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I pledge to

My family
To develop into a better son who fosters a caring environment
of faith, love, and joy and to provide my family members the
chance to become responsibly independent.

My friends
To support them in all their life goals, to be there through
their ups and downs and be of alongside with them in every
step of the way.

My community
To foster welfare development as an individual for my fellow
Filipinos and practice the "pay it forward" way of life.

My team
To be a role model they can look up to.

For me to grow as an individual, and a successful
entrepreneur that can impart knowledge to others without
coming across as patronizing serving as a symbol of hope for
my nation, and have a long-lasting impact on their lives.

My dedication and ideals will direct my actions, ensuring that
I inherit kindness, inclusivity, humility, and respect.
Core ideologies, vision, mission, and values are critical components that will help me
identify my purpose and direction in life. They guide my behavior and decisions, and
ultimately shape the person I will become. When you choose your own preference on
these elements, you are taking ownership of your life and defining what matters most
to you. Core ideology is the fundamental beliefs and principles. It defines my identity
and what I stand for. My vision is my ideal future, my aspirations, and goals. It gives
me a sense of direction and purpose. My mission is my purpose or reason for being,
and it should align with my core ideology and vision according to Fred David. Finally,
these values are the principles or standards that I hold dear. They are essential for
making decisions and guiding my behavior.

When you choose your own preference on these elements, it creates a clear framework
for decision-making and helps you stay true to yourself. You can use your core
ideology, vision, mission, and values to set goals, make choices, and evaluate
opportunities. By aligning your actions and behaviors with your core beliefs, you can
live a more fulfilling life and make a positive impact on the world around you.

These will ultimately help me influence me in achieving my goals. Fred David's

standards for vision-mission statements summarizes the importance of having these
aspirations to clearly identify your path towards a certain goal, as a business. Even so,
these are applicable to an individual like me who aspires to be what I want to achieve
in the future.
changes that can affect my

PESTEL Analysis
My own finances, assets, and employment
prospects may be impacted by changes in

Political & Legal governmental laws and regulations.

Political unrest could have an impact on my
future plans to move or visit other
The work market and my earning potential
may be impacted by changes in the
Economic Inflation and fluctuations in currency
exchange rates may affect my investments
and savings.
Adaptations in cultural views and ideals
could have an impact on my interpersonal

Social and professional connections.

The demand for my abilities and my
professional prospects may be impacted by
demographic shifts.
Technology developments could displace
existing jobs or create new ones.

Technological My employability may be impacted by the

growing usage of automation and artificial
My access to resources and my daily
existence may be impacted by
environmental issues.

Environmental My health and wellbeing could be

significantly impacted by changes in
climatic patterns.

Strengths Opportunities
Could join internships
Education and Skills
Could learn investments
Personal Qualities
and crypto
Strong beliefs
Joining organizations in
Time management from
being a Student-athlete
Law school

Weaknesses Threats
Financially unstable Economic conditions
Lack of experience (work) (inflations)
Dependence on others Competition with
Risk-taking batchmates
By 2024, I will graduate from Ateneo de Manila University, majoring in BS
Legal Management and apply for the top law schools in the Philippines;
Ateneo, UP, and San Beda.
This long term goal hopes to inspire me to expand my knowledge not only
in academics but also outside of a student's life to ensure I am well
prepared for the upcoming steps I plan to take in achieving a much bigger
long term objective.

By 2030, I will have the title of Juris Doctor and a licensed lawyer in the
Philippines, participating in public service.
This long term goal is bound to be achieved in 5 to 6 years. By then, I hope
to be earning a hefty salary to sustain my needs and wants and to give back
to my parents. By this time, I will also practice being a public servant, while
also opening a business and becoming an entrepreneur.

By 2033, I will have paid for my parents' expenses and my brother's

education, and have my own family.
Given the opportunity of a high-paying job, I will have become a provider
not only for my first family but also for my own family I am building.
Balance Scorecard

objectives goals indicators initiatives

be self- make a
sufficient inquire paid acceptance consolidated
financial resume and get
financially internships offers

get support do my best in

become a make my regardless if
customer family proud everything I do
better son achievement/failu

internal Be mentally and expand my read, workout,

maturity in
physically network and be travel
processes things
attractive my best version

improve skills practice

Organizational get high grades become second
and knowledge productive
capacity honors
Critical Success Factors
Time Management
As a student-athlete, time management is one of the things I
must possess and continuously practice.

Positive Mental Attitude

Being positive despite of challenges will allow me unlock
growth as an individual that will help me achieve my
objectives in life.

Developing Skills
stopping at where my current skills at is not an option,
learning is never ending if I want to become what I aspire.

Work habits
productivity over disruptive practices should be in my nature
if I want to overcome my studies.
Gantt Chart (12 weeks)

I have divided my strategy into 12 weeks to better help me attain my long-term objectives after
graduating. I want to present my assignments on time and make sure that they are of high
quality since I want to graduate with good scores, therefore I don't just want to complete the
requirements for the sake of finishing them. As I balance my obligations as a student-athlete,
one of the 12 week plans I have is to look for internship opportunities or part-time jobs during
the break. As a super senior, I have the luxury of time to obtain more work experience while still
being a student-athlete for my university. Further dissecting this, I have found that I work more
effectively and produce higher-quality work when I finish projects one to two weeks before the
due date. I intend to follow this strategy and refrain from procrastination for the balance of my
final few weeks of college.

My starting point for the upcoming months as I approach my super senior year at the Ateneo is
this 12-week schedule. I only have two former jobs under my belt, therefore after this semester I
intend to look for internship programs that will accept entry-level interns. I would join and
broaden my job experience for the remaining weeks of the internship program after searching
for it for four to five weeks. Then, I would try to refocus on my studies while maintaining a
positive relationship with it.

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