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7 April 2011 7pm
St George’s, Hanover Square
London, W1

Finalists Adjudicators

Emilie Alford mezzo-soprano Ian Partridge Chairman

Carleen Ebbs soprano Catherine Denley
Michael George
Keri Fuge soprano
Patrizia Kwella
Rachel Kelly mezzo-soprano
Stefanie True soprano Laurence Cummings

London Handel Orchestra

Adrian Butterfield leader

Supported by
Mrs Adair, The Arts Club Charitable Trust, The Groner Trust
The Michael Oliver Trust, Mr Michael Normington

London Handel Society - Horton House, 8 Ditton Street, Ilminster, Somerset, TA19 0BQ
01460 53500 - Promoted by the London Handel Society - Charity no. 269184
Thursday 7 April 7pm
St George’s, Hanover Square
London, W1

GF Handel


Aria: Vaghe perle from Agrippina HWV6
Aria: Se giunge un dispetto from Agrippina HWV6
Recit & Aria: Non è pero ... Mie pupille from Clori, mia bella clori (Cantata)
Aria: Capricious Man from Saul HWV53

RACHEL KELLY mezzo-soprano

Aria: Dopo notte from Ariodante HWV33
Recit & Aria: Figlio non è … Cara speme from Giulio Cesare HWV17
Aria: Salda quercia from Arianna in Creta HWV32

KERI FUGE soprano

Aria: Oh grant it, Heav’n … So shall the lute and harp awake
from Judas Maccabeus HWV63
Recit & Aria: Che sento, O dio! ... Se pietà, di me non senti
from Giulio Cesare HWV17

EMILIE ALFORD mezzo-soprano

Aria: Crude furie degli orridi abissi from Serse HWV40
Recit & Aria: O thou bright sun! ... With darkness deep as is my woe
from Theodora HWV68
Aria: Sento brillar nel sen from Il Pastor Fido HWV8c


Recit & Aria: Per rapir quel tesoro ... Un cenno leggiadretto from Serse HWV40
Aria: Credete al mio dolore from Alcina HWV34
Aria: Si che desio from Deidamia HWV42


1st Violins Cellos

Adrian Butterfield Katherine Sharman
Huw Daniel Melanie Woodcock
Ellen O’Dell Bass
Stephen Bull Peter Buckoke
2nd Violins Oboes
Oliver Webber James Eastaway
William Thorp Catherine Latham
Theresa Caudle Bassoon
Diane Moore Nathaniel Harrison
Thanks to: Harpsichord: Claire Hammett
Violas Harpsichord
Music preparation: Peter Jones St George’s Church, Hanover Square,
Peter Collyer Laurence Cummings
HSC Administrator: Yvonne Eddy & Craxton Studios
Louise Hogan
Vaghe perle from Agrippina HWV6
Poppea (alla specchio):
Vaghe perle, eletti fiori, Lovely pearls, hand-picked flowers,
Adornatemi la fronte! Adorn my brow!
Accrescete a mia bellezza Add to my beauty
la vaghezza, that loveliness
che a svegliar nei petti amori which arouses in loving hearts
ho nel cor le voglie pronte. the desires I have in my heart.

Se giunge un dispetto from Agrippina HWV6

Se giunge un dispetto If a slight is delivered
a’ danni del cor, that hurts my heart,
si cangia nel petto love will turn to anger
l’amore in furor. in my breast.
Non ama chi offende He who offends does not love
o segue l’Amor, or follow Love;
il cor si difende, the heart defends itself
da effimero ardor. from short-lived passion.

Non è però... Mie pupille from

Clori, mia bella Clori HWV92
Non è però che non molesta e grave, It is not the case that the spirit can endure
lontananza si dura, abbia l'alma a soffrire, harsh separation lightly and untroubled, for
che quel piacer soave, di cui parte si perde, that sweet pleasure of which one loses a part
perdere non si può senza martire. cannot be lost without pain.

Mie pupille, My eyes,

se tranquille if one day
foste un giorno, you would be at peace,
or v'invito a lacrimar. I ask you now to weep.
Nè sarete You shall never
mai più liete, be happy again
se non torno if you do not turn
Clori vaga a rimirar to look on lovely Clori.

Capricious Man from Saul HWV53

Capricious man, in humour lost
By ev'ry wind of passion toss'd!
Now sets his vassal on the throne,
Then low as earth he casts him down.
His temper knows no middle state,
Extreme alike in love and hate.

RACHEL KELLY mezzo-soprano
Dopo notte from Ariodante HWV33
Dopo notte atra e funesta After a dark and stormy night
splende in Ciel più vago il sole the sun shines more brightly in the heavens
e di gioia empie la terra; and the earth blossoms with joy.
Mentre in orrida tempesta While in a terrifying tempest
il mio legno è quasi assorto, my barque was engulfed,
giunge in porto, e'l lido afferra it has now found its harbour and reached
the shore.

Figlio non è … Cara speme

from Giulio Cesare HWV17
Figlio non è, chi vendicar non cura del There is no son who does not care to revenge
genitor la morte. Armerò questa destra, his father’s death. I will arm this hand and the
e al suol trafitto cadrà punito il gran tiran great tyrant of Egypt will fall under its blows,
d'Egitto. finally punished.

Cara speme, questo core Dear hope, you start

tu cominci a lusingar, to beguile my heart.
par che il ciel presti favore heaven will lend its weight
i miei torti a vendicar. to my avenging fate.

Salda quercia from Arianna in Creta HWV32

Salda quercia in erta balza, The strong oak in a jutting crag
quando il vento più l'incalza, when it is buffeted by the wind
ha più forza e più valor. has more strength and more resilience.
Questo cor non si sgomenta, So this heart is not defeated;
il suo sdegno non pavento, I do not not fear his anger,
nol fà debole il suo amor. Love is not weakened.

KERI FUGE soprano
Oh grant it, Heav’n … So shall the lute and
harp awake from Judas Maccabeus HWV63
Israelite woman:
Oh grant it, Heav’n, that our long woes
may cease,
And Judah's daughters taste the calm
of peace,
Sons, brothers, husbands to bewail no more,
Tortur'd at home, or havock'd in the war.

So shall the lute and harp awake

And sprightly voice sweet descant run,
Seraphic melody to make,
In the pure strains of Jesse's own.

Che sento, O dio! ... Se pietà, di me non

senti from Giulio Cesare HWV17
Che sento, O dio! morá, What do I hear? Oh gods! Cleopatra will
Cleopatra, ancora. Anima vile, che parli die too. My base soul, what are you saying?
mai? Deh, taci! avró per vendicarmi in Quiet! To take vengeance in battle, I’ll have
bellicosa parte di Bellona sembianza un the face of Bellona and heart of Mars. Oh
cor dir Marte! In tanto, o numi voi, che il gods, you who rule heaven, defend my
ciel reggete, difendete il mio bene! chegli darling! He is my heart’s comfort and hope.
è del seno mio conforto e speme.

Se pietà, di me non senti, If you feel no pity for me,

Giusto Ciel, io moriró. Merciful heaven, I will die.
Tu da pace a miei tormenti Bring peace to my torments
o quest alma spireró. or this soul will expire.

EMILIE ALFORD mezzo-soprano
Crude furie degli orridi abissi
from Serse HWV40
Crude furie degli orridi abissi Ye cruel Furies of the Lake,
Aspergetemi d'atro veleno! Over me your Venome shake.
Crolli il mondo e'l sole s'eclissi Crushed be the World and let yon light,
a quest'ira che spira nel seno To assuage my Wrath, be drown'd in Night.

O thou bright sun! ... With darkness deep

as is my woe from Theodora HWV68
O thou bright sun! How sweet thy rays
To health and liberty! But here, alas,
They swell the agonizing thought of shame,
And pierce my soul with sorrows yet

With darkness deep as is my woe,

Hide me, ye shades of Night!
Your thickest veil around me throw,
Conceal'd from human sight.
Or come, thou Death, thy victim save,
Kindly embosom'd in the grave.

Sento brillar nel sen

from Il Pastor Fido HWV8c
Sento brillar nel sen I feel in my breast
un novo lieto ardor a new happy passion
che mi consola. which consoles me.
Ah! che la sola spene Ah! Only the hope
del caro amato bene of my beloved
al duol m'invola. soothes my pain.

Per rapir quel tesoro ... Un cenno
leggiadretto from Serse HWV40
Per rapir quel tesoro, che t'è colma di To take that treasure, which fills you with joy
gioia e me d'affanni, se amor non basta, and me with despair, if love is not enough,
adoprerò gl'inganni. I'll use deceit.

Un cenno leggiadretto A graceful little nod,

un riso vezzosetto charming little smiles
un moto di pupille fluttering eyelids
può far inamorar. may yet ensnare him.
Lusinghe, pianti e frodi Flattery, tears and deceit
son anche certi modi, are also tested ways
che destano faville, to kindle a spark,
e tutto io li sò far. and I'll use all of these.

Credete al mio dolore from Alcina HWV34

Credete al mio dolore Believe my grief
luci tiranne e care! dear, tyrannical eyes!
Langue per voi d'amore, I languish for your love,
Bramo da voi pietá. And yearn for your pity.
Se pianger mi vedete, If you see me weep,
Se mio tesor vi chiamo, If I call you my treasure,
E dite, che non v'amo, And you say that I don't love you,
È troppo crudeltà. That is too cruel.

Sì che desio from Deidamia HWV42

Sì che desio Yes, I desire
quel che tu brami: what you want;
maggior' legami Love has no
amor non fa. greater bonds.
Quel del cor mio What comes from my heart
è amor perfetto: is perfect love:
non ha diletto, it has no pleasure
se il tuo non l'ha. if it yours does not either.

Texts and translations by Katie Hawks 2011


Stefanie True Rachel is a Sickle Foundation Scholar and

is grateful to the Arts Council of Ireland
Stefanie True has performed in Europe, and Dublin City Council for their support.
Canada, Mexico, and South Korea, appearing
in operas, oratorios, festivals, and solo Keri Fuge
recitals. Past opera experience includes
roles such as Cephise (L’Europe Galante), Keri Fuge from Devon received a Masters
Poppea (Agrippina), Adelaide (Lotario), with Distinction from Guildhall School of
Serpina (La Serva Padrona), and Belinda Music and Drama under the tutelage of
(Dido and Aeneas). Her discography Marilyn Rees. All areas of study have been
includes Aci in Aci, Galatea e Polifemo, supported by The Tillett Trust, The Stapley
Maddalena in La Resurrezione, Fillide in Trust, The Mario Lanza Trust and The Harold
Aminta e Fillide, and solo recordings of Hyam Wingate Foundation.
Handel: Complete Cantatas, all under the
direction of Marco Vitale with Contrasto She has already benefited from the
Armonico, Lully’s Ballets & Recits Italiens expertise of distinguished musicians,
under the direction of Fabio Bonizzoni with including Susan Bullock, Elizabeth Connell,
La Risonanza, and the soon to be released Iain Burnside, Ingrid Surgenor, Sally Burgess,
Arne Cantatas and Overtures and Great Edith Wiens, Malcolm Martineau, Roger
Britain Triumphant!, under the direction of Vignoles, Eugene Asti and Sarah Walker.
Mary Terey-Smith with Cappella Savaria.
Keri was a Semi-finalist in 2010 Handel
In the past, she received scholarships to Singing Competition, Winner of Dame
participate in several young artist Anne Evans’ Most Promising Singer award
programmes, including Tafelmusik Baroque in 2009 and was a finalist in 2007 London
Summer Institute, Gregynog Festival Welsh Singer. She also won the 2008
Masterclasses, and the Britten-Pears Hampshire Singer of the Year, and also
Young Artist Programme. She recently received a Royal Academy of Music Entry
won second prize in the John Kerr Award Scholarship for 2008. Keri is also a
competition in Kent. Concordia Foundation international Artist.

Rachel Kelly Concert engagements have included

National Portrait Gallery, St James Piccadilly,
Rachel Kelly has recently completed a Chelsea and Westminster Hospital, Wales
Bachelor of Arts degree at the Royal Irish Millennium Centre and the National Museum
Academy of Music with first class honours. of Wales, guest soloist with Southern
She is currently enrolled in the Royal Sinfonia conducted by David Hills, a series
Academy of Music Opera Course studying of Lieder recitals in London, Wales, and the
with Janice Chapman. South West including the Winchester Music
Festival and Llandeilo Music Festival.
Recent roles include Dorabella (Cosi fan
tutte) with RIAM, Kate Pinkerton (Madame Opera roles include Susanna (Le Nozze
Butterfly) (Lyric Opera), Alisa (Lucia di di Figaro) (Dartington Opera, directed by
Lammermoor) (Lyric Opera), Ramiro (La Alexander Oliver, conducted by Diego
Finta Giardinera) by Mozart with RIAM, Masson). 1st Bridesmaid and Barbarina
Iolanthe (Iolanthe), Tessa (The Gondoliers) (cover) (Le Nozze di Figaro), Chorus for
with Festival Productions and the both Armida and Fidelio (Garsington
understudy of Irene (Handel’s Theodora Opera), Frasquitta (Carmen), (Guildhall
with the Yorke Trust, Norfolk). Performances School of Music and Drama), La Rondine
with the National Symphony Orchestra of (British Youth Opera), Isabel (Pirates of
Ireland include Schumann’s Das Paradis und Penzance), Cis (Albert Herring), First Spirit
die Peri and a solo lunchtime concert in the and Noémie (cover) (Cendrillon) (Royal
National Concert Hall in July 2010. Rachel Welsh College of Music and Drama).
was also one of four singers chosen to
perform in the Thomas Moore Festival in On the Oratorio platform she has
the Weill Recital Room in Carnegie Hall in performed, among others; Faure’s Requiem,
Handel’s Messiah, Haydn Nelson Mass,
Haydn’s Creation, Vivaldi’s Gloria, Mozart Carleen Ebbs
Vespers, Mendelssohn’s Hymn of Praise
and Hear my Prayer and Mozart’s Requiem. NZ Soprano Carleen Ebbs studied at the
Cardiff International Academy of Voice
Future confirmed engagements include and the GSMD gaining an M.Mus with
Haydn Nelson Mass and Handel’s Messiah Distinction. Carleen was awarded a place
in April 2011, guest soloist for two in the 2010 Montserrat Caballé
performances with Bury St Edmunds masterclasses in Barcelona and a 2010
Male Voice Choir in 2011, guest soloist for Arts Excellence Award from The Dame
Côr Merched Tybie Annual Concert and Malvina Major Foundation. She is based
Garsington Opera 2011. in London and studies with Dennis O’Neill,
Sally Silver and Jonathan Peter Kenny.
Emilie Alford
Carleen has performed Barbarina, Frasquita,
Emilie Alford is an Opera School student Erste Dame and covered the Queen of the
at the Royal College of Music, studying Night working with companies including
with soprano Janis Kelly. Opéra de Baugé France, NBR NZ Opera,
Opera Victoria and Swansea City Opera.
An experienced recitalist, her repertoire In 2010 Carleen performed the lead role
spans the Baroque to the 20th century of Madama Gilda (L’ajo nell’imbarazzo)
and beyond; she is a frequent performer at the international Barga Opera Festival
of new music and cabaret as well as the inTuscany with members of the Berlin
traditional song repertoire. Recent concert Philharmonic in the pit.
engagements include Mozart Requiem
(St Martin-in-the-Fields), Haydn Nelson In recital Carleen has appeared at Wigmore
Mass (Eton College), Ravel Shéhérazade Hall, Buxton Opera House and Fishguard
(Martin André/RCMSO), and Frauenliebe International Music Festival. A keen oratorio
und -leben (Elgar Rooms, Royal Albert Hall). singer in the UK and NZ she has performed
In addition, this year she participated in Handel’s Messiah, Judas Maccabaeus, Bach’s
Roger Vignoles’ Strauss and Wolf Lieder St Matthew Passion, Mendelssohn’s Lauda
course on the Britten-Pears Young Artist Sion and Elijah, Schubert’s Mass in G and
Programme. Her many prizes include the Vivaldi’s Gloria.
RCM English Song Competition, Lieder
Prize and Concerto Competition, and the Future engagements include masterclasses
RSAMD French Song prize; in 2010 she with David Syrus, Rigoletto with Opera a
won 1er Prix Femme (Opéra) and 1er Prix la Carte, a concert of Verdi arias and
Mélodie Française at the 22ème Concours ensembles with The Bristol Ensemble and
International de Chant de Marmande, Handel’s Messiah with The Renaissance
France. Her operatic work has taken her Choir.
from Handel (Il Pastor Fido, RCM; Tolomeo,
ETO Handelfest) to Smetana (The Bartered ADJUDICATORS
Bride, RCM) and Britten (Albert Herring,
Landestheater Salzburg). Upcoming Catherine Denley
engagements include Lady Angela
(Patience, Musée d’Orsay/RCM) and Catherine studied at Trinity College of
Despina (Così Fan Tutte, RCM). Music. After two years with the BBC Singers
she embarked on a solo career which has
Her studies in 2010/11 are generously taken her all over the world. She has
supported by an RCM Award, the Josephine worked with all the major British orchestras
Baker Trust, a Henry Wood Award, an Ann and many eminent conductors.
Driver Trust Award, a Harriet Cohen Music
Memorial Awards Minor Award, and a A brief cross-section of concerts includes
Miriam Licette Scholarship administered Messiah with the Boston Symphony
by the Musicians’ Benevolent Fund. Orchestra and the San Francisco Symphony;
Britten’s Spring Symphony for Dutch and
Polish Radio; Beethoven’s 9th Symphony
with Sir John Eliot Gardiner in Japan;
Mahler’s Resurrection Symphony in Odessa

and Kiev and his ‘Symphony of a Thousand’ Christopher Hogwood, L’Allegro with Sir
for TV in Dublin; Bach’s St Matthew Passion John Eliot Gardiner, St John Passion with
in the Gewandhaus, Leipzig; Mozart’s Sir Harry Christophers, Holst’s The Dream
Requiem in the Salzburg Mozartwoche and City with Richard Hickox, and a Mozart
at the BBC Proms, and Handel’s Hercules series for EMI. Patrizia Kwella retired from
and La Resurrezione with Marc Minkowski the concert platform in early 2006.
in Paris and Lyon, Bach’s Easter Oratorio Her final performances included Dido in
and Vivaldi solo cantatas with the Israel Dido and Aeneas, A Sea Symphony at the
Camerata , and, more recently, Bach’s Royal Festival Hall, the St John Passion in
Christmas Oratorio in the Cadogan Hall. Cadogan Hall and John Tavener’s Lament
Catherine has over sixty recordings to her of the Mother of God in Winchester
credit: these cover a wide range of music, Cathedral in the composer’s presence.
but she is particularly renowned for her
many Handel discs. Ian Partridge

Michael George Ian Partridge has an international reputation

as a concert singer and recitalist. His tenor
Michael George, established as one of voice, with its most distinctive timbre, and
Britain’s most versatile bass-baritones, his unfailing sensitivity to words have
was a chorister at King’s College, earned him a devoted following through
Cambridge. He studied at the RCM, where his hundreds of broadcasts and recordings.
he was a major prize-winner. Michael has His wide repertoire encompasses the music
appeared with all the leading UK orchestras of Monteverdi, Bach and Handel,
and ensembles, has sung throughout Britain Elizabethan lute songs, German, French
at all the major festivals and venues and and English songs and first performances
has performed extensively abroad. Michael of new works.
has worked widely as a recording artist.
Ian Partridge’s phenomenal list of
Performances have included all the major recordings includes Die schöne Müllerin
oratorio repertoire, as well as Purcell’s (first choice in BBC Radio 3’s Building a
Fairy Queen in The Netherlands, Cherubini’s Library), Dichterliebe and Liederkreis
Requiem and Elgar’s Apostles and many op 39, and Britten’s Serenade. Vaughan
works at the Three Choirs Festivals. Recent Williams’s On Wenlock Edge and Warlock’s
engagements and future plans have The Curlew have just been released on a
taken Michael to, among other countries, new double album by EMI.
Denmark, Russia, Switzerland, France, Italy
and Canada. He sang Aeneas in a new Ian Partridge sang the Evangelist in Bach’s
Jonathan Miller production of Purcell’s St John Passion and was the tenor soloist
Dido and Aeneas in Europe in 2008 and in the complete set of Handel’s Chandos
2009; also in Europe, Acis and Galatea in Anthems recorded with The Sixteen,
2010 and in 2011 he sings Purcell’s Fairy conducted by Sir Harry Christophers.
Queen, again with Philip Pickett and The Ian Partridge has also enjoyed taking
New London Consort. masterclasses on Lieder, English Song
and EarlyMusic at venues as diverse as
Patrizia Kwella Aldeburgh, Dartington, Trondheim,
Versailles and Helsinki. He is a professor
Patricia studied three subjects at the at the RAM, and was awarded the CBE
RCM, winning the McKenna scholarship in 1992 for services to music.
for singing, and a separate bursary for the _____________________________________
cello and the piano. Whilst still a student
she was the soprano soloist in a televised Adrian Butterfield violin/director
performance of Messiah from the Royal
Albert Hall, subsequently appearing Adrian Butterfield specialises in performing
throughout Europe and the US in concerts music from 1600-1900 on period
and festivals in repertoire ranging from the instruments. He is Musical Director of the
16th to the 20th century. She is best known Tilford Bach Society and Associate Musical
in the great Baroque and Classical Director of the London Handel Festival.
masterpieces; Patrizia’s many recordings He directs the London Handel Orchestra
include La Resurrezione and Esther with and Players and is increasingly invited as a
guest soloist and director in Europe and
Canada. His solo recordings include CPE He has made numerous recordings
Bach sonatas (ATMA), Handel’s Violin including the first recording of Handel’s
Sonatas (Somm) and Leclair’s 1st Book newly discovered Gloria with Emma Kirkby
of sonatas (Naxos, 3 discs). on BIS and CDs with Angelika Kirschlager
and Lawrence Zazzo with the Basel
He leads two chamber ensembles in Chamber Orchestra for Sony BMG and
London. The London Handel Players, and Deutsche Harmonia Mundi.
The Revolutionary Drawing Room Future plans include productions for
performing and recording classical string Garsington Opera and Glyndebourne,
quartets on period instruments. concerts with the Zurich Chamber
He works regularly with the Southbank Orchestra, English Concert, OAE and at
Sinfonia, is professor of Baroque Violin at the City of London Festival, along with his
the RCM, gives masterclasses in Europe commitments in Porto and at the Gottingen
and North America and teaches on the Handel Festival.
Aestas Musica Baroque Course in Croatia.
Highlights of the 2010-11 season include
conducting Bach’s B minor Mass at the
Tilford Bach Festival, recording Leclair’s
Book 2 sonatas in London and Bach Suites
in Toronto, organising a ‘Chandos’ day of
events at Cannons in north London in the
London Handel Festival, directing the
Handel Players at the Wigmore Hall and at
the Goettingen Handel Festival and
directing the Croatian Baroque Orchestra
in Zagreb as well as giving a solo recital in

Laurence Cummings
Musical Director of the
London Handel Festival

Laurence Cummings is one of Britain's

most exciting and versatile exponents of
historical performance both as conductor
and harpsichord player. He is Music Director
of the London Handel Festival and a trustee
of Handel House London. He is also Music
Director for the Orquestra Barocca Casa da
Musica in Porto and was recently appointed
Music Director of the Internationale Händel-
Festpiele Göttingen beginning in 2012.

Opera credits include productions for

English National Opera, Glyndebourne
Festival Opera, Gothenburg Opera,
Garsington Opera, English Touring Opera
and at the Linbury Theatre Covent Garden.
He regularly conducts the English Concert
and the Orchestra of the Age of
Enlightenment and has worked with the
Royal Liverpool Philharmonic, Ulster
Orchestra, Handel and Haydn Society
(Boston), St Paul Chamber Orchestra
(Minnesota), Wiener Akademie, Hallé,
Britten Sinfonia, Northern Sinfonia, SOPHIE JUNKER
Jerusalem Symphony and Basel Chamber





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