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Developmental Psychology 1st Edition

Keil Test Bank

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CHAPTER 7: The Origins of Emotion, Temperament, and Personality


1. ________ refer to transient states that correspond to physiological and cognitive processes associated
with distinct internal sensations, or feelings.
a. Display rules c. Moods
b. Emotions d. Temperaments
ANS: B DIF: Easy REF: Emotional Development
TOP: Learning Objective 1 MSC: Remembering

2. Darwin believed that ________ were good indicators of underlying emotional states in infants.
a. approach behaviors c. facial expressions
b. body posture d. vocalizations
ANS: C DIF: Easy REF: Emotional Development
TOP: Learning Objective 1 MSC: Remembering

3. Emotions can be thought of as ways of mobilizing ourselves to achieve certain goals. This idea
represents the ________ approach to emotion.
a. basic c. functionalist
b. complex d. structuralist
ANS: C DIF: Easy REF: Emotional Development
TOP: Learning Objective 1 MSC: Remembering

4. ________ is a brain structure involved in forming memories of emotional events.

a. Amygdala c. Cerebellum
b. Basal ganglia d. Parietal lobe
ANS: A DIF: Medium REF: Differentiation of Emotions in Infancy
TOP: Learning Objective 1 MSC: Remembering

5. Seven-month-old infants participating in a study watched videos showing hippos and snakes
accompanied by fearful or happy voices. Infants in this study:
a. looked longer at the video of the snake when they heard a fearful voice
b. looked longer at the video of the snake when they heard a happy voice
c. looked equally long at videos of snakes when they hear a happy voice as when they hear a
fearful voice
d. did not look at videos of snakes but only looked at videos of hippos
ANS: A DIF: Easy
REF: Evolutionary Preparedness and Emotional Development TOP: Learning Objective 1
MSC: Understanding

6. All of the following statements are true EXCEPT:

a. facial expressions cannot yet be used to infer emotional states in infants
b. facial expressions can be used to infer emotional states in older individuals
c. some expressions are difficult to interpret
d. some people can mask their emotions more effectively than others
ANS: A DIF: Medium REF: Emotional Development
TOP: Learning Objective 1 MSC: Understanding
7. The goal of maintaining integrity of self is associated with which emotion?
a. anger c. fear
b. disgust d. sadness
ANS: C DIF: Medium REF: Emotional Development
TOP: Learning Objective 1 MSC: Understanding

8. Donovan tries to conserve energy by disengaging and withdrawing. He is likely feeling:

a. anger c. fear
b. disgust d. sadness
ANS: D DIF: Medium REF: Emotional Development
TOP: Learning Objective 1 MSC: Applying

9. All of the following are considered basic emotions EXCEPT:

a. disgust c. guilt
b. fear d. joy
ANS: C DIF: Easy REF: Differentiation of Emotions in Infancy
TOP: Learning Objective 2 MSC: Remembering

10. ________ emotions are meant to influence others and not simply to reflect an internal state.
a. Complex c. Machiavellian
b. Display d. Moral
ANS: C DIF: Easy REF: Differentiation of Emotions in Infancy
TOP: Learning Objective 2 MSC: Remembering

11. Most theorists see the newborn as having:

a. no emotions c. complex emotions
b. 6 basic emotions d. undifferentiated emotions
ANS: D DIF: Easy REF: Differentiation of Emotions in Infancy
TOP: Learning Objective 2 MSC: Understanding

12. Shame may result from sadness combined with anger. Shame represents a ________ emotion.
a. complex c. Machiavellian
b. composite d. phylogenic
ANS: A DIF: Easy REF: Differentiation of Emotions in Infancy
TOP: Learning Objective 2 MSC: Understanding

13. All of the following are considered self-conscious emotions EXCEPT:

a. anger c. empathy
b. envy d. pride
ANS: A DIF: Easy REF: Differentiation of Emotions in Infancy
TOP: Learning Objective 2 MSC: Understanding

14. Which of the following statements about moral emotions is true?

a. The idea that emotions are part of morality emerged recently as a result of new research.
b. Moral emotions in infants are the same as mature moral reasoning and judgments.
c. New research suggests that preverbal infants may have some intuitive sense of right and
d. Infants do not yet react differently to mean and nice social agents, but rather respond
based on the appearance of stimuli.
ANS: C DIF: Easy REF: Differentiation of Emotions in Infancy
TOP: Learning Objective 2 MSC: Understanding

15. All the following statements about complex emotions are true EXCEPT:
a. complex emotions build on basic emotions
b. complex emotions are evident within the first six months of development
c. complex emotions may involve goals that are at least partly socialized and vary across
d. all possible combinations of the six basic emotions can yield thousands of complex
ANS: B DIF: Medium REF: Differentiation of Emotions in Infancy
TOP: Learning Objective 2 MSC: Understanding

16. Which of these emotions is the last to develop?

a. envy c. fear
b. empathy d. pride
ANS: D DIF: Medium REF: Differentiation of Emotions in Infancy
TOP: Learning Objective 3 MSC: Remembering

17. At what point in development do negative emotions start to differentiate into the categories of sadness
and anger?
a. at birth c. 4 months
b. 2 months d. 6 months
ANS: B DIF: Difficult REF: Differentiation of Emotions in Infancy
TOP: Learning Objective 3 MSC: Remembering

18. What is most likely to elicit a smile in a newborn?

a. internal cues c. social stimulation
b. interactive toys d. recognition of specific individuals
ANS: A DIF: Medium REF: Differentiation of Emotions in Infancy
TOP: Learning Objective 3 MSC: Understanding

19. All of the following statements about emotional expression are true EXCEPT:
a. different forms of happiness seem to fade gradually into each other in infants rather than
being sharply defined
b. different forms of happiness seem to fade gradually into each other in adults rather than
being sharply defined
c. negative emotions are often seen as more clearly distinct from each other in infants
d. negative emotions are often seen as more clearly distinct from each other in adults
ANS: C DIF: Medium REF: Differentiation of Emotions in Infancy
TOP: Learning Objective 3 MSC: Understanding

20. Matthew is 6 months old. He probably smiles most often in response to:
a. internal cues c. social stimulation
b. interactive toys d. seeing and recognizing his mother
ANS: D DIF: Medium REF: Differentiation of Emotions in Infancy
TOP: Learning Objective 3 MSC: Applying
21. Baby Zach’s brows are drawn together and lowered. His mouth looks like a wide-open square. This
facial expression would suggest that Zach is:
a. angry c. joyful
b. fearful d. disgusted
ANS: A DIF: Medium REF: Differentiation of Emotions in Infancy
TOP: Learning Objective 3 MSC: Applying

22. Juan’s parents have noticed that he has just started to express fear. He only recently has been
frightened by new people and toys. How old is Juan likely to be?
a. 2 months c. 6 months
b. 4 months d. 12 months
ANS: C DIF: Difficult REF: Differentiation of Emotions in Infancy
TOP: Learning Objective 3 MSC: Applying

23. Those low on emotional intelligence:

a. only have difficulty inferring other’s emotional states
b. only have difficulty recognizing their own emotions
c. have difficulty understanding both their emotions and others’ emotions
d. too quickly recognize others’ emotions as well as their own
ANS: C DIF: Easy
REF: The Causes and Consequences of Problems in Emotional Regulation
TOP: Learning Objective 4 MSC: Remembering

24. ________ neurons may play a role in emotional contagion by linking action and perception such that
the same neurons fire when a person either expresses an emotion or observes that emotion in others.
a. Display c. Mirror
b. Emotion d. Response
ANS: C DIF: Medium REF: Perceiving and Thinking about Emotions
TOP: Learning Objective 4 MSC: Remembering

25. Claudine, a 12-month-old, participated in a study where she watched a cartoon that depicted a triangle
that helped a ball move up the hill and a square that hindered the ball's attempts. Claudine then saw
two follow-up cartoons in which the ball approached either the triangle (the helper) or the square (the
hinderer). Claudine likely:
a. ignored the follow-up movies
b. looked longer at the follow-up movie where the ball approached the helper (the triangle)
c. looked longer at the follow-up movie where the ball approached the hinderer (the square)
d. looked equally long at both follow-up movies
ANS: C DIF: Medium REF: Differentiation of Emotions in Infancy
TOP: Learning Objective 4 MSC: Understanding

26. Emma is a 4-month-old infant. She will:

a. not yet be sensitive to others’ emotions
b. rely only on visual cues to emotions
c. rely only on auditory cues to emotions
d. rely on both visual and auditory cues to emotions
ANS: D DIF: Medium REF: Perceiving and Thinking about Emotions
TOP: Learning Objective 4 MSC: Applying
27. Martina’s friend is feeling very happy. Martina seems to “pick it up” and feel happy as well. This is an
example of:
a. display cues c. situation selection
b. emotional contagion d. social referencing
ANS: B DIF: Medium REF: Perceiving and Thinking about Emotions
TOP: Learning Objective 4 MSC: Applying

28. All of the following are methods of emotional regulation highlighted in your textbook EXCEPT:
a. attentional deployment c. situation selection
b. response modification d. social referencing
ANS: D DIF: Easy REF: Emotional Regulation in Infancy
TOP: Learning Objective 5 MSC: Understanding

29. All of the following statements about emotion regulation are true EXCEPT:
a. emotion regulation includes conscious processes, such as deliberately suppressing
b. emotion regulation includes unconscious processes, such as habits that reduce the intensity
of emotional experience
c. emotion regulation applies only to negative emotions, such as anger
d. emotion regulation can involve external factors, such as parental soothing
ANS: C DIF: Medium REF: Emotional Regulation in Infancy
TOP: Learning Objective 5 MSC: Understanding

30. Jose is an infant who shifts his attention away from a frightening image. This is an illustration of:
a. emotional contagion c. positivity bias
b. emotional regulation d. response modification
ANS: B DIF: Medium REF: Emotional Regulation in Infancy
TOP: Learning Objective 5 MSC: Applying

31. Claudia’s infant is very upset. The baby does not want to stay in his crib by himself. Claudia picks up
her son and keeps him close by. This illustrates:
a. display rules c. response modification
b. negativity bias d. situation modification
ANS: D DIF: Medium REF: Emotional Regulation in Infancy
TOP: Learning Objective 5 MSC: Applying

32. Miles, a toddler, wants to stay close to his mother. He follows her into the kitchen. This illustrates:
a. positivity bias c. situational deployment
b. response modification d. situation selection
ANS: D DIF: Medium REF: Emotional Regulation in Infancy
TOP: Learning Objective 5 MSC: Applying

33. Sheila is very upset about something that happened at work. She tries to distract herself and focus on
her friends. This illustrates:
a. attentional deployment c. response modification
b. positivity bias d. situation selection
ANS: A DIF: Medium REF: Emotional Regulation in Infancy
TOP: Learning Objective 5 MSC: Applying
34. Pat, a toddler, sucks her thumb whenever she is scared. This makes her feel better. This is an example
a. attentional deployment c. response modification
b. goodness of fit d. situational modification
ANS: C DIF: Medium REF: Emotional Regulation in Infancy
TOP: Learning Objective 5 MSC: Applying

35. Dena is really bothered by something that happened at school. She tries to rethink the situation and
interpret its negative aspects in a more positive way. This illustrates:
a. attentional deployment c. cognitive reframing
b. cognitive modification d. response modification
ANS: C DIF: Medium REF: Emotional Regulation in Infancy
TOP: Learning Objective 5 MSC: Applying

36. Researchers use the term ________ to refer to an infant’s tendency toward particular emotional and
behavioral responses to specific situations.
a. affective response style c. personality
b. goodness of fit d. temperament
ANS: D DIF: Easy REF: Temperament and the Origins of Personality
TOP: Learning Objective 6 MSC: Remembering

37. The children in Thomas and Chess’s study were each assessed repeatedly over an extended period of
time. This is an example of a ________ design.
a. chronological c. longitudinal
b. cross-section d. sequential
ANS: C DIF: Easy REF: Determining Differences in Temperament
TOP: Learning Objective 6 MSC: Understanding

38. A measure of temperament yields different results across different ages, observers, and situations. The
measure is said to have low:
a. accuracy c. reliability
b. longitudinality d. validity
ANS: C DIF: Easy REF: Determining Differences in Temperament
TOP: Learning Objective 6 MSC: Understanding

39. Dr. Buss is a researcher who focuses on the early emergence of temperament and its high heritability,
which leads to stability over time. His approach to studying temperament can be described as a(n)
________ approach.
a. emotive c. structural
b. functional d. trait
ANS: D DIF: Medium
REF: Temperament-Based Components of Personality and Early Development
TOP: Learning Objective 6 MSC: Applying

40. A researcher is interested in whether his measure of temperament predicts the more naturalistic and
intuitively compelling behaviors that are thought to underlie the temperamental measure. He is
interested in the measure’s:
a. feasibility c. reliability
b. generalizability d. validity
ANS: D DIF: Medium REF: Determining Differences in Temperament
TOP: Learning Objective 6 MSC: Applying

41. Trait approaches to temperament focus on three fundamental trait-like categories. Which of the
following is NOT one of these trait-like categories?
a. activity level c. emotionality
b. effortful control d. sociability
ANS: B DIF: Easy
REF: Temperament-Based Components of Personality and Early Development
TOP: Learning Objective 7 MSC: Remembering

42. All of the following are dimensions of temperament identified by Thomas and Chess EXCEPT:
a. activity level c. rhythmicity
b. mood d. soothability
ANS: D DIF: Easy REF: Determining Differences in Temperament
TOP: Learning Objective 7 MSC: Remembering

43. All of the following are contributions of the New York Longitudinal Study EXCEPT:
a. it looked at infants’ behaviors in their own right rather than conceiving of them as infant
versions of adult behaviors and qualities
b. it identified two important dimensions of temperament with infants who appear inhibited
and those who seem uninhibited
c. it suggested that infants’ behaviors could be coded into temperament categories that might
have some degree of developmental continuity
d. it started to reveal how the specific circumstances of a child’s development could strongly
modify a child’s temperamental disposition
ANS: B DIF: Medium REF: Determining Differences in Temperament
TOP: Learning Objective 7 MSC: Remembering

44. The Infant Behavior Questionnaire-Revised describes temperamental differences between infants on
all of the following dimensions EXCEPT:
a. negative affectivity c. rhythmicity
b. effortful control d. surgency/extroversion
ANS: C DIF: Medium REF: Determining Differences in Temperament
TOP: Learning Objective 7 MSC: Remembering

45. All of the following statements are true of Jerome Kagan’s research findings EXCEPT:
a. infants’ inhibited behaviors have different biological bases than uninhibited behaviors
b. the tendency to be inhibited or uninhibited can affect other aspects of temperament
c. the tendency to be inhibited or uninhibited interacts with the degree to which certain kinds
of emotions are expressed
d. uninhibited infants are more likely to express negative emotions
ANS: D DIF: Medium REF: Determining Differences in Temperament
TOP: Learning Objective 7 MSC: Understanding

46. Benicio usually responds to new environments in a negative fashion at first. However, he tends to
adapt after being in the new situation for some time. Benicio would be classified into the category of:
a. adjustable c. easy
b. difficult d. slow to warm up
ANS: D DIF: Medium REF: Determining Differences in Temperament
TOP: Learning Objective 7 MSC: Applying

47. Marcela is considered an easy baby. Which of these characteristics is she UNLIKELY to demonstrate?
a. happy c. intense reactions
b. adaptable d. regular daily routines
ANS: C DIF: Medium REF: Determining Differences in Temperament
TOP: Learning Objective 7 MSC: Applying

48. Jamal is a toddler who is able to effectively shift his attention and focus on tasks. Jamal would be
considered high on:
a. affect modification c. rhythmicity
b. effortful control d. surgency
ANS: B DIF: Medium REF: Determining Differences in Temperament
TOP: Learning Objective 7 MSC: Applying

49. Rocky is a toddler who is tentative when in new surroundings. He does not like meeting new people
and seems extremely timid. Rocky demonstrates:
a. inhibited behavior c. slow to warm affectivity
b. negative affectivity d. uninhibited behavior
ANS: A DIF: Medium REF: Determining Differences in Temperament
TOP: Learning Objective 7 MSC: Applying

50. Gene’s dog is very timid. He is afraid of dogs that are smaller than him. How would you describe the
dog’s temperament?
a. easy c. inhibited
b. difficult d. uninhibited
ANS: C DIF: Medium REF: Determining Differences in Temperament
TOP: Learning Objective 7 MSC: Applying

51. Doreen is an uninhibited child, whereas Dawn is an inhibited child. Which of the following is most
a. Doreen will tend to display more positive emotions than Dawn.
b. Doreen will tend display more negative emotions than Dawn.
c. Doreen will display less exploratory behavior in new situations than Dawn.
d. Doreen and Dawn will display different levels of exploratory behaviors but will not differ
in their display of emotion.
ANS: A DIF: Difficult REF: Determining Differences in Temperament
TOP: Learning Objective 7 MSC: Analyzing

52. The temperamental aspects of inhibition and negative affect are often associated with which
personality trait?
a. conscientiousness c. neuroticism
b. extroversion d. openness to experience
ANS: C DIF: Easy REF: Determining Differences in Temperament
TOP: Learning Objective 8 MSC: Remembering

53. All of the following statements about temperament are true EXCEPT:
a. an individual’s temperament emerges early in life
b. there is a high degree of heritability in many temperamental attributes
c. temperament is not very stable over time
d. temperament can involve individual differences in self-regulation
ANS: C DIF: Easy REF: Temperament and the Origins of Personality
TOP: Learning Objective 8 MSC: Understanding

54. Which statement about conscientiousness is true?

a. Conscientiousness is present in infancy.
b. Conscientiousness develops out of the interaction of specific components of early
c. Most conscientious people are at the extreme ends of the temperamental dimensions of
vigilance and activity.
d. A highly conscientious person demonstrates low levels of attentional monitoring.
ANS: B DIF: Medium REF: Determining Differences in Temperament
TOP: Learning Objective 8 MSC: Understanding

55. Macie is an extremely inhibited child at age 2. How will Macie likely behave in elementary school if
her parents fail to encourage social exploration?
a. She will show high levels of inhibition and shyness.
b. She will be a little shy.
c. She will be extremely outgoing.
d. It is impossible to know as inhibition is not a stable trait.
ANS: A DIF: Medium REF: Determining Differences in Temperament
TOP: Learning Objective 8 MSC: Applying

56. Stephan demonstrates persistence as an infant. This aspect of temperament is associated with all of the
following personality traits EXCEPT:
a. agreeableness c. extroversion
b. conscientiousness d. openness to experience
ANS: C DIF: Medium REF: Determining Differences in Temperament
TOP: Learning Objective 8 MSC: Applying

57. Researchers studied abused children and a control group and presented participants a digitally altered
series of images of the same face, with the images gradually transforming from a face with a neutral
expression to a face with a strong emotion. They found that children of abusive parents:
a. identified anger at an earlier point than control children
b. identified anger at a later point than control children
c. identified sadness at an earlier point than control children
d. identified sadness at a later point than control children
ANS: A DIF: Medium
REF: The Effect of Parenting on Emotion Processing in Children
TOP: Learning Objective 9 MSC: Remembering

58. Rachel, a 10-month-old, sees a new toy. She turns to her mother to see her reaction to this new object.
This is an example of:
a. display cues c. situation selection
b. emotional contagion d. social referencing
ANS: D DIF: Medium REF: Perceiving and Thinking about Emotions
TOP: Learning Objective 9 MSC: Applying
59. Hillary gets socks and a pencil as a present from one of her friends at her birthday party. She responds
politely and smiles, though she wished she received a toy. Her parents have taught her to respond
positively to gifts no matter their content. This illustrates use of:
a. attentional deployment c. response guidelines
b. display rules d. situation cues
ANS: B DIF: Medium REF: Emotional Regulation in Infancy
TOP: Learning Objective 9 MSC: Applying

60. Sachi is a child being raised in Japan, and Susan is a child being raised in the United States. Which of
the following is most likely?
a. Sachi may be more likely to react to certain experiences by feeling guilt when Susan reacts
by feeling shame.
b. Susan may be more likely to react to certain experiences by feeling guilt when Sachi reacts
by feeling shame.
c. Susan’s mother probably socializes her primarily through feelings of shame.
d. Sachi’s mother probably socializes her primarily through feelings of guilt.
ANS: B DIF: Difficult REF: Differentiation of Emotions in Infancy
TOP: Learning Objective 9 MSC: Analyzing

61. Maysa is an infant whose mother is clinically depressed. Marsha is an infant whose mother is not
depressed. Both girls are tested in the still face paradigm. Which outcome is most likely?
a. Both girls will respond similarly.
b. Maysa will be more likely than Marsha to soothe herself through means such as
c. Maysa will be more likely than Marsha to use attentional deployment strategies such as
looking away.
d. Marsha will be more likely than Maysa to soothe herself through means such as
ANS: B DIF: Difficult
REF: The Causes and Consequences of Problems in Emotional Regulation
TOP: Learning Objective 9 MSC: Analyzing

62. The concept of ________ suggests that the same environment is not optimal for all children.
a. environmental bias c. personality matching
b. goodness of fit d. situation selection
ANS: B DIF: Easy
REF: Child-Environment Interactions and Goodness of Fit TOP: Learning Objective 10
MSC: Remembering

63. All of the following statements about goodness of fit are true EXCEPT:
a. the concept of goodness of fit helped launch a major shift in how we view infants and
b. the same environment is optimal for all children
c. children can actively seek the best-fitting environment
d. parents and teachers can alter the environment to better fit the child
ANS: B DIF: Medium
REF: Child-Environment Interactions and Goodness of Fit TOP: Learning Objective 10
MSC: Understanding

64. In which of the following environments would an easy infant fare better than a difficult infant?
a. a drought area in East Africa
b. a day care center where there are many children and few teachers
c. a large, poor family where there is much competition among children
d. a small family which is not under stress
ANS: D DIF: Medium
REF: Child-Environment Interactions and Goodness of Fit TOP: Learning Objective 10
MSC: Understanding

65. Colby is a challenging child. However, his mother is able to guide him well and they have a strong
relationship. This represents:
a. environmental selectivity c. parental matching
b. goodness of fit d. situation selection
ANS: B DIF: Medium
REF: Child-Environment Interactions and Goodness of Fit TOP: Learning Objective 10
MSC: Applying

66. Sibyl is a difficult baby who cries often and is rarely content. Her mother finds this behavior difficult
to handle and becomes less patient, leading to even more difficult behavior from the infant. This
illustrates a(n):
a. coercive cycle c. feedback loop
b. emotional contagion d. response modification
ANS: C DIF: Medium
REF: Child-Environment Interactions and Goodness of Fit TOP: Learning Objective 10
MSC: Applying


1. What methods do researchers use to study infants’ facial expressions?

Because infants cannot verbally convey what they are experiencing, researchers have used infants’
facial expressions to infer their emotional states. Darwin pioneered this method and assumed that
facial expressions were good indicators of underlying emotional states and that when combined with
contextual cues and other infant behaviors, facial expressions could be used to identify several distinct
emotions from the beginning of life. Modern researchers have developed coding systems for scoring
the different expressions and assigning them to categories of emotion. By using such coding systems,
which are based on analyzing the muscular and anatomical components that vary across facial
expressions, researchers are able to achieve high levels of reliability for identifying expressions.

DIF: Easy REF: Approaches to Emotional Development

TOP: Learning Objective 1 MSC: Remembering

2. What is the functionalist approach to emotion?

The functionalist approach to emotions stresses the function of emotional responses. According to this
approach, each emotion serves clear functions, both for our own internal regulation and for regulating
and managing social situations. For example, sadness conserves energy and encourages nurturance
from others.

DIF: Easy REF: Approaches to Emotional Development

TOP: Learning Objective 1 MSC: Remembering

3. What are phobias and how are they explained by the preparedness model?

Phobias are extreme, often irrational fears of specific things or situations. Phobias seem evolutionarily
prepared to be associated with certain stimuli. Fear of snakes is one such prepared association. Infants
may have an early-emerging bias to track potential threats like snakes.

DIF: Easy REF: Evolutionary Preparedness and Emotional Development

TOP: Learning Objective 1 MSC: Understanding

4. What are complex emotions? Describe why shame is considered a complex emotion.

Emotions that build on and occur developmentally later than the basic emotions are known as complex
emotions. They emerge from various combinations of basic emotions and through the introduction of
more complex supporting cognitions about a situation. Shame is a complex emotion that involves
sadness at losing the respect of another, combined with anger at oneself for doing so and some degree
of fear about the consequences.

DIF: Medium REF: Differentiation of Emotions in Infancy

TOP: Learning Objective 2 MSC: Remembering

5. What are the two reasons that some emotions are considered “basic”?

Basic emotions include joy, sadness, disgust, surprise, anger, and fear. These emotions are considered
basic for two main reasons: (1) they appear very early in development, and (2) they are considered
human universals, in part because people in an extraordinary range of cultures are able to infer these
emotions consistently from facial expressions.

DIF: Medium REF: Differentiation of Emotions in Infancy

TOP: Learning Objective 2 MSC: Understanding

6. Describe how the developmental progression of emotions corresponds to the evolution of emotions
and offer an explanation for this finding.

The developmental sequence in which the basic emotions appear in infancy roughly correspond to the
order in which these emotions are thought to have evolved. Early in infancy there is a split between
positive arousal (excitement) and negative arousal (apprehension). From this point, positive emotions
differentiate into narrower categories as do negative emotions. The emotions that appeared first may
have been those that were functionally the most important in evolution and therefore the most
conserved across species. Even the simplest organisms need to know when to seek out opportunities
through positive, exploratory behavior and when to avoid threats through more wary, guarded

DIF: Difficult REF: Differentiation of Emotions in Infancy

TOP: Learning Objective 3 MSC: Analyzing

7. What is negativity bias and why might infants demonstrate this response?

Infants use their parents’ reactions as cues to interpret ambiguous situations. In these circumstances,
infants show a strong tendency to respond more powerfully and consistently to negative emotions than
to positive ones, a phenomenon called the negativity bias. The negativity bias may occur because there
is a larger cost to ignoring or misinterpreting negative emotions than positive ones.

DIF: Medium REF: Perceiving and Thinking about Emotions

TOP: Learning Objective 4 MSC: Understanding

8. Describe two strategies/therapeutic approaches for helping children with emotional regulation

Some children face difficulties with emotion regulation. One common therapeutic approach is to focus
on specific behaviors, such as tantrums associated with excessive anger. In this case, a therapist might
work with a child and his parents to develop strategies for modifying the child’s tendency to throw
tantrums. A different approach attempts to expand the child’s ability to understand his own emotional
states and those of others, assuming that such an increased awareness will lead to enhanced abilities to
stop an emotional surge before it gets out of control.

DIF: Medium REF: The Causes and Consequences of Problems in Emotional Regulation
TOP: Learning Objective 5 MSC: Applying

9. Differentiate between situation modification and situation selection.

Situation modification and situation selection are both means used to regulate emotions. One way of
regulating emotions is to change the situation in which one is immersed, a method called situation
modification. Early on, infants are usually better able to modify the situation they find themselves in
than to select the situation they prefer. Once they can crawl, infants may be able to select a situation
for themselves. Over the course of development, the situation selection method of regulating emotions
becomes increasingly important as the infant becomes able to take actions that enable her to approach
pleasant situations and avoid unpleasant situations.

DIF: Difficult REF: Perceiving and Thinking about Emotions

TOP: Learning Objective 5 MSC: Analyzing

10. Define inhibition and provide some evolutionary arguments for inhibited behaviors across species.

Inhibited infants are more likely to be fearful and tentative in novel surroundings. Children throughout
the world show increasingly inhibited behaviors in response to unexpected or unfamiliar events during
the first two years of life. Kagan has argued that these kinds of inhibitions were important adaptive
behaviors that promoted safety and survival by inducing the child to pay attention to stimulus
discrepancies and not to approach or get involved in unfamiliar events. For young children, the best
strategy might be to prefer what has been safe in the past and be wary of novelty. Infants’ tendency
toward inhibition may also trigger distress sounds (for example, cries) that attract caregivers.

DIF: Medium REF: Determining Differences in Temperament

TOP: Learning Objective 7 MSC: Understanding

11. Differentiate between difficult babies and “slow to warm up” babies.

Difficult babies are often unhappy, do not adjust well to new situations, and have irregular biological
rhythms. Slow to warm children also start out expressing negativity but react with low intensity and
adjust slowly to new situations.

DIF: Difficult REF: Determining Differences in Temperament

TOP: Learning Objective 7 MSC: Analyzing

12. Differentiate between temperament and personality.

An infant’s tendency toward particular emotional and behavioral responses to specific situations is
known as temperament. An individual’s temperament emerges early in life and remains relatively
stable over time. Most researchers use the term temperament when describing an infant’s disposition,
because behavioral differences among infants are not the same as those that distinguish older children
or adults. Infants do not show the complexity of personality that older children and adults do.
Personality includes many other aspects of human variation, such as intelligence, creativity, and
self-monitoring ability that cannot be assessed in infants.

DIF: Easy REF: Temperament and the Origins of Personality

TOP: Learning Objective 8 MSC: Understanding

13. What are display rules and how do they differ across cultures?

Adults socialize children not to display certain emotions even when they are feeling them strongly.
The display rules governing what kinds of emotional expressions a particular group considers
appropriate can vary across cultures. For instance, Iranian children are socialized to suppress their
emotions more than Dutch children are.

DIF: Medium REF: Perceiving and Thinking about Emotions

TOP: Learning Objective 9 MSC: Remembering

14. Describe conditions under which a difficult temperament may be advantageous.

Sometimes those who complain the loudest fare better than others. Difficult babies may show better
developmental outcomes than easy babies in impoverished environments. A study of infants born in
parts of East Africa during a drought found that difficult infants had better health outcomes than easy
infants. Caregivers under extreme stress may simply respond first to children who seem the most

DIF: Medium REF: Determining Differences in Temperament

TOP: Learning Objective 10 MSC: Understanding

15. Describe the concept of goodness of fit. Provide an example of a parent-child relationship where
goodness of fit may be poor.

Different kinds of parents may “fit” better with some infants than with others. This idea stresses that
children are active agents who help shape their own development. An example of poor fit may be a
mother who is always active and prefers a noisy environment raising a child with a low activity level
who prefers a calm environment.

DIF: Medium REF: Child-Environment Interactions and Goodness of Fit

TOP: Learning Objective 10 MSC: Applying

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