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Name: __________________ /14 marks

Chemistry: Formative Quiz 2

For the following reactions:
a. Predict the products. (1 mark per equation)
b. Write the chemical equation underneath using chemical formulas for the first equation. Write the word
equations for the second, third, fourth and fifth equations. (2 marks per equation)
c. Balance. (1 mark per equation)
d. If a single displacement or double displacement, state whether the reaction would take place using either
the solubility rules or the activity series. Write N/A if not one of those two. (1 mark if applicable)

Equation 1:
nickel(III)oxide + magnesium–> _______________________________
Chemical equation:

Will reaction occur? Yes No N/A

Equation 2:
Fe(NO3)2(aq) + NaBr(aq) –> _____________________________
Word equation:

Will reaction occur? Yes No N/A

Equation 3:
HgO → _______________________________________
Word equation:

Will reaction occur? Yes No N/A

Equation 4:
Ca + I2 —> ___________________________________
Word equation:

Will reaction occur? Yes No N/A

Equation 5:
C2H6 + O2 →
Word equation:

Will reaction occur? Yes No N/A

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