yazd's sustainable design not only
lessens its negative effects on the environment but also enhances the quality of life for its citizens.

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