American Jews Cant Stay Quiet

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Yizhar Hess

American Jews can’tstayquieton Israel

ews around the world, ernment, before they could against these dangerous As result,today most lib-
and particularlyin the even understand whether changes? Yes,absolutely. eral and progressive Jewish
United States,are feel- itsextreme coalitionagree- After all,for decades, the philanthropy is invested in
ing the dismay that ments were an action plan U.S.-Israelalliance and Is- undoubtedly worthy govern-
brought many of us into or mere slogans, shocking rael’srelationshipwith U.S. ment-endorsed projects (ali-
Israel’s streets in recent plan to fundamentally alter Jews have both been strongly yah, Birthright,Masa), while
weeks. Israel’ssystem ofgovernment rootedinthe factthatboth na- right-wing American Jewish
Most oftheseU.S.Jews are emerged. tionsare liberaldemocracies. donors have succeeded in di-
Democrats stilltraumatized At first,
many thought they How, then, are true friends rectly changing Israelisoci-
by the Trump years, even if perhaps didn’t understand of Israelsupposed to behave etyby making unprecedented
they’ve mostly caught their this plan. But in the weeks when they see Israel’s leader, investments of foreignmoney
breath two years later.But that followed,they’ve heard on trialfor corruption, ad- intoovertlypolitical projects.
when they see what’s hap- sharp condemnations from vancing “reforms” thatcould Two notableexamples are the
pening in Israeltoday with mainstream and even right- spell the end of Israel’sde- Adelson family’sownership of
ministers who don’teven try leaning pro-Israel figures mocracy? They have heard the IsraelHayom newspaper,
to hide theirhatred of Arabs such as Alan Dershowitz and the prime minister himself and billionairesArthur Dant-
or the LGBTQ community, Abe Foxman, and internal- brag about Israel’sSupreme chik and Jeffrey Yass, who
Reform and Conservative izedthatsomething deeper is Court for years, and empha- funded the Kohelet Forum,
Jews, secular Israelis,civil atstake. size that “A strong,indepen- the thinktank behind thedan-
servants and their political We share thisdeep dismay dent court allowsforthe exis- gerous legislationcurrently
opponents, and are advanc- because theStateofIsraelhas tence of allother institutions on the table.
ing what amounts to regime achieved so much. Israelisn’t in democracy.” change in Israel’s demo-
change under the guise of without itsflaws,but there’s While they debate what craticnature willhave exten-
“legalreform” they are once no denying our nation-state they can do to counter this sive consequences. One such
again leftspeechless. is success story.We’ve cre- risk,theclockisticking. Some consequence isstrategicand,
These Jews know Bibiwell. ated high-tech superpower U.S.Jews willjoininlongtime indeed, existential. Israel
They often disagree with with strong economy and ZionistTom Friedman’s pierc- needs American supporttore-
what he stands for,and they powerful army, and above all, ing callforU.S.PresidentJoe main themilitarysuperpower
don’t forget how he treated vibrant Jewish center that Biden to save Israelfrom it- itistoday.But no lessimpor-
PresidentBarack Obama, but continues to write glorious self.Another possibility is tant is the factthat Jewish
they know he’scapable.Were and unprecedented chapter in boycott of the government or state that isn’t democratic
he American, they muse, he’d Jewish history.Itisimpossible itsministers.Perhaps there will quickly transform from
likelybe viableRepublican to be Jewish in today’sworld willeven be callsforprotests dynamic, fascinatingplace
presidential contender. without Israelbeing part of outsideIsraeli embassies,like loved despite its flaws into
But they also remember your identity,
whether you are American Jewry once did one Jews willfeelthe need to
the racism and incitement of supporteror critic. outsidethe SovietEmbassy distance themselves from in
Meir Kahane. Now, during ev- What roledo Jews around even though this would be order to maintain their own
ery televisionsegment about the world and especially in publicdiplomacy disaster. Jewish identity.Committed
Israel,their eyes are fixed the United Stateshave toplay There are also Jewish Zionistslikemyself recognize
on his disciple,Itamar Ben- inthediscussionabout Israel’s Americans who are now thisdanger, and willfightto
Gvir. They wonder whether possibletransformationfrom acknowledging what might ensure democracy remains
his smiling image isnow the liberaldemocracy to an Or have been strategic mis- an integralpart of the Zionist
true face of Israel. baniststate?The official and take. Many have long sup- vision.
Suddenly, before they’ve legal answer is clear:They ported projects that Israeli
even come to terms with the don’t have one. But should governments have labeledas YizharHess istheViceChairman
formation of this new gov- they play part in the battle important. oftheWorld ZionistOrganization.

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