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Discursive essay (on a given topic) I Student magazine article

• If you're given a topic to w rite

about, read the instructions or Write 220-280 w ords on the follow ing subject:
notes carefully to make sure you Teleoision channels are becoming more and more specialised. There are
understand what you need to channels catering fo r a wide rallge of differellt viewers. This is challgillg
do. the role tcleoision plays ill our lives.
Include th e foll owing p oints:
• Before you write your essay or
....-...-.. . the background to this change (what made it p ossible?)
art icle, take notes of the key
points you w ant to make. Make • the ro le TV played twenty year s ago
sure you w rite something about
each of the points in the
instructions. .r: •

the ro le of TV today
your personal view s on th e subject.
a su itable title for y ou r essay.

• Always think about your

audience. (Who's going to read
Television: still the centre of our lives?
your writing?)
Nowadays, te levisio n is becoming increasingly specialised ,
• Make a general statement to ~ each channe l offeri ng differe nt experiences fo r different
introduce you r topic at the start. v iewe rs. There are channels ded icated to sports, to coo kery, o r
to f il m s, to give a few examples.
• Write a paragraph about each of The deve lopment of sate llite tec hno logy in the 1980s and
the required points.
digita l broadcasting in the late 1990s increased the number of
te lev is ion channe ls, which is now no lo nger rest ricted by the
capacity of trad it iona l TV aeria ls. But t hi s increase in cho ice has
also made our expe rience of watch ing te levision diffe rent fro m
w hat it was like before.
Twe nty yea rs ago , mostTV sets could on ly rece ive a small
num ber of channels. Thi s also meant t hat peop le were
watching the same thi ngs, and eve nts in popular programmes
• Use examples to illustrate th e often became the central to pi c of co nve rsations . For examp le,
points you are making. w hen th e characte r of JR Ewi ng was shot in an ep isode of the
popula r soap opera Dallas, many peop le spent the following
• Use linking words to con nect day disc uss ing their theories about the identity of his attacke r.
your sentences and your
~ Today, people can choose wh ichever channe l shows
"" programmes abo ut t heir favourite subjects . One per son m ig ht
wa tc h a footba ll game, but ot he rs spend the sam e eve ning
• If you're asked to include your wa tching a f ilm or pop music videos. Apart from ma jo r eve nts
opinion, don 't use infor ma l t hat attract a globa l audience, like t he Olymp ic Games, there
expressions to express it.
are few th ings on TV that cap ture the public im agi nat io n t he
same way t hey did in the past.
• If there is a wo rd lim it, check
But I be lieve having the freedom to w atch w hat we want, when
that you have written the
required amount.
we want to , is worth the pr ice of losing a shared topic for
conversations .

• Re-read your finished essay or

article to check tor mistakes.


Furthermore, ... For one thing, .
In addition to this, ... For example, .
A further (negative / positive) aspect of this is ... For instance, .
Such as ...
On the one hand, ...

Argumentative essay (for/against a statement)

• Read the instructions carefully

Write an essay of 200-250 words for or against the and make sure you understand
following statement: what you need to write.
Shoppillg celltres have improved the way we shop.

• Write the title of your essay.

The way we shop • Make a general statement to

introduce the topic.
Shopping centres have chang ed the way we shop - but is
this really an improvement?
• Write about the advantages and
One positive aspect of shopping centres is conve nience: we disadvantages or the arguments
can find everything from groce ries to electron ics, from for and against in separate
cosmetics to clothes, under the same roof. paragraphs.

Furthermore, shopping centres offer entertainment facilities,

like cinemas or bowling alleys, with an enormous range of .-- -f-- • Use a new paragraph to
introduce each new topic.
things to buy and to do.
In addition to this, they are places where you can meet
• Support your main ideas with
people and socialise in cafes and restaurants. They have arguments.
become the focus of socia l life for many teenagers.
However, sma lle r loca l shops which used to offer a f riendli er, • Use linking words and discourse
more personal service are closing down because they cannot markers.
keep up with the competition .
The same thing is happening to local cinemas, and
sometim es even bars and restaurants. In fact, we are losing
places that were once im po rtant in our lives.
Another disadvantage of shopping centres is that they offer
bland, uniform products all ove r t he wo rld - loca l character
is disappearing . In orde r to supply a large numbe r of
customers efficiently, mass-produced goods replace • Summarise you r arguments at
custo m -ma de products. the end of your essay.
To summarise, on the one hand, they offer a more
comfortable shopping experience, but on the other hand, • You should include your own
they make us all the same: customers in a commercialised opinion, but don't use informal
world where the most important things are things you expressions.

can buy.
• Check that you have written the
In my view, shopping cent res are useful, but we shou ld not
requ ired num ber of wo rds.
allow them to change t he wo rld we live in.

In contrast, ... As far as I'm concerned, ... To sum up, .. .

However, ... In my view / opinion, .. . To summarise, .
In fact, . My view / opinion is that ... In conclusion, .
Actu ally, .
On the other hand, ...


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