Noise Final

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Jaime Pierson

Eric Lamoureux
Morne Schaap

Michael Wall (Order #14932490)

What the p
layers kno
It's 1967, you're roaming the snow filled fields of
Alaska, your pulse stays at a steady 115 bpm. It's
Jixx, Joke
company th
r, Princess
ey work fo
w, Bamm and
Doc all kn
company th r. ow
cold enough to kill a moose, but you don't have time at speciali Omega Corporation is what kind of
heard of “e zes in phar
for that. Terror has set into the crew as you've xperiments maceutical a biochemical
years. To ” that the s. They ha
date, the co mpany has ve
seen more than you bargained for. 'Screw the with patien extent of
their expe been workin each
ts that ha rien g on for
mission... This is about making it home alive' is that wants
to tear th
ve gone in
sane, or th ce has mostly dealt
the only thing going through your mind. Be prepared anything li em limb fr e occasional
ke what th om
ey are abou limb. They’ve never animal
to face the unknown...
Setting Ru t to witnes
Introduction White Nois
White Noise is an open-ended, sandbox style adventure where the Worlds Del uses the following S
uxe: Bloo
player characters explore the vast frozen tundra of Alaska in Damage. See d & Guts, etting Rules from Sav
lds Deluxe ers Wild, Gritty
the dead of winter. There, they head to a research facility for Savage Wor age
the Omega Corporation. They are part of the O.C.S. (Omega
Corporation Security) and the only job they have is to clean up
Infection for more i
messes before the public finds out. The facility has been used heroes with countered during this
for the last three years to perform experimental biochemistry. a deadly vi ad
injury. rus when th venture can infect
Word has not been received from the facility in four weeks and eir natura the
Anyone suff l attacks
headquarters in Portland are getting concerned. The main focus ering an in inflict an
the Mutati jury from
on th
of the adventure is for the team to infiltrate the research applying th Table instead of ro e attack must draw
e Minor Di lling on th a
facility, find out what happened and escape with the helicopter permanent sadvantage e Injury Ta card from
in as bl
located on the facilities landing pad. They will be put to the have the Mi jury, depending on th if it were a tempor e,
test and face their fears all while trying to survive. nor Disadv ei r Vi go r ar y or
antage, th
ge ey must up roll. If they alread
*Taken from . grade it to y
What’s really going on Deck the Mutati
on Trapping
Setting Ru
the Major
Dr. Windfall was once a respected scientist until he was hired le in the
by Omega Corporation. They used his talents to find new advances Twists & C Mutation
in chemical warfare. After being stationed at the research omplicatio
facility in Alaska, he made quick advances in the field. All
Random enco
Mutation Ta ters. By using the
ble it’s ea
monster te
sorts of "successful" experiments have been made, including dramatical mp
himself. He never intended to infect himself with his own ly appropri sy to insert encounte lates and the
Since the ate. rs when yo
ev u feel it’s
chemical, but that’s just how things went down. There is nothing War and so ents of this adventur
left of the former scientist. close to Ru e take plac
facility or ss e during th
the Omega military ba ia, it’s possible a e Cold
Co se ne arby has be Ru ssian rese
What started as experiments on the local wildlife quickly turned Environmen rporation facility. en sent to arch
into the mutation of his co-workers. The “man-camp” used as tal. We su e
your locati ggest that
on you add en
housing for workers quickly became a scene of death. Once the (see Savage s. Some suggestions vironmenta
l haza
Worlds Delu wo
experiments became “unstable”, Dr. Windfall attempted to dispose xe for deta uld include- cold an rds to
of them. Unfortunately for him, ils). d hunger
one of his experiments managed
to infect the Dr. himself.
Since then, he has been on an
uncontrollable rampage,
killing everyone and
everything in sight.

Michael Wall (Order #14932490)

GettinvegnturSe,t members of
oration In some of the buildings, the characters come across locked
(Omega Corp ch facility
the O.C.S. the re se ar doors. Inside they find dead workers who have barred
heading to lict in the vast themselves inside to protect themselves from what lurks
In this ad ve been tasked with de re nd,
ha e winds up ce they la outside. Be sure to be descriptive about how they may have
Al as ka . Their plan of th ei r mission. On r sheets. died. Some examples can include freezing, starvation, or
in eastern they land the night r characte
ed on thei u see fit. perhaps after being locked away in one of these rooms for
tundra when ve the equipment list low ammunition as yo
ha Al long enough, they may have resorted to cannibalism.
out loud)
they only no value.
else is of
n g ( R e a d The Red Glade
Mission br
e research
gn ed to head to th has not “As you travel through some dense trees, the sudden smell of
s been assi arters in Portland
S. team ha you unders
tand death makes you gag. Pushing through, you stumble into a
"Your O.C. Alaska, where headqu da ys . Each of to land
in re e ar e nightmarish scene. In a clearing in the woods, the heads of
facility ss ag e fr om in th th e pu bl ic. You rv iv ors,
y me e of any su various wildlife lies strewn about on the blood soaked snow.
received an ep this from the ey ke co ntact with hu ma n
- ke , ma io n, There are no bodies to be found and the eyes of the dead
your jobs th e de st ination no t a re scue miss an d
from is ere animals seems to follow you as you move around.”
10 klicks lity. This out what happened th
wn the faci g
and lock do an objective. Findin
t In this area there is a mutated worker that has been ripping
life is no ck is" n when
ba destinatio the heads off of the wildlife and eating the bodies in their
r yo u ca n see your am e. Th e plane entirety. Use the “facility workers” template from the
w ho ur s in the ai an e bu rs ts into fl
ck il y, there monster sheet and add any of the mutations that you’d like.
After a fe en gi ne of your pl lo se al ti tude. Lu ap proach
suddenly th ttles as it starts
to mp and
make the ju vered ground,
shakes an d ra
on board.
As yo u
e snow co
ash into th darkness as the wind
Research Facility
are enough you see the plane cr th e "Finally, you can see your destination in the distance. The
, er into s been
the ground the night sky. You pe ce. Your mission ha facility is in shambles with fires burning up the night sky.
ti ng up yo ur fa Among all the chaos, you see your one chance at making it
ligh past
illing howl
sends a ch you. Good luck... home- a helicopter sitting on a landing pad on top of the
assigned to facility! You've come this far, now it's time to complete
Points of
. your mission"
on ly a fe w points of pi ne tr ees This is the area where "Experiment 783", formerly Dr.
ere are lls with
venture, th covered hi ons as you
For this ad raphic layout is snow the suggested locati ese Harvey Windfall, still resides, hunting. There is also a
ge og us e e th helicopter on a landing pad on the roof of the facility.
general , just u can us
nk le d in . As the GM ere you'd like. Yo sh ou ld be at the Many of the walls have been torn down, with rubble
spri pl ac e them wh e "s howdown"
an d me . Th everywhere. There is also a handful (1 per player character)
see fit manage ti
s to help
suggestion .
of "facility workers" (see Monster sheet) roaming these
Research Fa grounds. Once men and women working to better their future,

Crash Site
they now part of Dr. Windfall's gruesome experiments.
e crash. If
nd s af te r the plan enough food for two
ew la e, they fi
ere the cr nture
This is wh mmage the crash scen water. Start the adve
ru of
decide to a canteen
a day and
people for
buildings. used
se e th e shapes of t th at ho
stance you told abou more than
"In the di man-camp you’ve been is nothing
th e it , it
must be u re ac h
s. When yo of death"
the worker buildings and a camp s of the
do wn th e la st survivor me across
broken by 6 of
Here th ey co
was used facility. ey are just
This area re se ar ch ly , th
tragedy of
of th e fa cility. On "facility
workers lves. Use
the choice
the former ei r former se d a mutation of your
l of th are,
a shel te or ad Th ey
rk er " as a templa od ) to th e workers! periments.
wo th ex
e random me their former boss's ch
(or use th ct im s of nd er th e group, su
te r al l, vi th at ca n hi ro ug ho ut
af ts th
add elemen h terrain
Be sure to being on fire or roug
as the camp ea.
the entire
Michael Wall (Order #14932490)
Pregen Characters
Jixx (Demolitions) Princess (Sup port)
because she can't
Jixx is a former New York P.D. officer Princess got her name
bat master using
specializing in demolitions. Once he got stand it. She is a com
l arts. Loyal to a
offered a position with the Omega knives, guns or martia
isn 't any thing she wouldn't
Corporation, he couldn't pass up the fault, there
touch a bug!
chance to get out of the big apple. More do for her crew. Except
than just a little confident in his
abilities, he leads his team with even
more confidence (so long as he is sober). d6,
ts d6, Spirit d8, Strength
Attributes: Agility d4, Smarts d10, Spirit d8, Strength d8, Attributes: Agility d8, Smar
Vigor d6
Vigor d6 d6, Shooting d8, Stealth d8,
Skills: Fighting d6, Knowledge (Demolitions) d10, Notice d8, Skills: Fighting d8, Notice
Survival d6, Throwing d8
Repair d6, Shooting d6 6; Toughness: 5
Charisma: 0; Pace: 6; Parry: k.
Charisma: 0; Pace: 6; Parry: 5; Toughness: 5 , Two- Fist ed, Martial Arts, Counterattac
Hindrances: Arrogant (Major), Habit (Major, alcohol) Edges: Ambidextrous (Min or), Phob ia (Min or-
Loya l
Edges: Brave, Luck, Hard to Kill, Command Hindrances: Heroic (Major),
Gear: Insects)
•Colt 1911 (.45) 12/24/48 RoF 1,AP 1, semi-auto, damage 2d6+1 Auto 2d8+1
•AK47 24/48/96, RoF 3, AP 2,
•Pump Action Shotgun 12/24/48 RoF 1, damage 3d6 (varies) x2) 3/6/ 12 (if thro wn) str+d4
•Backpack •Dagger(
•Flashlight •Backpack
•Helmet (+4 to head, 50% chance vs. head shot) ce vs. head shot)
•Winter fatigues •Helmet (+4 to head, 50% chan
•Winter fatigues

Joker (Recon) s)
Joker got his moniker by being a complete Bamm (Heavy Weapon
d but he the she
smartass to his crew. He is second to none Not the sharpest tool in
when it comes to getting into a place l of a pun ch. Bamm got his
packs one hel grenades. He
without being detected. A wiz with locks, name because of his love costs (even
there aren't too many places Joker can't Pri nce ss at all
will protect over she
r and
get into. though she tells him ove
doesn't need it) .

Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d6, Spirit d6, Strength d6,

Vigor d6 ts d4, Spirit d6, Strength
Attributes: Agility d8, Smar
Skills: Climbing d6, Fighting d4, Investigation d6,
Vigor d8
Lockpicking d8, Notice d6, Shooting d8, Stealth d10 d6, Shooting d10, Stealth d6,
Skills: Fighting d8, Notice
Charisma: 0; Pace: 6; Parry: 4; Toughness: 5
Throwing d6
Edges: Quick, Extraction, Combat Reflexes 6; Toughness: 6
Charisma: -2; Pace: 6; Parry:
Hindrances: Curious (Major), Big Mouth (Minor- Smart Ass), , Hard to Kill , Command
Edges: Brave, Luck ect
Cautious (Minor) ranc es: Mean (Min or), Stub born (Minor), Vow (Major- Prot
•Colt 1911 (.45) 12/24/48 RoF 1,AP 1, semi-auto, damage 2d6+1
Gear: 1
•Uzi (9mm) 12/24/48, RoF 3, AP 1, Auto 2d6; 1,AP 1, semi-auto, damage 2d6+
•Colt 1911 (.45) 12/24/48 RoF RB, 20 or 30 shot s 2d8
•Backpack •Rope Auto /3
•M-16 24/48/96 RoF 3, AP 3,
•Flashlight •Helmet (+4 to head, 50% 3d6
•MK67 Grenade(x4) 3/6/12 MBT
•Grappling Hook chance vs. head shot) l Knif e str+ d4, +1 surv ival
•Sur viva
•Lockpicks •Winter fatigues
•Backpack •Hel met (+4 to head, 50% chance
•Flashlight vs. head shot)
•Winter fatigues

Michael Wall (Order #14932490)

Doc (Medic) Be sure to hand

these out to
There's no doubt why Doc got his name. A the players
former navy medic, Doc still retains his AFTER they
code of honor in his job with Omega. He is Jixxason xx has such a drin
king problem have chosen
the only one that can reverse the effects The re Ji d to Princess.
was once engage this, most of characters.
of the mutations, even though he doesn't is because he ow s
the team kn
believe there is anything of the sort in Nobody else on eps a flask
the first place. . At al l times Jixx ke at he has
all Bamm ow s th
y. Nobody kn o
Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d12, Spirit d8, Strength d4, full of whiske problem, except for Doc, wh
such a dr in ki ng for Ji xx on t if
Vigor d6 of whiskey just d in a heartbea
Skills: Fighting d4, Healing d12, Investigation d6, Notice d6+2, keeps a supply mmander, Jixx would be fire bo dy kn ow s
him. As squad
co e job. No
Shooting d8, Stealth d6 wa s al wa ys drinking on th He va lu es Do c as a
anyone knew he tends to keep it that way.
Charisma: 0; Pace: 8; Parry: 4; Toughness: 5 in ver up for the
Edges: Fleet-Footed, Alertness, Elan this and Jixx Do c is al so the ultimate co questions it when
Hindrances: Code of Honor (Major), Cautious (Minor), Doubting trusted friend als and nobody al"
keeps it in vi Very experiment
Thomas (Minor) booze. He just t's a new type of medicine.
Gear: he tells them
•Colt 1911 (.45) 12/24/48 healing> power but only
RoF 1, AP 1, semi-auto,
damage 2d6+1
works on a mutation
injury) Jokeasron is su ch a smartass is
because he was
. He learned to
•Backpack •Helmet (+4 to head, The re Jo ke r
as a ki d fo r having a lisp lisp will
ed on His
•Flashlight 50% chance vs. head constantly pick y to avoid being picked on. ared or in a very
jo ke s to tr is ei th er sc
•Mutation Antidote shot) ma ke he about
me to time when am that knows
(4 doses, as per the •Winter fatigues return from ti ion. The only one on the te Princess.
stressful situ mes uses it for leverage) is
Monsters this (a nd so me ti

Use the following templates from the Savage Worlds Deluxe rules e name that Ji
and draw a card from the Mutation Table. Apply the Advantage to d he r na me be cause it is th as sh e wo ul d
stan much
the template to mutate the creature. Princess can't when they were together. As s her this, she
r meone call
use to call he hi m every time so
•Zombie (for the facility workers) go of f on
love to
r tongue.
•Dire Wolf has to bite he
•Bear, Large
•Moose (use the Horse, War template but with the Bull Horn
mutation as a Gore Attack) Bammason Ba mm ha s tr ie d
ect Princess is
so hard to prot to the others on
The re masculinity h
s to prove his etly has a crus
Dr. Harvey Windfall (WC) because he want body else knows is he secr
at no
the team. Wh tell him.
Experiment 783, formally Dr. Harvey Windfall, is a twisted been dying to
version of his former self. He has become nothing more than on Doc and has
piles of rotting flesh with unnatural amounts of muscle. Green
glowing eyes fill lifeless sockets and his lips are curled Doc everyone keep s it a "k no wn secret", none
of the crew
ne except for
back to expose jagged, yellow teeth While
w mu ch Ji xx drinks. Everyo e one that has been
can stand ho Doc is th
would turn out, alcohol. What Jixx doesn't
Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d6, Spirit d10, Strength d10, that is. As it of hi s e. Doc wants
with all it with cocain line for
Vigor d12 supplying Jixx s be en la ci ng
c ha xt in
Skills: Fighting d10, Intimidation d6, d10, Notice d6, Shooting d8 know is that Do his job since he is the ne on
se all the booze
Pace: 6; Parry: 7; Toughness: 10 (2) to see Jixx lo sition. But, since he keeps dicine. Very
po me
Gear: Bazooka 24/48/96 4d8 RoF 1, AP 9, MBT, Heavy Weapon, the commander "a new type of the brass were
aims it to be
Snapfire himself and cl s hi m. An d if
nobody question y on the job, he would be
Special Abilities: experimental", ke
•Armor +2: Tough hide. he was taking whis
to find out .
•Fear(–2): Characters must make Fear tests when they come across fired on the sp
this monstrosity.
•Fearless: Immune to Fear and Intimidation.
•Fist: Str+d6.
•Frenzy (Imp): Two Fighting attacks a round at no penalty.
•Quick: Experiment 783 redraws any Action Card of 5 or lower.
•Hardy: Doesn't suffer a wound on a second Shaken result.
Michael Wall (Order #14932490)

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