SHG Details PDF

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SHG Details PDF

Block Level User has the SHG Details PDF option available to him.

SHG Details PDF option is available in the menu under SHG Details PDF. As you choose to
view SHG Details PDF, the following fields are present:

1. Gram Panchayat
2. Download PDF
3. Download Blank Format

Screen Description

Fig. 1 provides a sample picture of the Complete SHG Details form as it appears on your screen.

Fig 1.

How to Download SHG Details PDF:

To be able to Download SHG Details PDF, follow the steps given below:

1. Invoke the NRLM web application. Login as Block Level User. SHG Details PDF will
be visible on the left menu under SHG Details PDF - once you login to the website using
your User Id and Password. See Login section for more details.
2. Click SHG Details PDF option to open add Complete SHG Details form.
3. Complete SHG Details form displays all the fields required. You will notice that there
are certain fields marked with * sign, which means that they are mandatory for you and
required to be filled in.
4. Select Gram Panchayat
5. Click on Download PDF
6. The Report will download as PDF file.
Fig 2.

The following fields are mandatory (marked with *) and cannot be left empty:

1. Gram Panchayat

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