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Materials Science & Engineering C 86 (2018) 70–82

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Tuning biological properties of poly (vinyl alcohol) with amino acids and T
studying its influence on osteoblastic cell adhesion

S. Mohanapriya, V. Raj
Advanced Materials Research Laboratory, Department of Chemistry, Periyar University, Salem 636 011, India


Keywords: A new class of bio composite materials for orthopedic applications were prepared by blending polyvinyl alcohol
Amino acid (PVA) with certain amino acids (AA) such as glycine, lysine and phenyl alanine followed by in-situ cross-linking
Citric acid cross-linking with citric acid (CT). CT cross-linked PVA offers sufficient chemical, thermal, and morphological stability by
Bio composite films establishing intermolecular interaction. These biocomposite films were characterized for mechanical and
Hydrophilic domains
thermal behaviors as well as analyzed through SEM, TGA and AFM studies. Zwitterionic characteristics of AA
create cell-adhesive hydrophilic domains that act as potential cell-adhesion sites and facilitate osteointegration.
Biocompatibility studies proved that PVA-AA/CT is non-toxic and exhibits good anti-bacterial activity. In-vitro
bioactivity test and cell adhesion results predict that presence of AA is advantageous to enhance apatite growth
and promote cell-substrate binding through modulating cellular activity of PVA polymer. Hydrophilicity of AA
zwitterions significantly facilitates cell-substrate binding and CA cross-linking helps osteoblastic integration of
PVA-AA/CT bio composite films. The rational design of microstructure with zwitterionic-hydrophilic domains is
a key to enhance cell-substrate interaction of PVA-AAs/CT bio composites.

1. Introduction Poly vinyl alcohol (PVA) is one of the first synthetic polymers,
which is applied as artificial cartilage. In orthopedics, PVA implants
Joint and articular cartilage injuries are the most frequent difficul- have been commonly used in meniscus and cartilage replacements as it
ties suffered by many people leading to progressive cartilage tissue loss, possesses several useful properties, including permeability, hydro-
further exposing the bony ends, leaving them without protection. This philicity and low frictional function [7,8]. Beyerlein et al. implanted
finally deteriorates into most common arthritis-osteoarthritis [1]. Total PVA hydrogel in white rabbits for up to 52 weeks as an artificial ar-
joint replacement is commonly performed using ceramics, composites ticular cartilage replacement resulting in low inflammatory responses
and/or metallic materials (titanium, chromium, etc.), which are both and high in vivo biocompatibility [8]. Maiotti et al. studied the effec-
stiffer than cartilage and do not have lubrication, shock absorption, and tiveness of these PVA hydrogel implants in 18 patients with a mean age
deformation properties of native cartilage. Enormous research efforts of 56 over a period of 2 years and demonstrated their better perfor-
have been put forward in last few decades to develop numerous mance compared to autograft or allograft tissue donor transplantation
ceramic-metal, bio-ceramics and glass-ceramic base materials for bone [9]. However, use of PVA in the orthopedic surgery field has been
replacement in the view of growing demand for bone grafts [2,3]. Major thought to be limited because of its low mechanical strength, poor os-
shortcomings correlated with these materials are as follows: (a) metal teointegration, low antibacterial activity and durability. Studies on
implants get corrode with time and become deficient in bioactivity, (b) biological response of PVA hydrogels implanted into canine knee joints
inert ceramics also loss bioactivity, (c) bioactive ceramics and bio as an artificial osteochondral composite material reveal that PVA hy-
glasses do not go with mechanical properties of bone [4,5]. Polymeric drogel composite replacement with titanium fiber mesh caused negli-
materials are viable alternatives due to the ease of fabrication, flex- gible damage to articular cartilage and meniscus in comparison with
ibility and biocompatible nature besides their wide range of mechan- hard-implant materials [10]. PVA based gelatin/hydroxyapatite scaf-
ical, electrical, chemical and thermal behaviors when combined with folds were proven to be biocompatible cartilage scaffolds for tissue
different materials as composites. Additional advantages of polymer engineering applications [11]. Lack of antibacterial action of implanted
and polymer composites are that they are non-magnetic and are radio materials pose major problems as infectious complications of open
transparent for X-ray radiography and MRI scans [6]. surgery continue to be a significant factor contributing to patient

Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: (S. Mohanapriya), (V. Raj).
Received 3 May 2017; Received in revised form 13 October 2017; Accepted 28 January 2018
Available online 01 February 2018
0928-4931/ © 2018 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
S. Mohanapriya, V. Raj Materials Science & Engineering C 86 (2018) 70–82

morbidity and poor healing outcomes [12]. The ensuing infection of great importance for bone remodeling and growth. Hence the present
bone by bacteria (osteomyelitis) is characterized by levels of in- study proves that modification of PVA with AA followed by CA cross-
flammation and destruction of viable bone tissue. Often infection be- linking constitute appropriate bio composite film that is suitable to act
comes chronic, resulting in increased rates of surgical revisions, non- as a substitute for bone. To the best of our knowledge this is the first
union and extremity amputation [13]. As a whole, an ideal implant report wherein CA cross-linked PVA-AA bio composite films is sub-
replacement for cartilage would mimic its structure, mechanical prop- jected for cell studies.
erties and should have good biocompatibility and antibacterial activity.
Following this line of investigation, in order to fine tune surface 2. Experimental
characteristics as well as to instigate both osteointegration and anti-
bacterial activity, PVA was combined with amino acids (AAs). AA are Poly vinyl alcohol (PVA), (99.7% hydrolyzed, M.W. 115,000) was
advantageous compared to other compounds since they originate in the obtained from Loba Chemie, India. Glycine (GL), lysine (LY) and phenyl
blood stream basically due to protein metabolism and they move freely alanine (PA) were procured from Acros organics. Citric acid (CT) was
through blood circulation in all tissues of the body of vertebrates. Many obtained from SRL chemicals. Sulfuric acid (98%) was obtained from
research works have been done on blending biomolecules such as an- S.D. Fine Chemicals, India. All the chemicals were used as-received.
tibody and antibiotics with biopolymers to enhance antibacterial ac- Deionized (DI) water (18.4 MΩ cm) from Millipore was used during the
tivity [14–16]. But they behave as affinity probes only for specific pa- experiments.
thogens through hydrogen bonding which might be ineffective to other
bacteria. Huang et al. synthesized amine-functionalized magnetic na- 2.1. Bio composite film preparation
noparticles that could effectively capture both Gram-positive and Gram-
negative bacteria through nonselective electrostatic interaction and PVA-AA bio composite films were prepared by solution-casting
hydrophobic interaction [17]. It is also established that PLA membranes technique. In brief, 30 mL of 4 wt% PVA solution was prepared by
modified with alkaline amino acids chitosan derivatives (e.g. arginine dissolving the required amount of PVA in water at 60o C followed by
and lysine-g-chitosan) achieved the most efficient cell attachment and mechanical stirring until a clear solution was obtained. Similarly, 20 mL
growth of chondrocytes [18]. Also it has been proved that peptide se- of 10 wt% AA in relation to PVA was dissolved in aqueous medium at
quence Lys-Arg-Ser-Arg that selectively influences heparan sulfate room temperature followed by stirring until a homogeneous solution
mediated osteoblast adhesion mechanisms [19]. All these studies es- was obtained. Both the solutions were mixed and further stirred for 2 h
tablish that biological functions of materials could be tuned with amino to form a compatible blend. The composition of AAs was varied from
acids. Based on these investigations we have modified PVA with three 5 wt% to 20 wt% in relation to PVA and optimized to 10 wt% with re-
different amino acids namely glycine (GL), lysine (LY) and phenyl spect to mechanical stability. 10 wt% of CT in relation to PVA was
alanine (PA). Since reactive hydroxyl groups are present in PVA added as a cross-linker followed by the addition of a drop of sulfuric
structure, it is capable of forming hydrogen bonds readily with AAs due acid to catalyze the reaction. The mixture was allowed to stir at 60 °C
to its polar nature. It is demonstrated in this study that introduction of for 1 h to complete the cross-linking reaction. The viscous solution was
AA moieties to the backbone of PVA has been shown to improve the cast on a flat Plexiglass plate to from a membrane by evaporating the
physicochemical properties through existence of interesting synergy solvent at room temperature. Pristine PVA film was prepared in a si-
between PVA and AA as well as some beneficial biomedical properties milar manner without the addition of AAs. After evaporation of solvent,
such as antibacterial activity. Over and above biocompatibility of PVA the films were dried at room temperature and the thickness of it was
is enhanced without altering already well-established safety profile of ~120 μm.
PVA. The influences of material dosage, solution pH, ionic strength,
competitive anions, as well as natural organic matter (NOM) on the 2.2. Characterization of fabricated films
bacteria capture were systematically studied.
Many researchers have cross-linked PVA by thermal and chemical 2.2.1. Physicochemical characterization
methods (using cross linkers like glutaraldehyde, glyoxal etc.) but most Micro structural and morphological characterizations of prepared
of the chemical cross-linkers are toxic. So, in the present study citric films were carried out using Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM)
acid (CT) is used as a cross-linker, which is shown to establish proper (Hitachi, Japan, S-3400N). Gold film of thickness < 100 nm was sput-
proportion between hydrophilic and hydrophobic domains of polymer. tered on PVA or PVA-AA bio composite film (thickness in the range of
CT is a cheap, non-toxic polycarboxylic acid comprises both carboxylic 40–60 nm approximately) surfaces using a JEOL Fine Coat Ion Sputter-
acid and hydroxyl groups, hence could effectively involve in hydrogen JFC-1100 Unit, prior to their examination under SEM. Elemental
bonding and crosslink with PVA through esterification reaction thereby composition of the films were analyzed by Energy dispersive X-ray
ascertain proper arrangement of micro-domains within PVA resulting in spectroscopy (EDS) along with elemental mapping. Universal testing
good mechanical properties. machine (UTM) (Model AGS-J, Shimadzu) with an operating head-load
Eventually, purpose of this investigation is to illustrate strategies for of 10 kN was used to study the mechanical properties of the mem-
rational design/selection of AAs and elucidating its influence on os- branes. The test samples were prepared in the form of dumb-bell shaped
teoblastic cell-adhesion properties. Since cell-adhesion is a central object as per ASTM D-882 standards. The films were then placed in the
progression that must occur before subsequent osteoblast (an ancho- sample holder of the machine. The film was stretched at a cross-head
rage-dependent cell) functions (such as proliferation, migration, pro- speed of 1 mm/min and its tensile strength was estimated using equa-
duction, and deposition of mineralized matrix) can take place, proac- tion
tive biomaterials should be designed to support and enhance osteoblast
adhesion. Also this study aims to prove that CT cross-linking provides Maximum load
Tensile Strength =
adequate thermal and mechanical stabilities and ascertain proper hy- Cross sectional area (1)
drophilic domains for cell attachment. The ability of hydrophilic group Swelling behavior of the films under investigation (size
to interact with water molecules and the hydrophobic group to be 5 cm × 6 cm) were soaked in SBF controlled at 40 °C for 24 h.
connected the surface of the material will reduce the surface tension Dimensional changes in length (L) and breadth (B) were calculated by
arising from the contact of a solid material with a solution therefore using the following equations
impose mechanical stability. Designed bio composite films are expected
to have an optimal mechanical performance and a controllable de- (L 2 − L1)
L (%) =
gradation rate combined with eminent bioactivity and this will be of L1 (2)

S. Mohanapriya, V. Raj Materials Science & Engineering C 86 (2018) 70–82

(B2 − B1) incubation, the cells were treated with MTT (0.5 mg mL−1) for 3 h. The
B (%) =
B1 (3) formazan complex formed was solubilized with DMSO (dimethyl
sulphoxide) and the absorption was measured at 570 nm with a re-
where L1 and B1 are length and breadth of the sample before soaking in
ference wavelength of 630 nm, in a micro plate reader (Bio-Rad). The
de-ionized water and L2 and B2 are corresponding parameters measured
percentage of cell viability was calculated using the optical density of
after soaking for 24 h.
the control and treated cells.
Thermo-gravimetric analysis of all the membranes were carried out
using a SDT Q600 V8.2 TGA/DTA instrument in the temperature range
between 273 K and 1073 K at a heating rate of 5 K/min with nitrogen 2.3.4. Cell adhesion assay
flushed at 200 mL/min. Fourier Transform infrared (FTIR) spectra (400 Based on physicochemical analyses and in vitro analysis cell adhe-
Perkin Elmer infrared spectrometer) in the wave number range of sion of PVA-AA bio composite films was determined as it is more ap-
400–4000 cm−1 was used to investigate the functional groups present propriate for implant applications. PVA film and PVA-AA bio composite
in the films. The surface topography of the coated samples was analyzed films were placed onto 24-well tissue culture plates containing a sus-
by atomic force microscopy (AFM) and the images were obtained using pension of MG-63 osteoblast-like cells (5 × 104 cells per well) in
a Multimode Scanning probe microscope (NTMDT, NTEGR Aprima, Modified Eagle's Medium supplemented with 100 μg/mL penicillin,
Russia) operating in the semi contact mode. 100 μg/mL streptomycin, 30 μg/mL gentamycin and 2.5 μg/mL am-
Average contact angle and surface wetting energy measurements photericin B with 10% fetal bovine serum. The cells were incubated for
were conducted on bio composite films using a Surface Electro Optics 4 h at 37 °C in a humidified atmosphere of 5% CO2. After incubation the
Model Phoenix-300 unit by sessile drop method. By automatic pipette wells were washed gently with warm PBS 3–5 times to remove the non-
water drop of volume (8.0 ± 0.2) μL was deposited on the film surface adherent cells. The adhered cells were then fixed with 96% ethanol for
and the consequently contact angle was measured. Estimation of sur- 10 min and stained with 0.1% crystal violet for 30 min. Excess dye was
face energy was also based on the measurement with the SEE System. removed by washing the wells thoroughly with de-ionized water. The
The measurement was carried out at room temperature. Triplicate adhered cells were then imaged using Leica microscope, Germany [22].
measurements carried out on different parts of the same membrane
sample for accurate results. 3. Results and discussion

3.1. Physicochemical characterization

2.3. In vitro assays

UV analysis of precursor polymer solutions supply evidence for the

2.3.1. Anti-bacterial studies
formation of PVA-AA compatible blend and also proves existence of
Anti-bacterial activity of fabricated PVA and PVA-AA bio composite
intermolecular interaction between PVA and AA. Fig. 1 represents UV
films are tested by viable cell count method against Staphylococcus
spectra of pristine PVA, LY and PVA-LY is precursor solutions. PVA and
aureus, Bacillus subtilis, Escherichia coli, Klebsiella pneumonia and
LY solutions exhibit a shoulder-like band at 250 nm and 195 nm re-
Pseudomonas aeruginosa as model bacteria. Viable count method mea-
spectively. When LY is blended with PVA, absorption peak of PVA-LY
sures bacterial growth. For this study, 108 colony forming units (CFU)
shifted towards lower wavelength substantiating the presence of in-
of respective bacteria were grown in 10 mL nutrient broth supplement
termolecular bonding and successful blending of the components.
with film discs (20 mm dia). The bacterial viability was determined by
Cross-linking of PVA chains with citric acid and blending of PVA with
measuring their O.D values using UV–Vis spectrophotometer at 600 nm.
AAs is also validated by analysis of FTIR spectra of non-cross-linked
PVA, cross-linked PVA, PVA-GL, PVA-PA and PVA-LY as shown in
2.3.2. Apatite growth Fig. 2. Both intermolecular and intra molecular hydrogen bonds are
In order to investigate the formation of apatite on PVA film and possibly present in PVA due to high hydrophilic forces. Non-cross-
different PVA-AA bio composite films they were soaked in 15 mL SBF linked PVA presents a broad band centered at 3500 cm−1 related to
solution made according to a method adopted by Kokubo [20]. SBF was both inter-molecular hydrogen bonding and eOH stretching vibration
prepared by dissolving reagent-grade chemicals of NaCl, NaHCO3, KCl, of PVA. Characteristic vibration of semi-crystalline PVA appeared at
K2HPO4.3H2O, MgCl2. 6H2O, CaCl2 and Na2SO4 using de-ionized water 1143 cm−1 and that of CeO vibration emerged at 1110 cm−1. In con-
and buffering at pH 7.4 with tris-hydroxymethylaminomethane trast, cross-linked PVA spectra illustrates a distinct absorption band at
((CH2OH)3CNH2) and 1.0 mol/L HCl, at 37 °C as shown in Table 1 and 1078 cm−1 that might be ascribed to CeO ester groups, indicating
solution was refreshed every other day. After soaking in SBF for 7 and cross-linking reaction through esterification is accomplished between
14 days, samples were taken out and rinsed with de-ionized water. CT and PVA [23]. Also it is to be noted that intensity of OeH stretching
vibration peak is decreased after cross-linking reaction which ulti-
2.3.3. Cytotoxicity studies mately proves that eOH groups of PVA are consumed for esterification.
The proliferative potential of MG-63 osteoblast-like cells on PVA These results reveal that, due to presence of lower number of eOH
film and different PVA-AA bio composite films were assessed by MTT groups hydrogen bonding becomes weaker in case of cross-linked PVA.
(3-(4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2,5-diphenyltetrazolium bromide) assay As well, the CeO stretching at approximately 1100 cm−1 in FTIR
[21]. Uniform number of cells (2.5 × 104 cells per well) in Modified spectrum of non-cross-linked PVA is replaced by a broader absorption
Eagle's Medium supplemented with 100 μ/mL penicillin, 100 μg/mL band (from 1000 to 1140 cm−1), which can be attributed to the ester
streptomycin, 30 μg/mL gentamycin and 2.5 μg/mL amphotericin B (CeO) bands formed by the cross-linking reaction of PVA with citric
with 10% fetal bovine serum was seeded onto PVA films as well as PVA- acid. From these results it is clear that PVA polymer chains are cross-
AA bio composite films and allowed to proliferate for 24 h. After linked by CT.

Table 1
Ionic concentration of SBF.

Na+ K+ Mg2+ Ca2+ Cl− HCO3− HPO4− SO42− pH

SBF 142.0 5.0 1.5 2.5 147.8 4.2 1.0 0.5 7.4
Blood plasma 142.0 5.0 1.5 2.5 103.8 27.0 1.0 0.5 7.2–7.4

S. Mohanapriya, V. Raj Materials Science & Engineering C 86 (2018) 70–82

30 5.5
1.4 Tensile strength

Tensile Strength (MPa)

Elongation -at-Break (mm)

1.0 28
Absorbance (A.U)

0.6 26
100 200 300 400 500 600 700 Fig. 4. Tensile strength and % Elongation-at-Break associated with PVA film and PVA-
Wavelength (nm) AA/CT bio composite films.

Fig. 1. UV–Visible absorption spectra (i) PVA blend (ii) LY and (c) PVA-LY solutions.
Table 2
Dimensional stability of PVA film and PVA-AA/CT bio composites.

Type of film Dimensional change (%)

Length Breadth

PVA/CT 26.9 26.9

(iv) PVA-GL/CT bio composite 23.8 23.8
PVA-PA/CT bio composite 21.7 21.89

PVA-LY/CT bio composite 18.3 18.3


(ii) Molecular interaction between PVA and AA was studied by com-

paring cross-linked PVA-CT spectrum with that of PVA-AA/CT. It is
(i) evident from Fig. 2 that PVA-AA/CT spectra exhibit combined features

1078 cm-1
of both PVA-CT and AA in which few peaks appear newly and other
2995 cm-1 peaks appear with a shift in their position. Spectral properties of PVA/
CT are strongly influenced by the interaction of AA with the polymer
backbone. Distinct absorption of AA due to presence of amino and

3500 cm-1
carboxylic groups occurred in all PVA-AA/CT bio composites demon-
strating successful blending of PVA with AA. Although, spectral char-
500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 acteristics depend upon nature of AA, all the three PVA-AA/CT bio
composite films present a broad band in the region from 2600 to
Wavenumber (cm-1) 3400 cm−1 centered at around 3000 cm−1. Both symmetric and
Fig. 2. FTIR spectra of (i) PVA Cross-linked with CA (ii) Non-cross linked PVA film (iii) asymmetric vibrations of amino groups emerge at around 1550 cm−1
PVA- GL/CT (iv) PVA-PA/CA and (v) PVA-LY/CT bio composite films. and 1650 cm−1 respectively. In modified samples, these peaks overlap
with broad bands of the stretching and deformation modes of car-
boxylic and amino groups of AA as evident from the spectra. These
100 spectral changes clearly point out the presence of interfacial interac-
tions between PVA with both AA and CA.

80 3.2. Thermo-mechanical stabilities of membranes

Weight (%)

Fig. 3 shows typical TG plots PVA/CT film, PVA/CT-GL, PVA/CT-PA

60 and PVA/CT-LY bio composite films. These films show analogous
thermal behavior with three-phase degradation involving the processes
of thermal dehydration, thermal degradation and thermal decomposi-
40 tion [24]. Initial weight-loss between 303 K and 473 K is caused by
(iii) evaporation of absorbed water molecules from PVA/CT film, PVA/CT-
30 (iv) GL, PVA/CT-PA and PVA/CT-LY bio composite films. It is noteworthy
20 that weight-loss associated with PVA/CA-AA bio composite film is
(i) higher than that of PVA/CT, designating the fact that PVA/CT-AA bio
300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 composite film are highly hydrophilic. Decomposition of the main
Temperature (K) polymeric PVA chains and linkage created during CT cross-linking to-
gether constitute second stage weight-loss at 473–673 K. The third stage
Fig. 3. TGA plots (i) Pristine PVA/CT film (ii) PVA-GL/CT (iii) PVA-PA/CA and (iv)PVA- weight loss occurring between 723 K and 1073 K is due to the decom-
LY/CT bio composite films.
position of main chains of PVA. It is clear from the thermal studies that

S. Mohanapriya, V. Raj Materials Science & Engineering C 86 (2018) 70–82

Fig. 5. SEM morphologies of (i) PVA film and (ii) PVA-LY/

CT bio composite film.

Fig. 6. SEM-EDS elemental mapping of PVA-LY/CT bio

composite film by SEM: (i) original picture, (ii) elemental
analysis, (iii) C k mapping, (iv) O k mapping, (v) N k

bio composite films are thermally stable in physiological environment CT bio composites under study, PVA-LY/CT bio composite film displays
after implantation. maximum tensile strength along with good elongation characteristics,
The mechanical properties of all films under study were determined which is basically ascribed due to the strong interaction between LY
by its tensile strength and elongation-at-break as represented in Fig. 4. and PVA.
It is obvious from the data that blending AA marginally improved the These results throw light on the fact that existence of an interfacial
tensile strength and resulting PVA-AA/CT bio composite membranes interaction among PVA, CT and AA components steadily influences
possess good stability. Apparently, elongation-at-break is fairly de- mechanical behavior of bio composite films. CT comprising multi-car-
creased because of obstructed segmental mobility of PVA polymer boxyl groups reinforces the intermolecular binding by introducing
chains. Presence of AA, constitutes additional hydrogen bonds which covalent bonds that supplement natural intermolecular hydrogen bonds
perform as reinforcing units preventing the easy movement of PVA so as to improve the mechanical properties and water resistibility [25].
polymer chains. Hence, hydrogen bonding and electrostatic interactions PVA-AA/CT bio composites possess advantages of both suppleness of a
existing among PVA polymeric chains and AA/CT give rise to good polymer and adequate mechanical stability that make them con-
mechanical stability to the bio composites. Among different PVA-AA/ structive to be utilized as an orthopedic implant.

S. Mohanapriya, V. Raj Materials Science & Engineering C 86 (2018) 70–82

Fig. 7. 2D AFM images of (i) PVA film and

(ii) PVA-AA/CT bio composite film. 3D AFM
images of (iii) PVA film and (iv) PVA-AA/CT
bio composite film.

Table 3 AA under study, an additional basic amino group is present in LY. Due
Surface wetting properties of PVA film and PVA-AA/CT bio composites. to presence of two positively charged amino groups, LY actively in-
volved in the interfacial bonding and an additional amino group in LY is
Type of film Surface properties
responsible for increased stability that takes full advantage of PVA
Average contact angle Surface wetting energy polymeric voids to efficiently form closely-packed arrangement. Ac-
(degree) (mNm−1) cordingly, hydrophilicity associated with bio composites shows more
affinity towards water which in turn may impact membrane properties.
PVA/CT 71 1.19
PVA-GL/CT bio 63 1.35 These outcomes are in good line with mechanical stability results.
composite FE-SEM images of PVA film and PVA-LY/CT bio composite film are
PVA-PA/CT bio 61 1.47 as presented in Fig. 5. It is clearly visible from the figure that the PVA-
composite LY/CT bio composite membrane possesses homogeneous morphology
PVA-LY/CT bio 58 1.52
with no phase separation, implying that the AAs uniformly blended
with PVA through favorable electrostatic and hydrogen bonding inter-
actions. PVA exhibits a smooth surface structure.
Table 2 provides data related to dimensional changes associated The density distribution of elements is EDS mapped for both PVA
with PVA film and different PVA-AA/CT bio composites after soaking in film and PVA-LY/CT bio composite film as shown in Fig. 6. SEM image
SBF for 24 h. It is obvious from the data that blending PVA with AA of sample under investigation is provided in Fig. 6a and the corre-
could decrease dimensional changes in PVA polymer matrix. In- sponding EDS data are represented in Fig. 6b. It is inferred from these
corporation of AA brings PVA polymer chains closer therefore PVA-AA figures that carbon and oxygen are main constituents present in PVA
comprise more closely packed network as compared to PVA. Besides, film but in addition to these elements, PVA-LY/CT bio composite film
the interactions between PVA-AA and CT such as ionic cross-linking also comprises N that provides evidence for blending of components. It
(electrostatic forces) and hydrogen-bonding bridges, contribute to the should be noted that N is distributed evenly on the entire surface of
control of membrane swelling without a decrease in flexibility. These PVA-LY/CT bio composite film. It is to be pointed out here that in-
hydrogen bonds offer well-connected hydrophilic domains by bringing corporation of AA generates hydrophilic domains which are essential
the proton-conducting groups closer. Consequently PVA-AA polymeric for cell-substrate interaction. Existence of interfacial interaction be-
network is stronger and undergoes less degree of deformation. PVA-LY/ tween AA molecules and PVA as well as homogenous blending AA into
CT bio composite experiences least degree of dimensional changes in- polymeric matrix is evident from these results.
dicating that PVA-LY/CT hold higher stability. Differences in the be- It is well known that surface roughness and morphology play an
havior of bio composite films could be possibly due to the diverse important role in biological responses of biomaterial surfaces. Fig. 7a
chemical structure of AAs. In spite of similar zwitterionic structure of all and b display 2D topographical view of PVA film and PVA-LY/CT bio

S. Mohanapriya, V. Raj Materials Science & Engineering C 86 (2018) 70–82

Fig. 8. SEM images of apatite formed on the samples

dipped in SBF for 7 days: (i) PVA film (ii) PVA-AA/CT bio
composite. After 14 days (c) PVA film (d) PVA-AA/CT bio

composite film respectively. The related 3D images are provided in hydrophilicity of bio composite films in relation to pristine PVA film is
Fig. 7c and Fig. 7d. RMS value of roughness factor is provided along due to the presence of amino and carboxylic acid groups [32,33].
with the respective image. Similar surface topography is observed for Subsequent increase of surface wetting energy is related to possible
both films under study; however roughness factor of PVA-LY/CT bio reorientation and rearrangement of water molecules on the polymeric
composite film is higher than that of PVA film. It is apparent from that surface. It is well-known that changes in the physicochemical proper-
Sa value (average height) increases when PVA is combined with AA, ties, which influence the hydrophilicity of polymer surface, will mod-
which is favorable for enhanced cell-substrate interaction. Earlier stu- ulate cell attachment and proliferation. Therefore, increased wettability
dies prove that extent of osteointegration process greatly depends on enhances interaction between implant surfaces and the biologic en-
Ssk, Sdq and Sa values [26]. Higher roughness factor for PVA-LY/CT as vironment [34,35]. Surface wettability is affected not only by surface
compared to PVA film elucidates morphological changes caused due to chemistry but also by topography parameters such as roughness and
the presence of LY. Based on this, it could be predictable that blending micro-texture, these results are in congruent with AFM studies. It can be
AA brings the polymer chains closer and as a consequence, surface with concluded that surface energy and resultant wettability significantly
higher roughness is created. For example, RMS value associated with affect short-term anchorage-dependent cell functions.
PVA film is low consequently a smooth and homogenous surface is
observed. As envisaged by a recently developed biomechanical model,
3.3. In-vitro assays
higher Sdq associated with surface results in larger interfacial retention
strength with bone cells and accordingly facilitates osteointegration
3.3.1. Hydroxyapatite formation in SBF
[27]. The results are in accordance with our earlier studies wherein
Bone-like apatite plays a central role in formation; growth and
TiO2-SiO2 bio ceramic coatings on Ti alloy and PVA/TiO2 nano-
maintenance of
composites are investigated as bone implant models [28].
tissue-biomaterial integrate and keeps durability of biomaterials
Potential surface energy effects on bone cell mineralization may be
during implantation. The apatite inducing ability of PVA-AA/CT sam-
a very important consideration in orthopedic implants [29]. Previous
ples were evaluated by inspecting their representative SEM images
reports demonstrate that high surface energy (hydrophilic) surfaces not
obtained by immersing these samples in SBF for 7 and 14 days re-
only supported homogeneous spatial cell growth and mineral deposi-
spectively as shown in Fig. 8. 7 days after immersing in SBF, numerous
tion but also increased the quantity (mineralized area) and quality (the
white tiny HAp grains are visible on PVA film as shown in Fig. 8a. HAp
mineral-to-matrix ratio) of cell mineralization, relative to low surface
growth is medium and barely distributed over PVA-GL/CT surface. By
energy (hydrophobic) surfaces [30,31]. Since, cell adhesion onto dif-
contrast, PVA-LY/CT bio composite film displays fine network-like
ferent polymeric surface was governed by surface wettability of poly-
structures with nano-pores of size 100 nm (shown in Fig.8b). Here the
meric substrate, contact angle and surface wetting properties of bio
surface coverage of HAp grains is higher than that of PVA film. The
composite films are evaluated and data are provided in Table 3. Cell
growth and surface coverage of the HAp grains presents in the order
adhesion is in general better on hydrophilic surfaces. Enhanced surface
PVA-GL/CT < PVA-PA/CT < PVA-LY/CT. Based on the results it

S. Mohanapriya, V. Raj Materials Science & Engineering C 86 (2018) 70–82

Fig. 9. Anti-bacterial activity of PVA film and

different PVA-AA/CT bio composite films
against (a) S. aureus (b) B. subtilis (c) E. coli (d)
K. pneumoniae (e) P. aeruginosa.

could be inferred that nature of AA exhibit a profound influence both nanostructure that covers nearly the whole surface. The results are
on the mechanism and kinetics of HAp nucleation. The results are in depicted in Fig. 8e. Difference in the HAp growth kinetics over PVA-
agreement with an earlier study on role of AA on regulating HAp crystal AA/CT bio composite films is attributed to chemical composition of AA.
growth wherein AA immobilized on PVA matrix become HAp nuclea- Nonetheless, morphological characteristics of apatite grown on bio
tion site and regulate orientation of HAp crystals [36]. Depending on composite films are nearly identical as indicated by Fig. 8e and f re-
the nature of AA, growth rate and surface coverage also differ. Also it is spectively.
illustrated that bio mineralization usually occurs through specific or
selective interaction between inorganic moieties and the organic tem- 3.4. Anti-bacterial assay
plates on the surface of macromolecular frameworks, cell walls or lipid
membranes [37]. Many researchers have reported that biocompatible Bone-implants with good antibacterial activity are desirable to cir-
polymers rich in negatively charged groups have the potential of in- cumvent material deterioration after implantation. Hence materials
ducing nucleation of the calcium phosphate phase under simulated with self-antibacterial ability are advantageous. Since B. subtilis and E.
physiological conditions [38,39]. In the present case, presence of AA coli commonly cause implant-associated infections, PVA and PVA-AA/
comprising amino and carboxyl groups stimulates the apatite forma- CT films are tested for antibacterial action with these bacteria. Fig. 9
tion. As a result, rate of HAp growth is favored over PVA-AA/CT bio displays typical anti-bacterial test results of PVA and PVA-AA/CA bio
composite films rather than PVA film. The observed results also sub- composite films by viable count method. Previous studies have revealed
stantiate AFM results. Similar growth pattern is retained by bio com- that amino groups of AAs are nonselective ligands to interact with both
posite films under study after 14 days of immersion in SBF. However Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria via the electrostatic attrac-
growth of HAp grains is higher after 14 days of immersion for all the tion [40,41]. Based on this merit, we have compared the antibacterial
films under study and they show a ring worm like structure with reg- activity of PVA and PVA-AA/CT bio composite films against Gram-po-
ularly arranged Nano flakes. The results reveal that growth of HAp sitive (B. subtilis) and Gram-negative bacteria (E. coli) with initial cell
grains is depressed over PVA-GL/CT bio composite film compared to concentration of 1.5 × 107 CFU mL−1.
PVA-PA/CT and PVA-LY/CT film as shown in Fig. 8d. Nevertheless, Pristine PVA film could not capture bacteria efficiently against both
PVA-LY/CT bio composite film displays a regular densely-packed HAp gram positive and gram negative bacteria. Specifically, the capture

S. Mohanapriya, V. Raj Materials Science & Engineering C 86 (2018) 70–82

Fig. 10. Optical images of cells cultured on various samples

for a period of 1 day: (i) Control (ii) PVA film (iii) PVA-GL/
CT (iv) PVA-PA/CT and (v) PVA-LY/CT bio composite
films. After 3 days (vi) PVA film (vii) PVA-GL/CT (viii)
PVA-PA/CT and (ix) PVA-LY/CT bio composite films. After
5 days, (x) PVA film (xi) PVA-GL/CT (xii) PVA-PA/CT and
(xiii) PVA-LY/CT bio composite films. (xiv) Cell viability of
osteoblast cells expressed as a percentage after 1, 3 and
5 days incubation.

efficiencies for B. subtilis and E. coli by bare PVA/CT film were only 14% composite comprising aliphatic AA as active component in comparison
and 15%, respectively. Although the capture efficiencies increased in with PVA-PA/CT bio composite incorporated with aromatic AA. Ob-
the case of GL blended PVA film, the cell removal efficiencies for B. served difference in the activity may be possible due to the presence of
subtilis and E. coli by PVA-GL/CT film increased to 33% and 30%, re- methyl group with electron donating nature that may enhance accu-
spectively. Notably, the capture efficiency of PVA-LY/CT bio composite mulation of positive charge over amino group which in turn helps to
film increased very fast and almost 35% of the bacterial cells are re- destruct the bacterial cell wall. By contrast, PA encompassing phenyl
moved. The capture efficiency of PVA-PA/CA bio composite is mod- group with electron withdrawing characteristics tend to diminish po-
erate and their efficiency is 28%. Specifically, all AA modified PVA bio sitive charge accumulated over amino group. As a result bacterial
composite films could capture more number of bacteria for both cell capturing efficiency of PVA-PA/CT is lower. Presence of both AA and
types compared to pristine PVA/CT films. This observation showed that CT mitigate adverse effects associated with foreign body infection.
modification of PVA film with AA could greatly increase the bacteria
capture efficiencies of both B. subtilis and E. coli used in this study. This 3.5. Cell culture studies
may be due to the presence of positively charged free eNH3+ group
(belong to zwitter ion) present in AAs that can bind tightly to the 3.5.1. Cytocompatibility
components of bacterial cell walls, resulting in pore formation in cell New biopolymer derivatives must always be tested thoroughly for
walls, severe leakage of cell constituents and eventually the cell death their potential toxic effects after application. Following this line, the
[42]. Among all three bio composites under study, PVA-LY/CT film measurement of cytotoxicity in L929 cell type is a good starting point to
shows higher activity. It may be due to the presence of two amino ensure their safety. Their application in pharmaceutical and tissue en-
groups that strongly interact with bacterial cell walls. Likewise better gineering fields is an exciting opportunity to improve our arsenal of
antibacterial activity is shown by PVA-GL/CT and PVA-LY/CT bio biomaterials used for development of safe, efficient and innovative

S. Mohanapriya, V. Raj Materials Science & Engineering C 86 (2018) 70–82

Fig. 11. Fluorescence images of osteoblast cells adhered on

(i) Control (ii) PVA film and (iii) PVA-LY/CT bio composite
film (iv) % Cell viability associated with (A) Control (B)
PVA film and (C) PVA-LY/CT bio composite film.

therapies. The cytotoxicity of PVA film and PVA-GL/CT, PVA-PA/CT and 3.5.2. Cell adhesion studies
PVA-LY/CT bio composites were evaluated in terms of cell proliferation Cellular phenomenological behavior of MG63 cell lines over PVA-LY/
and viability at 1, 3 and 5 days with respect to control. The respective CT bio composite film is shown in Fig. 11 and corresponding data are
optical microscopy morphologies of MG-63 osteoblast-like cell lines cul- presented in Fig. 12. It is inferred from figures that presence of LY is
tured on various samples are presented in Fig. 10 (i-ix) and the corre- beneficial for initial cell attachment. The plausible reason may be that LY
sponding MTT data is shown in Fig. 10(x). All PVA-AA/CT bio composites produces more positive charge on PVA film surface due to the presence of
under study show no cytotoxicity against the normal cells indicating that two amino groups. Gao et al. have reported that existence of positive
incorporation of AA has little affected the toxicity of PVA. It is worth charges would enhance the cell-biomaterial interaction, which is a pro-
mentioning that CA cross-linking introduces no toxicity however glutar- mising way to improve cell adhesion and proliferation [43]. Furthermore,
aldehyde is generally used as a cross-linker for PVA that introduces final product would have potential capacity to form polyelectrolyte
toxicity. PVA/CT film exhibits 45%, 62% and 74% viability after 1, 3 and complexes, which are of high practical relevance in biomedical applica-
5 days respectively. The cell viability of PVA-GL/CT bio composite film tions. Scheme 1 depicts preferential adhesion of osteoblasts over PVA-AA/
after 1, 3 and 5 days are found to be 55%, 72% and 79%. In the case of LY CT bio composite surface rather than pristine PVA surface. The results
modified PVA film cell viability is higher compared to the previous one obtained in the present case are relevant with earlier findings [44,45]. As
and their viability values are 82%, 84% and 89% obtained after 1, 3 and well, better dimensional stability of PVA-AA/CT bio composite film pre-
5 days respectively. Among the three AA modified PVA films, PVA-LY/CT vents release of toxic ions, effectively promoting the cell attachment. This
film shows higher cell viability than any other. This may be due to the study elucidate that incorporation of AA into polymer matrix clearly
presence of more number of positive charges on the surface compared to improves thermo-mechanical properties and dimensional stability. As a
others. In our case, AAs are incorporated into the PVA backbone, and they consequence, addition of AA into PVA produces a positive impact on
are relatively short, their cytotoxicity is significantly lowered because of biocompatible properties. Hence, bio artificial advanced polymeric ma-
the presence of PVA backbone. terial with better bio compatibility and other biological functions is rea-
Newly synthesized biomaterials with an ability to simulate and in- lized by using AA bio molecule as an additive. Biocompatibility is a sig-
itiate biomimetic processes have been used for applications in artificial nificant parameter for use as a medical device component material,
bones and in tissue engineering. The surface property of the material is positive biocompatibility test results indicate that fabricated bio compo-
essential for cell attachment and proliferation, tissue growth and nu- site films could be a potential alternate for metal based implants [46]. AA
trient passage. Here in the present case, the biocompatibility of the AA modified PVA possess a great potential for application in these biomedical
modified PVA films were examined by cultured L929 cells on various fields, whereby a combination of the properties of PVA and those be-
samples. Cells on the PVA-GL/CT film were more spread and larger in longing to different amino acid moieties could produce materials with
number compared to pristine PVA film. It is obvious that the presence synergetic properties.
of AA blended with PVA significantly improved the cellular responses.
While in the case of PVA-LY/CT bio composite film, more number of 3.5.3. Cell morphology studies
cells appeared than the former and it also shows some elongation. Less Structural morphology of cells envisioned through SEM for pure
number of cells was spread out on PVA-PA/CT film compared to the PVA/CT film and PVA-LY/CT bio composite film are presented in
two aliphatic amino acids modified PVA bio composite films namely Fig. 12. Difference in the cellular activity and cell-material interaction
PVA-LY/CT and PVA-GL/CT. However, all PVA-AA/CT bio composite could be clearly visible from these images wherein morphology of os-
films exhibit cell spreading higher than the pristine PVA film. teoblasts seeded on PVA-LY/CT bio composite film exhibit extensive

S. Mohanapriya, V. Raj Materials Science & Engineering C 86 (2018) 70–82

Fig. 12. Scanning electron microscopic images of osteo-

blast cells adhered on pure PVA film and PVA-LY/CT bio
composite film under different magnifications. (i), (iii) and
(v) are related to pure PVA film. (ii), (iv) and (vi) are re-
lated to PVA-LY/CT bio composite film.

Scheme 1. Preferential adhesion of Osteoblast over PVA-

AA/CT biocomposite film surface comprising zwitterion
hydrophilic domains.

spreading and better extracellular matrices. In contrast, cells grown on substantiate growth of osteoblasts over PVA-AA/CT bio composite film.
pure PVA/CT film display a primarily flat appearance. Underlying
reason behind this behavior is that there exist a synergy between PVA 4. Conclusions
and AA, which stimulates cell functions such as cell attachment and
proliferation and synthesis of proteins. Hence, PVA-LY/CT showed The present study proposes a specific strategy to tune biological
markedly higher development of cytoplasmic process, these results properties of PVA and constitutes an example of rational design/

S. Mohanapriya, V. Raj Materials Science & Engineering C 86 (2018) 70–82

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