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frrtfrcilrfi qrl Office of the Controller of Examinatiomr

<T{t flt"r Xe-1r Tttn Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman

Maritime Univusity, Bangladeslr
fiffils EEffiE, <Rqftqrt Mobile: 01769-721038
(srftc) o:q'bu-qtloek Phone: +8842-5805 100ir
6ryrd- +bb-oq-cboclooq E-mail: conex@bsmrmu. edu.kl
Trr{i- +bb-ol-(boc } o)o wob:,kl

Semester Final Examination - September '22 (Hon's Proqramnre)
Time: 0930 - 1230 hrs Durationr As mentioned in respective Question Paper

Date (Dav) Course Code & Course Title Batch

1 OCN 3201: Geoph-vsical Fluid Dynamics ocN - 3'o
2. NAOE 4209 : Offshore Survev, Drilling And Produotion NAOE.1
3. NAOE 3213: Navisation and Maritime Resulations NAOE - 2no
4 NAOE 2209: Theorv of Machines NAOE .3,
5. tl-09-22 NAOE 1203 : Hydrostatics and Stability NAOE.4
6. (Sunday) PML 3201: Port Plannine and Design BBA. 1

BUS 2202: Financial Management BBA - 2,O

8. [iUM 1201: Maritime Creography BBA.3
9. LLB 22A7 : Law of Evidence LLB.2
10. MFS 2201 : Fisheries Genetics and Biotechnology MFS. 1

11 MFS 1209: Communicative Enelish MFS .2NO

1 ocN 420 Integrated Coastal Zone Management ocN - 2no

2. OCN 2207: Marine Planldoloey OCN.4
-1 HUM 120 Communicative English OCN.5,
4. NAOE 2209: Theory of Machines (Retake/Improvement) NAOE - ls&200
5. t3-09-22 CIIEM 1101 : Chemistry (Retalre) NAOE - 1
6. (Tuesday) HUM 1207 : <l{Etslrrls {Rq NAOE -4,
1 PML 3205: Maritime Environment and Sustainabili8 Management BBA-1
8. ?ML 2202: Operations ]vlanagement BBA.
9. BUS i202: Business Communication BBA.3.O
10. L,l,B 3201: Land Laws of Bansladesh II LLB-1
1I MFS2207l. Marine Environment and Pollution Management MFS-1
1 14-09-22 LLB 1203: Muslim Law (Including Retake) LI-B - 3'o
1 NAOE 2207: Mechanics of Structure (Retake/Improvrrncnt) NAOE - 2no
2 t5-09-22 MATH 1203: Mathomatics II {Retahe) NAOE .3,
3. (Thursday) NAOE 1203; Hvdrostatics and Stabilitv r iii : ri..: NAOE.3,
4. PHY 1201 : Physics (Retakc) NAOE -3"
5 LLB 1205: Hindu & Christian Personal L,aw ' r..'. r.,: , LLB-1"&2uo
1 OCN 4205: Global Climate Chanse ocN - 2'o
2. OCN 2209: Environmental Impact Assessment OCN-4
3. OCN 1205: Hydrography ocN - 5*
4 NAOE 4213 : Ensineerins Manasement NAOE.1
5. NAOE 3211: Ship and OlTshore Structures-Il NAoE -2nd
6. NAOE 2207: Mechanics of Structure NAOE - 3*
7. 18-09-22 ME 1201 :Thermal Engineering NAOE.4,
8. (Sunday) PML3202: Maritime Law and Conventions BBA. I
9 PW 22A3 : Iluman Resource N{anagement BBA.2NO
10. BUS 1201: Financial and Manasement Accountinq BBA - 3.0
11 LLB 3207: Lar.v oflCriminal Procedure II LI,B - 1+.
12. LLB 2209: Lalv ofTransfer ofPropertv & Registration LLI) -2""
13. LLB 1201 : Law of Torts & Consumer Protection LLB .3.O
t4. MFS 2205: Fish Diseases MFS. 1

15. MIjS l2l l: Chemistry .MFS - 2*

1 OCN 3203: Statistical Techniques for Oceanographers ocN - 3'"
2 20-09-22 NAOE 2205 : Heat Transfor (Retake) NAOE - 1
J. (Tuesday) MATH 2203 : Mathematics-lV (Retake) NAOE. l
4 PML 3204: Businoss Research Methodology BBA. 1
LLB 3209: law of Maritime Environment LLB-1


o\lo\ (Lt-
rerla Date (Day) Course Code & Course Title Batch
1 21-09-22 HtlM qril \e fl"Rsl)
1201: Bangla Language and Litoraturo ({ttqf I-LB - 3'o
(Wednesdat' (Including Retake)
1 OCN 3209: Marine Iliodiversitv and Conservation ocN - 3'o
2. OCN 220-l: Bal,of Beneal Studies ocN - 4'n
J. OCN 1207: Marine Lloolosv ocN - 5u
4. NAOE 4211 : Riser And Moorins Systems NAOE. l
5 NAOE 3219: Resistance and Propulsion NAOE -2no
6. 22-09-22 MATH 2203: Mathernatics [V NAOE -:l'o
7. ('Ihursday) EEE 1201 : lllectrical Ensineerins Principles NAOE -4-,
8 BllS 2201: Marketing Mruragement BBA.2NO
9 HUM 1202: Bansladesh Studies BBA.3,
10. LLB 3205: Law of Maritime Safety & Securi8 LLB. I$
11 LLB 2201: Constitutional Law ofBangladesh -II LLB.2"O
12. MFS 2203: Aquaculturo Nutrition MFS-1
l3 MFS 120 I : Fundamentals of Ooeanoqraphv MFS - 2NN
i NAOE 4225 : Recycling of Marine Structure NAOE.1
2. NAOE 3215: Ship and Offshore Production Technolosv NAOE -2no
3. NAOE 2205 : Heat Transfer NAOE - 3'd
4. PHY 1201 : Phrsics NAOE.4,
5. 25-09-22 PML 3206: Total Quality Management BBA. 1

6. (Sunda-v) PML 2201: Logistics Management BBA - 2NO

7. HUM 1203 : <l(Elr(-(rF qqiqffi{ EBqH BBA.3,"
8 LLB3203: Penal Laws -II LLB. 1

o LLB 2211: Administrative Law r.Ll\ - 2no

10 MFS 2209: Fish Han'estins and Handline MFS-1

11 MFS 1203: Ichthyoloev and Marine Vertebrates MFS .2""
1 26-09-22 LLB 1207 : Law ofContmct (Including Retake) LLB .3,.,
1 OCN .+20-J: Numencal l echnrques ttrr Oceanographers ocN - 2nu

2. OCN 3211 : Law of'the Sea ocN - 3'o

3. OCN 2201 : Sedimentoloqy OcN - 4u'
4. OCN 1203: Marine Vertebrates OCN.5
5. NAOE 1101 : Introduction to Naval Architecture and Otlshore Engineerine NAOE - 1
6 HUM 1205 : <liql vFti (Bangla Language) (Ilctrrke) NAOE - 1

7. PML 3203: Shipping and Port Finance BBA. 1

8. LLB 2203: Shipping Law & Admirally Law {Including l{etake) L,I-LJ - Z
9. MFS 1205: Limnology (Including Retake) MFS - 2nu
i 28-09-22 LLB 3213: Law ofthe sea -II LLB-1
1 ocN 3207 Marine Biogeochemistry ocN - -J'o
2. OCN 2205: Biological Oceanoeraphy OcN - 4'n
3. HUM I 209 : <|ldrk[r.Er qq]'[crd \Fqlrl ocN - 5th
4. NAOE 4241: DredeerAnd Dredgins Technolosy NAOE - 1
5. 29-09-22 NAOE 32 1 7: Maritime Transportation NAOE -2no
6. (Thursday) HUM 2203: Economics & Accounting NAOE -:l'"
7. MATH 1203 : Ordinarv and Partial Dil'ferential Equation NAOE.4,N
8. MATH 1201: Business Mathematics (Including Retake) BBA - -l'oi
BBA-2n'r& l'1
9. LLB 2205: Criminology & Victimology (Ineluding ltetakc) LLB - 2'n
10. MFS 1207 Marine Microbiology (Including Improvement) MFS - 2NO
1 OCN 3205: Computer Programming for Oceanographers ocN - 3'o
2. (Mondal) LLB 3211: Iaw olCir.'il Procedure -
II and L,inritation LLB.l
3. LLB 1205: Hindu & Christian Personal Law LLB .3,0

v,/te* t*
Capt A T G M Sarker, BN, (Retd)
Contreillcr o!' I- xarr i trati ons
BSMR MarrtLnrc Unl\ erslt\

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