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Universidad Autónoma de Yucatán

Facultad de Medicina
“Enfermedades Infecciosas
Transmitidas por Garrapatas”
Unidad 3. Familia Babesiidae
Julio Cesar Ic Villanueva
Ilan David Martínez Baeza
Joshua Ebrayl Mis Ramírez
Alberto de Jesús Pacheco Pérez

Docente: Dra. Karla Rossanet Dzul Rosado.

Fecha de entrega: Viernes 10 de marzo de 2023
IDCases 13 (2018) e00414

Contents lists available at ScienceDirect

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Case report

Fatal human babesiosis caused by Babesia divergens in an asplenic host

Irina V. Kukina, Tatiana M. Guzeeva, Olga P. Zelya* , Ludmila A. Ganushkina
Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University (Sechenov University), Moscow, Russian Federation


Article history:
Received 22 March 2018 We report a fatal case of human babesiosis caused by bovine pathogen Babesia divergens in Russia.
Received in revised form 21 May 2018 Falciparum malaria was falsely diagnosed due to the presence of small ring forms in the blood smear.
Accepted 26 June 2018 Laboratory diagnosis can distinguish between babesiosis and malaria according to the examination of
stained blood smears.
© 2018 I M Sechenov First Moscow University (Sechenov University), Moscow, Russian Federation.
Keywords: Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://
Protozoan parasites
Tick born disease
Human babesiosis
Babesia divergens

Introduction process produces more merozoites, which lyse the host cells and
continue to infect additional erythrocytes.
Human babesiosis caused by the bovine pathogen Babesia The disease manifestation of a vertebrate host is caused by the
divergens is a sporadic, zoonotic, tickborne disease. To date, about asexual stage of the organism proliferating in the erythrocytes.
50 cases of human babesiosis have been reported in Europe [1,2]. Rapid reproduction of the parasites can destroy a great number of
The significance of this disease can be a severe course in the host cells and lead to severe hemolysis, massive hemoglobin-
immunocompromised patients resembling complicated falcipa- uria and renal failure in the host particularly in the asplenic
rum malaria, which can be end up with a fatal outcome. individual [5,6].
B. divergens, a protozoan blood parasite (Apicomplexa: Babe-
siidae) is primarily specific to cattle and are widespread Case report
throughout the world within the vector - Ixodes ricinus. They have
two different types of hosts, vertebrate and invertebrate. The The patient, a 58-year old man, who lived in the Krasnodar Krai
invertebrate host's sexual cycle (gamogony, formation and fusion area of the North Caucasus region in south Russia and was a
of gametes) occurs in the tick gut. Sporogony (the asexual huntsman. Posttraumatic splenectomy had been performed 12
reproduction of sporozoites) occurs within the salivary glands of years ago. His illness was fulminant and took an acute course with
a tick. There is transstadial and transovarial transmission of the severe fever (as high as 40  C), hemoglobinuria, hemolytic anemia,
parasites in the tick host [3,4]. Merogony (asexual reproduction) jaundice, uremia, renal insufficiency, anuria. This patient was
occurs in the vertebrate host inside the erythrocytes. brought to the hospital extremely ill. The laboratory manifes-
Parasites are transmitted to the vertebrate host when the infected tations were: hemoglobinuria, high-level free hemoglobin (3 g/dl)
tick takes a blood meal. The incubation period from the time of tick and urea (49 mmol/l) in the serum, TBi (69,1 mmol/l), DBi
transmission of the organisms to the appearance of symptoms (18,3 mmol/l), WBC (12.64  103/ml), and Hb 72,3 g/dl. The
usually takes 1–3 weeks. As the tick feeds on a vertebrate host, diagnosis at admission was a renal failure of obscure etiology.
sporozoites are inoculated into the host. These sporozoites invade Peritoneal dialysis was started and the patient was treated with
the host's erythrocytes directly. The process of asexual reproduction prednisolone. On the fifth day of illness, the blood film was
(merogony) begins. Inside the host erythrocytes, sporozoites become examined and the numerous intra-erythrocytic parasites were
trophozoites and divide asynchronously by binary fission. This found. Falciparum malaria was falsely diagnosed due to the
presence of small ring forms. Anti-malarial therapy with quinine
and doxycycline was started, but it was ineffective. The patient
remained quite ill.
* Corresponding author at: 119435, Malaya Pirogovskaya, 20, Moscow, Russian
Federation. This patient was living in a temperate region where falciparum
E-mail address: (O.P. Zelya). malaria is absent. He did not travel to an endemic area. The smear
2214-2509/© 2018 I M Sechenov First Moscow University (Sechenov University), Moscow, Russian Federation. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under
the CC BY-NC-ND license (
2 I.V. Kukina et al. / IDCases 13 (2018) e00414

previous case of human babesiosis in the USSR has been falsely

diagnosed as malaria as well. Babesiosis has been diagnosed post
mortum only [9]. The differential diagnosis is essential to
determine whether the causative agent of disease is Babesia or
Plasmodium. This is important as the specific terapy is different for
these two diseases.
Definitive diagnosis of babesiosis infection generally must be
established by the microscopic identification of the organism on
stained blood smears [2,8,10]. The main morphological differences
exist between the asexual stages Babesia and Plasmodium.

1 Polymorphism is definitive of the erythrocytic stages of Babesia.

There is a great variation in the morphological forms seen: rod-
like, pear-shaped, or ring. The small ring forms B.divergens seen
inside the erythrocytes can be wrongly identified as Plasmodium
falciparum. Babesia parasites divide asynchronous by the binary
fission forming «Figure 8s» and rare tetrad «Maltese Cross»,
Fig. 1. Babesia divergens. Romanovsky-stained thin blood smear. Diversity forms of
whereas malarial parasites are divided synchronous by schizog-
trophozoites: rod-like (1), pear-shaped (2), multiple invasion of the ring forms (3),
paired form – figure «eight» (4), tetrad form «Maltese Cross» (5). (Original), (1000).
ony. P. falciparum has a tendency to appear in the peripheral
blood at two points only in the whole course of its development
in the human host: the early trophozoite stage – ring and the
gametocyte stage.
was re-examined in the reference laboratory. The numerous intra- 2 All asexual stages of Babesia do not contain hemozoin within the
erythrocytic inclusions were single or multiple, some rod-like, cytoplasm. There is no pigment in the early ring forms of P.
pear-shaped, often circular and vacuolated. The level of para- falciparum as well. But phagocytosed masses of hemozoin may
sitemia was about 23%. Pigment depositions were absent inside be seen inside the cytoplasm of leukocytes (neutrophils and
cytoplasm of the parasites. The paired forms were diverged at a monocytes) in the case of malarial infection (Fig. 2).
wide-angle (up to 180 ) and were situated on the periphery of the
erythrocyte (Fig. 1). Complex morphological characteristics (great
variation in the forms seen, pear-shaped trophozoites, paired and
tetrad forms, absence of hemozoin) was sufficient to speciated
parasites as Babesia divergens.
Animal babesiosis is widespread throughout the world. A
Babesiosis was diagnosed on the seventh day of illness and
transovarial and transstadial transmission can theoretically result
therapy with clindamycin was started. Pathogenetic and symp-
in large numbers of infected ticks in the area where babesiosis is
tomatic therapy was continued. The multisystem failure increased
endemic. People working in the rural areas are frequently exposed
progressively and the patient died on day 10 of illness.
to the bites of infected ticks. The immunocompromised patients
(splenectomized, elderly, HIV infected) are in the vulnerable group
of morbidity rate of babesiosis. Human babesiosis is probably
underdiagnosed disease. The diagnosis of babesiosis is based on
Delayed diagnosis and confusion between human babesiosis
appropriate clinical manifestations, epidemiological and medical
and malaria have been reported [7,8]. The clinical manifestations
history, physical examination, and confirmatory laboratory detec-
and nonspecific laboratory signs are common to both diseases. The
tion parasites in the blood.

Competing interests

The authors declare that they have no competing interests.

Funding source


Ethical approval



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El articulo presenta un caso clínico de un paciente finado, que fue diagnosticado con
babeiosis causada por Babesia divergens, en un paciente masculino de 58 años
residente de Krasnodar Krai área del norte de la región Caucasus en el sur de Rusia. Los
puntos importantes de este articulo son los siguientes:

• Según las encuestas epidemiológicas Rusia no se encuentra entre las zonas

donde se reportaron casos de Babesia divergens, pese a ello se han reportado
casos en zonas circundantes al país.
• Se destaca la clínica, sintomatología del paciente (hemoglobinuria, anemia
hemolítica, ictericia, uremia, insuficiencia renal, anuria) y el antecedente de
esplenectomía. La Babesiosis tiende a ser asintomática y suele ser más severa
en pacientes inmunodeprimidos, esplenectomizados y/o ancianas.

Pese a la clínica, sintomatología y el antecedente de esplenectomía fue falsamente

diagnosticado con malaria falciforme por lo que se le administro una terapia antimalárica
con quinina y doxiciclina el cual fue inefectivo, el paciente permaneció grave. Cabe
destacar que el paciente no se encontraba en un área endémica de malaria ni había
viajado a un área endémica.

• Fue reexaminado en el laboratorio. Las deposiciones de pigmento estaban

ausentes en el interior citoplasma de los parásitos, características morfológicas
complejas (gran variación en las formas observadas, trofozoítos en forma de pera,
pareados y formas de tétrada, ausencia de hemozoína) fue suficiente para
especiar parásitos como Babesia divergens. Según la literatura el diagnostico de
Babeiosis con el Plasmodium falciparum es mediante epidemiologia y clínica
principalmente, aunque puede ser de utilidad un examen microscópico de frotis
de sangre gruesa y delgada teñidos con Giemsa.

El paciente tras su nuevo diagnóstico, se le administro terapia con clindamicina. En

cuanto al tratamiento, según la literatura, para pacientes severos como el presentado en
el caso clínico se sugiere el uso azitromicina administrada por vía intravenosa más
atovacuona oral o clindamicina administrada por vía intravenosa más quinina oral y
transfunción de sangre de ser necesario.

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