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1. Vee Popat’s personal background and working experience contribute to manage

VPDM a lot. Firstly, he got an honor Bachelors of Business Management degree

from Ryerson University with a marketing major and International Business

minor. Then, he joined in some music business work over a decade. For example,

he did music business working in sales, media and indie record labels, and so on

(Data from the official website of VPDM). The study and working experience

makes him know what his objective is, and how to realize him dream.

2. Emphasizing customer satisfaction and establishing a good customer

relationship management (CRM). From the official website of VPDM, we can find

that VPDM has built successful marketing Internet campaigns for more than 30

companies. Furthermore, VPDM takes case studies as a great way to learn social

market campaign and to know more about their customers. All of the cases are

from the previous business wit their clients. Deep analysis of the cases would

help VPDM understand the customers’ really needs and wants, and consist of the

customer data statistics.

3. So, far, VPDM achieve a high satisfaction from its clients. For example, Paul Saran,

the owner of Holiday Inn in Niagara fall, said that:“If you are looking for a dynamic

young team to handle your social media and SEO, VPDM is the solution.” (官网)

4. VPDM can provide customers with diversity of high-tech services to attract more

consumers notice their companies online. That is also a core value proposition

that VPDM providing to its clients. For example, the services include: content

marketing, search engine optimization (SEO), social media marketing, email

marketing, wee development, and so on. Customers are free to make the choices

based on their need or budget.

5. An effective official website specifically exhibits and explains what VPDM is, and

what the company can provide to customers. The official website includes many

details of the company’s business and past activities. Viewers who visit this

official website are easily obtaining information that they want from each page.

For example, if viewer have no idea what the SEO is, he or she can get the

understanding from the official website.


1. As a young company, VPDM is lack of experience to run the business. What they

can do these years is learning by doing. They have to face a lot of difficulties in

this stage. Little reputation, no social network, and limited financial support are

the barriers of new company development.

2. Target audiences are not segmented specifically. As Vee said:” We’ve been

helping business of all sizes, from Buffalo, NY to Hamilton, Burlington, Toronto and

the GTA.” However, the region is too large for a newly opened company.

Furthermore, VPDM does not explain what types of organizations they are target at or

focus on. Are they large or medium size? Are the project needs a long time to finish

but the profit is high? Or just some small projects that can be finished in a relatively

short time?

3. Lack of business management experience is also a weakness of VPDM. As Vee

himself said: ”We are not very good at management.” We believe the main aspect

Vee mentioned is about human resource management. Vee has no experience

about human resource management before, and no one in VPDM can coordinate

and connect the communication project manager, Graphic designer, and business

development manager.

4. The current advertising is not enough to make the company being known by the
public. VPDM chooses social media such as Facebook, Twitter as the main way to

advertising campaign. Audiences have no other way to get more information about

the company.

5. The financial performances are barely satisfactory. As mentioned in the financial part

above, both the profit margin and company asset decreased from 2014 to 2015.


Channel: Apparently, digital marketing is finished by a low-cost, high-efficient, IT-

related distribution channel. The mainly distribution channel in digital marketing is

Internet—RSS distribution, content distribution, and social networking/media (Social

SEO & Channels of distribution, 2009). That is to say, the whole digital marketing

industry applies almost the same distribution channel, because digital marketing itself

is developed based on Internet. Therefore, Skilled technician are always largely needed

in this industry.

Lee Odden (Social SEO& Channel of distribution, 2009). Retrieved from

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