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Danae Rely Au lle Verb patterns Phrasal verb without a noun Pronunciation — weak sounds / sentence stress Verb patterns 1. Going to work in Africa 1 Read the conversation between Alan and Betty. Underline the correct verb pattern. GOING TO WORK IN AFRICA Alan _I'm thinking of (1) apply/ applying for a job in East Africa, in Tanzania, Betty Really? I used (2) living/to live there. ‘A Tknow, I remember you (3) saying/to say. I'd like (4) asking to ask you about it, if that’s OK, B_Go ahead. I'll do my best (5) remembering to remember. was there a for two years but that was ten years ago. A So, what was It like? B It was a great experience. | liked everything except the climate. I didn't enjoy (6) working /to work in the heat A Ah, L can’t help (7) worrying to worry about the heat, Was it really difficult (8) keep/to keep cool? B Not if you are lucky enough (9) having /to have air-conditioning, bbut we just had! fans. And we were on the coast, near Dares Salaam. and it’s really hot and humid there, Where is your job based? A Atown called Arusha, B Oh, very nice. That's much cooler, inland, near Mt Kilimanjaro. TH never forget (10) climbing to climb Kilimanjaro, A Oh, I'd love (11) doing/to do that and go on safari. Did you manage (12) travet/ to travel round much? B Oh yes, we went to most of the big game parks - you know, like the Serengeti Plain and the Ngorongoro Crater ~ that was so huge it made ‘me (13) feel/to feel very small and the wildlife was fantastic, Once, on the Serengeti, a whole family of monkeys decided (14) playing /to play fn the roof of our car. We didn't dare (15) moving /move. SA Which animals did you like best? , 74% Actually, I think it was the giraffes, [loved (16) watching/ watch the £4 way they raise their long necks to eat. Oh, and the lions, of course. \ Do you know that in Lake Manyara National Park the lions actually » yy climb trees? 124. Really? ttall sounds so exciting. m definitely going to apply NN or the job. 1's been great (17) alk talking to you B_ Give mea ring and let me (18) know /to know how you get on, A esa aE TET 52 Unit 8 + No fear! N 2 Listen and check 3 Complete this résumé of the conversation with the verb in brackets in the correct form. Alan is thinking of (1) _applvi_(apply) fora job in Tanzania. He asks Betty (2) — (tell) him about it because she used (3) (live) there, She tries (4) (remember) what it was like. She says she found it difficult (5)__ (work) in the heat and the problem with (6) (live) ‘on the coast was that it was very hot and humid. However, she really enjoyed (7)____(go) on safari and loved (8) (visit) the game parks. She saw lions (9) (sleep) in trees and once lots of monkeys started (10) __ (play) on the roof of her car. Betty helped Alan (11) (make) up his mind about the job and he’s. decided (12) (apply) for it. Hes promised (13) __(ring) Betty and let her (14) _ (Know) ithe gets it. Verb patterns p99 2. -ing forms Complete the sentences with the -ing form of the verbs in the box. walk —giveup wonder. = mend work help wakeup find watch live 1 Ican’t help wondering what life in Africa will be like, too much TV is bad for your eyes. 3 P'llrepair your watch for you. 'm good at things. 4 a really good job these days is really difficult. 5. My children are afraid of _ wwe keep a light on at night. 6 Did you know that of exercise? 7 Thank you for in a big city can be very stressful. smoking is easy. I've done it hundreds in the dark, so is one of the best forms ‘me. I really appreciate it. of times! 10. Learned a lot of money by overtime. 3. Infinitives with or without to ‘Complete the sentences with the infinitive form of the verbs in the box. buy pay follow join stay be carry learn hurt. show We cant afford topay_all our monthly bills. Its impossible Let me you how to do it. Tm so sorry, I didn't mean “The teacher made the children I want my children instrument. these instructions. your feelings. after school. to play a musical 7 Myson persuaded me phone. 8 Can you help me 9. ve invited Mr Smith 10. My parents have always encouraged me independent. the latest mobile this box upstairs? us after the meeting. Unit 8 + Nofear! 53 4 Which two are possible? Read the sentences. Which two verbs or phrases can fill the gap? 1 The teacher work in the future. @told @would like ¢ hopes 21 smoking when I was 21. a gaveup b couldnttafford ¢ started me to be more careful with my 3 She to help me paint the kitchen a enjoyed b promised ¢ offered 41 going to Sydney next year. a amlooking forward to would love ¢ am thinking of 5. My father ‘was seventeen, a let b wanted ¢ allowed me to have driving lessons when I 6 Tm____tohavea big party for my next birthday. a looking forward planning « hoping 7 We to find a parking place in the city centre. a tried b didn't manage ¢ succeeded 81 driving in the rush hour, a don'twant b cantstand ¢ loathe 5 Reporting verbs + infinitive Complete the lines and rewrite the sentences to mean the same, 1 ‘Please can you translate this sentence for me?” Maria said to Mark. Maria asked Mark to translate the sentence for her. 2 ‘Please, please marry me. I can't live without you; ‘Tom said to Mia. ‘Tom begged Using a dictionary Look at the extract from the Oxford Wordpower Dictionary. It shows all the possible verb patterns for the verb agree, Gagree /ori/ verb SHARE OPINION 1 |] agree (with sb/sth) ‘agree (that..) to have the same opinion as Sbisth: think we should talk to the manager ‘bout this" Yes, Lage» | opree with Paul» Bo Sou agree that we should travel by train? » fm ‘afraid I dont agree. aa disagree SAVES 2 [i] agree (Co sth/to do sth) to say yes To sth: asked my boss If! could go home early and she agreed.» Allis has agreed to lend me his ‘ar for the weekend. se ARRANGE 3 [1,1] agree (to do sth); agree (on Sth) to make an arrangement or decie sth with Sb: They agreed to meet the following day.» Can we agree on a price? + We agreed a price of £500. APPROVE OF 4 i) agree with sth to think that sth is right: { don't agree with experiments on ‘nimols BE THE SAME_§ to be the same as sth: The bo accounts of the accident do not agree. not agree with sb (used about food) to make sb fel il Lace Ord Wepre Dany eet Ord ety Fes 005 Read the sentences and check with the extract. Is the verb pattern correct (V) or incorrect (X)? Rewrite the incorrect ones. 1 Alan thinks its too expensive, and I'm agree. 2 She thinks she’ right, but I'm not agree. I don't agree with you. All doctors agree that smoking is bad for your health. 3. ‘Dont run round the edge of the swimming pool or ‘you'll fall in} Mary said to her children. Mary warned 4. ‘Twon't go to bed!” Bobby said. Bobby refused 5. ‘You should talk to your solicitor; Ben said to Bill. Ben advised 6 “Take that chewing gum out of your mouth immediately" the teacher said to Harry. The teacher ordered. 54 Unit 8 * No fear! 5 She thought we should go, and I agreed it. ‘They agreed talking about it again tomorrow. 7 Adangerous moment 1. Read about Dennis Gibney’s dangerous moment. Complete the text with the correct words in the boxes toaccompany taining to go not veryeasy let tose After (1) taining for five years to be a doctor, Dennis Gibney was keen (2) more of the world, so he 00k a job in a hospital in Kathmandu, the capital city of Nepal. It was hard work, and after a couple of months the: hospital (3) him have a few days’ holiday. He decided that he'd ike (4) into the jungle. This is (5) 10 do on your own, so he asked a Nepalese guide, Adesh, (6) him, washoping made carrying to protect was about to meeting ‘They set off at 6 o'clock one morning, with two elephants. ” their equipment. It was hot and humid, especially as Adesh had (8) Dennis buy special thick shoes and trousers (8) him from snakes Dennis (10) to see lots of wildlife, particularly tigers, because asa child he had always dreamed of ay. a tiger. His childhood dream (12)__ come true 2 Complete the lines of conversation between Adesh and Dennis. It was aftemoon, and Adesh told Dennis not to expect to see any tigers because they usualy ike to sleep in the heat of the day. However, suddenly, in the distance they saw one. Adesh, ‘ordered Dennis to keep very quiet. They crept nearer and) found a dying deer, ying in the bushes ~ the tigers lunch, ‘They could no longer see the tiger but somehow they could {eel his presence. Dennis didn’t dare move or breathe. He looked up and found himself staring into a pair of large yellow eyes. The tiger roared and tried to grab his leg. Adesh, ‘managed to pull him away but they had no real chance of escaping, Then, incredibly, one of the elephants appeared. Itran at the tiger, which turned and fled They say elephants never forget, but Dennis and Adesh will certainly never forget that it was an elephant that saved their lives. oe a e f 8 h ‘Dont expect “Tigers usually “Ssshh! I told you “What's that ‘Tm afraid to in the bushes?” “Help! The tiger’ trying “We haven't a hope of. “The elephant’s managed to___ Listen and check.

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