Letter To Chairman

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Home Economics, Department

School of Vocational & Technical Education

Jigawa State College of Education,
PMB 1002, Gumel

23rd May 2023

Hon. Ahmed Rufa’i Gumel

Executive Chairman's
Gumel Local Government
Jigawa State.

Dear Sir,



I hope this letter finds you in good health and high spirits. I am writing to express my deep
concerns regarding the lack of essential social amenities in our local community. As a concerned
resident and a firm believer in the power of communal development, I believe it is vital to
address this pressing issue and take immediate action.

Our community has grown exponentially in recent years, welcoming an increasing number of
families and individuals. Unfortunately, the growth has outpaced the development of necessary
social amenities, leaving our residents without basic facilities that are essential for a thriving and
harmonious society. This deprivation has had a detrimental impact on the quality of life for all
community members, and it is our responsibility to rectify this situation.

Firstly, I would like to draw your attention to the inadequate provision of recreational facilities.
Our community lacks safe and accessible parks, playgrounds, and sports complexes, which are
crucial for promoting physical well-being, fostering community spirit, and facilitating
recreational activities for individuals of all ages. The absence of such spaces denies our children
the opportunity to engage in outdoor activities and deprives families of valuable bonding

Furthermore, the dearth of community centers and libraries is a matter of grave concern. These
facilities play a pivotal role in facilitating educational, cultural, and social growth. Our residents,
especially the youth and elderly, are deprived of the opportunity to expand their knowledge,
engage in social interactions, and participate in community-oriented events and programs. This
deficiency is hindering the holistic development of our community and limiting the potential of
its residents.

In addition to recreational and educational facilities, the lack of essential healthcare services is
alarming. Our local community struggles with an insufficient number of clinics, hospitals, and
medical professionals, leading to overcrowded healthcare facilities and prolonged waiting times.
This not only compromises the health and well-being of our residents but also poses serious
risks during emergencies and pandemics. Immediate measures must be taken to address this
critical issue and ensure that our community members have access to adequate healthcare
facilities and services.
Lastly, I would like to address the inadequate public transportation system that plagues our
community. The absence of reliable and affordable public transportation options not only
burdens residents with increased commuting costs but also contributes to environmental
degradation due to a higher reliance on personal vehicles. An improved public transportation
system would not only alleviate financial burdens but also reduce traffic congestion, promote
eco-friendly practices, and enhance community connectivity.

Considering the significant impact of these deficiencies on our community's growth and well-
being, I kindly request your urgent attention to this matter. I urge you to prioritize the
development of social amenities, allocate appropriate funds, and collaborate with relevant
stakeholders to ensure their timely implementation. A well-rounded and prosperous community
relies on the provision of these essential services, and it is our collective responsibility to address
this issue promptly.

I would be grateful if you could keep me informed of the actions taken to address these concerns.
I firmly believe that with your leadership and commitment, our local community can flourish
and provide its residents with the facilities they deserve.

Thank you for your attention to this matter. I look forward to a positive and prompt response.

Yours sincerely,

Fatima Ibrahim Roller

Adm No. 53322

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