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Software Design Specification Format

Table of Contents
Page No. Chapter-1 Introduction 1.1 Overview and issues involved 1.2 Problem definition 1.3 Proposed solution(It must also include the detail working of your project that would be developed) Chapter-2 Literature Survey 2.1 Technologies used with a short description of each 2.2 Tools used with a short description of each 2.3 Other requirements(if any) Chapter-3 Requirement Gathering 3.1 Software Requirements 3.2 Hardware Requirements 3.3 Use Case Model 3.4 Use Case Description Use case description of each use case in the use case model must be there and it must be properly numbered and according to the format. In a particular use case description dont simply write the Preconditions, Post conditions and Special Requirements as none before analyzing the particular use case in detail. Chapter-4 Analysis 4.1 Sequence Diagrams and Activity Diagrams 4.2 Class Diagram(Responsibilities) There is one sequence diagram for each use case. You are required to write the name of the actual classes in each sequence diagram that you have made, dont simply write Boundary ,Controller or Entity and on each arrow write the name of the method which you are calling with its parameters on the class at which the arrow ends.. Chapter-5 Technology Selection (Clearly specifying the reasons behind choosing a particular technology used in project) your

Chapter-6 Architectural Diagram (High-Level Design) 6.1 Subsystem and Their Dependencies(A diagram showing subsystem elements and their Dependencies) 6.2 Packaging(Name of each package with name of classes it contains) It must also include the System Overview explaining how various stakeholders of the system interact to make the application functional, description of architectural strategy adopted with block diagram of architecture used in the project

Chapter-7 Detailed Design (Low Level Design) 7.1 Class Diagram (With relationships ,name of the attributes and methods of each class) 7.2 Database Design (It must also include name of each table with all its fields and a short description of each field and data type of each field , Complete E-R diagram with cardinalities and relationships)

NOTE: 1. [FONT TYPE: Times New Roman] Main heading size=14, sub heading size=13, All text size=12 2. Page number should be there on each page. 3. All figures should be named and numbered and must be strictly made following the conventions. 4. Spacing should be uniform between paragraphs throughout the document. 5. Index should be prepared with appropriate numbering. 6. Dont write any abbreviations anywhere write the full form. 7. The number of copies of the the SDS to be prepared is = (Number of students in the group ) .Email the copy to the guide . 8. For all diagrams standard conventions should be used For conventions Rational Rose Modules may be referred

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