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External Analysis

i. Environmental Analysis

1. Niagara Region Police Service (NRP) current workforce is consist of 300 to 400

civilian staff who work in various operational and administrative roles at the year of

2015. (NRP official website, 2015). These civilian members play contribute to ensure that the

services mission in providing quality policing with diligence, integrity, and sensitivity is

met. In addition to full-time employees, NRPS also hire some temporary staff to cover

positions that cannot be vacant when full-time employees are absent. In addition, both full-

time employees and part-time employees are

given to strict training to ensure they are

competent for every piece of work.

2. Current labor market availability

According to the official annual report of

NRP at the year of 2013, we can clearly know

that there are totally 1,021 employees in NPRS

——706 uniforms and 315 civilians,

accounting for 69% and 31% respectively.

(Niagara Region Police Service 2013 Annual

Report, 2013). In 2013, NRPS keeps utilizing Picture is from NRP 2013 Annual Report

the Constable Selection System to select the

suitable quality individuals. Specifically,

human resource department of NRPS continued to process files through the Staff Sergeant in

Professional Standards to determine suitability for background, rather than merely interview.

“The Recruiting Unit facilitates outside officers in their background investigations. This
ensures efficiency and transparency to the Unit”, said in Niagara Region Police Service 2013

Annual Report.

3. NRP Demographic Profile

In general, NPR served to the whole Niagara Region, including St.Catharines, Thorold,

Phlham, Welland, Niagara-on-the-lake, Niagara Falls, Wainfleet, Port Colbone, Fort Erie,

Grimsby, Lincoln, West Linclon, totally 1,854 km 2. The population in Niagara Region is

approximately 431,346 until 2011. According to

the official website of Niagara Region shows,

“10.4% of the population of Niagara has

immigrated to Niagara Region in the last five

years, which is lower than the 17.1% who have

immigrated to Ontario. Among the municipalities

of Niagara this per cent ranges from 1.8 to

12.9%”. In addition, the number of aboriginals

within Niagara Region is totally 1.6%. And 6.3% of residents are of a visible minority.

ii Customer Behavior Analysis

NRPS contribute a lot to both residents and visitors within Niagara Region. They ensure the

region’s safety and integration. In recent years, they recognized that their service to the

children who are the victims of Internet violence should be informed to each family in

Niagara Region. Although they begin to launch some advertisements and news by social

media such as Facebook, Twitter, and public website, the influence seems not widely enough.

Some of the children and families who are harmed by Internet still have no idea how to seek

for help. Therefore, NRPS recognize it is time to inform the detail of the service they can

provide to these people. In other words, they need to put much more publicity as soon as

possible to prevent criminal happed again.

iii. Competitive Analysis

1. Direct Competitors.

The major competitors of NRPS include: Family and Children Service Centre Niagara

(FACS), and Victim Service Niagara (VSN). Like NRP, the competitors are providing family

who has teenagers or children with safety information.


There are a lot of children protection programs in FACS. For example, Ontario Early

Years, childcare, Family Counseling and other parent resources provide support to all

families in Niagara, helping to prevent the need for more intrusive services (FACS

Annual Report, 2014). FACS are involved in various activities, including:

 Children protection. If parent is overwhelmed and struggling to ensure the appropriate

way to children’s safety, or if they feel that a child perhaps at risk for abuse or

neglect, they can get contact with FACS, FACS will investigate it further.

 Parent Resources and Counseling Service. FACS provides parents with community

professionals and a variety of resources can enrich the experience of each parent.

 Adoption service.

 FACS just use official website to let them be known by the society.

 VSN:

Listening, caring, and supporting the family or individual who are suffer from tragedy

like loss of personal safety, life, finance or property. A referral from front-line Emergency

services connects victims with a support team of crisis responders to help deal with the

impact of tragedy or crime (Official Website OF VSN, 2015). Specifically, VSN are

involved in several activities, including:

 24/7 emergency referral line

 Victim Crisis Assistance Ontario program. It is a community response programs that

offers immediate services to persons affected by tragedy, crime, or disaster.

 The Victim Quick Response Program. It provides immediate assistance to victims

who are suffered from violent crime in Niagara Region.

 VSN almost uses the same social media as communication tool to promote them to

the society. For example, Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube.

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