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Summary “The Queen of Death”

Daniela Cisneros
The Egyptian police inspector was Salahaddin El Noor, who had the mission to protect Egyptian
antiquities, and his helper detective was Leila Osman. Sarah Haddin, who was 21 years old, and
Leila, which age was 27 years old, have graduated from the University of El Cairo.
On Saturday night, while he was in Piccadilly buying postcards for Leila, he noticed a bool that
caught his attention. The book was titled “The Mystery of Queen Acstarte”, which was written by
Dr. Juan Farrow. Later, he sought information about Farrow through his friend, Peter Earl, who
informed him that Farrow was in Cairo writing an article for the Sunday Times called “The Tomb
of the Death Queen”. This caused some doubts in Salahuddin, as he also planned to travel to Cairo.
However, before his departure, he sent messages through Farrow to Chief Inspector Ahmed Abbas
and to Leila from the Egyptian was in London.
The next day, in Cairo, he had a conversation with Professor Goutham about Queen Axtate and the
associated curse. While Leila and Ahmed met with the manager of the Mirabel hotel, who didn’t
seem pleases to see Farrow. Despite their search, they didn’t find anything relevant except for the
book “The Secret of Queen Acstarte”. After some time, Salahuddin opened the book and
discovered a letter from Farrow asking for help from anyone who read this message, choosing
Salahuddin as his collaborator.
In the desert, Farrow, Keesing, and Dr. Jusef Strengel search for the Queen’s tomb, and Keesing
and Dr. Jusef threatened Farrow to get the tomb’s location. Farrow eventually revealed the location,
but refused to approach when the tomb was opened, with Dr Jusef being the one to do so and he
felt seriously ill and died inside the tomb.
Back in Cairo, Leila and Ahmed searched for Farrow’s wife, Chritine Farrow, in Heliopolis, the
European part of the city. After Keesing’s discovery of the tomb, he was followed by the physician
Strengel, who had one of the largest private collections of Egyptian antiquities in the world. Also,
he intended to claim the tomb, and in a tragic turn of event, he stole the tomb and murdered
However, Salahuddin arrived with other police officers in time to rescue Farrow and ensure that
the tomb was preserved. Strangle also died inside the tomb due to a disease. Finally, Farrow’s wife
was rescued, and Greer was arrested for his actions.

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