Alijohn (Fa20 Bee 042) Ass#1 (WR)

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COMSATS University Islamabad , Virtual Campus

HUM102 Report Writing Skills

Fall 2023

• Your assignment should be submitted as a PDF document.
• The answer should be in proper English. Be careful of grammar. Avoid the use of
ungrammatical expressions within your answer.
• There is a zero-tolerance policy for plagiarism. Assignments found with copy-pasted
material from the internet or copied from fellows will not be accepted.
• Submit your assignment on your CU Online LMS portal within the given time frame.
Emailed assignments will not be entertained.

Question [10 Marks, CLO1-C1]

Read the sample given below carefully. Identify the section of the report from which the
text has been taken for the understanding of a report’s structure. Justify your answer
by stating the structural features that you have found within this sample.

Climate change stands as one of the most pressing global challenges of our time. As our planet's
average temperature continues to rise due to human activities, the delicate balance of
ecosystems is undergoing rapid transformation. This rise in temperature is primarily driven by
the increased emissions of greenhouse gases, such as carbon dioxide and methane, resulting
from activities like the burning of fossil fuels, deforestation, and industrial processes. These
greenhouse gases trap heat in the Earth's atmosphere, leading to a cascading series of
consequences for our environment.
In this report, we embark on a critical exploration of the profound impacts of climate change
on the world's biodiversity, shedding light on the urgency of addressing this complex issue and
the paramount importance of conservation efforts. The consequences are far-reaching; we
witness disruptions in seasonal patterns, shifts in climate zones, and the loss of critical habitats
for numerous species. Some creatures, already living on the edge, now face an increased risk
of extinction as their habitats vanish or become inhospitable. Additionally, the changing
climate affects food chains and ecosystems, which in turn have ripple effects on agriculture,
economies, and human livelihoods worldwide.
Amidst these challenges, this report endeavors to provide not only a comprehensive
understanding of the problem but also a pathway forward. We will delve into the intricate web
of interactions between climate change and biodiversity, examining the latest scientific
findings, case studies, and conservation strategies that offer hope for mitigating these impacts.
By understanding the gravity of this issue and the solutions at our disposal, we can collectively
take action to protect our planet's invaluable biodiversity and secure a sustainable future for
generations to come.
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The sample text provided is from the "Introduction" section of the report.

Justification for this classification:

Introduction Content:
The text starts with an outline of the topic, environmental change, and its importance as a
worldwide test. It gives foundation data and makes way until the end of the report. This is a
typical element of the Introduction segment.

Statement of Purpose:
The text likewise frames the reason for the report, which is to investigate the effects of
environmental change on biodiversity and underscore the significance of preservation
endeavors. This is one more key attribute of a presentation - it illuminates the peruser about
the report's goals.

Structure Preview:
Towards the finish of the text, there is an allude to the report's construction and what the peruser
can hope to track down in ensuing segments. Here the report's framework or guide is frequently

Overall, the provided text exhibits the structural features commonly found in the introduction
section of a report.

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