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2.1 General Literature:

The exploration of nanotechnology’s profound impact on concrete, the cornerstone of
construction. Concrete, a nanostructured composite, finds new dimensions with the infusion
of nanoparticles. Whether it's nano-silica's fortifying effect, nano-titanium oxide's self-
cleaning prowess, or nano-iron's transformative properties, the realm of concrete engineering
is undergoing a paradigm shift. We also delve into the remarkable story of how
nanotechnology extended the lifespan of concrete, thwarting the challenges of structural
degradation. However, the integration of nanotechnology into engineering transcends tangible
materials. It delves into the very essence of ethical considerations that engineers grapple with.
We scrutinize the engineer's code of ethics in the context of nanotechnology, uncovering the
moral responsibilities entwined with innovative advancements. From ensuring public safety
to fostering sustainable practices, nanotechnology becomes a catalyst for ethical reflection
and action.
Nanotechnology's ethical dimensions extend to the classroom, where future engineers are
shaped. As we traverse the landscape of engineering education, we unearth the pivotal role of
teaching ethics, particularly in the context of nanotechnology. By nurturing ethical awareness
from the outset, educators sow the seeds for a generation of engineers equipped not only with
technical prowess but also with the ethical compass to navigate complex challenges.

2.2 Literature Review:

Hossain and Rameeja (2015) carried out the project “Viscosity enhances reducing diffusion in
concrete technology (VERDICT) in order to attempt to double the lifespan of concrete. The
researcher has used the copper nanoparticles in steel to reduce the fatigue and unevenness in
the surface of steel
The researcher did the addition of nano particles such as magnesium and calcium can help to
solve the issue by making the heat affected zone grains finer in plate steel, which leads to
strong welds and also used the spray-on-cementitious process. Researcher used Nano
titanium dioxide to coat glass can give self-cleaning property.

2.3 Clouser:
In this topic general literature and literature review were presented . next chapter deals with

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