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Emotional and Spiritual intelligence and their coping

ability among the nursing students in selected

settings in Kerala
Thundiparampil, Smitha J; Singh, Ratnachhaya; Christy, J T

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Nursing course is a crucial period where the students need both physical and mentally support to cope up this
dynamic transitional period of new independence from their parents. The nursing students have to encounter many
problems to make successful adaptation during the life of stress. They cope up the changes in this period of
transition in a healthy manner and if not can become a burden to them and put them into risk of negative health
behaviors with tendency to be carry into their adulthood. Emotional intelligence and spiritual intelligence together
with coping ability are seen to promote better health behavior. A quantitative descriptive study was conducted
among 120 undergraduate nursing students who study in two different institutes were chosen through convenient
sampling technique. Descriptive and inferential statics like independent t test was used to compare the levels of the
Emotional intelligence, spiritual intelligence, coping ability of the nursing students of two institutes in Kannur. It is
interpreted that spiritual intelligence can boost positive health behavior and it is associated with emotional
intelligence and coping ability and have an important implication for both health practice and policy especially in
nursing education institutions. This electronic document on emotional and spiritual intelligence of the nursing
students in coping their life transitions was carried out with a view to promote healthy coping style in their
professional and personal life by assessing and comparing the levels of emotional intelligence, spiritual intelligence
and coping ability of nursing students in Kannur District.This study also emphasized the need for adopting emotional
intelligence and spiritual intelligence in maintaining their resiliency throughout their life. Out of the 120 sample,
majority of the sample both group one and two 56.66 % in first and 48.33 % in the second group had low levels of
Emotional Intelligence, 51.66 % of the first group possess low level of spiritual intelligence whereas the 70% of the
second group possess low levels of spiritual intelligence and both the two groups majority (90.66%) of the first group
and 85% of the second group have low levels of resiliency or coping ability. Similarly, 73% of the first group and 70%
of the second group have low resilience problem based coping ability. In case of emotional based coping ability
majority of the first group (71.66%) were medium level of Resilient where as 61.66% of the sample of the second
group have low level of resiliency.



Materia: Young adults; Students; Age groups; Nursing education; Stress; Coping; Emotions;
Emotional intelligence; Teenagers; Mental health; Spirituality

Título: Emotional and Spiritual intelligence and their coping ability among the nursing
students in selected settings in Kerala

Autor: Thundiparampil, Smitha J; Singh, Ratnachhaya; Christy, J T


Título de publicación: International Journal of Nursing Education and Research; Raipur

Tomo: 11

Número: 1

Año de publicación: 2023

Fecha de publicación: Mar 31, 2023

Editorial: Athena Information Solutions Pvt. Ltd.

Lugar de publicación: Raipur

País de publicación: India, Raipur

Materia de publicación: Medical Sciences--Nurses And Nursing

ISSN: 23478640

e-ISSN: 24542660

Tipo de fuente: Revista científica

Idioma de la publicación: English

Tipo de documento: Journal Article

ID del documento de 2807010011


URL del documento:


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Última actualización: 2023-05-05

Base de datos: ProQuest Central

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