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Name : Febrian Falentino Fredriktho

Student Number : 122114253010

Subject : Methods of Linguistics Research

Methods of Linguistics Research Mid-Term Answer

Read the following cases for research. Choose one of them. Based on the chosen case, design a
research methodology! Your research methodology must consist of the following items:
a. Research approach
b. Research design
c. Population and Sampling (if applied)/Data Sources
d. Techniques of Data Collection
e. Techniques of Data Analysis

When writing explanation for your chosen research methodology, do not forget to provide
reasons for your choice of approach, design, or techniques as well as references to cite. After
finishing your research methodology, submit it on hebat e-learning on the set date.

Imagine you are conducting interviews with Turkish immigrants in Germany to explore their
family language maintenance policies (i.e. explicit things parents do to help their children to
learn and use their heritage/home language). Can you think of any methodological issues that
might arise in collecting accurate information? How could you ensure that your interviews get
the best data possible?

In this research, the researcher used qualitative approach. Rose et al (2020, 14) stated that
qualitative approach is an approach which functioned to build complex, holistic pictures, form
them in words, report the informant's detailed views, and understand social or human issues
based on implementing them in a natural environment in the research process. This approach is
used because in qualitative approach, words are mostly used in this approach than numbers. The
research design used is narrative inquiry. Narrative inquiry is a research design which use
narrative questions based on the interviewees’ experiences (Hall, 1990).

For the sampling method, the researcher is going to use snowball method because the
researcher gets the interviewees from the researcher’s relatives and other relatives or usually
called friend-to-friend method. As stated by Podeshva et al (2013, 100), “the social network or
snowball sampling technique also aims to investigate locally specific, participant-designed
groups. Unlike ethnographic sampling, this approach does aim to examine quantitative variation
across the group, but uses networks for the recruitment and sampling of participants.” This
sampling method most likely use the references of friends of the researcher and it continues to
flow in the social networks from both the researcher and relatives of researcher from Turkish
immigrants in Germany.

In order to collect the data, the researcher is going to use interview as the technique of
data collection. Rose et al (2020, 116) stated that interview is used in qualitative approach to
investigate the beliefs, value, and any other events experienced by the respondents. For they type
of interview, the researcher is going to use semi-structured interview because the researcher
could get other insights by listening to the interviewees’ responses, yet it is still in the structure
of the questions asked by the researcher. To get the best data, then the researcher tries to set
interview schedules. Then, the researcher tries to record the interviewees’ responses, so it could
be reflected later by the researcher.

For the technique of data analysis, the researcher is going to use transcribing. After the
researcher interviewed all the respondents, then the researcher transcribed all of the recordings.
After that, the researcher analyzed all the interview results based on the narrative from the
parents. Transcription is needed, so the researcher could analyze deeper and further about the
respondents’ answer (Rose, 2020; Dawson, 2002)

Dawson, C. (2002). Practical Research Methods. Oxford: How to Book.
Hall, S. (Culture, Difference). Cultural identity and diaspora. In J. Rutherford, Identity:
Community, (pp. 222-37). London: Lawrence & Wishart.
Heath Rose, J. M.-D. (2020). Data Collection Research Methods in Linguistics. Great Britain:
Bloomsbury Academic.
Robert J. Podeshva, D. S. (2013). Research Methods in Linguistics. New York: Cambridge
University Press.

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