The Aventures of Agent P

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The adventures of agent p

Narrator ( Adriano ) : It was a cold and foggy night when Perry was walking trought the allyes
of Danville, at the end of the alley he sees Dr. Doofenshmirtz.

On the other hand, Candance was planning to go out and buy clothes for a party tomorrow.

( Perry espia al doctor dofechmire)

Dr. Doofenshmirtz: I have a big plan , All this city it’s going to be mine! , I’m going to put my
poweful invention in the party. And all the people will be controlled by me. I will be like a king!

Agent P: Prrr!!

Dr. Doofenshmirtz: Oh my god , Agent P . Were you spying on me ? Well ,not matter

( Se pelean epicamente gritando * ) ( dufechmire escapa ) ( pelea flash)

Dr. Doofenshmirtz: See you later Agent P!

Narrator ( Adriano ) : The next morning , Agent P or Perry try to tell candace not go to the

Candance: Stacy are you ready for the party ?


Candance: You know , I don’t understand anything you’re saying , right?


Stacy : ezquiusmi?

Candance : Sorry , im talking to my schizophrenic pet.

Agent P: PRRRRRR . (comienza a hacer lenguaje de sueñas ) : Se tira al suelo¨

Candance: Oh My god It`s Dying ( se lo lleva arrastrando)

Candace: I’m going to take you to the nearest vet . DON’T WORRY BREATHe BREAThe

Narrator: In the vet of the city.

(Adriano y del pozo ponen a jamen ensima de dos carpetas, adriano se queda examinando a
james )

Candace : Its going to live?

Doctor: Shhhh DON’T SPEAK.

Candance: OKOK

Candance : but It,s going to live yer or no?

Doctor : Shut UP! …. MMMhhh


Doctor : He need to be hospitalized for 3 days , Maybe he can die ….

Well good bye .

Candance: But but but…

( la saca empujando hacia afuera )

( entra dufechmire)

Dr. Doofenshmirtz : Here it is , THANKS. ( le paga al doctor un fajo de billetes y se da la mano

con el doctor )(se queda mirando a perry)

Dr.Doofeshmirtz: NOW PERRY…. ( se frota las manos como una mosca Xd)


Candance: Its better go home Perry; this vet seems crazy.

Dr.Doofeshmirtz: Your pet it’s crazy .

Candance: Why??

Dr.Doofeshmirtz:It’s a secret agent . Can’t you see it?

Candance : It’s a normal platypus. What the hell!

Dr.Doofeshmirtz: A dangerous platypus…

Candance: Everyone is crazy here , terrible service. (me estoy por llevar a perry)

Dr. Doofeshmirtz : WAIT WAIT WAIT … WAIT A SECOND..

Candance: What’s worng Mr. Crazy?

Dr. Doofeshmirtz : Don’t call me like that ,IM A DOCTOR.( se me acerca )

Candance: Move away or I call the police.

Dr. Doofeshmirtz :ok…. (se dirige a la puerta) ..iiiAAAAa ( me tira la bola)

( pozo cae inconsciente al suelo)

Dr. Doofeshmirtz : easy.

( perry y Candance tan tirados en el suelo)

Perry : PRRRRRR( se va corriendo a dofeshmire)

Dr. Doofeshmirtz ( le tira un palo de escoba )

Perry: ( se queda tirado en el suelo de inmediato)

Narrador : Dr. Doofeshmirtz has kidnapped Candance and Agent P in his laboratory . He is only
waiting a few minutes for the party to start.
Dr. Doofeshmirtz : Well ,lets get ready

( se acerca Adriano por detrás) ( mientras candance y perry salen de escena)

Doctor: Will the machine work?

Dr. Doofeshmirtz: Obviously , go watch the agent. ( se va mas alla)

Doctor: Ok sir! I will watch them like an eagle. ( se queda solo en el scenario)

( Adriano esta bucando al agente )

Doctor: where are you agent p


( agente p aparece )

Doctor : YOUUUU ( Lo perisgue a lo loco )

(Candance le da por detrás con una escoba al doctor negro)

( adriano queda extendido en el suelo)

( candance se lo lleva fuera del escenario arrastrando)

Candance : Go Agent P , Dont worry for me.

Perry: Prrrr ( con el pulgar arriba)

((Perry se esconde en una esquina mientras jericho aparece en escena)

Dr. Doofeshmirtz: ( aparece con su inevento en el centro) : The party its starting i need a one
piece for this.!!!!( desesperado)


Dr. Doofeshmirtz: You again?

Candance: He’s not alone. ( aparece al lado Adriano con los brazos oara atras como

Doctor : HELP MEEEE SIRR They are very fast and they fainted me with a broom.

Candance: Shut up , you are so talkative.

Candance : This is the strangest dream I ever had.



(Se pelean todos pero muy epicamente a balas y muchas cosas con la musica de agente p de

(candance logra romper el invento de dufechmire)

Dr. Doofeshmirtz (gritando) : NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!

( dufeshmire se va corriendo ) Dr. Doofeshmirtz: I Always Come Back !!!!! ( se va)

( quedan en escena candance el doctor y james)

Candance : Wow what happened? I think this is real-( inmediatamente james le tira una
bofetada fuerte a Candance)

( Candance se desmaya)

Doctor: I lost my job again .. ugh , ( mira a agente P)Lets go to the party?

Agent P: Prrrrr ( mueve la cabeza arriba abajo diciendo si)

Doctor: And your friend?

Agent P: (hace lenguaje de señas)

Doctor:We leave her at your house while we go to party .

Agent P : ( asientiendo cabeza) PRRRR

Doctor: Ha , you are so funny ( se lleva arrastrando a candance)

Jericho : And everyone lived happily ever after .. END!!

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