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Essay samples for secondary stage

1 Essay on My Favourite Subject

2 Blood Donation Essay
3 Energy Conservation Essay
4 Essay on Uses of Internet
5 Essay on Computer and its Uses
6 Wonder of Science Essay
7 Essay on Mobile Phone
8 Essay on Newspaper Reading
9 Essay on Summer Vacation
10 Essay on Friendship
11 Essay on Pollution
12 Essay on Global Warming – Causes and Solutions
13 Essay on Save Environment
14 Essay on Water
15 Health Is Wealth Essay
16 Essay on Sports
17 Unemployment Essay
18 Success Essay
19 Essay on Books
20 Knowledge Is Power Essay

1-Essay on My Favourite Subject
As a student, everyone excels in some subjects and not in the others. Of course, there are
some students who do well in all of them, but that number is low. However, almost every
student has a favourite subject. It does not matter if it’s related to academics or arts.

Personally, my favorite subject is English. I have always scored well on the subject
because I understand it well. It makes learning effortless and I always manage to get
good marks. There are other subjects I like too but English definitely tops my list. I never
get bored of it and am always ready to study it.

There are many reasons as to why I enjoy studying English. The major one is that it
enhances my reading skills. Ever since my childhood, my mother has always read stories
to me. So, I developed a habit of reading and listening to stories. As my reading skills get
polished through English, it helps me in other subjects too. I grasp the concepts better
through reading.

Furthermore, through English, I developed a knack for writing. I absolutely enjoy writing
essays and articles. It is only through English, that I started writing my own work. This
helps me in forming incredible answers for other subjects as well. It gives me the
experience to use accurate words and sentences to convey my message better.

Most importantly, I love fictional stories in English. I love how it always has some lessons
in them to learn. They also apply in real life and help me make wise decisions. The stories
in English novels and plays always keeps me entertained. It also enhances my imagination

English is definitely a scoring subject which makes it even more special for me. I am an
average student who does not take much interest in Science. I manage to get decent
marks in the subjects, but in English, I score well. When we compare English to other
subjects, we see it is most scoring.

English does not demand word to word answers. It gives the child a chance to play with
words. It gives them the creative liberty to speak their minds out. For instance, in Maths,
you cannot create your own formulas. You must copy the same exact one taught in the
syllabus. But, in English, we can compose our own answers based on our understanding
and intelligence.

In addition, English teachers are usually more approachable and understanding. In other
subjects, the teachers always have to stick by the book and literally make students mug
up the formulas and theories. The English teacher takes time to make them understand
each phrase. They allow the students to interpret it as per their intellect. This empowers
the child too so they can put their own thinking in it.

In short, I absolutely love English. It gives me the chance to excel without putting too
much pressure on me. I get to play with words and form my own interpretations. This
helps me get the creative freedom I do not get in other subjects.

2-Blood Donation Essay

Blood donation refers to a practice where people donate their blood to people
so it helps them with their health problems. Blood is one of the most essential fluids of
our body that helps in the smooth functioning of our body. If the body loses blood in
excessive amounts, people to get deadly diseases and even die. Thus, we see how blood
donation is literally life-saving which helps people. It is also a sign of humanity that unites
people irrespective of caste, creed, religion and more.

In order to raise awareness about this life-saving procedure, the world observes
14th June as Blood Donor Day. It promotes blood dona on and urges people to save lives
by donating blood.

Furthermore, this day is quite an important day as it makes people about safe
blood. People need to know the basics to be able to donate blood. For instance, there are
certain criteria one must fulfill to donate blood. Not everyone knows that. Thus, this day
helps in doing so.

Most importantly, on this day, the WHO organizes a campaign that invites
people to donate blood. A person eligible to donate blood must fall in the age bracket of
17-66 years of age. They must weigh more than 50 kgs and have sound health. People
suffering from diseases like diabetes, hypertension and more cannot donate blood.

Therefore, on World Blood Donor Day, they also appreciate blood donors for
their contribution to making the world a better place.

As we all know by now, blood donation has a lot of benefits. Why a person
requires blood has various reasons. It may be an illness or also an accident, nonetheless,

it is important. The blood that we donate helps a person in need. It enhances their health
condition and makes them overcome their critical situation.

In other words, blood donation does not simply help that specific person but
also contributes to a responsible gesture towards society. Moreover, it also enhances the
health of the donor. As the cell depletion allows a way for production, not new cells that
freshen our body system.

Furthermore, it also revitalizes our body for better health. Next up, a single
blood donation helps at least three people in need. Thus, imagine how one donation can
make a difference in so many people’s lives.

In addition, blood donation makes the work of blood banks easier. It stabilizes
their collection which helps other people get blood urgently. The demand is still higher
than the supply in blood banks, so we must donate more and more of it to help people.

Other than that, blood donation also helps us know about our bodies. As a blood
donation requires a preliminary health check-up, we get a complete diagnosis. It makes
us aware of the levels of iron, hemoglobin, cholesterol and more.

Thus, we see that blood donation is an important procedure in saving human

life. It is a great initiative that must be encouraged everywhere.

3-Energy Conservation Essay

Energy conservation refers to the efforts made to reduce the consumption of

energy. The energy on Earth is not in unlimited supply. Furthermore, energy can take
plenty of time to regenerate. This certainly makes it essential to conserve energy. Most
noteworthy, energy conservation is achievable either by using energy more efficiently or
by reducing the amount of service usage.

First of all, energy conservation plays an important role in saving non-renewable

energy resources. Furthermore, non-renewable energy sources take many centuries to
regenerate. Moreover, humans consume energy at a faster rate than it can be produced.
Therefore, energy conservation would lead to the preservation of these precious non-
renewable sources of energy.

Energy conservation will reduce the expenses related to fossil fuels. Fossil fuels
are very expensive to mine. Therefore, consumers are required to pay higher prices for

goods and services. Energy conservation would certainly reduce the amount of fossil fuel
being mined. This, in turn, would reduce the costs of consumers.

Consequently, energy conservation would strengthen the economy as

consumers will have more disposable income to spend on goods and services.

Energy conservation is good for scientific research. This is because; energy

conservation gives researchers plenty of time to conduct researches.

Therefore, these researchers will have more time to come up with various
energy solutions and alternatives. Humans must ensure to have fossil fuels as long as
possible. This would give me enough time to finding practical solutions.

Another important reason for energy conservation is environmental protection.

This is because various energy sources are significantly harmful to the environment.
Furthermore, the burning of fossil fuels considerably pollutes the atmosphere. Moreover,
nuclear energy creates dangerous nuclear waste. Hence, energy conservation will lead to
environmental protection.

Energy conservation would also result in the good health of humans.

Furthermore, the pollution released due to energy sources is harmful to the human body.
The air pollution due to fossil fuels can cause various respiratory problems. Energy
sources can pollute water which could cause several harmful diseases in humans. Nuclear
waste can cause cancer and other deadly problems in the human body.

Energy taxation is a good measure from the government to conserve energy.

Furthermore, several countries apply energy or a carbon tax on energy users. This tax
would certainly put pressure on energy users to reduce their energy consumption.
Moreover, carbon tax forces energy users to shift to other energy sources that are less

Building design plays a big role in energy conservation. An excellent way to

conserve energy is by performing an energy audit in buildings. Energy audit refers to
inspection and analysis of energy use in a building. Most noteworthy, the aim of the
energy audit is to appropriately reduce energy input.

Another important way of energy conservation is by using energy-efficient

products. Energy-efficient products are those that use lesser energy than their normal

counterparts. One prominent example can be using an energy-efficient bulb rather than
an incandescent light bulb.

In conclusion, energy conservation must be among the utmost priorities of

humanity. Mahatma Gandhi was absolutely right when he said, “the earth provides
enough to satisfy every man’s needs but not every man’s greed”. This statement pretty
much sums up the importance of energy conservation. Immediate implementation of
energy conservation measures is certainly of paramount importance.

4-Essay on Uses of Internet

The Internet has become a sensation nowadays. It is something that humans

cannot function without anymore. It has occupied a great part of our lives. We use the
internet for almost every little and a big task now. It ranges from searching for a job to
listening to music.

The Internet has basically made our lives easier and convenient. The world is at
our fingertips now, thanks to the internet. When we see how it has changed the scenario
of the modern world, we can’t help but notice its importance. It is used in all spheres of
life now.

The world has become smaller because of the internet. Now we can
communicate with our loved ones oceans away. The days of letter writing are gone
where we had to wait for weeks to get a reply. Everything is instant now. Even though
telephones allowed us to do that, but the cost was too high. The common man could not
afford to call people overseas because of the costs.

However, the internet changed that. Communicating with people both near and
far is now easy and affordable. We can send them emails and chat with them through
instant messaging apps. We may also video call them using the internet which allows us
to see them clearly even though we are miles away.

Furthermore, we can now get instant news updates from all over the world. The
moment anything takes place anywhere in the world, we get to know about it. In
addition, we are informed about the natural calamities within the correct time.
Moreover, we can easily contact our job recruiters using the internet. Job application has
been made so much easier through the internet.

Entertainment and the Internet go hand in hand now. Everything is at your
fingertips to enjoy. You can book movie tickets easily on the internet. Gone are the days
of waiting in long queues to get the ticket for the latest movie. It can all be done through
the comfort of your home. Similarly, you can also book match tickets and concert tickets
without going through the hassle of standing in long lines.

In addition, we can now do all our shopping online. You won’t have to go out in
the harsh weather to shop for stuff. The Internet allows you to browse through a large
assortment of products with all the details given. It ranges from something as small as a
mug to a laptop, you can have it all. Furthermore, you may also filter the categories to
find exactly what you are looking for within seconds.

Nowadays, web series are quite a hit amongst the youth. They do not watch TV
anymore; rather they enjoy the web series. Various platforms have created shows which
they release on the internet that has a major fan following. You can get your daily dose of
entertainment from the internet now. Whether you want to hear the latest music, you
don’t have to spend a hefty amount to buy the CD. You can simply listen to it on the

Thus, we see how the internet has changed and made our lives easy in various
ways. We can connect with our loved ones easily and get access to unlimited
entertainment instantly.

5-Essay on Computer and its Uses

In this essay on computer, we are going to discuss some useful things about
computers. The modern-day computer has become an important part of our daily life.
Also, their usage has increased much fold during the last decade. Nowadays, they use the
computer in every office whether private or government. Mankind is using computers for
over many decades now. Also, they are used in many fields like agriculture, designing,
machinery making, defense and many more. Above all, they have revolutionized the
whole world.

It is very difficult to find the exact origin of computers. But according to some
experts computer exists at the time of world war-II. Also, at that time they were used for
keeping data. But, it was for only government use and not for public use. Above all, in the
beginning, the computer was a very large and heavy machine.

The computer runs on a three-step cycle namely input, process, and output.
Also, the computer follows this cycle in every process it was asked to do. In simple words,
the process can be explained in this way. The data which we feed into the computer is
input, the work CPU do is process and the result which the computer give is output.

The simple computer basically consists of CPU, monitor, mouse, and keyboard.
Also, there are hundreds of other computer parts that can be attached to it. These other
parts include a printer, laser pen, scanner, etc.

The computer is categorized into many different types like supercomputers,

mainframes, personal computers (desktop), PDAs, laptop, etc. The mobile phone is also a
type of computer because it fulfills all the criteria of being a computer.

As the usage of computer increased it became a necessity for almost every field
to use computers for their operations. Also, they have made working and sorting things
easier. Below we are mentioning some of the important fields that use a computer in
their daily operation.

They use computers to diagnose diseases, run tests and for finding the cure for
deadly diseases. Also, they are able to find a cure for many diseases because of

Whether it’s scientific research, space research or any social research computers
help in all of them. Also, due to them, we are able to keep a check on the environment,
space, and society. Space research helped us to explore the galaxies. While scientific
research has helped us to locate resources and various other useful resources from the

For any country, his defence is most important for the safety and security of its
people. Also, computer in this field helps the country’s security agencies to detect a
threat which can be harmful in the future. Above all the defense industry use them to
keep surveillance on our enemy.

Computers have become a necessity also, they have become a threat too. This is
due to hackers who steal your private data and leak them on internet. Also, anyone can
access this data. Apart from that, there are other threats like viruses, spams, bug and
many other problems.

The computer is a very important machine that has become a useful part of our
life. Also, the computers have twin-faces on one side it’s a boon and on the other side,
it’s a bane. Its uses completely depend upon you. Apart from that, a day in the future will
come when human civilization won’t be able to survive without computers as we depend
on them too much. Till now it is a great discovery of mankind that has helped in saving
thousands and millions of lives.

6-Wonder of Science Essay

Looking at the age when a man led a life like a savage, we notice how far we
have come. Similarly, the evolution of mankind is truly commendable. One of the major
driving forces behind this is science. It makes you think about the wonder of science and
how it has proven to be such a boon in our lives. Most importantly, science has helped
develop a great civilization. All the advancements that man has been able to make are
with the help of science only. However, it won’t be wrong to say that science is a two-
edged sword. It comes with its own set of advantages and disadvantages.

To say that science has a lot of benefits would be an understatement. The

benefits of science do not just limit to one sphere, but it has proven useful in various
spheres of the world. When we talk about innovations in science and engineering,
electricity is the first thing that comes to mind. It has helped power the world through its

That is to say, all the credit goes to science, as it weren’t for science, life in the
21st century would be impossible. After all, it is quite hard to imagine a world without
computers, medicines, televisions, AC’s, automobiles and more. In addition, science has
contributed largely to the medical field as well.

It has helped cure deadly diseases and also perform surgeries which were hard
to perform before. Therefore, science has changed the world in unimaginable ways.

As the saying goes ‘there is no rainbow without rain’, similarly science has
drawbacks of its own. One must always remember that anything in excess is poison, and
science is no different. If it falls into evil hands, it can cause destruction on a massive
level. For instance, science is used to create nuclear weapons.

These are deadly enough to cause war and wipe out full-fledged countries.
Another drawback is the pollution caused by it. As the world became more industrialized
because of science, pollution levels increased. All the high-scale industries are now
polluting natural resources like water, air, wood, and more.

Subsequently, this industrial growth has increased rates of unemployment as

machines are replacing human labor. So, we see how it also has a considerable amount of
drawbacks as well.

In conclusion, we can say that surely science is very beneficial to the modern
man. But, innovations and discoveries have also become destructive in various ways for

Therefore, it must be properly used for the greater benefit of mankind. We must
ensure the wise use of these scientific inventions in order to save the world from the evil
side of science. As Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam once stated that science is a beautiful gift to
humanity, we must not distort it, likewise, we must live by this quote and monitor the

7-Essay on Mobile Phone

Mobile Phone is often also called “cellular phone”. It is a device mainly used for
a voice call. Presently technological advancements have made our life easy. Today, with
the help of a mobile phone we can easily talk or video chat with anyone across the globe
by just moving our fingers. Today mobile phones are available in various shapes and
sizes, having different technical specifications and are used for a number of purposes like
– voice calling, video chatting, text messaging or SMS, multimedia messaging, internet
browsing, email, video games, and photography. Hence it is called a ‘Smart Phone’. Like
every device, the mobile phone also has its pros and cons which we shall discuss now.

Now we can be connected to our friends, relatives at any time we want through
many apps. Now we can talk video chat with whoever we want, by just operating your
mobile phone or smartphone. Apart from this mobile also keeps us updated about the
whole world.

Today mobiles phone has made our life so easy for daily life activities. Today,
one can assess the live traffic situation on mobile phone and take appropriate decisions
to reach on time. Along with it the weather updates, booking a cab and many more.

With the improvement of mobile technology, the whole entertainment world is
now under one roof. Whenever we get bored with routine work or during the breaks, we
can listen to music, watch movies, our favorite shows or just watch the video of one’s
favorite song.

These days mobiles are used for many types of official work From meeting
schedules, sending and receiving documents, giving presentations, alarms, job
applications, etc. Mobile phones have become an essential device for every working

Nowadays mobiles are even used as a wallet for making payments. Money could
be transferred almost instantly to friends, relatives or others by using mobile baking in
the smartphone. Also, one can easily access his/her account details and know past
transactions. So it saves a lot of time and also hassle-free.

Now day’s people have become addicted to mobiles. Even when we don’t need
to mobile we surf the net, play games making a real addict. As mobile phones became
smarter, people became dumber.

Wide usage of mobiles has resulted in less meet and talk more. Now people
don’t meet physically rather chat or comment on social media.

It is a major concern now of losing one’s privacy because of much mobile usage.
Today anyone could easily access the information like where you live, your friends and
family, what is your occupation, where is your house, etc; by just easily browsing through
your social media account.

As the usefulness of mobiles has increased so their costing. Today people are
spending a lot amount of money on buying smartphones, which could rather be spent on
more useful things like education, or other useful things in our life.

A mobile phone could both be positive and negative; depending on how a user
uses it. As mobiles have become a part of our life so we should use it in a proper way,
carefully for our better hassle-free life rather using it improperly and making it a virus in

8-Essay on Newspaper Reading

Newspapers are one of the most important documents. They can be said to be
the powerhouse of information. Moreover, they offer us other benefits as well which
helps us in our lives. You become better informed through newspaper reading and it also
broadens your perspective. However, newspaper reading is becoming a dying habit. As
the world is moving towards digitalization, no one really reads the newspaper. At least
not the present generation. The readership is maintained mostly because of the older
generations only.

Newspaper reading is one of the most beneficial habits. It helps us get

acquainted with the current affairs of the world. We get to know about the latest
happenings through a reliable source. Similarly, we also get an insight into the different
domains including politics, cinema, business, sports and many more.

Furthermore, newspaper reading also results in opening doors to new

employment opportunities. Reliable companies post their ads in the newspaper for
business and employment opportunities so we see how it is a good place to seek jobs.

Furthermore, we can easily promote our brands and products with the help of
newspapers. The consumers learn about the latest deals and launch which connects
them to businesses.

Most importantly, it also improves the vocabulary and grammar of a person. You
can learn new words and rectify your grammar through newspaper reading.

In addition, a person who reads a newspaper can speak fluently on various

topics. They can socialize better as they are well aware of the most common topics.
Similarly, it also saves us from getting bored. You won’t need any company if you have a
newspaper in hand.

Unfortunately, despite having so many benefits, newspaper reading is becoming

a dying habit. As people are getting instant updates on their mobile phones and
computer systems, they barely read the newspaper. Moreover, electronic gadgets are
more convenient for them so they don’t bother to pick up the newspaper.

Moreover, we see that everything has become very convenient and instant now.
You can learn about what is happening in the other part of the world as it is taking place.
People do not wait for newspapers anymore, as they feel it only states what they have

already been informed about. In addition, they do not wait for the next day to read the
newspaper about current affairs, as they get it instantly thanks to the internet.

Most importantly, people are themselves running out of the habit of reading
itself. Everything has become so visual now that no one bothers to read newspapers,
books, novels or more. The internet has made it worse as now there is a video for
everything. People won’t mind watching a five-minute video, but will however not prefer
to read a five-minute-long article.

It just shows how we’re becoming so inactive and lazy. Everyone just needs
things to be served on a platter. Therefore, we must not let this become a dying habit as
newspapers are very reliable sources of news. In the absence of these, there will be
hardly anyone left to verify the data and information we’re being fed.

9-Essay on Summer Vacation

During the middle of the summer season, a holiday period is called summer
vacations. Also, all the colleges and schools become closed due to high temperature
during the summer months (Half may and complete June and sometimes first one or two
weeks of July). Also, the kids relax and enjoy this time of the years as they do not have to
go to school or colleges. Most of the children either go to a cool place like a hill station or
visit their native village to have fun with cousins, and friends. Apart from that, some kids
choose to stay at home and join hobby classes or learn new skills. In this essay on
summer vacation, we are going to discuss various ways of enjoying summer vacation.

Overall summer vacation is a long period of time for someone to get bored with
them. But you can do a lot of things that will keep you interested and busy during the
holidays. Here we are going to discuss various activities that you can perform in your
summer vacation apart from going on trips.

You can join any activity classes or summer camp. Also, they will give you
activities on a daily basis so that your interest remains with you.

Also, you can make a new habit like reading, writing, collecting, and observing.
These habits not only prove useful in your future life but also improve your knowledge.

Apart from that, you can join sports clubs to learn your favorite sports like
swimming, athletics, boxing, and taekwondo, etc.

Most of the people either visit their native village or go to the cool hill station
with the family. But visiting the same place multiple times can become quite boring after
a few years. Also, if you go to different places every summer vacation then you can learn
new things about those places. Also, you can see new and famous things or places of that

Summer is a month of hotness and you want to stay indoors as much as

possible. But if you will show a little courage to stand in the sun then you can travel a lot
of places in your life. Also, the vaca on covers a period of almost 2 months and within
this time you can visit your native village or town and also can travel to a new place.

Anyone can enjoy summer vacations the way they like but according to me the
best way to enjoy summer vacation is to learn or read something. Also, learning and
reading not only help you in your school and college life but also proved very useful in
the future. But everyone has their opinion about enjoying the summer vacation. On one
hand, there are people who like to go outdoor and on the other, there are people who
like to spend their entire time indoors.

Summer vacation is a quality time of the year for children. So, they should try to
utilize that time not only in playing games but also doing some activities that will make
them more active. Also, at this time they can do anything they want to do. They can
enjoy this quality time with their parents, friends, and neighbors.

10-Essay on Friendship

Friendship is one of the greatest bonds anyone can ever wish for. Lucky are
those who have friends they can trust. Friendship is a devoted relationship between two
individuals. They both feel immense care and love for each other. Usually, a friendship is
shared by two people who have similar interests and feelings.

You meet many along the way of life but only some stay with you forever. Those
are your real friends who stay by your side through thick and thin. Friendship is the most
beautiful gift you can present to anyone. It is one which stays with a person forever.

A person is acquainted with many persons in their life. However, the closest
ones become our friends. You may have a large friend circle in school or college, but you
know you can only count on one or two people with whom you share true friendship.

There are essentially two types of friends, one is good friends the other are true
friends or best friends. They’re the ones with whom we have a special bond of love and
affection. In other words, having a true friend makes our lives easier and full of

Most importantly, true friendship stands for a relationship free of any

judgments. In a true friendship, a person can be themselves completely without the fear
of being judged. It makes you feel loved and accepted. This kind of freedom is what every
human strives to have in their lives.

In short, true friendship is what gives us reason to stay strong in life. Having a
loving family and all is okay but you also need true friendship to be completely happy.
Some people don’t even have families but they have friends who’re like their family only.
Thus, we see having true friends means a lot to everyone.

Friendship is important in life because it teaches us a great deal about life. We

learn so many lessons from friendship which we won’t find anywhere else. You learn to
love someone other than your family. You know how to be yourself in front of friends.

Friendship never leaves us in bad times. You learn how to understand people
and trust others. Your real friends will always motivate you and cheer for you. They will
take you on the right path and save you from any evil.

Similarly, friendship also teaches you a lot about loyalty. It helps us to become
loyal and get loyalty in return. There is no greater feeling in the world than having a
friend who is loyal to you.

Moreover, friendship makes us stronger. It tests us and helps us grow. For

instance, we see how we fight with our friends yet come back together after setting aside
our differences. This is what makes us strong and teaches us patience.

Therefore, there is no doubt that best friends help us in our difficulties and bad
times of life. They always try to save us in our dangers as well as offer timely advice. True
friends are like the best assets of our life because they share our sorrow, sooth our pain
and make us feel happy.

11-Essay on Pollution

Pollution is a term which even kids are aware of these days. It has become so
common that almost everyone acknowledges the fact that pollution is rising
continuously. The term ‘pollution’ means the manifestation of any unsolicited foreign
substance in something. When we talk about pollution on earth, we refer to the
contamination that is happening of the natural resources by various pollutants. All this is
mainly caused by human activities which harm the environment in ways more than one.
Therefore, an urgent need has arisen to tackle this issue straightaway. That is to say,
pollution is damaging our earth severely and we need to realize its effects and prevent
this damage. In this essay on pollution, we will see what are the effects of pollution and
how to reduce it.

Pollution affects the quality of life more than one can imagine. It works in
mysterious ways, sometimes which cannot be seen by the naked eye. However, it is very
much present in the environment. For instance, you might not be able to see the natural
gases present in the air, but they are still there. Similarly, the pollutants which are
messing up the air and increasing the levels of carbon dioxide is very dangerous for
humans. Increased level of carbon dioxide will lead to global warming.

Further, the water is polluted in the name of industrial development, religious

practices and more will cause a shortage of drinking water. Without water, human life is
not possible. Moreover, the way waste is dumped on the land eventually ends up in the
soil and turns toxic. If land pollution keeps on happening at this rate, we won’t have
fertile soil to grow our crops on. Therefore, serious measures must be taken to reduce
pollution to the core.

After learning the harmful effects of pollution, one must get on the task of
preventing or reducing pollution as soon as possible. To reduce air pollution, people
should take public transport or carpool to reduce vehicular smoke. While it may be hard,
avoiding firecrackers at festivals and celebrations can also cut down on air and noise
pollution. Above all, we must adopt the habit of recycling. All the used plastic ends up in
the oceans and land, which pollutes them.

So, remember to not dispose of them off after use, rather reuse them as long as
you can. We must also encourage everyone to plant more trees which will absorb the
harmful gases and make the air cleaner. When talking on a bigger level, the government
must limit the usage of fertilizers to maintain the soil’s fertility. In addition, industries
must be banned from dumping their waste into oceans and rivers, causing water

To sum it up, all types of pollution is hazardous and comes with grave
consequences. Everyone must take a step towards change ranging from individuals to the
industries. As tackling this problem calls for a joint effort, so we must join hands now.
Moreover, the innocent lives of animals are being lost because of such human activities.
So, all of us must take a stand and become a voice for the unheard in order to make this
earth pollution-free.

12-Essay on Global Warming – Causes and Solutions

Global Warming is a term almost everyone is familiar with. But, its meaning is
still not clear to most of us. So, Global warming refers to the gradual rise in the overall
temperature of the atmosphere of the Earth. There are various activities taking place
which have been increasing the temperature gradually. Global warming is melting our ice
glaciers rapidly. This is extremely harmful to the earth as well as humans. It is quite
challenging to control global warming; however, it is not unmanageable. The first step in
solving any problem is identifying the cause of the problem. Therefore, we need to first
understand the causes of global warming that will help us proceed further in solving it. In
this essay on Global Warming, we will see the causes and solutions of Global Warming.

Global warming has become a grave problem which needs undivided attention.
It is not happening because of a single cause but several causes. These causes are both
natural as well as manmade. The natural causes include the release of greenhouses gases
which are not able to escape from earth, causing the temperature to increase.

Further, volcanic eruptions are also responsible for global warming. That is to
say, these eruptions release tons of carbon dioxide which contributes to global warming.
Similarly, methane is also one big issue responsible for global warming.

After that, the excessive use of automobiles and fossil fuels results in increased
levels of carbon dioxide. In addition, activities like mining and cattle rearing are very
harmful to the environment. One of the most common issues that are taking place
rapidly is deforestation.

So, when one of the biggest sources of absorption of carbon dioxide will only
disappear, there will be nothing left to regulate the gas. Thus, it will result in global

warming. Steps must be taken immediately to stop global warming and make the earth
better again.

As stated earlier, it might be challenging but it is not entirely impossible. Global

warming can be stopped when combined efforts are put in. For that, individuals and
governments, both have to take steps towards achieving it. We must begin with the
reduction of greenhouse gas.

Furthermore, they need to monitor the consumption of gasoline. Switch to a

hybrid car and reduce the release of carbon dioxide. Moreover, citizens can choose public
transport or carpool together. Subsequently, recycling must also be encouraged.

For instance, when you go shopping, carry your own cloth bag. Another step you
can take is to limit the use of electricity which will prevent the release of carbon dioxide.
On the government’s part, they must regulate industrial waste and ban them from
emitting harmful gases in the air. Deforestation must be stopped immediately and
planting of trees must be encouraged.

In short, all of us must realize the fact that our earth is not well. It needs to
treatment and we can help it heal. The present generation must take up the
responsibility of stopping global warming in order to prevent the suffering of future
generations. Therefore, every little step, no matter how small carries a lot of weight and
is quite significant in stopping global warming.

13-Essay on Save Environment

Environment refers to the natural surroundings and conditions in which we live.

Unfortunately, this Environment has come under serious threat. This threat is almost
entirely due to human activities. These human activities have certainly caused serious
damage to the Environment. Most noteworthy, this damage risks the survival of living
things on Earth. Therefore, there is an urgent need to save the Environment.

First of all, planting trees should be given massive attention. Above all, a tree is
the source of oxygen. Unfortunately, due to construction, many trees have been cut
down. This certainly reduces the amount of oxygen in the environment. Growing more
trees means more oxygen. Hence, growing more trees would mean better life quality.

Similarly, people must give attention to forest conservation. Forests are vital for
the Environment. However, deforestation certainly reduces the area of forests around

the World. The government must launch programs to conserve the forests. The
government must make harming forests a criminal offense.

Soil conservation is yet another important way to save the Environment. For
this, there must be control of landslides, floods, and soil erosion. Furthermore, there
should also be afforestation and tree plantation to conserve the soil. Also, terrace
farming and using natural fertilizers are some more ways.

Waste management is a powerful way of protecting the environment. There

must be proper disposal of wastes. Most noteworthy, this would help to keep the
surroundings healthy. The government must ensure to clean the streets and other
polluted land areas. Furthermore, there should be toilets in every house. Also, the
government must provide enough public toilets.

Pollution is probably the biggest danger to the Environment. Smoke, dust, and
harmful gases cause air pollution. These causes of air pollution come from industries and
vehicles mostly. Furthermore, Chemicals and pesticides cause land and water pollution.

First of all, the world climate will remain normal. Harming the Environment and
causing pollution have caused global warming. Due to this many humans and animals
have died. Hence, saving the environment would reduce global warming.

The health of people would improve. Due to pollution and deforestation, the
health of many people is poor. Conserving the Environment would certainly improve the
health of people. Most noteworthy, saving Environment would reduce many diseases.

Saving Environment would certainly protect the animals. Extinction of many

species will not take place due to saving Environment. Many endangered species would
also increase in population.

The water level would rise. Damage to Environment has severely reduced the
level of groundwater. Furthermore, there is a scarcity of clean drinking water around the
World. Due to this, many people fell ill and die. Saving Environment would certainly avoid
such problems.

In conclusion, Environment is a precious gift on this planet. Our Environment is

facing a big danger. Saving Environment is the need of the hour. Probably, it is the biggest
concern of Humanity right now. Any delay in this regard could be disastrous.

14-Essay on Water

Water is one of the most important substances for life on earth to function. It is
equally important for humans as well as animals. Water does not merely help us survive,
but it is significant for our day to day functioning. It has numerous uses when we come to
think about it. Majority of our earth is covered with water itself, but, not all of it is safe
for consumption. Therefore, it makes it essential for us to utilize this transparent
substance chemical wisely. Moreover, if we look at the shortage of water happening in
our country, it makes it all the more important to conserve it immediately.

As we have already said that water has numerous uses, we will see where it is
used. This part will most importantly help us realize the importance of water. It will make
humans aware of what absence of water in the following areas can do to human life. As
India’s main occupation is agriculture, water is exhaustively used here. Irrigation and
cattle rearing requires a lot of water. Thus, a lot of farmers’ livelihood depends on it.

Further, industries use water for various purposes. It comes in handy when
cooling, manufacturing and transporting several goods. For instance, thermal power
plants consume quite a substantial amount of water for their running.

Furthermore, the domestic use of water cannot be left behind. In the day to day
life of the common man, water plays a vital role. That is to say, from drinking water to
washing utensils, we need water every step of the way.

After that, plants need water to survive and make food. It is one of the main
elements which help them grow. Hence, water is extremely important for humans,
animals, and plants to survive.

While water is quite essential and yet so scarce, however, people fail to realize
this fact. They waste water with little or no care for the results of this activity. There are
various ways in which one can avoid wasting water. To begin with, all households must
get their leaking taps checked. They should fix them immediately as every drop is

Similarly, we must choose buckets instead of showers for bathing. This is a very
debatable topic and it needs to be settled. Showers waste a lot of water, so people must
prefer buckets. This particular habit is quite commonly found in most of the households.
People do not turn off their taps while brushing their teeth and washing utensils. Always
remember to keep the tap off when doing so.
In addition, encourage rainwater harvesting system in all homes. This can help
conserve water like never before.

In short, water is essential for the survival of mankind. But, it is, unfortunately,
being waster rapidly. Every citizen and government must come together to tackle this
issue. Governments must ensure all areas get water equally. On the other hand, citizens
must keep in mind to use it wisely and not waste it unnecessarily.

15-Health Is Wealth Essay

Growing up you might have heard the term ‘Health is Wealth’, but its essential
meaning is still not clear to most people. Generally, people confuse good health with
being free of any kind of illnesses. While it may be part of the case, it is not entirely what
good health is all about. In other words, to lead a healthy life, a person must be fit and
fine both physically and mentally. For instance, if you are constantly eating junk food yet
you do not have any disease, it does not make you healthy. You are not consuming
healthy food which naturally means you are not healthy, just surviving. Therefore, to
actually live and not merely survive, you need to have the basic essentials that make up
for a healthy lifestyle.

If you wish to acquire a healthy lifestyle, you will certainly have to make some
changes in your life. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle demands consistent habits and
disciplined life. There are various good habits that you can adopt like exercising regularly
which will maintain your physical fitness. It also affects your mental health as when your
appearance enhances, your confidence will automatically get boosted.

Further, it will prevent obesity and help you burn out extra fat from your body.
After that, a balanced diet is of great importance. When you intake appropriate amounts
of nutrition, vitamins, proteins, calories and more, your immune system will strengthen.
This will, in turn, help you fight off diseases powerfully resultant in a disease-free life.

Above all, cleanliness plays a significant role in maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

Your balanced diet and regular exercise will be completely useless if you live in an
unhealthy environment. One must always maintain cleanliness in their surroundings so as
to avoid the risk of catching communicable diseases.

As it is clear by now, good health is a luxury which everyone wants but some of
them cannot afford. This point itself states the importance of a healthy lifestyle. When a

person leads a healthy lifestyle, he/she will be free from the tension of seeking medical
attention every now and then.

On the contrary, if you have poor health, you will usually spend your time in a
hospital and the bills will take away your mental peace. Therefore, a healthy lifestyle
means you will be able to enjoy your life freely. Similarly, when you have a relaxed mind
at all times, you will be able to keep your loved ones happy.

Moreover, a healthy lifestyle will push you to do better in life and motivate you
to achieve higher targets. It usually happens that people who are extremely wealthy in
terms of money often lack good health. This just proves that all the riches in the world
will do you no good if there is an absence of a healthy lifestyle.

In short, a healthy life is the highest blessing which must not be taken for
granted. It is truly the source of all happiness. Money may buy you all the luxuries in the
world but it cannot buy you good health. You are solely responsible for that, so for your
well-being and happiness, it is better to switch to a healthy lifestyle.

16-Essay on Sports

Sport plays an important role in students. As it develops the physical and mental
health of the child. Moreover, adults should include in their daily life routine. Sports are
not only played for physical health but also to create discipline in a person. Since all the
sports require obedient towards a goal, it enlists hard work in a person. Furthermore,
some people play sports to make their career in it.

In our country where cricket is more than a sport for us, many cricketers have
got fame because of it. Moreover, cricketers like Sachin Tendulkar, M.S. Dhoni are
renowned in the entire world. As they have much fame in the country. People recognize
them just by their name.

But apart from cricket different organization organize different sports.

Tournaments like Commonwealth Games, FIFA World Cup, Asian games have great
importance in the world. The tournaments carry out on a huge scale.

There are many sports that have equal importance. Division of these sports is in
two categories.

Outdoor sports as the name states takes place outside the house. For instance,
some of these sports are:
Football: This sport takes place on the ground. Moreover, there are two
goalposts at the end. As two teams play this sport. So the players of the team have to
kick in the ball in the opposite goals. However, the other teams have to defend their

Cricket: As we all know about cricket It is also an outdoor sport. Players play
cricket on a pitch. In this one team does batting while the other bowls and fields.
Moreover, we can only play cricket on a dry pitch. So this game can only take place in
pleasant weather.

Tennis: Player plays this sport with a racquet. Moreover, in this sport, only two
or four players can play. Furthermore, this sport takes place in a tennis court.

Hockey: Hockey is also a renowned sport. Our country excels in this game.
Moreover, our hockey players are the best be it in the male or the female category.
Players play hockey with a hockey stick and a synthetic ball. But the gameplay of this
sport is the same as of football

However, there are many outdoor sports but these are the major ones.

Indoor sports usually take place in a confined place or a room. Some examples of
these types of sports are:

Chess: Chess is a mind game. Only intellectual players play this sport. Because it
requires a lot of knowledge and presence of mind. Participants play this sport on a
chessboard. Moreover, each player has 16 pieces with which they have to play the game

Table Tennis: Players play table tennis on a table inside a room or a hall.
Moreover, like tennis it also has racquets. But the size of the racquets is small and of a
different material. Moreover, it has a set of rules so the players have to play accordingly.

Boxing: Boxing is a lethal sport. Players like Mary Kom from our country excel in
this game. Moreover, Mary Kom makes a huge name worldwide because of her skills in
this game. Boxing is a sport that takes place in a boxing ring. Two players land punches on
each other until either one knocks out.

Badminton: Similar to tennis only two or four players can play this. Moreover,
players play it wit a badminton racquet.

Moreover, there are other sports too but these have great significance in our

17-Unemployment Essay

Unemployment is a very serious issue not only in India but in the whole world.
There are hundreds and thousands of people out there who do not have employment.
Besides, the problems of unemployment are very severe in India because of the growing
population and demand for jobs. Moreover, if we neglect this problem then it will be
going to become the reason for the doom of the nation.

Unemployment refers to a situation in which a skilled and talented people

wanted to do a job. But cannot find a proper job due to several reasons.

Now we know what is unemployment but unemployment does not only mean
that the person does not have a job. Likewise, unemployment also includes people
working in areas out of their expertise.

The various types of unemployment include disguised unemployment, seasonal

unemployment, open unemployment, technological unemployment, structural
unemployment. Besides, some other unemployment is cyclic unemployment, educated
unemployment, underemployment, frictional unemployment, chronic unemployment,
and casual unemployment.

Above all, seasonal unemployment, under unemployment, and disguised

unemployment are the most common unemployment that is found in India.

In a country like India, there is much reason for a large section of the population
for being unemployed. Some of these factors are population growth, slow economic
growth, seasonal occupation, slow growth of the economic sector, and fall in the cottage

Moreover, these are the major reason for unemployment in India. Also, the
situation has become so drastic that highly educated people are ready to do the job of a
sweeper. Besides, the government is not doing his work seriously.

Apart from all these, a large portion of the population is engaged in the
agricultural sector and the sector only provides employment in harvest or plantation

In addition, the biggest reason of unemployment in India is its vast population
which demands a large number of jobs every year which the government and authorities
are unable to provide.

If things will go on like the current scenario then unemployment will become a
major issue. Apart from this, the following things happen in an economy which is an
increase in poverty, an increase in crime rate, exploitation of labor, political instability,
mental health, and loss of skills. As a result, all this will eventually lead to the demise of
the nation.

The government has taken the problem very seriously and have taken measures
to slowly reduce unemployment. Some of these schemes includes IRDP (Integrated Rural
Development Programme), DPAP (Drought Prone Area Programme), Jawahar Rozgar
Yojana, Employment Assurance Scheme, NRY (Nehru Rozgar Yojana), Training for self-
Employment, PMIUPEP (Prime Minister’s Integrated Urban Poverty Eradication Program),
employment exchange, Employment Guarantee Scheme, development of organized
sector, small and cottage industries, employment in forging countries, and Jawahar Gram
Samridhi Yojana and few more.

Besides, these schemes the government also make some rules flexible, so that
employment can be created in the private sector also.

To conclude, we can say that the problem of unemployment in India has reached
a critical stage. But, now the government and local authorities have taken the problem
seriously and working on it to reduce unemployment. Also, to completely solve the issue
of unemployment we have to tackle the main issue of unemployment that is the vast
population of Egypt.

18-Success Essay

Success Essay- In today’s world everyone wants to be successful but what is a

success. The perspective of success varies from person to person. For the record, the
people before us have a different view on success and the person after us will have a
different view on success.

Moreover, people compare different people performance to evaluate their

success. But success is not something that you can copy from others. You have to make
your own path to achieving success. In modern-day, people are obsessed with success
because of the glamour and lifestyle of successful people.
There are many ways in the world to be successful. But most people think of
celebrities, artist, politicians, and businessmen whenever they heard the word success.

Moreover, they think doing what they will make you successful but that not the
case. They forget the most basic thing that makes a person successful that is their hard
work, dedication, and the desire to achieve their dream. More importantly, they what
they like to do not what that others told them to do. Successful people do what they like
to do also they do what they feel correct for their business.

If you look in the dictionary for the meaning of the word success then you will
find that it means the achievement of one’s goal or aim. So, basically, anyone can achieve
success by simply achieving their aim or goal.

We all knew that we can’t achieve something without sacrificing something.

Success also demands various things from you. But these sacrifices will not go in vain if
you achieve your goal.

Certainly, many people achieve professional success but in doing so they fail in
achieving mental, social and physical success. The tension of lacking behind in other
things pulls them apart.

Also, there are cases where people became so obsessed with success that the
people around them start to feel uncomfortable around them. In some cases, they have
gone mad. Apart from that, people also get depressed if they can’t achieve success like
others. So, we can say that there is much harm to success.

It may sound unfit to some peoples but success depends a lot of hard work.
Without it, you can’t become successful. Hard work does not mean that you do laborious
work or the work that make you sweat. Hard work means having a healthy body, strong
mind, willpower and positive attitude towards things. And for all those things you need
energy. So, be attentive to your body and soul.

Besides, do not just work on your program, push your limit, take charge of other
things, improve your skills and most importantly keep learning. Apart from that, be with
positive peoples, develop positive habits, and do exercise not only for the body but also
for your mind.

To sum it up, we can say that success is like a seed that needs a balanced
proportion of all the elements of life. And no one can achieve success in a day they have

to go through and face different conditions in life for being successful. Above all, success
is the feeling of fulfillment that you feel when you achieve your goal.

19-Essay on Books

Books are referred to as a man’s best friend. They are very beneficial for
mankind and have helped it evolve. There is a powerhouse of information and
knowledge. Books offer us so many things without asking for anything in return. Books
leave a deep impact on us and are responsible for uplifting our mood.

This is why we suggest children read books from an early age to gain knowledge.
The best part about books is that there are various types of books. One can read any type
to gain different types of knowledge. Reading must be done by people of all ages. It not
only widens our thinking but also enhances our vocabulary.

There are different genres of books available for book readers. Every day,
thousands of books are released in the market ranging from travel books to fictional
books. We can pick any book of our interest to expand our knowledge and enjoy the
reading experience.

Firstly, we have travel books, which tell us about the experience of various
travelers. They introduce us to different places in the world without moving from our
place. It gives us traveling tips which we can use in the future. Then, we have history
books which state historical events. They teach about the eras and how people lived in
times gone by.

Furthermore, we have technology books that teach us about technological

developments and different equipment. You can also read fashion and lifestyle books to
get up to date with the latest trends in the fashion industry.

Most importantly, there are self-help books and motivational books. These
books help in the personality development of an individual. They inspire us to do well in
life and also bring a positive change in ourselves. Finally, we have fictional books. They
are based on the writer’s imagination and help us in enhancing our imagination too. They
are very entertaining and keep us intrigued until the very end.

There are not one but various advantages of reading books. To begin with, it
improves our knowledge on a variety of subjects. Moreover, it makes us wiser. When we
learn different things, we learn to deal with them differently too. Similarly, books also

keep us entertained. They kill our boredom and give us great company when we are

Furthermore, books help us to recognize our areas of interest. They also

determine our career choice to a great extent.

Most importantly, books improve our vocabulary. We learn new words from it
and that widens our vocabulary. In addition, books boost our creativity. They help us
discover a completely new side.

In other words, books make us more fluent in languages. They enhance our
writing skills too. Plus, we become more confident after the knowledge of books. They
help us in debating, public speaking, quizzes and more.

In short, books give us a newer perspective and gives us a deeper understanding

of things. It impacts our personality positively as well. Thus, we see how books provide us
with so many benefits. We should encourage everyone to read more books and useless

20-Knowledge Is Power Essay

Knowledge Is Power Essay- Knowledge is something that will serve you your
whole life. The most powerful thing in the world is knowledge because it can create and
destroy life on earth. Moreover, knowledge helps us distinguish between humans and
animals. Knowledge is the ability to use your knowledge to help others.

There are very few people out there who truly understand the importance of
knowledge. Every educated person is not knowledgeable, but every knowledgeable
person is educated. This statement may sound weird but it’s true. In today’s world,
almost everyone is educated still they do not have knowledge of the subject that they
have studied.

Besides, Knowledge is something that helps you drive a car, ride a bike, solve a
puzzle, etc. Knowledge is something that prevents us from making the same mistake
twice. It is not something that you can buy from you have to earn it.

The knowledge is something that increases the more you share it. It protects
your intellectual capital that is your knowledge. Likewise, humans have used their
knowledge to create things that we can’t imagine a few centuries back. It helps us to

convert our ideas into reality and also it helps us to reach the success that we desire in
our life.

Moreover, knowledge assists us to differentiate between what is right and what

is wrong. It helps us to overcome our faults, weaknesses, and dangerous situation in life.
Also, a person with knowledge is more mentally and morally sound than people with
money and less knowledge.

Besides, Knowledge is a very important tool to get positive changes in society or

country. Knowledge gives us a vision of our future and what we can do in it. All the
countries in the world that use technologically developed tools and machinery and many
other things is the result of the knowledge. Weapons and bomb do not make a country
powerful but knowledge does.

The growth and development of a nation do not depend on the arms and
weaponry the country has. But with the amount of knowledgeable person it has and it is
possible only because of the power of knowledge.

Knowledge is something that is so powerful that it can destroy the whole earth
and on the other hand is a tool that can restore balance on the earth. The knowledgeable
person is the richest person on earth because no one can steal his/her knowledge. But
anyone can easily steal your money and power from you any time.

Moreover, it never decreases on use and only increases with time. Accordingly, a
knowledgeable person is more important than a rich person because a rich person can
give money to the nation but a knowledgeable person can give knowledge to the nation
and this knowledge can also increase the wealth of the nation.

In conclusion, we can say that true knowledge help person to bloom. Also, it
keeps people away from fights and corruption. Besides, knowledge brings happiness and
prosperity to the nation. Above all, knowledge opens the door of success for everyone.


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