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1.1. - Introduction The thermal fluid generators PIROBLOC S.A., fulfill the effective directive European of devices to pressure D.E. 97/23/CE (category I) and with the Regulation of Apparatuses to Pressure and Complementary Technical Instructions of the Ministry of Industry and Energy. The design of these generators is based on the most renowned construction codes such as the German AD-MERKBLTTER and the FEC. All the materials used have the appropriate original quality certificate and PIROBLOC S.A. carries out an additional independent laboratory test of both the mechanical and chemical characteristics, thus ensuring total reliability of the product. Both the welding and the welding operators have been duly homologated by the relevant official organism. The documentation accrediting these homologations is given to the client along with the Quality Control report and the original quality certificates.

1.2. - Description Thermal fluid boiler, without a defined level, automatic functioning and INDIRECT CONTROL, with heat contribution by means of electrical resistances. These are cylindrical, wrapped boilers, designed to raise the temperature of the thermal fluid circulating inside them by means of electrical resistances. Layers of rockwool ensure the insulation making it possible to sustain low temperatures (from 30 to 40 C) in the exterior wrapping, thus achieving minimal structural losses and avoiding the risk of burns by involuntary contact with the boiler.

Basically, this kind of boiler works by converting electric calorific energy thanks to electrical resistances which transmit the heat upon contact with the thermal fluid. Regulating the power of the electrical resistances is carried out in stages in order to attain and continually maintain the desired temperature according to the needs of the apparatus. A high circulation speed of the thermal fluid is essential for the purpose of achieving an appropriate degree of heat transmission and avoiding cracking of the above-mentioned fluid.

1.3. - Warming circuit A circuit of the thermal fluid is shown in the attached drawing. It consists of: - Boiler or thermal fluid generator - Recirculation pump - Expansion tank - Piping, valves and accessories - Collecting tank Its operational scheme is as follows:

The recirculation pump (2) sucks the thermal fluid along the pipes (5), through the valve and filter (6) before it is introduced into the generator (1). The thermal fluid leaves the boiler via the valve (7) and reaches the different points of consumption via the general network. Once the heat is deposited in the consuming apparatus, the fluid returns to the collector bottle (8) via the general network where the installation of PIROBLOC S.A. is bled AUTOMATICALLY and the fluid is sent to the recirculation pump in order to recommence the circuit. When the thermal fluid warms up it dilates as its density diminishes. Therefore, at 200C it experiences a volumetric increase of approximately 18% and at 300 C the figure is 30%. The expansion tank (3) must have sufficient capacity in order to ensure that the thermal fluid of the entire installation at maximum temperature never fills it completely, while at room temperature, the dilatation compensation piping (10) is not left empty and the recirculation pump unprimed.

Further on, this tank is also used for making the AUTOMATIC drainage of the circuit. Effectivelly, when the thermal fluid passes through the collecting bottle (8), the humidity and the gases will be detached and they are brought through pipe (10) to the expansion tank, where they are either condensed or they are exhausted through pipe (13) to the collecting tank (4). It is a closed circuit, for this reason there is a thermal fluid pillow installed, in the collecting or gathering tank, which absorbs the pressures and underpressures which could arise in the circuit, during operation. The siphon (14) avoids also the air entrance to the collecting tank. The humidity will only be present during the start up of the installation, precisely at this moment the connection of the expansion tank and the collecting tank should be avoided, as this fact would cause the storage of humidity in the collecting tank , and this of course could also cause its later entrance again in the circuit when this tank is filled up. During the operation, only the gases which are generated by heating up the thermal fluid, will be drained automatically. The gathering tank has, besides the function of being the pillow for the gases, also the function of absorbing the fluid of the installation for the complete drainage of the same, when any repair or maintenance works have to be done. It should be situated in the lowest place of the installation, either on the surface or embedded. The valves (11 and 7) carry out the function of isolating the electrical boiler from the rest of the installation in order to perform any required maintenance tasks on the boiler. The filling and emptying pump (9) facilitates these functions from drums to the circuit and viceversa, via the valve (12).

1.4. - Controls and safety elements The safety elements and controls of the boiler are as follows: - Gages at the intake and exit of the boiler (PI) They indicate the entry and exit pressure of the generator, providing information about the correct circulation of the thermal fluid. Elements of control. - Maximum temperature regulator of thermal fluid (TSH) They warn about possible failures of various elements which could lead to a significant increase in the temperature of the thermal fluid. Safety element. - Minimum electrical level in the expansion tank (LSL) It does not allow starting up the apparatus in the event of there being an error in the thermal fluid in the installation. Safety element. - Differential pressure switch (dPSL) It detects poor circulation of the thermal fluid. Safety element. - Maximum level pressure switch of thermal fluid (PSH) It detects excessive pressure of the thermal fluid in the installation. Safety element. - Work regulators (TIC) They send information (temperature) to the electrical control board about the heat requirements of the apparatus. Operational and element of control. - Safety valve (PSHV) This valve is responsible for eliminating an excess of pressure. It is located in the expansion tank (tared at 0,5 bars) and there is a second one located in the generator (tared at 7 bars). Safety element. - Safety stoppage (TS) A limitator which prevents the thermal fluid recirculation pump from disconnecting before reaching a pre-established temperature (100 C), avoiding watertightness at high temperatures which could prejudice the oil load. It also retards connection of the maximum power of the electrical resistances until a predetermined temperature is reached . Operational and safety element. - Visual level of thermal fluid (LI) This device facilitates observation of the amount of fluid in the installation. Element of control. - Acoustic alarm Activated in the event of any safety measure tripping, acts as a warning. Safety element. - Thermal relays for protecting the motors They serve to protect the pump motor. Operational and safety elements. - Timekeeping safety device Obliges the staff using the machine to make periodical inspections (every two hours) in order to ensure correct running of the apparatus. Safety element.

Diagram P.I.D. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Generator (Electric boiler) Recirculation pump Expansion tank Filling and emptying pump Collecting tank

1.5. - Start-up instructions The initial start-up of the boiler and installation must be carried out by a specialised technician belonging to PIROBLOC S.A., after having instructed the staff responsible for running the apparatus about the correct operating procedures. Before proceeding with the start-up routine, the following checks must be made: 1) Ensure that the readings of the gages placed at the impulsion of the pump and the exit of the boiler register the normal static heads, corresponding to approximately 0,08 times the value of the geometric head of the expansion tank. 2) Ensure that the valves are in the desired and correct positions. 3) Ensure that the general state of the installation is correct. 4) Ensure that the differential pressure switch is correctly adjusted. 5) Ensure that the maximum level pressure switch is correctly adjusted. 6) Ensure that the thermal relays are correctly adjusted. Some of these operations (7) and (8) are not usually precise if only one operator is running the boiler. However, when new shifts come on duty, changes in the operating conditions of the apparatus sometimes occur and in the event of the incoming operator not being informed, may result in incorrect adjustments.

START-UP 1) Once the above-mentioned operations have been carried out, tension must be sent to the electric panel, and the luminous light entitled WORKING TENSION will come on. 2) The next step is to push the STAR button which will begin the heating phase indicated by the luminous signal entitled HEATING PHASE. This will activate the recirculation pump for the thermal fluid, and the dynamic pressures on the gages at the pump impulsion and the boiler exit must be checked to ensure that they comply with the stipulations of the startup procedures. These pressures are higher than the ones registered when the installation is operating, given the variation of physical properties of the thermal fluid at temperature. Check to ensure that the installation has been correctly filled and that the luminous button MINIM. LEVEL THERMAL FLUID is off. Also check the visual level located on the expansion tank. Check the correct selection of the working temperature allocation points in the regulators (PIROBLOC 1000). Check the correct selection of the safety temperature allcation points of the temperature limitators (PIROBLOC 400). With regard to the allocation point "SAFETY MAX. TEMP. THERMAL FLUID", it must be situated higher than the working temperature allocation point of the regulators (PIROBLOC 1000). With regard to the allocation point of the limitator INLET TEMPERATURE, this value indicates the temperature at which the recirculation pump stops working in the cooling phase (COOLING PHASE) in order to avoid a deterioration of the load of thermal fluid. It also indicates the temperature up until which the maximum power of the resistances in the heating phase (HEATING PHASE) will not be activated.

3) When the recirculation pump is working the HEATING GENERAL switch will be connected. This can not be connected without the recirculation pump being in operation as there is an interlock. 4) In order to start-up the electrical resistances, move the different switches into the desired positions, bearing in mind the fact that Position 1 is HALF POWER and that POSITION 2 is MAXIMUM POWER. The maximum power will not be operative until the allocated temperature for the limitador (INLET TEMPERATURE) has been surpassed. In addition, when the apparatus is in the operational mode, and one wishes to connect the resistor to maximum power, there will be a delay of 30 seconds. The connection points for manoeuvring the electrical resistances make it possible to program the calorific contribution in several ways, thus achieving different power positions. The resistances can function independently of each other. During normal operation of the installation, while on the one hand no special attention is required, it is worthwhile checking pressures and temperatures when the SAFETY FEEDBACK is reset in order to unblock the SAFETY TIMER for obligatory stoppage (every two hours). At the end of the day, connecting the COOLING AUTOMATIC STOP cooling circuit is OBLIGATORY in order to avoid stoppages at elevated temperatures which could damage the load of thermal fluid, thus resulting in a quicker degradation of the oil. Our advice is to put both the switches of the resistances and the HEATING GENERAL button into Position 0. Whenever breakdowns are indicated, they must be dealt with immediately and the electric control panel SAFETY FEEDBACK must be reset. If the breakdown is caused by the thermal relays (RELAY PUMP), they must also be reset.

1.6. - Maintenance 1.6.1. - Preventive maintenance In addition to the specific instructions which apply to both the pump and the regulators, the following minimum maintenance operations must be carried out periodically with a view to keeping the boiler and installation in perfect running order at all times. - On a daily basis 1) As already mentioned, the oil level in the expansion tank must be checked. In the event of a lack of oil, it must be filled until the 1/3 mark of the tank. This operation must always be carried out IN COLD. 2) The consumption of the pump motor must be checked. - On a weekly basis 1) Check that all the electrical material, connections and automatic apparatus is running and in good condition. 2) Check the pyrometrics, either by means of a mercury thermometer or by taking a reading of the electrical signal received by the regulators. Remember that in all those installations which have a J type thermocouple (Fekonst), the value of the room temperature must be added to the value indicated in the charts. - On a quarterly basis 1) Partial draining in order to check for correct performance of the electrical level of the expansion tank. 2) Check the safety elements of the circuit (acoustic signal, differential pressure switch, temperature limitators, etc.). - On a six monthly basis 1) A sample of thermal fluid must be extracted and then analysed. The most appropriate point for extracting this sample is in the filling-emptying circuit, irrespective of the fluid to be found in this circuit. - On an annual basis 1) At least once a year, a check must be made by the specialised technician or some other competent person. 2) Interior cleaning and check. - Every five years 1) A thorough check must be made of hydraulic check. the generator and installation, in addition to a

1.6.2. - Corrective maintenance The most common breakdowns and malfunctions in a thermal fluid installation are to be found in the regulators and pumps and are dealt with in the relevant paragraphs. On the other hand, a thermal fluid boiler and installation does not normally break down and, due to the simple nature of these installations, complicated corrective maintenance measures are not normally necessary. Some of the common anomalies of the circuit are: ANOMALY CAUSE Dirty thermal fluid filter. A lack of thermal fluid in the installation SOLUTION Clean the sieve. This operation must be carried out when cold, having closed the intake and impulsion valves of the pump Fill the installation when cold Bleed the instal. automatically, increasing the service temperature very slowly as from 100 C. Check to see how the humidity got into the installation (interchangers) and solve the problem Analyse a sample and change if necessary. Clean the circuit Modify the safety temperature value accordingly Program new values Analysis of a sample and change if necessary. Clean the circuit Clean the inside of the boiler Analysis of a sample and change if nesessary. Clean the circuit Check watertightness of the circuit Check watertightness of the circuit Adjust value point Bleed the instal. automatically, increasing the service temperature very slowly as from 100 C. Check to see how the humidity got into the installation (interchangers) and solve the problem Analysis of a sample and change if necessary. Clean the circuit Check functioning point of the pump

Oscillation of pressures. Cavitation

Humidity in the installation

Blockage due to safety temperature

Degradation of the load thermal fluid Increase in the working temperature without the other values rising Ad hoc modification of values Degradation in the load thermal fluid Dirt in the boiler

Frequent filling of thermal fluid

Degradation of the load of themal fluid Significant leask in the installation Leak into a secondary circuit Variation of the value point

Differential pressure switch blockage

Humidity in the circuit

Degradation of the load of thermal fluid Changes in the hydraulic circuit (extension)


1.7. - Recommended spare parts

PIROBLOC S.A., recommends that all clients that use thermal fluid installations,
should carry a stock of basic spare parts in order to be able to deal with breakdowns due to possible malfunctions in any of the indicated parts. This will enable clients to carry out quick repair work using their in-house staff, thus avoiding lengthy stoppages with the subsequent negative consequences on production. Recommended spare parts:

- 3 Control and safety relays - 2 temperature regulators of thermal fluid - 1 Limitator of thermal fluid - 1 Set of fuses - 1 Differential pressure switch - 1 Maximum level pressure switch - 1 Temporiser (time-keeping device) - 1 Pneumatic temporiser (heating phase from average to maximum power) - 1 Alarm bell - 1 Safety valve tared at 7 bars - 1 Safety valve tared at 0,5 bars - 2 Power contactors - 1 Set of gages - 1 Electrical resistance - 2 Pt-100 probes - 1 Kit of spare parts for the recirculation pump. - A minimum of 10% of the total load of thermal fluid in the circuit. This point must be taken into account under all circumstances depending on the running temperature.


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