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Graduates of the EXPECTATIONS AND

program may hold
positions: comprehensive
information assistant
customer service
My expectations about
the technician is to be
information and able to acquire different service
customer service knowledge about
assistant customer service in order
assistant complaints and to have more
claims opportunities at the
The graduate of the labor technician job level.
in Comprehensive customer service
will be fully trained to report on
procedures and products; serve
clients with an inclusive vision in
relation to procedures and products,
process the information to optimize
the provision of the service and with
communication skills, relationships
interpersonal and ethical
management of information. Paula Andrea Bernal Bernal
FICHA: 2758388
The development of this training
program will allow the graduate to
about the services and/or products
that you require, carry out reception
This technician seeks to train processes and processing of
quality human capital, which is requirements until providing a timely
The program is offered in virtual
capable of meeting the demand of solution to customers without any
distinction, in accordance with the mode with synchronous meetings
clients in various types
regulations and protocols that that allow the
of transactions and request for
apprentice access from any point
services with a sense of belonging govern each of the processes that are
carried out. with an internet connection
since it is important to achieve a
The apprentice will receive throughout the national territory.
rapprochement between the
comprehensive professional training,
allowing him to join the world of
and the customer and their needs. customer service, developing skills
required to perform, with quality, the
processes associated with customer
service areas, where the human aspect
and its
satisfaction, all with an inclusive

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