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Level 1 (easiest for ESL learners)

Long ago, there were two nice brothers named Epimetheus and Prometheus.
Zeus was the king of the gods and didn't want humans to have fire. Prometheus
thought this was wrong and decided to give fire to humans. Zeus was very angry
and punished him by putting him in chains for a long time. Then, Zeus made a
woman named Pandora and gave her to Epimetheus. Pandora had a box, but she
was told not to open it. However, Pandora was too curious and eventually opened
the box. Terrible things came out of the box, but there was also hope in the
form of a butterfly.

Level 2

A long time ago, in ancient Greece, two brothers named Epimetheus and
Prometheus were alive. Epimetheus and Prometheus were nice Titans who Zeus,
King of the gods, had given special gifts. But Zeus wouldn't give humankind fire
to cook food or make tools. Prometheus, who thought this was unfair, decided to
give humans fire anyway. Zeus was furious and punished Prometheus by chaining
him to a cliff for many years. Then, Zeus made a woman named Pandora out of
clay, gave her many gifts, and sent her to Epimetheus. Pandora had a box with a
key and a note that said, "DO NOT OPEN!" Though she promised Epimetheus
that she wouldn't open it, her curiosity won. Pandora opened the box and lots of
bad things came out, but a butterfly that shone like gold also flew out with it.
The butterfly flew around the room and filled the space with soft light that
soothed the sorrows and relieved the sufferings of people.

Level 3

In ancient Greece, there were two brothers named Epimetheus and Prometheus
who were Titans with special gifts and kind hearts. However, Zeus, King of the
gods, refused to give humans fire. Prometheus saw this as unfair and decided to
give fire to humans anyway. For disobeying Zeus, Prometheus was punished by
being chained to a cliff for many years. When Zeus decided that humankind
needed to be punished for accepting fire, he asked Hephaestus to create a
woman named Pandora out of clay. The gods gave Pandora beauty, cleverness,
kindness, and many other gifts and Zeus sent her to Epimetheus who fell in love
and married her. Although Prometheus had warned his brother not to accept
gifts from the gods, Pandora opened a box Zeus had given to her as a wedding
gift, unleashing sickness, death, poverty, and sadness into the world. However,
she also let out a butterfly that shone like gold and could provide peace and
tranquillity to the pained. People who gazed at the butterfly felt relief,
softened their sorrows and pain, and began to hope for the better times to
come. The butterfly's beautiful golden light gave comfort and calmness to those
who need it.

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