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DATE :07 – VI – 2013





TEACHER : Sin Carmen

SCHOOL : theoretical highschool

Skills covered: speaking, writing

Lesson aims: At the end of the lesson the Ss will be able:

1) - to recognise and use present simple (passive voice ) in the context

2.) - to use, understand and recognise present-tense passive

3) to make sentences with passive (following teacher’s examples)

4) to use passive voice freely

Materials: text book, worksheets;

Methods : conversation, explanation, reading,erexercices;


Activity 1 - Warm up
Aim: - to warm up students
- to create a pleasant atmosphere for learning
Materials : textbook
Methods : conversation
Procedure :
T greets Ss and has the usual conversation with them
I ask questions: Who is absent today ?
How are you ?
Are you ready for the lesson ?
Interaction: T-Ss
Timing: 4 minutes
Activity 2 --- Presentation / Engage
Aims: - to lead the Ss to the topic of the lesson;
Materials : text books,worksheets
Methods :conversation, explanation,example;
Procedure :
T will present Ss the passive structure and give them some
examples.[ exercise 4/page 74]
Ss will be asked to reproduce a few examples of passive with
the teacher.
Interaction: T-Ss ; Ss – T;
Timing : 5-7 minutes

Activity 3 --- Elicitation / study

Aim : - to introduce new structures
- to elicit from Sswhen we used passive
Materials: textbooks, BB
Methods : conversation
Procedure :
T tells students to solve the exercise 1 ,page 137 and exercise 4,
page 74.
Ss will complete the sentences with the present simple passive of
the verbs.
Then Ss read their sentences aloud.
T elicit from the Ss when and how we use passive voice and
write on the BB .
Ss will write in their notebooks.
Passive voice -- cand actiunea exprimata de verb este facuta de
altcineva , dar sufera Subiectul ;
-- we use the passive voice when we don’t know,
or we don’t care who does the action;
Ex: The scenes are filmed here.
--- if we want to say who or what does the action,
we use by;
Ex: The scenes are filmed here by actors.

Schema formarii passive voice :

To make the present simple passive,we use the present tense of
the verb “To Be” and the past participle of the main verb.

S + Vb [To be] / Vb (-ed ) – regulat sau forma a- III

S --- I,you, he,she,it,we,you,they;
Vb. To be --- am,is,are ;
Interaction: T-Ss, Ss -T;
Timing : 10 minutes
Activity 4 --- Activate
Aim: to provide further practice on the use of passive voice;
Materials: textbook, exercises, BB;
Language booster- workbook with grammar; Exercise ________
With this exercises , Ss will also receive evaluation;
Interaction: T-Ss; Ss-Ss; Ss-T;
Timing :10 minutes

Activiy 5 --- Evaluation [feed-back]

Aim : evaluation

Materials :worksheets

Methods :conversation

For the evaluation Ss will work individually and complete the
evaluation sheet.
Evaluation sheet

Exercise 1
Put in the verbs to form the present passive voice:

a) The blackbord is ……………. during the break. [ to clean ]

b) The windows are ……………. when it’s raining. [ to close]
c) The museum is ……………………in week-end. [ to open]
d) The houses are ……………. in dark colours. [to paint ]
e) The tea is …………………… in the cups. [ to drink ]

Exercise 2

Match the right answer:

1) The meals of the day …….. a) is prepare to begin.
2) Games …………….. ………… b) are watered twice a week.
3) The flowers …………… c) are prized at the finish of the school
4) The school festival ……………. d) are served at fixed hours.
5) Good students …………….. e) are played every morning
Activity 6 --- Homework
Aim: to set homework
Materials : textbook
Methods: conversation, explanation
T makes general appreciation on the class and marks some Ss that
made themselves evident during lesson time.
As a homework Ss will have to do exercise 4, page 139 from
workbook grammar.
Interaction: T-Ss; Ss-T

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