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The “Coronavirus” Pandemic - Part II:

The Use of Nanotechnology and Radiation

Poisoning for Bio-Viral Weaponization and
Mohsen Paul Sarfarazi, Ph.D.
An overview of how viruses-retroviruses could be utilized as to instigate
viral bio-weaponization and bio-warfare (much like other pathogens as
bacteria, fungi, etc.), as well as a highlight of the history of how this has
occurred in the past, has been presented. In particular, two issues need
to be clarified here. First of all, almost all of our history of evolution
prior to 5,500 years ago has been purged from the records, as well any
memory of such happenings have been blank-slated from our
consciousness memories. Secondly, that humanity has been lurking in
the low dimensional level of consciousness, without having a clue about
some of the advanced technologies with regard to the true nature of its
genetics, and the possibility of its manipulation leading to genetic
mutations and alien hybridization. However, as of more recently, with
the advent of knowledge of radiation technological development,
together with more novel approaches as nanotechnology in materials
science, as well as the fact that we are beginning to better understand
the nature of our bioenergetics and the role it plays in our genetics and
physiognomy and holographic reality, we are beginning to get a better
grasp of how a formidable nefarious alien artificial intelligence
machinery can play a devastating role in our genetic modification,
hybridization, as well as the using viral bio- weaponization for our
demise or total annihilation. Thus, in the present paper, the author
alludes to the fact that viral weaponization can be used as a means of
weaponization and warfare to utterly change our genetics, making
finally a totally docile form of beings in order to be more easily ruled
and controlled and utilized for any means the negative aliens care to
muster. And, the way this comes to manifestation is that viruses-
retroviruses are created from ground up using nanomaterials that when
they are bombarded upon humanity through special frequentially
programed electromagnetic radiations that are objectionable to our
bioenergetics-genetics, they are rejected, with our immune system
launching biochemical as to evict the foreign nanomaterials from our
bodies. Accordingly, the artificially programmed nanomaterial now
acquires a surface filament or membrane comprised as the host’s
infected genetic materials such as proteins, RNA, or single strand DNA
(ssDNA) that together forms the basis for a new virus-retrovirus. Thus,
when other living beings such as humans come in contact with such a
newly generated or mutated virus-retrovirus, they become infected,
provided that the virus-retrovirus, after attaching itself to a new host,
enters the living cells of the new host. And, from there on, it uses the
genetic material of this new host to replicate, genetically mutate the
host, and finally take full control of the functions of the new living host.
Note that at the same time, the virus-antivirus is programmed with
artificial intelligence as a nanomaterial for its basis, and performs
exactly according to its ‘loaded’ instructional sets that may include: (1)
evading the self-immunity functions of its host to remain dormant for a
set time until it is instructed to become activated again, in which case
the infected living being literally becomes as a ‘ticking bomb’ to become
viral and infect others, causing a pandemic at a later time, (2) to fight,
highly weaken, or altogether, annihilate the immune system of its living
host, (3) to begin genetically mutating its living host according to its
loaded instruction set to hybridize or turn the host into a form of a
transhuman or an utter zombie, after having taken over the entire
autonomic nervous system of its host, converting what was initially a
living-breathing solar organic consciousness being to an automaton and
a zombie being driven by artificial intelligence completely, and finally (4)
to eradicate the host all together as an ‘undesirable’ physical form,
providing an opportunity for the energetically parasitic negative aliens
controllers to feed upon its energies, and or to be used to power up and
maintain their AI machinery, or direct its energies to their off-planet and
remote storage Moloch tanks of energy.

• The ability of viruses-retroviruses [1] to cause devastating epidemics
in human societies certainly exists.
• Thus, viruses-retroviruses could be weaponized for biological
• Certainly successful recreation of the infamous 1918 influenza virus
[2] in a laboratory is not a matter of speculation or “conspiracy
• Smallpox virus devastated numerous societies throughout history
before its eradication.
• It may be used as a weapon in vaccines.
• In fact, the smallpox vaccine has shown to have severe side-effects,
the reason that it is no longer used routinely in any country.
• Biological warfare, also known as germ warfare, involves using
biological toxins or infectious agents such as bacteria, viruses-
retroviruses, insects, and fungi with the intent to kill or incapacitate
humans, animals, or plants.
• Biological weapons (often termed "bio-weapons", or "bio-agents")
are living organisms or replicating entities (viruses-retroviruses), with
the latter NOT being universally considered as being "alive").
• Entomological (insect) warfare is a subtype of biological warfare.
• Here, insects are used to either directly infect humans, or indirectly,
as to infect the human food sources such as plants and animals.
• Biological warfare is distinct from nuclear warfare and chemical
warfare that use weapons of mass destruction.
• None of these are considered conventional weapons.
• Biological weapons may be employed in various ways to gain a
strategic or tactical advantage over the enemy.
• These agents may be lethal and may be targeted against a single
individual, a group of people, or even an entire population.
• Biological warfare and chemical warfare overlap to an extent, as they
both use toxins.
• Toxins and psychochemical weapons do not reproduce in their host,
and are typically characterized by shorter incubation periods.
• The use of biological weapons is prohibited, yet they are employed
clandestinely and under the false pretenses that may include
through vaccines, drugs, and electromagnetic radiation that are
particularly harmful to human health.
• Offensive biological warfare was outlawed by the 1972 Biological
Weapons Convention (BWC).
• The rationale behind this treaty, which has been sanctioned by 170
countries as of April 2013, is to prevent a biological attack which
could conceivably result in large numbers of civilian casualties and
cause severe disruption to economic and societal infrastructure.
• And, the thing to particularly consider is that a biological agent may
not be of total devastating nature that would lead to the annihilation
of human race or a great number of Earth population.
• Yet, it may be particularly devised and targeted as to create
economic collapse, promoting mass poverty, and making a great
number of population dependent on financial loans by the banks and
other institutions.
• And, such financial institutions are owned and often tightly
controlled by the members of the Cabal, who do not have
‘humanity’s best interests at heart,’ or their intents often would, by
any means, fit in the category of ‘good for the ALL.’
• Furthermore, these same individuals are the very people who
strongly subscribe to the dogma of ‘service to self only,’ which is very
much in line with the motto of existence of their off-planet
puppeteers and masters [3].
• Thus, through initiating a biological or viral warfare, it gives them the
ultimate advantage to exploit and control the public through giving
financial loans, making them further dependent and being under the
burden of debt or financial deficit.
• And, a group that has such a power, always pose a grave threat of
mass casualty, as well as having the ability to alter the ‘terms’ of any
loan contract, effectively enslaving the public being subject to its
• Furthermore, biological weapons allow for the potential to create a
level of destruction and loss of life far in excess of nuclear, chemical
or conventional weapons, relative to their mass and cost of
development and storage.
• Therefore, biological agents may be used with such a nefarious
strategic incentive, in addition to their utility as offensive weaponry
against the public.
• As a tactical weapon for military use, a significant problem with a
biological agent such as a virus attack is that it would take quite
some time to be detected, and therefore, might pose a significant
threat against being immediately stopped or rendered ineffective as
a destructive force.
• In particular, some biological agents have the capability of person-to-
person transmission, say via aerosolized respiratory droplets.
• Accordingly, the problem often soon gets out of hand, culminating in
a local epidemic or global pandemic.
• As such, this feature can be particularly undesirable, as the agent(s)
may be transmitted via unintended populations.
• Worse yet, even if the whole process was initially meant as a means
of virotherapy and not purely nefarious purpose, such a weapon
could "escape" the laboratory where it was developed.
• Thus, by infecting a researcher who then transmits it to the outside
world, and before realizing that they were infected, it may lead to a
• Several cases have been encountered in the past concerning
researchers working within a laboratory setting, and then, becoming
infected with the virus and dying.
• In any case, herein, the case of utilization of biological-viral
weaponry is of particular concern involving criminals who would
literally ‘sell their soul’ in favor of gaining incredible riches, power
and control, that has more of a military implication for the civilian
populations of ALL nations.
• Biological weapons are difficult to detect, they are economical to
produce and easy to use.
• The cost of a biological weapon is estimated to be about 0.05
percent the cost of a conventional weapon in order to produce
similar numbers of mass casualties.
• Moreover, their production is very easy as common technology can
be used to produce biological warfare as vaccines, foods, spray
devices, beverages and antibiotics.
• A major deterrent factor about biological warfare is that the
potential organisms deployed have typical incubation period of 3 to
7 days before the devastating results begin to appear.
• This makes them as an effective tool for genocide as there is not
sufficient time to circumvent or find a cure against them.
• A technique called Clustered, Regularly Interspaced, Short
Palindromic Repeat (CRISPR) is now so cheap and widely available
that it is feared that even amateurs as a “do-it-yourself (DIY)”
methodology can start experimenting with them to develop
dangerous bioweapons using ‘genome editing technology.’
• In this technique, a DNA sequence is cut off and replaced with a new
sequence or code that codes for a particular protein or
characteristic, which could potentially show up in the required
• This is of particular concern as it has been generally found that about
95% of accidents that have occurred have been done by employees
or those who had security clearance to work on such futile projects.

Known or Reported Historical Accounts of Biological

Weaponization against Fellow Humans
• Agents considered for weaponization, or known to be weaponized,
include many bacterial and viral and fungal agents and some toxins
and the organisms that produce them.
• Broadly speaking, these may be subclassified into two main
categories: “Lethal Agents” and “Incapacitating Agents.”
• Additionally, anti-crop agents have been used to inflict plant diseases
for destroying enemy agriculture.
• Biological weapons can also target fisheries as well as water-based
• Furthermore, insects may be used to deploy infection or disease on
• It was believed that destruction of enemy agriculture on a strategic
scale could thwart aggression in a general war.
• Also certain diseases have been weaponized in aerial spray tanks and
cluster bombs for delivery to enemy watersheds in agricultural
regions to initiate epidemics among plants.
• History shows that biological warfare have even been practiced in
antiquity in some apparent extent.
• The earliest documented incident use of biological weapons existed
in Hittite as far back as 1500–1200 BC, causing an epidemic.
• Assyrians have utilized parasitic fungi to poison the enemy wells,
that when ingested, leaves no such evidence whatsoever.
• Scythian archers used to dip their arrows, and Roman soldiers their
swords, into infected cadavers before launching them at their
• There is also the evidence that Mongols were throwing over the
bodies of their warriors who had died of plague over the walls to
infect others.
• The Black Death in Europe, that killed approximately 25 million
Europeans, was a result of biological weaponization.
• The British Army used smallpox against Native Americans in the in
June 1763.
• The British Marines used smallpox in New South Wales, Australia, in
• The use of such utterly deliberate cruel actions via introducing
smallpox and other atrocities by the British literally wiped out the
Aboriginal population.
• By 1900 the germ theory and advances in bacteriology brought a
new level of grotesque sophistication to the techniques involving use
of bio-agents as weapon and a warfare tactic.
• Biological weaponization via the use of anthrax and glanders was
undertaken by the Imperial German government during World War I
• Accordingly, the Geneva Protocol of 1925 prohibited the use of
chemical weapons and biological weapons.
• During World War I, Germans used anthrax and glanders to sicken
cavalry horses in U.S. and France, sheep in Romania, and livestock in
• Also, Germany itself became a victim of similar attacks in which their
horses were infected by French operatives in Switzerland.
• With the onset of World War II, the United Kingdom established a
biological warfare program.
• This work was championed by Winston Churchill and soon a variety
of toxins were developed as an effective weaponization technique to
cause massacre of the human beings.
• Other nations, notably France and Japan, also had begun their own
biological weapons programs.
• When the United States entered the war, biological and chemical
weapons were developed to be tested at the Dugway Proving
Grounds in Utah.
• Soon, there were facilities for the mass production of anthrax and
other toxins.
• The most notorious program of the period was run by the secret
Imperial Japanese Army during the war.
• The program of development of toxins for such biological warfare
began with indiscriminate brutality of conducting fatal human
experiments on prisoners that also epitomized widespread
application of such toxins as biological weapons.
• Biological weapons were used against both Chinese soldiers and
civilians in several military campaigns.
• In 1940, the Japanese Army Air Force deployed ceramic bombs full of
fleas carrying the bubonic plague.
• It is reported that such an action killed at least 400,000 people.
• During the final months of World War II, Japan planned to use plague
as a biological weapon against U.S. civilians, but it was not executed
because of Japan's surrender on 15 August 1945.
• Biological warfare can also specifically target plants to destroy crops
or defoliate vegetation.
• The United States and Britain discovered plant growth regulators
(i.e., herbicides) during WWII, and initiated a herbicidal warfare
program that was eventually used in Malaya and Vietnam.
• During World War II, the U.S. and Canada secretly investigated a
highly lethal disease infecting cattle, as a bioweapon.
• In Britain, in the 1950s, numerous biological agents were developed
as a means of weaponization saw the weaponization
• In 1952, the poisonous bush was used to kill cattle.
• But these programs were allegedly cancelled in 1956.
• When the United States purportedly renounced its offensive
biological warfare program in 1969 and 1970, the vast majority of its
biological arsenal was composed of plant diseases.
• Herbicides are chemicals, but they are often considered as means of
biological warfare and chemical warfare because they may work in a
similar manner as biotoxins or bioregulators.
• Tactics for destroying livestock and farmland were carried out in the
Vietnam war and Eelam War in Sri Lanka.
• In 1969, the UK and the Warsaw Pact, separately, introduced
proposals to the UN to ban biological weapons, and US presumably
terminated production of biological weapons with the caveat that
“it is only allowed as a means of scientific research for defensive
• The Biological and Toxin Weapons Convention was signed by the US,
UK, USSR and other nations, as a ban on development, production
and stockpiling of microbes or their poisonous products “except in
amounts necessary for protective and peaceful research" in 1972.
• In any case, the Soviet Union continued research and production of
massive offensive biological weapons despite having signed the
• In 1980s Soviet Union developed disease to be used to kill cows,
pigs, and chicken.
• These agents were prepared to spray them down from tanks
attached to airplanes over hundreds of miles.
• As of September 2018, 182 countries had approved the treaty;
although none are proven, while at least nine are still believed to
possess offensive biological warfare programs.
• And, what was discussed as having happened as a way of biological
warfare and viral weaponization so far only represents the
proverbial ‘tip of the iceberg’ with respect to biological and viral
weaponization having been used against humanity in distant past [4-
• The negative aliens who have been tightly controlling our genetic
evolutionary (or lack of it) path, have long been using viral
technology and biowarfare to genetically modify, mutate, and
hybridize us for numerous millennia [6].
• This has resulted in reversal of our bioenergetic and consciousness
• Through such reversal, abuse, and distortion of our consciousness
mechanics, they have devised frequency fences [8] as to impede our
innate sense of multidimensionality [9-10], as well as consciousness
expansion or forward evolution [11-15].
• They have used artificial intelligence machinery to create gender
splitting [16], so we cannot achieve the status of Hieros Gamos or
scared marriage [17], as a requisite condition for ascending to higher
dimensions of consciousness [18-19].
• And, with regard to this issue of loss of privilege to exercise our
multidimensionality as well as consciousness expansibility [20]
leading to forward evolution, the ‘rabbit hole is much deeper,’ so to
speak that goes back to millions of years ago, with negative aliens’
attention being more focused on recent events.

The Role of Radiation in Causing Viral Pandemic

• One thing is quite curious, that how in 1918 and shortly thereafter
and in the absence of cars, planes or other modes of transportation,
in an era that people practically travelled by horses or horse buggies,
such a pandemic could seemingly strike different parts of the world
seemingly simultaneously.
• It almost appears that such a pandemic must have occurred via some
form of radiation with electromagnetic waves having the propensity
to simultaneously getting everywhere to infect selected targets to
cause the disease.
• And, it is NOT surprising that the onset of the virus and the pandemic
is coincident with the advent of electromagnetic radio waves
suddenly being abundant, inundating the atmosphere of Earth due
to the invention of radio and such.
• It is envisioned that the radio waves had a deleterious effect on
human bodies, triggering a form of unforeseen autoimmune system
in human bodies [21] with human bodies (as well as other organic
beings) rejecting their harmful effect by secreting genetic materials
such as proteins, RNA or DNA that set the precedence for forming a
new type of virus (the Spanish Virus).
• From thereon, the virus could have a detrimental effect on other
humans attacking them in order to take over the function of its host
cells, as to replicate and mutate the human genome, further
spreading to other cells within the same body, and even infect
others, leading to an epidemic and then a pandemic.
• Furthermore, apart from the WWII providing a means for blood lust
and human energetic siphonage by the very culprits who launched
the matrix (negative aliens), the death camps created through
hospitals run with both a poor hygienic standard, as well as the high
traffic of wounded soldiers who were already suffering from injuries
and disease, plagued by a low autoimmune system, obviously
exasperated the situation contributing to the smorgasbord carnage
for the negative aliens.
• We are all electrical beings and not just made out of matter or
chemical components.
• Although, it is well known that chemical elements react and bond to
one another by an electrical process in which either electrons are
exchanged between one another (electrovalent bonding) or share
electrons between one another (covalent bonding).
• Such chemical process of bonding occurs in order for the individual
atoms to complete their orbitals and the levels of energetics
contours surrounding their nuclei in which free electrons spin about
themselves and the nucleus of the atom to fulfil their valency
• Note that all pandemics on Earth have coincided with the new
occurrence of an extreme electrical event in one way or another.
• For example, the Spanish Flu pandemic of 1918 coincides with the
unleashing of an inordinate amount of radio waves around the
• And, these radio waves represent particular low frequencies of
electromagnetic energies in the frequency spectrum.
• Also the 1957 Asian Flu eventually leading to the 1968 pandemic of
the Hong Kong Flu first coincided with launching of a large number of
satellites around the Van Allen Belt that was accompanied with
unleashing of an inordinate level of new radiations around the Earth.
• An opportunistic disease may occur as a result of genetic defects,
exposure to antimicrobial drugs or immunosuppressive chemicals, or
exposure to ionizing radiation.
• An opportunistic disease can particularly become active due to
impairment of host defenses or immune system.
• The success of any pathogen depends on its ability to elude host
immune responses.
• And, one way this can occur is due to the bombardment of ionization
radiation on the body with wave frequencies that are close to or
commensurate with the natural frequency spectrum of the body.
• Therefore, potential pathogens may be manufactured by a way of
artificial intelligence machinery that includes use of nanoparticles that
are loaded with the bombarding radiation waves agent.
• This is certainly one way that viral infection can be used as a
weaponizing agent triggering bio-spiritual warfare.
• And, the technique could be particularly successful by a way of
targeting the immune system of the public.
• And, obviously the methodology of using radiation poisoning is quite
effective as it often easily overcome physical barriers reaching the
cells within a host body.
• Furthermore, such a weaponization technique could be particularly
effective as the invading nanoparticles, as foreign agents, could hide
within the cells of their host, thus avoiding the triggering of the innate
immune system of the body.
• And, this could involve all the key primary lymphoid organs of the
immune system such as the thymus and bone marrow, as well as
secondary lymphatic tissues including spleen, tonsils, lymph vessels,
lymph nodes, skin, liver, and adenoids.
• Note that our immune system is a system of biological structures
whose function is to protect our bodies against disease.
• Yet, such invading system introduced via radiation poisoning can
rapidly evolve as a virus or retrovirus with the aid of the genetic
materials such as DNA, RNA, or proteins that are secreted from the
body, ejecting the cause of a potential pathogen that firstly can adapt
to avoid detection and neutralization by the immune system.
• These can later evolve and act as an external virus, subsequently
infecting others.

Use of Materials Science and Nanotechnology

• Current trends in nanotechnology can be utilized to make use of
viruses-retroviruses to effect genetic mutation and hybridization
• From the viewpoint of a materials scientist, viruses-retroviruses can
be regarded as nanoparticles.
• Their surface carries specific tools designed to cross the barriers of
their host cells.
• The size and shape of viruses-retroviruses and the number and
nature of the their surface may be used in materials science as
scaffolds to create covalently-linked surface modifications.
• A particular quality of viruses-retroviruses is that they can be
manipulated to effect genetic mutation tailored or directed towards
achieving certain desired evolutionary outcome.
• The powerful techniques already developed through life sciences can
form the basis for genetic engineering approaches utilizing
nanomaterials towards, impacting the future direction of human
• This, indeed, opens a wide range of applications far beyond
mainstream biology and medicine.
• Because of their size, shape, and well-defined chemical structures,
viruses-retroviruses have been used as templates for organizing or
reorganizing materials on the nanoscale.
• Recent work at the Naval Research Laboratory in Washington, D.C.,
using the CPMV (Cowpea Mosaic Virus) particles to amplify signals
in DNA based sensors, provide an ample example for such
• In this application, the virus particles may be used for signaling.
• Another example is the use of CPMV as a nanoscale breadboard for
‘molecular electronics.’

Synthetic viruses
• Many viruses-retroviruses can be synthesized from scratch.
• In fact, the first synthetic virus was created in 2002.
• In reality, it is not the actual virus-retrovirus that is synthesized, but
rather its DNA genome (in case of a DNA virus), or a cDNA copy of its
genome (in case of RNA viruses referred to as retroviruses).
• For many virus-retrovirus families, the raw synthetic DNA or RNA
(that is when enzymatically converted back from the synthetic cDNA)
becomes infectious when introduced into a cell.
• That is, they contain all the necessary information to produce new
• This technology may also be explored as a way of vaccine strategies
to make new viruses-retroviruses.
• The ability to synthesize viruses-retroviruses has far-reaching
• More specifically, viruses-retroviruses can no longer be regarded as
extinct, as long as the information of their genome sequence is

Genetic Warfare
• Synthetic biology could be used to design new types of biological
warfare ‘agents.’
• Such methodologies could also render development of a useful
vaccine ineffective.
• They could also provide resistance to therapeutically useful
antibiotics or antiviral agents.
• Additionally, they could be used to enhance the virulence of a
pathogen or render a nonpathogen virulent.
• They could also increase transmissibility of a pathogen, including
altering the host range of a pathogen.
• And above all, they could enable the weaponization of a biological
agent or toxin.
• Synthetic biology could entail the role of DNA synthesis to produce
genetic material of lethal viruses-retroviruses (e.g. 1918 Spanish flu,
• The CRISPR system provides a means for gene editing.
• While other methods take months or years to edit gene sequences,
CRISPR speeds that time up to weeks.
• Furthermore, due to its ease of use and accessibility, it poses ethical
concerns, especially surrounding its use in the biohacking of space.
• It has been argued that, rationally speaking, sense of self-
responsibility dictates that humanity would never use biological
weapons offensively against itself.
• Yet, history shows that this is not the case.
• To begin with, it is now clear that humanity has not had total control
of its so-called ‘fate’ for millennia, always having been controlled by
off-planet sources referred to as negative aliens who thrive on
feeding on our consciousness energetics.
• And, the most direct means of achieving this is through inducing self-
destructive impulses in humans driven by lust for power and control
over others to resort to genocide as a means for creating mass
poverty as to enforce dependency on them as bankers and
controllers of the planetary resources.
• Such derailed tendencies are specially exasperated and plagued by
such maniacal inclinations for prejudice and eugenics as to
effectuate mass genocide to particularly eliminate those who are
deemed as “undesirables.”
• At the same time, such genocides satisfy negative aliens’ thirst and
‘blood lust,’ providing an easy, autonomic way for them to induce
mind control programming [23-25] in certain people to self-direct
them to be utilized as automatons, providing a means for them to
prey upon humanity at large to satisfy their vampiric appetite to
gorge themselves, and harvest and store the remaining energies thus
siphoned, through promoting biological weaponization and warfare
among humanity.
• Note that even when humanity is in slumber and cannot see the
overall picture being used as ploy for much more sinister purposes,
there is no doubt that biological weapons cannot be controlled.
• Even if they are so-called intended as a means of “self-defense,” the
weapon could backfire and harm the very army that sanction their
development offensively, ultimately even having worse effects than
being used on the intended target.
• The development or use of such viral agents that may be of airborne
nature, would almost certainly could infect the user's home country
even before it is spread worldwide.
• Particularly, that a virus-retrovirus could leave the laboratory setting
where it is developed and create an epidemic before it eventually
cause a pandemic.
• Some infecting agents such as anthrax can easily be controlled and
even created in a garden shed.
• And, it can be done for as little as $2,500 using readily available
laboratory equipment.
• Also, certain viral or infecting agents can be suitably modified to be
effective in only a narrow environmental range, the range of the
target that would distinctly differ from that the military had intended
it for.
• Thus, here, the target might be affected adversely, as it may become
the ‘home’ source of origination of the virus-retrovirus.
• Note that for such biologically-derived toxins, initially classified as
biological weapons, the organism that produces them is no longer
used on the battlefield, and effectively the battlefield becomes the
‘home’ of the virus.
• In any case, all efforts as to experiment with biological toxins, for
whatever purpose they are purportedly designed for, must STOP.
• In the long run, humanity does NOT gain any advantage over their
production and use that may be regarded as higher dimensional
thinking, leading to humanity’s prosperity, longevity, comfort,
spiritual and evolutional advancement, etc.
• Generally speaking, biological pathogens used as weapons can be
obtained from a plant or an animal which is naturally infected.
• However, another method totally stealth and unknown by
mainstream science is that biological viruses-retroviruses can
actually be generated from first principles that involve
bombardment of a living organism such as humans with waves of
• In particular, if such radiation contains or is loaded with
nanomaterials or ‘foreign’ particles, they would be regarded as
‘objectional’ to the living organism.
• As a result, the innate immune system of the living organism is
triggered, and accordingly, antibodies are launched to evict the
foreign element from the body.
• Such a process often entails secretion of certain chemicals as genetic
materials that take the invasive action to kill or evict the foreign
entity from the biological system of the living organism.
• In such instances, the living organism may experience fever as the
result of infection or resort to eject unwanted organic substance as
‘pus’ in the form of infected protein, RNA, or DNA together with the
foreign agent.
• Accordingly, the foreign nanomaterial forms the basis of a virus-
retrovirus which is now equipped with the infected genetic material
of the host that usually form a layer on its surface as protein, RNA or
BNA based material.
• Subsequently, such a newly created virus can become airborne or
otherwise, infecting other living organisms.
• And, now the newly created virus-retrovirus has its form RNA or
other form of genetic material (DNA or protein), that when it
attaches itself to other healthy cells, it can enter a host cell.
• Accordingly, it begins to use the genetic material of the infected
living cell to multiply and replicate and go on the path of genetic
modification casing genetic mutation of the living cells of the
organisms it had invaded through the usual processes of genetic
transcription and translation to form mutant proteins, or through a
more direct approach as a retrovirus to form DNA from its RNA via
the process of reverse transcription.
• From there on, depending on the instruction sets that the virus is
programmed or loaded with, it may either lead to hybridization of
the living organism as to incorporate its artificial intelligence in the
embodiment of the living organism, or altogether, annihilate it as an
‘undesirable,’ according to the dogma of eugenics.
• And, in certain cases, it may serve as an agenda for progressively
turn humans to transhumans over the course of time [26], beginning
with the impetus to govern humanity through mind uploading
• And, such mind uploading programming may be of the nature that
the artificial intelligence that epitomizes an elite AI entity may want
to eventually take over the possession of the host body of its victim
altogether that is presumed by the invading aggressor to be ‘highly
ideal’ or sought after, leaving a husk that entails totally evicting the
organic consciousness of the living organism out of its embodiment.
• It may also be that at such ‘initial’ stage of hybridization or
possession program, the foreign nanomaterial is programmed to
simply ‘evade’ the ‘defending sense’ of the body’s immune system.
• In such a case, the foreign agent remains dormant in the body of the
living organism, rendering it virtually as a ‘ticking bomb’ to be
activated at a later time, upon receiving appropriate instructions via
electromagnetic signals eventuated by a subsequent radiation
bombardment on the body.

Identification of Bioweapons
• To be effectively prepared for any biological attacks that would be
aimed at the general public, it is advisable that financial and research
resources are employed at detecting the source of such biowarfare
outbreak that may be classified under biodefense research and
• Such developed techniques may then be effectively utilized to
respond to any potential use of weapons for mass destruction on
• One examples of such endeavors pertain to protecting agriculture,
food, and water to circumvent any intentional or unintentional
introduction of a disease.
• Fortunately, there are some examples of such efforts underway
nowadays with regard to the development of specific field tools that
perform on-the-spot analysis and identification of encountered
suspect materials.
• One interesting example developed by the Lawrence Livermore
National Laboratory (LLNL), employs certain type of fluorescent dye-
categorized antibodies that is aimed at specific pathogens that are
attached to silver and gold nanowires.
• Another example include design of “Bioaerosol Single Particle
Recognition equipment” developed by researchers from the
• Also, researchers in Israel are developing a device that can detect
known biological agents in under 20 minutes using an immunological
technique that incorporates the use of fiber optics.
• And, although such research and development activities are in their
inceptive phase, they certainly epitomize a move in a correct
• Note, however, that the negative aliens are far more advanced in
genetic manipulation causing mutations using advanced
nanotechnology and artificial intelligence technologies.
• They have been experimenting with human beings as their ‘guinea
pigs’ for numerous millennia.
• They have devised all forms of mind controlling techniques as well as
frequency fences using artificial intelligence machinery giving them
the capability to effectively cause such things as gender splitting,
genetic mutations, alien hybridization, as well as being able to
contribute to virtually unplugging 10 strands of our DNA as early as
5,500 years ago.
• They have a very good idea for the way our bioenergetics and
morphogenetic field operates, rendering them the capability to
effectively reverse our consciousness mechanics leading to blocking
our innate sense of multidimensionality, as well as grossly retard and
even virtually stop our forward evolution.
• Apart from their further agendas targeted towards transhumanism
and hybridization, a primary reason for deploying viral biological
weaponization against humanity is to cause genocides to feed their
‘blood lust’ that serves their parasitic energetic need and hunger, as
well as institute their selective breeding through eugenics types
programming as to annihilate what they deem as being
• In this respect, the crux of the danger facing humanity is not just
utilization of biological agents against humanity, but the more
concerning use of viruses and retroviruses that are created and
deployed via a combination of nanotechnology and radiation
poisoning that are of energetic nature.
• And, this is where they have ample expertise, as they very well know
the range and spectrum of electromagnetic frequency humanity
operates within, and what is poisonous as well as beyond its
threshold of tolerance as an organic living being.
• And, the very immediate concern for humanity right now is to utterly
avoid the use and operation of 5g cell technology that employs
millimeter waves with deployment of numerous cell towers that are
deterrent to humanity’s health.
• These are expressly devised and designed to move humanity
towards transhumanism, alien hybridization, as well as mass
genocide of those deemed as ‘undesirables’ by the negative aliens.
• In particular, the agenda of mass genocide of the so-called
“undesirables” serves their purpose of depopulation as well as
fulfilling their desire for instituting a One World Order to render an
optimally ‘docile’ and controllable human population as automatons.
• So,
• And, put an end to negative aliens’ strive for human genocide
through viral biological weaponization and bio-warfare.
Institute of Spiritual Science Inc. Publishing 2020.
This article has been lovingly and painstakingly prepared as a SERVICE
to God and humanity and as a benefit to the ALL, and for the sole
purpose of spiritually ‘awakening’ the public from their condemnation
to ‘unconsciousness enslavement.’
It may be shared or posted freely on websites, Facebook pages, or any
public forum only in its entirety, without changing its content, void
of any paltering intent, and only if its content is not disseminated for
the purpose of personal financial gains or ‘service to self only,’ and
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1. Mohsen Paul Sarfarazi, Ph.D., The Coronavirus Pandemic Part A: Virology 101:
Viruses and Retroviruses Human Physiology and Energetic System,
2. Mohsen Paul Sarfarazi, “The Coronavirus Pandemic – Part C: A Review of
Several Recent Cases involving Influenza,” to appear in The Human Physiology
and Energetic System,
3. Mohsen Paul Sarfarazi, Ph.D., Who are the Negative Aliens and what do they
Represent? [partial manuscript of Negative Aliens and their Nefarious
Agendas and Strategies: A
General Overview ] Multidimensional Consciousness,
4. Mohsen Paul Sarfarazi, Ph.D., The Coronavirus Pandemic – Part I:
Introduction Human Physiology and Energetic System,
5. Mohsen Paul Sarfarazi, Ph.D., The Coronavirus Pandemic - Part III: Connection
to New World Order, 5g Cell Technology, Transhumanism, and Alien
Hybridization Agendas Multidimensional Consciousness,
6. Mohsen Paul Sarfarazi, Ph.D., The Coronavirus Pandemic - Part IV: Deeper
Roots in Human-Negative Aliens History: the Caduceus Network and
Consciousness Reversal Multidimensional Consciousness,
7. Mohsen Paul Sarfarazi, Ph.D., “Negative Aliens ‘Reverse Consciousness’ (NARC)
Technology: Metatronic Reversal,” to appear in Multidimensional
8. Mohsen Paul Sarfarazi, Ph.D., “Negative Aliens ‘Reverse Consciousness’ (NARC)
Technology: Frequency Fences – An Overview,” to appear in Multidimensional
9. Mohsen Paul Sarfarazi, A Course in Multidimensionality, Institute of Spiritual
Science Inc. Press, 2012.
10. Mohsen Paul Sarfarazi, Ph.D., A Higher Dimensional Exposition of the
Phenomenon of Holographic Universe – Part V: Multidimensionality Quantum
Mechanics of Cosmos,
11. Mohsen Paul Sarfarazi, Ph.D., Crystalline Consciousness and the Dawn of
Ascension Ascension,
12. Mohsen Paul Sarfarazi, Ph.D., Towards Higher Consciousness and Higher
Dimensional Existence Multidimensional Consciousness,
13. Mohsen Paul Sarfarazi, Ph.D., Life Beyond 3-D Ascension,
14. Mohsen Paul Sarfarazi, Ph.D., Consciousness Studies 101: Getting Prepared for
a New Age of Expanded Consciousness Multidimensional Consciousness,
15. Mohsen Paul Sarfarazi, Ph.D., Ascending to the 5th and Higher Dimensions –
Part IV: Attaining Unity Consciousness (Oneness) Ascension,
16. Mohsen Paul Sarfarazi, Ph.D., “NARC – Gender Splitting – Preventing Sacred
Marriage,” to appear in The Human Physiology and Energetic System,
17. Mohsen Paul Sarfarazi, Ph.D., “Hieros Gamos (Sacred Marriage),” to appear
in The Human Physiology and Energetic System,
18. Mohsen Paul Sarfarazi, Ph.D., Dimensions of Consciousness Multidimensional
19. Mohsen Paul Sarfarazi, Ph.D., Further Insights in Deciphering the Dimensional
Space-Time of the Cosmos Quantum Mechanics of Cosmos,
20. Mohsen Paul Sarfarazi, Ph.D., Consciousness Expansibility Multidimensional
21. Mohsen Paul Sarfarazi, “The Coronavirus Pandemic: An Overview of Human
Immune System,” to appear in The Human Physiology and Energetic System,
22. Mohsen Paul Sarfarazi, Ph.D., Negative Aliens Reverse Consciousness (NARC)
Technology: Transhumanism and Alien Hybridization – Part II:
Hybridization Multidimensional Consciousness,
23. Mohsen Paul Sarfarazi, Ph.D., Negative Aliens and their Nefarious Agendas
and Strategies: System of Mind Control [partial manuscript of Negative Aliens
and their Nefarious Agendas and Strategies: A
General Overview ] Multidimensional Consciousness,
24. Mohsen Paul Sarfarazi, Ph.D., Negative Aliens Reverse Consciousness (NARC)
Gender Archetypes Mind Control Programming: An
Overview Multidimensional Consciousness,
25. Mohsen Paul Sarfarazi, Ph.D., Negative Aliens Reverse Consciousness (NARC)
Technology: Circumventing Mind Control [Full
Manuscript] Multidimensional Consciousness,
26. Mohsen Paul Sarfarazi, Ph.D., Negative Aliens Reverse Consciousness (NARC)
Technology: Transhumanism and Alien Hybridization – Part I:
Transhumanism Multidimensional Consciousness,
27. Mohsen Paul Sarfarazi, Ph.D., Negative Aliens Reverse Consciousness (NARC)
Technology: The Real Truth behind the “Ultrafast”
5g Multidimensional Consciousness,

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